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Farmers and their advisers frequently face complex problems involving the scheduling of claims for tax exemptions. A case in point is the New Zealand tax law allowing farmers to transfer exemptions associated with development expenditure up to specified time horizons. This paper examines procedures for solving this, and similar, problems. Linear programming could be used, but an alternative algorithm is proposed for farm advisers whose access to computing facilities is limited. The latter procedure is intended for use with forecast budgeting in farm development planning.  相似文献   

Intervention in the beef and dairy sectors has been the core of Brazilian agricultural policy. An econometric model of these sectors is used as a tool with which to measure the consequences of government-induced market distortions on prices, production, consumption and external trade. It is argued that large economic losses and a less egalitarian distribution of income have been the results of government policy to date.  相似文献   

[目的]通过剖析美国家禽改良计划(NPIP)的实施背景、具体措施以及产生的实际影响,总结成功经验和历史教训,以此提出对我国执行家禽疫病净化方案的启示。[方法]利用文献梳理、政策分析等方法,采用定量分析与定性分析相结合,探讨美国家禽改良计划的实施成效及不足之处。[结果]美国在开展家禽改良计划后,有效降低了动物患病概率,疫病防治成本大为下降;推动了家禽工业快速发展,使其占据全球市场的重要位置;保障了家禽产品的质量安全,增强了产业体系的竞争力。[结论]建议我国在仿照美国家禽改良计划的同时,应当紧密结合本国国情以及地方实际,利用市场机制和经济效益充分调动参与主体的积极性,为企业定期提供疫病净化技术的培训机会,加大对养殖企业开展疫病净化的资助,并加强对疫病净化工作的宣传,以此提升我国家禽养殖的疫病防治水平以及生物安全管理水平。  相似文献   

美国的土地利用规划与保护的特色   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据实地考察,较系统地总结了美国土地利用现状及其所有制结构,概括了美国土地利用规划的编制体系及其土地生态保护特色。提出了美国多元土地所有制、牧草地面积大、分散性规划体系、公民参与和生物缓冲带保护等5个特点。  相似文献   

[目的]文章简要介绍了美国农业部有关农业资源管理的机构设置、法律体系、项目措施、资金投入、数据管理5个方面,总结先进的管理经验。[方法]通过文献分析法,再结合我国农业发展和资源管理的现状进行总结分析。[结果]我国目前存在农业资源管理不专业,资源底数不清,浪费严重,科技成果转化率低、数据共享机制不完善等问题。[结论]汲取经验得出启示,规范农业资源的使用和管理,加强资源和环境的保护力度,提高农业发展中的科技投入,促进数据资源的公开与共享,在保障农业生产的同时维护好生态环境,促使经济效益和生态效益共同提升,实现绿色发展。  相似文献   

目的 欧盟和美国是世界上农业生态补偿政策体系较完善、实践丰富的地区,在农业生态保护上取得了积极的成效,其制度安排对于完善我国农业生态补偿制度具有重要借鉴意义。方法 文章采用文献分析法和对比归纳法,从政策目标、政策工具和法律保障三个方面比较分析了欧盟和美国现行的农业生态补偿政策及特征,并针对我国农业生态补偿模式的不足提出了若干完善我国农业生态补偿制度的建议。结果 欧盟和美国在政策中广泛采取正向激励的政策工具,依靠完备的法律体系建立起高度市场化的农业生态补偿模式,但在政策保障和管理评估上投入巨大,正在寻求更具成本效益的补偿方案。结论 我国的农业生态补偿存在政策碎片化、市场机制保障和农民参与度不足的问题,建议借鉴欧盟和美国农业生态补偿制度中协调农业和环境政策、完善绿色金融体系和提升政策透明度的做法来改善。  相似文献   

美国的土壤保护和启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国的土壤侵蚀经过60年的治理得到了明显的减轻,但还存在一些问题,土壤侵蚀形势依然严峻。60年来美国开展了大量的土壤侵蚀治理项目,土壤保护经历了由注重减轻田间土壤侵蚀,增加土壤生产力到注重减轻土壤侵蚀对环境影响的转变。这对中国的土壤保护有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

美国推进农业可持续发展的经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]通过分析美国农业可持续发展在法律、政策、制度、科技等方面的经验,对我国农业可持续发展提出建议,提升我国农业可持续发展和高质量发展水平。[方法]文章介绍了美国在统筹设计可持续农业法律和政策、建立农业研究教育与推广体系、开展农业水土资源保护与农业废弃物资源利用、企业引领可持续农业技术创新等方面形成的一些农业可持续发展有效的经验做法和模式,分析了美国农业可持续发展现在面临的主要挑战及其应对策略。[结果]美国推进农业可持续发展,重点包括以自然资源为基础的农业生产布局、以土壤质量为重点的耕地地力保护、以水质保护为核心的农业面源污染治理、以循环农业为重点的农业废弃物资源化利用4个方面内容,对我国有积极的借鉴意义。[结论]我国农业已到了绿色生态转型的发展阶段,要系统设计,加强统筹安排、制度创设,推进中国农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

The changing pattern of funds sources and uses in the New Zealand farm sector, is summarized, using a flow of funds model. Technical problems of data and definition are discussed. The close relationship between cash farm income and investment is observed, and some indication is given of the extent of aggregate cash withdrawals (drawings) from the sector. The increasing reliance of agriculture on external sources of finance is also apparent.  相似文献   

This paper presents, first of all, estimates of the rate of effective protection for particular livestock production activities in the United Kingdom over the period 1966–79. These estimates are used to construct a Relative Scale of Protection. Secondly, the sensitivity of the calculated rates and the Relative Scale to the incorporation of non-zero substitution elasticities in the formula for effective protection is examined. The results suggest that the Relative Scale is comparatively unaffected by substitution. It may be concluded that the rate of effective protection remains a useful concept for the empirical analysis of agricultural protection.  相似文献   

美国农业遥感技术应用状况概述   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
介绍了遥感技术在美国窕作物估产中的应用现状,研究现状,以及美国农业部资源保护局的机构和职能设置,最后提出遥感技术在我国农业上应用的建议。  相似文献   

This paper is an empirical investigation of the several major relationships that explain the behavior of the U.S. turkey industry in the 1946-66 period. A model is constructed that consists of four structural equations: (1) consumer demand, (2) farm supply, (3) cold storage accumulation, and (4) cold storage liquidation, and an identity equation. Four different estimation techniques are used to derive values for the structural parameters. These procedures are: (1) ordinary least squares (OLS), (2) limited information single equation (USE). (3) two stage least squares (TSLS). and (4) three stage squares (3SLS). The estimation techniques are evaluated by assessing their forecasting ability against observed data in the post 1966 period. So one method proved superior to another. An index of dispersion indicated that 3SLS is superior in forecasting consumer demand and farm supply. The 3SLS and OLS are about equal in forecasting cold storage accumulation, and TSLS, LISE. and OLS are about equal forecasters for cold storage liquidation. Cel article répresente une étude empirique des facleurs imporlanls qui servenl à expliquer ?induslrie américaine ?élevage de dindes. au cours de la période 1945-66. Un modèle est construit qui comporte qualre équations structurelles: la demande finale. (2) ?off re au niveau de ?exploitation agricole. (3) ?accumulation de slocks de viande congelée. et (4) le liquidation des stocks, plus une équation ?identité. Quaire différentes techniques ?estimalion sont utilisées pour déterminer la valeur des parametres: (1) simples moindres carrés, (2) équation unique avec information limitée, (3)doubles moindres carrés. et (4) triples moindres carrés. En se hasant sur la qualité des previsions par rapport aux observations de la période postérieure à 1966. on a pu évaluer les différentes techniques ?estimalion, pour se rendre compte qu'aucune méthode ne s'est avérée supérieure aux autres. Un indice de dispersion démontre que les triples moindres carrés fournissenl une meilleure prévision de la demande finale et de ?offre au niveau de ?entreprise. Les triples moindres carrés et les simples moindres carrés sont équivalents lorsqu'il s'agit de prévoir ?accumulalion des slocks. ?équation simple avec information limitée peut prédire ?écoulement des stocks avec une précision sensihlemenl égale à celle obtenue avec les simples et triples moindres carrés.  相似文献   

美国植物种质资源共享管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在参考、分析美国植物种质资源系统网站资料和有关美国植物的法律资料的基础上,介绍了美国植物种质资源系统基本概况,包括组成机构、职能划分和人员经费。在了解基本概况的基础上,进而介绍了美国植物种质资源的共享情况,包括对外共享名录、共享分发指南和申请共享办法。最后分析了植物种质资源共享管理的法律保障情况。  相似文献   

The main explanations of the effect of sugar prices on high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) consumption in the United States are briefly reviewed. A formal model is presented and estimated in a reduced form for the period 1971-88. The hypothesis that sugar prices affect HFCS consumption growth is confirmed. The estimated model is used to analyse both the effect on HFCS consumption of the two peaks in sugar prices which occurred in 1976-75 and in 1980, and the effect of the protection applied to the US sugar market. The model is also used to estimate the extent to which the rapid expansion of US HFCS consumption can be attributed solely to the 1974 peak in the international sugar price.  相似文献   

The physical characteristics of wool are important determinants of its spinning properties, yarn quality and end use. The degree to which wools from different countries of origin may be substituted has important implications for the domestic marketing policies of Australia and New Zealand. The hypothesis examined in this paper is that the differences in wool prices can be explained by differences in the physical characteristics of the wool and that objective measures of these characteristics allow for effective arbitrage between these markets. The alternative hypothesis is that premiums or discounts exist owing to country of origin. A hedonic price analysis was conducted on wool prices in Australia and New Zealand using a balanced sample of sale lot data from the 1986-87 selling season. In the year examined, there was no evidence of any price premiums associated with country of origin.  相似文献   

Productivity growth is an important source of improvements in the standard of living. In this paper, we compare three nonparametric measures of productivity, namely the Fisher, the Hulten and the Malmquist measure. Our application of these measures to the agricultural sectors of nine EC countries and the US over the period 1973 to 1989 yield similar patterns of productivity growth.  相似文献   

The economic returns to Canadian federal broiler chicken research between 1968 and 1984 were estimated using the economic surplus approach. The impact of distortions in the product market and of the excess burden of taxes on the net benefits of research and the distribution of gross benefits between producers and consumers were assessed. Rates of return to research investments at the margin over this period were estimated to be between 52% and 60%. All of the benefits of this research have accrued to consumers, and producers have actually been made worse off by broiler research under the existing regime of supply management.  相似文献   

Sustainable land management objectives in New Zealand have recently been redefined in the Resource Management Act 1991. The new legislative framework can be viewed in part as an adjustment in existing property rights to meet resource use externalities. An understanding of the structure and characteristics of property rights in land clarifies a number of issues in the area of economic efficiency and administrative practicality, and focusses on areas where appropriate solutions to externalities may be difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

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