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Book reviewed in this article: Bestor, Theodore C. 1990: Neighborhood Tokyo. Lowe, P., T. Marsden and S. Whatmore 1990: Technological change and the rural environment. Marsden, T., P. Lowe and S. Whatmore (eds) 1990: Rural restructuring: global processes and their responses. Mingione, E. 1991: Fragmented societies: a sociology of economic life beyond the market paradigm. Schteingart, M. 1989: Los productores del espacio habitable: estado, empresa y sociedad en la Ciudad de Mexico. Ward, P. 1990: Mexico City: the production and reproduction of an urban environment.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Anderson Jeffrey J. 1992: The territorial imperative: pluralism, corporatism and economic crisis. Dossal, Mariam 1991: Imperial designs and Indian realities: the planning of Bombay City 1845–1875. Hamel, Pierre 1991: Action collective et démocratie locale: les mouvements urbains Montréalais. Könen, Ralf 1990: Wohnungsnot und Obdachlosigkeit im Sozialstaat. Lundqvist, Lennart J. 1991: Dislodging the welfare state? Housing and privatization in four European nations. Lundqvist, Lennart J. (ed.) 1991: Policy, organization, tenure. A comparative history of housing in small welfare states. Marsden, Terry, Philip Lowe and Sarah Whatmore (eds) 1992: Labour and locality: uneven development and the rural labour process. Taylor-Gooby, Peter 1991: Social change, social welfare and social science.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Esping-Andersen, Gosta (ed.) 1993 Changing classes: stratification and mobility in post-industrial societies. Fainstein, Susan S. 1994: The city builders: property, politics, and planning in London and New York. Heinelt, Hubert and Margit Mayer (eds) 1992: Politik in europäischen Städten: Fallstudien zur Bedeutung lokaler Politik. Mollenkopf, John Hull 1992: The phoenix in the ashes: the rise and fall of the Koch coalition in New York City politics. Fainstein, Susan S. (1994) The city builders: property, politics and planning in London and New York. Power, Anne 1993: Hovels to high rise: state housing in Europe since 1850. Rothblatt, D.N. and A. Sancton (eds) 1993: American-Canadian metropolitan intergovernmental governance perspectives. Squires, Gregory D. (ed.) 1992: From redlining to reinvestment: community responses to urban disinvestment.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: G. LeClerc, R. Villa and M. Dear, (eds.) La vida Latina en L.A.: urban Latino cultures M. Featherstone, and S. Lash (eds.) Spaces of culture: city — nation — world M. Dear, The postmodern urban condition B. Meyer, and P. Geschiere (eds.) Globalization and identity: dialectics of flow and closure S. Lash, Another modernity, a different rationality R. Beauregard, and S. Body‐Gendrot (eds.) The urban moment: cosmopolitanessays of the late‐20th‐century city  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Behnken, I., M. du Bois-Reymond and J. Zinnecker 1989: Stadtgeschichte als Kindheitsgeschichte: Lebensraüme von Groβstadtkindern in Deutschland und Holland um 1900. Benton, L. 1990: Invisible factories: the informal economy and industrial development in Spain. King, D. and J. Pierre (eds) 1990: Challenges to local government. Pickvance, C. and E. Preteceille (eds) 1990: State restructuring and local power: a comparative perspective. Lowe, P. and M. Bodiguel (eds) 1990: Rural studies in Britain and France. Thornley, A. 1990: Urban planning under Thatcherism: the challenge of the market.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Anselin, L. and R.J.G.M. Florax (eds.) 1995: New directions in spatial econometrics. Herbert, David T. (ed.) 1995: Heritage, tourism and society. Baldassare, Mark (ed.) 1994: The Los Angeles riots: lessons for the urban future. Wacquant, Loic J.D. (1994) The new urban color line: the state and the fate of the ghetto in postfordist America. In C. Calhoun (ed.), Social theory and the politics of identity Leresche, Jean-Philippe and René Levy (eds.) 1995: La Suisse et la coopération transfrontalière: repli ou redéploiement?  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Abu‐Lughod, Janet, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles: America’s global cities Bascom, Jonathan, Losing place: refugees, populations and rural transformations in East Africa Crawford, J.H., Carfree cities Dunn Jr., James A., Driving forces: the automobile, its enemies, and the politics of mobility Hill, Dilys M., Urban policy and politics in Britain Beauregard, Robert A. and Sophie Body‐Gendrot, (eds.) The urban moment: cosmopolitan essays on the late‐20th‐century city Sardar, Ziauddin, The consumption of Kuala Lumpar Caldeira, Teresa P.R., City of walls: crime, segregation, and citizenship in São Paulo Freeman, Carla, High tech and high heels in the global economy Judd, Dennis R. and Susan S. Fainstein, (eds.) The tourist city Proctor, James D. and David M. Smith, (eds.) Geography and ethics: journeys in a moral terrain  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Ambrose, P. 1994: Urban process and power. Krumholz, N. and P. Clavel 1994: Reinventing cities: equity planners tell their stories. Leach, S., J. Stewart and K. Walsh 1994: The changing organisation and management of local government. S. Watson and K. Gibson (eds) 1994: Postmodern cities and spaces.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Cooke, Philip, Frank Moulaert, Eric Swyngedouw, Oliver Weinstein and Peter Wells 1992: Towards global localization: the computing and telecommunications industries in Britain and France. Fainstein, S., I. Gordon and M. Harloe (eds) 1992: Divided Cities: New York and London in the contemporary world. Katz, C. and J. Monk (eds) 1993: Full circles. Geographies of women over the life course. Lefebvre, Henri 1992: The production of space. Matznetter, Walter, 1991: Wohnbauträger zwischen Staat und Markt: Strukturen des Sozialen Wohnungsbaus in Wien.  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Blackman, Tim 1991: Planning Belfast. Budd, Leslie and Sam Whimster (eds) 1992: Global finance and urban living: a study of metropolitan change. London Planning Advisory Committee (1991) London: World city moving into the 21st century. Burawoy, M., A. Burton, A.A. Ferguson, K.J. Fox, J. Gamson, N. Gartrell, L. Hurst, C. Kurzman, L. Salzinger, J. Schiffman and S. Ui 1991: Ethnography unbound: power and resistance in the modern metropolis. Caves, Roger W. 1992: Land use planning: the ballot box revolution. Paul Cloke (ed.) 1992: Policy and change in Thatcher's Britain. Gray, Ian 1992: Politics in place: social power relations in an Australian country town. Isin, Engin 1992: Cities without citizens. Robins, Kevin (ed.) 1992: Understanding information: business, technology and geography. Simon, David 1992: Cities, capital and development: African cities in the world economy. Western, John 1992: A passage to England: Barbadian Londoners speak of home. Wolman, Harold and Michael Goldsmith 1992: Urban politics and policy: a comparative approach.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Squires, G. 1994: Capital and communities in black and white: the intersections of race, class, and uneven development. Gottdiener, M. 1995: Postmodern semiotics, material culture and the form of postmodern life. Desai, Vandana 1995: Community participation and slum housing: a study of Bombay. Tilly, Charles & Wim P. Blockman (eds.) 1994: Cities and the rise of states in Europe, A.D. 1000 to 1800.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Dickens, Peter 1992: Society and nature: towards a green social theory. Katznelson, Ira 1992: Marxism and the city. Massey, Doreen, Paul Quintas and David Wield 1991: High-tech fantasies: science parks in society, science and space. Matsumoto, Koji 1991: The rise of the Japanese corporate system. Mollenkopf, John H. and Manuel Castells (eds) 1991: Dual city: restructuring New York. Norton, Alan and K. Novy (eds) 1990: Soziale Wohnpolitik der 90er Jahre. Sayer, Andrew and Richard Walker 1992: The new social economy: reworking the division of labour. Smith, David M. (ed.) 1992: The apartheid city and beyond: urbanization and social change in South Africa. Drakakis-Smith, David (ed.) 1992: Urban and regional change in Southern Africa.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Amin, Ash (ed.) 1994: Post-fordism. A reader. Week, Michael 1995: Die Kultur der Kulturverwaltung: eine hermeneutische Analyse von Biographie und Verwaltungshandeln. Forest, Ray and Alan Murie (eds.) 1995: Housing and family wealth: comparative international perspectives. Hasson, S. and D. Ley 1994: Neighbourhood organizations and the welfare state.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Featherstone, M. (ed.), 1990: Global culture: nationalism, globalization and modernity. Fine, B., 1990: The coal question: political economy and industrial change from the nineteenth century to the present day. Hebbert, M. and J.C. Hansen (eds), 1990: Unfamiliar territory: the reshaping of European geography. Lange, P. and M. Regini (eds), 1990: State, market and social regulation: new perspectives on Italy. Villasante, T., J. Alguacil, C. Denche, A. Hernández Aja, C. Leon and I. Velázquez, 1990: Retrato de chabolista con piso: análisis de redes sociales en la remodelación de barrios de Madrid. Watson, S. (ed.), 1989: Playing the state: Australian feminist interventions.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bagguley, P., J. Mark-Lawson, D. Shapiro, J. Urry, S. Walby and A. Warde, 1990: Restructuring: place, class and gender. Dunford, M.F., 1988. Capital, the state and regional development. Harloe, M., C. Pickvance and J. Urry (eds), 1990: Place, policy and politics: do localities matter? Henckel, D. (ed.), 1988: Arbeitszeit, Betriebszeit, Freizeit. Auswirkungen auf die Raumentwicklung. Henckel, D., B. Grabow, H. Kunert-Schroth, E. Nopper and N. Rauch, 1989: Zeitstrukturen und Stadtentwicklung. Rodriguez-Lores, J. and G. Fehl (eds), 1988: Die Kleinwohnungsfrage. Zu den Ursprüngen des sozialen Wohnungsbaus in Europa. Schildt, A. and A. Sywottek (eds), 1988: Massenwohnung und Eigenheim. Urry, J., 1990: The tourist gaze: leisure and travel in contemporary societies. Wheelock, J., 1990: Husbands at home: the domestic economy in a post-industrial society.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The Contentious Alliance: Trade Unions and the Labour Party Lewis Minkin Trade Unions in British Politics–the first 200 years Ben Pimlott and Chris Cook (eds.) The Permanent Revolution? Conservative Law and the Trade Unions John McIlroy Taming the Trade Unions: a Guide to the Thatcher Government's Employment Reforms, 1980–1990 , Charles G. Hanson Industrial Sociology and Economic Crisis John Eldridge, Peter Cressey and John MacInnes Making their Way, Education, Training and the Labour Market in Canada and Britain D. Ashton and G. Lowe (eds.) Training and its Alternatives D. Gleeson (ed.) Working Together: Labour-management cooperation in training and in technological and other changes Alan Gladstone and Muneto Ozaki, (eds.) Training for Older People: A Handbook Peter C. Plett and Brenda T. Lester Vulnerable Workers: psychosocial and legal issues , Marilyn J. Davidson and Jill Earnshaw (eds.) Business and Politics: A Comparative Introduction , (2nd. edn.) Graham K. Wilson Industrial Relations at Work: The Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey Callus R., Morehead A., Cully M and Buchanan J. Comparative Industrial Relations: Contemporary Research and Theory Roy J. Adams (ed.) A Handbook of Dispute Resolution–ADR in Action Karl J. Mackie Negotiation from Theory to Practice Jacques Rojot The Mediator Revisited: Profile of a Profession 1960s and 1985 Ruth F. Necheles-Jansyn Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Industrialised Market Economies Roger Blanpain (General Editor)  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bale, John 1993: Sport, space and the city Birchall, J. (ed.) 1992: Housing policy in the 1990s. Cross, Malcolm (ed.) 1992: Ethnic minorities and industrial change in Europe and North America. King, R. (ed.) 1993: Mass migration in Europe: the legacy and the future. Townroe, Peter and Ron Martin (eds) 1992. Regional development in the 1990s: the British Isles in transition.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Waldinger, Roger Still the promised city? African-Americans and new immigrants in postindustrial New York Pick, James B. and Edgar W. Butler Mexico megacity and Ward, Peter Mexico City Gravesteijn, S.G.E., S van Griensven and M.C. de Smidt (eds) Timing global cities van Vliet, William (ed.) Affordable housing and urban redevelopment in the United States  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Real World Economics Christopher Huhne Privatisation and Deregulation in Global Perspective Dennis Gayle and Jonathan Goodrich (eds.) The Market and Beyond: Cooperation and Competition in Information Technology in the Japanese System Martin Fransma Managing on the Edge: How Successful Companies use Conflict to Stay Ahead . Richard Pascale The Strategic Management of Technological Innovation R. Loveridge and M. Pitt, (Eds) The Economics of Human Resource Management D. J. B. Mitchell and M. A. Zaidi (eds.) Training Matters Helen Rainbird Mismatch and Labour Mobility Fiorella Padoa-Schioppa (ed.) Current Issues in Labour Economics D. Sapsford and Z. Tzannatos (Eds.) Labour Economics (second edition) J. E. King Scheming for Youth? A Study of YTS in the Enterprise Culture D. Lee, D. Marsden, P. Rickman and J. Duncombe Women & Men in Britain 1990 Equal Opportunities Commission  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Blasius, J. and J.S. Dangschat (eds) 1990: Gentrification. Aufwertung innerstädtischer Wohnviertel. Moehring, Eugene P. 1989: Resort city in the Sunbelt: Las Vegas, 1930–1970. Walton, John 1992: Western times and water wars: state, culture, and rebellion in California.  相似文献   

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