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Even with hindsight, the ability to explain stock price changes is modest. R 2 s were calculated for the returns of large stocks as explained by systematic economic influences, by the returns on other stocks in the same industry, and by public firm-specific news events. The average adjusted R 2 is only about .35 with monthly data and .20 with daily data. There is little relation between explanatory power and either the firm's size or its industry. There is little improvement in R 2 from eliminating all dates surrounding news reports in the financial press. However, the sample kurtosis is quite different when such news events are eliminated, thereby revealing a mixture of return distributions. Non-news dates also indicate the presence of a distributional mixture, perhaps due to traders acting on private information.  相似文献   

The development of asset pricing models that rely on instrumental variables together with the increased availability of easily-accessible economic time-series have renewed interest in predicting security returns. Evaluating the significance of these new research findings, however, is no easy task. Because these asset pricing theory tests are not independent, classical methods of assessing goodness-of-fit are inappropriate. This study investigates the distribution of the maximal R 2 when k of m regressors are used to predict security returns. We provide a simple procedure that adjusts critical R 2 values to account for selecting variables by searching among potential regressors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider two hypotheses for the recent performance of real estate returns. The first is the random event argument that real estate is positively correlated with unanticipated inflation but that structural change in expected returns due to a change in the perceived sensitivity of returns to unanticipated inflation has not taken place. The second is the hedge demand argument that formulates the structural shift hypothesis. The paucity of real estate and other expectations data as well as the general identification problem make it extremely difficult to distinguish between these hypothesis. Our tests consist of estimates of inflation betas for various asset categories overtime as well as estimates of the hedge vector, S - 1 C . Although some support for the hedge argument is found, the results are not strong enough to reject the random event argument and conclude that a decline in the required return on real estate due to a relative increase in inflation beta drove returns during the 1970's.  相似文献   

This paper develops a consumption-oriented model of asset prices in a multigood economy that is, in principle, testable even when aggregate consumption of goods and their market prices are only partially observable. Previous studies show that, when there are m consumption goods, equilibrium expected excess returns on securities are functions of their covariances with m + 1 variables—aggregate consumption expenditure and market prices of consumption goods. Without making any further assumptions, the present model shows that a similar equilibrium relationship can be expressed in terms of covariances of asset returns with the following m + 1 variables: market prices of k consumption goods and aggregate consumption of m + 1 ? k goods. Because the author's result provides researchers with some flexibility in choosing the set of m + 1 variables that measure riskiness of securities, it should lead to more powerful tests of the model.  相似文献   

This study finds a bibliometric regularity in the finance literature that the number of authors publishing n papers is about 1 / n c of those publishing one paper. We find that the finance literature conforms very well to the inverse square law ( c = 2 ) if data are taken from a large collection of journals. When applied to individual finance journals, we find that values of c range from 1.95 to 3.26. We also find that top-rated journals have higher concentrations among their contributors. This implies that the phenomenon “success breeds success” is more common in higher quality publications.  相似文献   

We propose a latent variables approach within a present‐value model to estimate the expected returns and expected dividend growth rates of the aggregate stock market. This approach aggregates information contained in the history of price‐dividend ratios and dividend growth rates to predict future returns and dividend growth rates. We find that returns and dividend growth rates are predictable with R 2 values ranging from 8.2% to 8.9% for returns and 13.9% to 31.6% for dividend growth rates. Both expected returns and expected dividend growth rates have a persistent component, but expected returns are more persistent than expected dividend growth rates.  相似文献   

A simple model is presented in which it is costly for domestic investors to hold foreign assets. The implications of the model for the composition of optimal portfolios at home and abroad are derived. It is shown that all foreign assets with a beta larger than some beta β * plot on either one of two security market lines. Some foreign assets with a beta smaller than β * are not held by domestic investors even if their expected return is increased slightly.  相似文献   

This paper explores the nature of default arrival and recovery implicit in the term structures of sovereign CDS spreads. We argue that term structures of spreads reveal not only the arrival rates of credit events ( λ ? ) , but also the loss rates given credit events. Applying our framework to Mexico, Turkey, and Korea, we show that a single‐factor model with λ ? following a lognormal process captures most of the variation in the term structures of spreads. The risk premiums associated with unpredictable variation in λ ? are found to be economically significant and co‐vary importantly with several economic measures of global event risk, financial market volatility, and macroeconomic policy.  相似文献   

In this article we develop alternative ways to compare asset pricing models when it is understood that their implied stochastic discount factors do not price all portfolios correctly. Unlike comparisons based on χ 2 statistics associated with null hypotheses that models are correct, our measures of model performance do not reward variability of discount factor proxies. One of our measures is designed to exploit fully the implications of arbitrage-free pricing of derivative claims. We demonstrate empirically the usefulness of our methods in assessing some alternative stochastic factor models that have been proposed in asset pricing literature.  相似文献   

This paper provides an appropriate framework to evaluate the impact of the universal reserve requirements called for by the new DIDMC Act of 1980. We derived the optimal reserve ratios for a dual banking system under the objective of controlling the monetary aggregates and the level of output. Then optimal reserve requirements were calculated from illustrative money market and macroeconomic parameters since the usual comparative statics were not useful. The results, generally, suggested optimal reserve ratios which were significantly higher than the old dual or the new universal reserve regimes for all targets. However, the calculation of values for the loss functions under various reserve regimes suggests that attainment of r 1 * , r 2 * and t * may not be imperative, since the discrepancy between losses for optimal and various nonoptimal reserve schemes were not large. A major result of this paper, observed for both monetary and real targets, was that the differences in the instability of the targets for the old dual reserve ratios and the Fed's new universal reserve scheme were small. This result clearly suggests that although the DIDMC Act may solve the Federal Reserve's membership problem, it will not significantly enhance the Fed's effectiveness in controlling monetary or real sector aggregates.  相似文献   

Given the normality assumption, we reject the mean-variance efficiency of the Center for Research in Security Prices value-weighted stock index for three of the six consecutive ten-year subperiods from 1926 to 1986. However, the normality assumption is strongly rejected by the data. Under plausible alternative distributional assumptions of the elliptical class, the efficiency can no longer be rejected. When the normality assumption is violated but the ellipticity assumption is maintained, many tests tend to be biased toward overrejection and both the accuracy of estimated beta and R 2 are usually overstated.  相似文献   

We show that growth opportunities which cannot be converted to cash under conditions of financial distress ( G z ) are a critical determinant of an intermediary's choice of risk. Financial institutions in which G z is a low proportion of total assets will be much more likely to engage in go-for-broke behavior. The model leads to a reevaluation of the effectiveness of several traditional remedies for dealing with banks that take excessive risks such as raising insurance premiums, intervening before capital is depleted, and restricting investment options. The model also has implications about a new approach to the examination of financial intermediaries.  相似文献   

A test for the arbitrage pricing theory which employs a multivariate linear regression model is developed. Given a sample of return premiums for a set of N assets which includes a subset of k linearly independent portfolios, the k factor APT hypothesis is accepted if the intercept term is zero in the multivariate regression of the ( N ? k ) returns on the k portfolios. The test may be carried out simply, by using univariate multiple regression software. The relation of this test to the concept of performance potential and Sharpe's measure of performance is also discussed. If the performance potential of the k portfolios is not significantly less than the performance potential of the complete set of N assets, then the k factor APT hypothesis is accepted.  相似文献   

This paper examines capital reallocation among firms in Korean business groups ( c h a e b o l ) in the aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, and the consequences of this capital reallocation for the investment and performance of c h a e b o l firms. We show that c h a e b o l transferred cash from low‐growth to high‐growth member firms, using cross‐firm equity investments. This capital reallocation allowed chaebol firms with greater investment opportunities to invest more than control firms after the crisis. These firms also showed higher profitability and lower declines in valuation than control firms following the crisis. Our results suggest that chaebol internal capital markets helped them mitigate the negative effects of the Asian crisis on investment and performance.  相似文献   

In an efficient market, the fundamental value of a security fluctuates randomly. However, trading costs induce negative serial dependence in successive observed market price changes. In fact, given market efficiency, the effective bid-ask spread can be measured by Spread = 2 ? cov where “cov” is the first-order serial covariance of price changes. This implicit measure of the bid-ask spread is derived formally and is shown empirically to be closely related to firm size.  相似文献   

Barras, Scaillet, and Wermers propose the false discovery rate (FDR) to separate skill (alpha) from luck in fund performance. Using simulations with parameters informed by the data, we find that this methodology is conservative and underestimates the proportion of nonzero‐alpha funds. For example, 65% of funds with economically large alphas of ± 2 % are misclassified as zero alpha. This bias arises from the low signal‐to‐noise ratio in fund returns and the resulting low statistical power. Our results question FDR's applicability in performance evaluation and other domains with low power, and can materially change the conclusion that most funds have zero alpha.  相似文献   

Asset pricing theory implies that the estimate of the zero-beta rate should fall between divergent lending and borrowing rates. This paper proposes a formal test of this restriction using the difference between the prime loan rate and the 1-month Treasury bill rate as a proxy for the difference between borrowing and lending rates. Based on simulations, this paper shows that in the ordinary least squares case, the Fama and MacBeth (J Pol Econ 81:607–636, 1973) t-statistic has high power against a general alternative, which is not true of the Shanken (Rev Financ Stud 5:1–33, 1992) and Kan et al. (J Financ doi:10.1111/jofi.12035, 2013) t-statistics. In the generalized least squares case, all three t-statistics have high power. The empirical investigation highlights that only the intertemporal capital asset pricing model reasonably prices the zero-beta portfolio. Other models, such as the Fama and French (J Financ Econ 33:3–56, 1993) model, do not assign the correct value to the zero-beta rate.  相似文献   

There is an exact linear relation between expected returns and true “betas” when the market portfolio is on the ex ante mean-variance efficient frontier, but empirical research has found little relation between sample mean returns and estimated betas. A possible explanation is that market portfolio proxies are mean-variance inefficient. We categorize proxies that produce particular relations between expected returns and true betas. For the special case of a zero relation, a market portfolio proxy must lie inside the efficient frontier, but it may be close to the frontier.  相似文献   

A central problem for regulators and risk managers concerns the risk assessment of an aggregate portfolio defined as the sum of d individual dependent risks Xi. This problem is mainly a numerical issue once the joint distribution of X1,X2,,Xd is fully specified. Unfortunately, while the marginal distributions of the risks Xi are often known, their interaction (dependence) is usually either unknown or only partially known, implying that any risk assessment of the portfolio is subject to model uncertainty.Previous academic research has focused on the maximum and minimum possible values of a given risk measure of the portfolio when only the marginal distributions are known. This approach leads to wide bounds, as all information on the dependence is ignored. In this paper, we integrate, in a natural way, available information on the multivariate dependence. We make use of the Rearrangement Algorithm (RA) of Embrechts et al. (2013) to provide bounds for the risk measure at hand. We observe that incorporating the information of a well-fitted multivariate model may, or may not, lead to much tighter bounds, a feature that also depends on the risk measure used. In particular, the risk of underestimating the Value-at-Risk at a very high confidence level (as used in Basel II) is typically significant, even if one knows the multivariate distribution almost completely.Our results make it possible to determine which risk measures can benefit from adding dependence information (i.e., leading to narrower bounds when used to assess portfolio risk) and, hence, to identify those situations for which it would be meaningful to develop accurate multivariate models.  相似文献   

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