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由于经济高速发展,企业组织和经济业务日益复杂,根据资产的性质选择不同的计量属性进行计量已经成为现代财务会计的必然选择。因为选择的计量属性不同,财务报告所反映出的结果存在差异,历史成本计量属性,在通货膨胀的情况下,会失去资产计量的客观性,非历史成本计量属性虽然理论上更加符合决策的要求,但是如果没有有力的监管,也会给经营者留下很大的利润操作空间。经过严格监管的非历史成本计量属性的选择可以给使用者提供更加丰富的财务分析指标。 相似文献
Equity accounting in Australia has had a long, chequered history. This article examines that history by reference to a succession of six Exposure Drafts, one Statement of Accounting Practice and two Standards issued between 1968 and 1995. We adapt Nobes' (1991, 1992a. 1992b) cycle model of regulation to explain variation in 'standardization' across these documents. Nobes defined 'standardization' to mean the restriction of choice in accounting methods but we modify the concept to allow for measurement rule 'improvements' and changes in required disclosure levels. Nobes' cycle model has four stages: a starting point of varied practice: energy inputs, often crises, drawing attention to the issue at hand: forces opposing and forces in favour of standardization. A cycle- like pattern of variation in standardization emerges in the present context. Potential shortcomings of the cycle model are addressed, including Skerratt and Whittington's (1992) criticisms of Nobes' cycle model. The article extends the literature with respect to a cyclical explanation of the standard setting process. The cycle pattern evident here reflects a slow and incomplete resolution of various conceptual and legal difficulties in regulating equity accounting in Australia. 相似文献
CHRISTOPHER NOBES 《Abacus》2011,47(3):267-283
The earliest paper on international classification of accounting systems is one hundred years old. For about fifteen years from the late 1960s, many papers on the subject were published. One feature of several of the classifications was the dichotomous split of countries into Anglo and continental European. This has been extensively debated. This paper prepares a classification based on the accounting policy choices made by the largest listed companies of eight countries in 2008/9. All the companies were using the same reporting rules, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This classification by IFRS practices shows the same two groups as a classification of national practices drawn up in 1980, despite 30 years of harmonization. None of the classifications above or the more recent ones was based on the actual accounting practices of companies in annual reports. This has several disadvantages, as the paper investigates. This paper's classification is the first to be based on accounting practices, as well as being the first in the IFRS era. The paper also investigates the implications of the persistent differences in practices for assessing the success of the IASB's whole project on improving comparability of financial statements. 相似文献
新会计准则的出台制约了企业操纵利润的空间,压缩了会计估计和会计政策的选择项目,适度引入公允价值,提高了我国会计信息质量,但由于我国市场不够成熟、公允价值的认定方式、手段尚不完备,引发了新的企业利润操纵空间,为了保障新准则顺利贯彻与实施,必须完善会计法规体系,提高从业人员素质,加强外部会计监管。 相似文献
本文通过使用2001~2009年上市公司的面板数据,对沪深上市公司会计稳健性定价系数进行测定,发现与美国资本市场类似,我国样本公司会计稳健性定价系数的均值小于0。进一步研究发现,由于我国特殊的制度背景,亏损公司盈余管理是影响会计稳健性定价系数异象的主要因素。具体来说,我们发现亏损样本公司组的会计稳健性定价系数的均值显著小于0,而盈利样本公司组的该系数大于0,市场在一定程度上能对好消息公司和坏消息公司进行区分。但是,在我国弱有效的资本市场上柠檬效应导致盈利公司会计稳健性系数的定价过低。 相似文献
George J. Staubus 《Abacus》2004,40(3):265-279
The two views to be addressed here are the Chambers/Sydney view that accepts only one measurement method—current net realizable price—and the Staubus/mainstream view that accepts several measurement methods in the same financial report. These two views became well-established in the literature of accounting in the 1960s and their proponents have clung tenaciously to their oft-criticized positions for some forty years. However commendable their original expositions may have been, their continuing existence does no credit to the small coterie of accountants now interested in theory.
This article is aimed at 'narrowing the areas of difference' between adherents to the two views by isolating fundamental bases for them and exposing the reasoning supporting their structures. In a nutshell, they differ in their objectives and they can be expected to survive unless their adherents agree on the objectives of financial reporting. 相似文献
This article is aimed at 'narrowing the areas of difference' between adherents to the two views by isolating fundamental bases for them and exposing the reasoning supporting their structures. In a nutshell, they differ in their objectives and they can be expected to survive unless their adherents agree on the objectives of financial reporting. 相似文献
论财务会计与管理会计的整合 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
文章主要就财务会计与管理会计整合的必然性及可能性(基础与条件)两方面进行了阐述。认为两者本质的同一性和目标的一致性是走向整合的必然。随着信息技术的不断发展,财务会计与管理会计的界限越来越模糊,整合的条件越来越成熟,整合的趋势日益明显。 相似文献
新会计准则在旧会计准则的基础上有很大的变化和创新,这些变化和创新在一定程度上影响着审计工作中的方方面面。本文首先阐述了新会计准则对注册会计师执业的影响,然后提出注册会计师应对新会计准则变化的几点建议。 相似文献
IASB和我国保险会计准则的比较分析:基于保险合同计量部分 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着国际保险会计的迅速发展,我国保险行业的会计也深受国际潮流的影响。2010年8月,国际会计准则委员会(IASB)发布了《征求意见稿——保险合同》,进一步完善了保险会计的规定。我国财政部于2009年12月正式发布了《保险合同相关会计处理规定》。本文主要对IASB最新发布的IFRS 4征求意见稿——保险合同与我国保险会计准则中的保险合同计量部分进行了较为详细的比较分析,并讨论了新准则对我国保险实务的影响,望能为我国保险会计的发展提供一定的参考。 相似文献
能值分析理论与方法应用于森林生态效益外部性计量的基本思路是,通过对森林生态系统的能流分析,将森林生态效益生态因子量经由能值转换率转化为同一标准的太阳能值,再结合本地区的能值/货币比得到森林生态效益及外部性价值。对江苏连云港墟沟林场的案例研究显示,该林场2003年的森林生态效益能值主要体现在保土、涵养水源和防风效益。 相似文献
互联网金融从萌芽到快速发展,带动了整个金融体系资源配置的变化,对传统商业银行盈利模式带来了巨大挑战。若采用德尔菲法问卷调查与模糊层次分析法为基础,并将专家对指标权重的两两测度结果进行模糊处理可获得指标的综合权重,从而构建测度指标体系。以此研究互联网金融对商业银行盈利影响就会发现,互联网金融对商业银行负债影响较大,因而对商业银行盈利产生较大影响;对资产类和中间业务的影响较小,因而对商业银行盈利所产生的影响也较小,因此,不可忽视互联网金融在这两个方面对商业银行盈利能力的影响。研究还发现,专家参与构建的测度指标体系是合理的,专家测度结果是准确的,可为商业银行在互联网金融影响下防范风险提供技术支持。 相似文献
以中国证监会"会计新规"为切入点,构建基于"会计新规"的上市公司损益效应测度模型,在此基础上,揭示上市公司损益效应演进的二维微观机理,并以此为理论依据,设计基于损益效应的上市公司增发认购策略。该研究成果可为上市公司理性对待被投资企业的增发认购问题提供决策依据,有利于实现证券市场上市公司与投资者之间的"双赢局面",从而维护证券市场的健康、稳定、可持续发展。 相似文献
Oheneba Assenso-Okofo Muhammad Jahangir Ali Kamran Ahmed 《The International Journal of Accounting》2011,46(4):459-480
In this paper, we examine the economic, political, and legal systems as well as the institutional factors that influence the accounting and disclosure practices in Ghana. The impact of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on disclosure is also investigated, as Ghana has recently completed full adoption. We find that the accounting and reporting practices are significantly influenced by legal, political, institutional, and economic factors and that the regulatory environment is neither effective nor efficient due to the weak monitoring and enforcement of compliance. Although there has been some recent progress, the Companies' Code, which is the corporate legal framework of Ghana, must be updated to reflect the dynamic nature of world operations. This study advances the course of standards setters, regulators, accounting practitioners, and policymakers to improve the corporate reporting and accounting practices. Urgent measures need to be undertaken to reform and build the capacities of institutions charged with the responsibility of regulating and monitoring Ghanaian accounting and reporting practices to ensure best practices and build investors' confidence. 相似文献
Laurence van Lent 《Abacus》1997,33(1):88-114
This article examines the political process of promulgating two controversial laws which pertain to the reporting of Dutch financial conglomerates. Central to the study is the exploration of the lobbying efforts observed during the process, and the interaction between the government, the supervisors of banks and insurance companies, the industry and its associations, and the users and auditors of annual reports of financial conglomerates. Previous studies in accounting-rule development have often ignored influences that do not fall within the formal regulatory procedures. By adopting an inductive research approach, this study explores in some detail the behaviour of participants, including their use of informal lobbying methods. Pluralist theory is used to explain the nature of the political process and the behaviour of interested parties. The findings indicate that the Dutch political process in accounting matters is indeed pluralistic. Although auditors and producers of accounts seem to have greater possibilities to participate, the users of corporate reports are able to voice their opinion effectively. Overall, the users' preferences were acknowledged in the final rules governing the reporting by financial conglomerates. 相似文献
This study examines the role of books and official Publications in accounting and finance research. From an analysis of thirteen leading journals for the year 1987–8 we report on the characteristics of such non-serial materials used by authors to support their research. We find that the accounting discipline in particular has become more open to influence from other disciplines. The individual perspectives of these thirteen journals can be partially revealed by their use of non-serial materials. Using cluster analysis we examine inter-journal variations in the disciplinary pattern of book citations and the distribution of citations to official bodies. Several relatively homogeneous groupings are identified. 相似文献
会计政策选择虽然在形式上表现为会计过程中的一种行为规范,但它的价值取向往往影响着与企业利益相关的各利益集团,是各方利益博弈均衡的结果。由于新会计准则全面引入了公允价值计量方法,扩大了会计政策选择的空间,因此,从伦理的角度探讨会计政策选择问题,具有非常重要的现实意义。 相似文献
伴随经济的市场化和全球化水平不断发展,经济增长方式与产业结构面临转型升级.基于此,财务会计和税务会计作为服务于企业和国家的重要经济活动,其关系模式的分离又重新被提上研究日程,企业建立税务会计,有利于进行纳税筹划,保障企业和投资者利益.对于国家而言,税务会计从财务会计中分离出来,也有利于国家加强宏观调控和促进税收.本文在回顾已有国内外财、税会计分离的研究基础上,全面评价我国财务会计和税务会计分离的可能性与必要性,并针对性地提出了适用于我国财务会计和税务会计适度分离的有效途径. 相似文献
信用风险缓释工具是2010年中国银行间市场创新试点推出的信用风险管理工具,旨在将标的债务的信用风险剥离、定价,并将其转移给风险偏好投资者。信用风险缓释工具的交易有利于完善市场风险分担机制和防范系统风险,从而可以促进宏观金融平稳发展。信用风险缓释工具作为创新产品,尽管对其参与商、工具创设、产品交易、信息披露和风险管理等方面有较为明确的规范,但缺乏相关的会计信息列报规范。本文以国际财务报告准则和我国企业会计准则对金融工具的有关规定为基础,提出了完善我国信用风险缓释工具会计确认、计量与列报的路径。 相似文献