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In the Paris Bourse some stocks are traded on a spot basis, while others are traded on a monthly settlement basis. The latter are likely to be less subject to leverage and short sales constraints. We empirically analyse the consequences of this difference for the order flow and the return process. Consistent with the theoretical analysis of Diamond and Verrechia (1987), we find that market sell orders are less frequent on the spot market than on the monthly settlement market (although not very significantly) and that the spot market reflects good news (significantly) faster than bad news. 相似文献
We show that the liquidity provided by an individual stock's limit order book comoves significantly with the market aggregate limit order book liquidity. A closer look at the inside and outside liquidity provided by different parts of limit order book suggests that inside liquidity is mainly influenced by market volatility, while idiosyncratic volatility has a larger impact on outside liquidity. Hence, limit order book inside liquidity exhibits higher commonality than outside liquidity. We also show that the comovement between the stock‐level and market‐aggregate limit order book liquidity measures is related to the commonality in the overall stock market liquidity. 相似文献
A Specialist's Quoted Depth and the Limit Order Book 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Kenneth A. Kavajecz 《The Journal of Finance》1999,54(2):747-771
By partitioning quoted depth into the specialist's contribution and the limit order book's contribution, the paper investigates whether specialists manage quoted depth to reduce adverse selection risk. The results show that both specialists and limit order traders reduce depth around information events, thereby reducing their exposure to adverse selection costs. Moreover, specialists' quotes may reflect only the limit order book on the side (or sides) of the market where they believe there is a chance of informed trading. Changes in quoted depth are consistent with specialists managing their inventory as well as having knowledge of the stock's future value. 相似文献
LAWRENCE R. GLOSTEN 《The Journal of Finance》1994,49(4):1127-1161
Under fairly general conditions, the article derives the equilibrium price schedule determined by the bids and offers in an open limit order book. The analysis shows: (1) the order book has a small-trade positive bid-ask spread, and limit orders profit from small trades; (2) the electronic exchange provides as much liquidity as possible in extreme situations; (3) the limit order book does not invite competition from third market dealers, while other trading institutions do; (4) If an entering exchange earns nonnegative trading profits, the consolidated price schedule matches the limit order book price schedule. 相似文献
Limit Order Book as a Market for Liquidity 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
We develop a dynamic model of a limit order market populatedby strategic liquidity traders of varying impatience. In equilibrium,patient traders tend to submit limit orders, whereas impatienttraders submit market orders. Two variables are the key determinantsof the limit order book dynamics in equilibrium: the proportionof patient traders and the order arrival rate. We offer severaltestable implications for various market quality measures suchas spread, trading frequency, market resiliency, and time toexecution for limit orders. Finally, we show the effect of imposinga minimal price variation on these measures. 相似文献
金融市场微观结构是当前金融研究中发展迅速的研究领域。随着电子撮合交易制度的发展,从限价指令簿的角度揭示金融资产的价格行为,对市场规则和交易机制的完善有重要的意义。本文选取2009年9月上证180指数所包含的180只个股的高频交易数据为研究对象,实证检验了限价指令簿的信息含量。研究发现限价指令簿是富含信息的,即使是最优买卖报价外的指令信息对于价格发现的贡献也高达53%。我们还实证研究了限价指令簿与股票未来短期回报之间的关系,得到限价指令簿信息能够帮助投资者预测股票未来短期回报和有助于提高投资者福利的结论。 相似文献
BRUNO SOLNIK 《The Journal of Finance》1990,45(5):1601-1609
In many countries settlements take place a fixed number of business days after the transaction (U.S., Japan). In other countries settlements take place periodically on a fixed date when all transactions performed before this date are settled (U.K., France, Italy). In both cases settlement procedures should cause returns not to be identically distributed over all days. The effect is likely to be the largest on markets where all trades are settled only once a month. An empirical investigation of the largest of those markets, the Paris Bourse, demonstrates the importance of the settlement procedure on the distribution of daily returns. 相似文献
本文主要以行情揭示三档变五档的透明度变化事件来实证订单簿信息透明度对市场质量和订单行为的影响。结果发现,信息透明度提高之后,市场质量得到改善:一是市场流动性显著提高,二是市场波动性显著降低。其机理是透明度提高吸引了投机性投资者及流动性需求者提交订单,市场流动性得以提高,并降低了市场波动性,但是价格发现效率受到轻微影响。此外,研究还发现:(1)机构投资者下单数量和撤单数量减少,但是订单规模变大,表明其合并了小订单代之以大订单。(2)买单和卖单占比、订单久期、订单不平衡程度没有显著变化,但机构投资者撤单比例降低。 相似文献
利用2016年11和12月中国A股市场的5秒高频数据,考量订单簿斜率指标与资产价格之间的关系。结果显示:订单簿斜率指标对存在于高频环境中的市场异象有着较好的解释力。由于订单簿斜率指标在不同市值条件下呈倒挂现象,且买卖订单簿斜率指标与资产价格呈现不同的相关关系。因此,订单簿斜率能在一定程度上捕捉市场操纵行为的信号。该研究有助于更好地理解中国股票市场中的操纵行为,也可为预警机制的建设提供有效的指标选择。 相似文献
William K.H. Fung Robert A. Schwartz David K. Whitcomb 《Journal of Banking & Finance》1985,9(3):443-460
This paper uses a sample of daily returns data from the Paris Bourse to test the predictions of and adjustment procedures implied by the Cohen-Hawawini-Maier-Schwartz-Whitcomb (1983a,b) model of the intervalling effect bias in OLS beta estimates. CHMSW show that the bias diminishes asymptotically to zero as the differencing interval increases and that the sign of the bias depends on a stock's relative value of shares outstanding. We employ the three-pass regression procedure of CHMSW (1983b), but we test a broader set of second pass functional forms and use the Box-Cox (1964) transformation model to verify our chosen form. The CHMSW adjustment procedures are compared with that of Scholes-Williams (1977), and the latter is shown to contain a significant intervalling effect bias. 相似文献
Robert C. Hanson 《The Financial Review》1992,27(2):185-209
High free cash flow firms are characterized by a mismatch between growth opportunities and resources. High free cash flow target firms receive higher-than-average abnormal returns. Target returns are lower when the bidder is a high free cash flow firm. During the 1970s, results suggested that cash-flow-rich bidding firms pursued low-benefit takeovers. During the 1980s, high free cash flow firms became the targets of tender offers. Results are consistent with the notion that reducing agency problems in target firms generates benefits and that bidding firms with large free cash flow undertake low-benefit acquisitions. 相似文献
This article compares the market value of highly leveraged transactions (HLTs) to the discounted value of their corresponding cash flow forecasts. For our sample of 51 HLTs completed between 1983 and 1989, the valuations of discounted cash flow forecasts are within 10 percent, on average, of the market values of the completed transactions. Our valuations perform at least as well as valuation methods using comparable companies and transactions. We also invert our analysis by estimating the risk premia implied by transaction values and forecast cash flows, and relating those risk premia to firm and industry betas, firm size, and firm book-to-market ratios. 相似文献
Adverse Selection and Competitive Market Making: Empirical Evidence from a Limit Order Market 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
This article presents a new methodology for testing economicrestrictions on the price schedules offered in a limit orderbook that are based on (i) break-even conditions for marginallimit orders and (ii) rational updating conditions for orderbook revisions over time. Using order flow data from the StockholmStock Exchange, I find strong evidence of insufficient depthin the limit order books relative to the theoretical predictions.An extended model, which allows the model parameters to dependon market conditions, captures some of the systematic variationin the observed order book depth. 相似文献
Gordon S. Roberts Vasumathi Vijayraghavan & Sebouh Aintablian 《European Financial Management》2002,8(3):339-356
French banks and non‐financial companies issue index‐linked debt whose value at maturity is indexed to the CAC 40 or to a basket of European indices. This paper examines stock announcement effects associated with these bonds on three dates: the date the issuer's General Assembly decides future capital needs, the publication in the journal of the COB (the stock market board), and the issue date. We find the issuance of index‐linked debt has significant positive announcement effects on the issue date, which we attribute to its market‐completion property. In order to examine further whether market completion is at play, we decompose the value of the bond at issue into its straight bond and option values. We determine that the bonds are overvalued again supporting market completion. 相似文献
本文从微观外汇市场结构的视角出发,借助于Evans和Lyons(2001)提出的微观外汇市场结构模型,详细剖析微观外汇市场汇率决定的核心变量一一定单流,指出其功能及在汇率决定中的应用。并分别利用美元与马克以及美元与人民币两个货币对的实际数据通过协整、误差修正模型以及最小二乘回归进行了验证,研究结果表明,人民币/美元汇率波动与定单流之间存在长期的均衡关系,但是整体来看人民币/美元定单流的解释能力没有马克/关元定单流的解释能力那么强,说明虽然我国目前已经具备了微观汇率决定理论的部分前提基础条件,但是,我国外汇市场市场机制完善程度较低是制约定单流功能发挥的重要原因。 相似文献
税收竞争对资本形成及流动影响效果的实证分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
由于税收对资本收益率具有巨大的影响能力,各地政府纷纷利用税收工具展开资本竞争活动,以增加资本形成,吸引外地资本的进入各地资本税收竞争的内容主要包括资本税收优惠竞争、土地供给价格竞争、资本利润率保证及其它形式的资本竞争。在资本税收竞争过程中,形成了资本形成分布不平衡、外资分布不平衡、金融信贷资金分布不平衡及资本市场资金分布不平衡。 相似文献
In recent years in the United States and Canada, there has been an increasing interest in cash flow reporting and a strengthening belief that information on cash flows is valued in the marketplace. However, little research has been devoted to the issue. Regulatory bodies in the U.S. (Financial Accounting Standards Board) and Canada(Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants) require that an enterprise should disclose separately cash flows from operating, financing and investing activities in their cash flow statements. The data in the cash flow statements are expected to help investors assess the firm's liquidity, financial flexibility and risk. On the other hand, the British Accounting Standards Committee (ASC) does not require a statement of cash flows. This study employs a cross-sectional equity valuation model to examine the association of cash flows from operating, financing and investing activities with security prices. A sample of 403 U.S. firms is used for the ten-year period of 1976–85. The results of this study indicate that there exists a strong association between the various cash flow components included in the cash flow statements and the market value of the firm. 相似文献
我国上市公司融资顺序的实证研究 总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44
本文在对Myers融资优序模型进行修正的基础上 ,采用大样本实证检验了我国沪深两市上市公司的融资情况。研究结果表明 :上市公司融资顺序首选股权融资 ,其次选择债务融资 ,最后选择内部融资 ;在债务融资顺序中 ,上市公司更加偏好短期负债融资而非长期负债融资。这些研究结果将为我国上市公司进行融资决策和政府有关部门制定融资监管政策提供有益的实证证据。 相似文献
We explore the relation between limit order price clustering and price efficiency. We find that executed sell limit orders cluster more frequently on round increments than buy limit orders and that this asymmetry in clustering is consistent with the well‐documented asymmetry in price response to marketable orders. In addition, we find that the degree of clustering is positively related to volatility and that asymmetry in clustering depends on whether stock prices are rising or falling—sell limit orders cluster more frequently as prices are rising, although buy limit orders cluster more as prices are declining. Our results indicate that predictable patterns in limit order pricing contribute to short‐run deviations from price efficiency. 相似文献