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为适应国家生态文明建设战略的需要,必须解决国有林场经营规模扩大和资源增长的受约束的问题。南方集体林区国有林场经营区基本是改革开放前通过集体林拨交形成的,林地性质属集体所有。改革开放后,国有林场经营区的稳定受到极大的挑战,新一轮集体林产权制度的改革进一步加剧了国有林场经营区稳定与农户希望扩大森林经营的矛盾。以利益共享发挥国有林场与村集体、农户的各自优势,以利益共享化解国有林场与村集体、农户之间的矛盾,以利益共享创新资源配置,最终形成多赢的局面,是推动国有林场发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

土地整治已成为坚守耕地红线、改善耕地质量、促进家庭农场适度规模经营、推进农业供给侧结构性改革的关键切入点。文章的研究目的在于系统地分析伊犁州和塔城地区国家重大土地开发整理项目对促进现代家庭农场适度规模经营发展的现状、风险以及存在的困境,并为今后土地整治项目区家庭农场的适度规模经营和科学管理提供有益的借鉴和参考。研究方法主要运用问卷调查法、统计分析法和对比法分析法。结果表明,土地整治后项目区耕作条件、耕作方式和耕作水平有较大程度地提高,大量劳动力节省的同时促进了农户大幅增收,家庭农场规模经营模式多样化;土地整治项目区耕地流转价格大幅上涨,流转方式呈现多元化,农户的流转意愿有很大程度的提高;农户对整治后农场规模经营的满意度较高,但也面临一定程度的风险和困难。得出以下结论,家庭农场经营面临着农产品市场价格的不稳定波动;当地政府的补贴力度较弱,补贴资金缺少相关的审计和监察;土地整治的立项审批复杂,工程设计、监管及后期管护存在一定的疏漏;土地流转方式不合理,经营农场的投资资金来源有限;农户的文化程度普遍较低等方面的困境。在此基础上,本文最后提出了建立和完善全国统一的农产品价格的动态实时监测体系,设立农产品价格的合理波动区间;加大当地政府补贴力度和采取差别化的激励措施;适当延长土地流转年限;长期加强农业技术培训;"因地制宜"发展农场适度规模,注重完善和配套基本的农业社会化服务体系等方面的改革措施。  相似文献   

This study addresses the question of whether farms enrolled in land preservation programs are actively engaged in agricultural or conservation activities. Data are drawn from an original survey administered to preserved farm owners in the states of New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware in 2011. “Actively engaged” is defined as investment in conservation projects, buildings, equipment, or irrigation since the land was preserved. Affirmative answers to the survey's investment questions range from a low of 19% for irrigation to a high of 69% for equipment. Special attention was paid to differences between lifestyle farmers and small and large commercial farmers, which are classified using the USDA typology developed in 2000. Regression analysis estimates differences in investment behavior across these groups as well as farm tenure categories, controlling for farm size, program/state location, and demographic variables. Only owners who employ tenants or managers exclusively on their land were found to invest significantly less than the largest professional farmers, and they did so across all four types of investment.This study's findings support preservation goals articulated by legislators and program administrators, because (1) agricultural and land stewardship investments appear to be widespread on preserved farms, partly due to administrators’ preference for larger parcels, (2) there is no evidence that “hobby farmers” are disproportionately attracted to farmland preservation programs – in fact the opposite seems to be true – while those that exist in our sample behave similarly to the largest commercial farmers, (3) although tenant farming is associated in the sample with lower rates of investment, it is less common on preserved farms than on all farms in the three study states. The matter of land tenure, highlighted in this as in other studies, has not yet become a primary focus of either farm-behavioral research or state agricultural policy.  相似文献   

袁赛男 《南方农村》2013,29(4):4-9,15
本文通过梳理家庭农场等相关概念,认为家庭农场作为一种新型农业经营主体,具有家庭经营、适度规模、集约化生产、商品化经营、农业收入为主等五个基本特征;并通过比较家庭农场、传统小农户和雇工农场三种经营主体,发现家庭农场既把现代农业要素融入到了传统意义上的农户家庭经营中,又避免了雇工农场大规模流转土地带来的解放劳动力过多、企业运行风险累及农民、农作精细化程度不够等问题,是农业从传统农业走向现代农业的路径选择。  相似文献   

The annual agricultural census in Belgium delivers quantitative data of net and additional areas of land used for agriculture and horticulture. We introduce the term ‘tare land’ to indicate the latter as the area of land fragments not directly supporting crops or fodder, at farm level or at higher (landscape, region) level. For spatial planning and zoning purposes data on gross agricultural area (being the sum of net and tare areas) are required. However, the quality of the tare data is not documented or even questioned. In Belgian and international scientific and grey literature, little information on tare is available. In this paper we define two classes of tare, functional tare (fTare) and plan tare (pTare). fTare encompasses the sum of the area of all additional land used by farmers for professional purpose or closely associated to the net agricultural area but not directly used for the production of food, fodder or industrial crops. Plan tare (pTare) is defined as these parts of the statutory agricultural area not specifically used in farming, such as public roads and inclusions of non-farming buildings. By means of a GPS-survey and interviews with farm managers, we used two methods to survey net and tare areas of land. On one hand we surveyed the land within farm enterprises: 3 open air horticultural farms, 6 greenhouse horticultural farms and one mixed farm (open air horticulture and greenhouse). On the other hand we surveyed 10 segments of 25 ha, all situated in one municipality within a major horticultural region of Flanders (northern region of Belgium). fTare areas account on average for 21% of the total farm area in the case of open air horticulture whereas the fTare area is 39% in case of greenhouse horticultural farms. These averages are significantly different. The mixed farm had an fTare area of 32%. Within areas designated for agriculture plan tare is 44%. Hence only 56% of the land with an agricultural destination is effectively used for agriculture. These figures illustrate the spatial importance of tare areas and the spatially extremely scattered organisation of horticulture in the study area. Knowledge on quality and nature of tare areas is important for multi-objective spatial planning in which economic and ecological sustainability of agriculture is considered.  相似文献   

This study assesses changes over the past decade in the farm size distributions of Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia, drawing on two or more waves of nationally representative population‐based and/or area‐based surveys. Analysis indicates that much of Sub‐Saharan Africa is experiencing major changes in farm land ownership patterns. Among all farms below 100 hectares in size, the share of land on small‐scale holdings under five hectares has declined except in Kenya. Medium‐scale farms (defined here as farm holdings between 5 and 100 hectares) account for a rising share of total farmland, especially in the 10–100 hectare range where the number of these farms is growing especially rapidly. Medium‐scale farms control roughly 20% of total farmland in Kenya, 32% in Ghana, 39% in Tanzania, and over 50% in Zambia. The numbers of such farms are also growing very rapidly, except in Kenya. We also conducted detailed life history surveys of medium‐scale farmers in each of these four countries and found that the rapid rise of medium‐scale holdings in most cases reflects increased interest in land by urban‐based professionals or influential rural people. About half of these farmers obtained their land later in life, financed by nonfarm income. The rise of medium‐scale farms is affecting the region in diverse ways that are difficult to generalize. Many such farms are a source of dynamism, technical change, and commercialization of African agriculture. However, medium‐scale land acquisitions may exacerbate land scarcity in rural areas and constrain the rate of growth in the number of small‐scale farm holdings. Medium‐scale farmers tend to dominate farm lobby groups and influence agricultural policies and public expenditures to agriculture in their favor. Nationally representative Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from six countries (Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia) show that urban households own 5–35% of total agricultural land and that this share is rising in all countries where DHS surveys were repeated. This suggests a new and hitherto unrecognized channel by which medium‐scale farmers may be altering the strength and location of agricultural growth and employment multipliers between rural and urban areas. Given current trends, medium‐scale farms are likely to soon become the dominant scale of farming in many African countries.  相似文献   

[目的]东北地区作为维护国家粮食安全的“压舱石”,准确而系统地掌握东北地区粮食型农户家庭农场经营风险认知水平,为政府部门精准实施粮食型农户家庭农场配套扶持政策提供参考。[方法]文章利用黑龙江、吉林、辽宁3省301个粮食型农户家庭农场调研数据,运用交叉列表和多元有序logit模型分析家庭农场经营风险认知水平及其影响因素。[结果](1)6312%的粮食型家庭农场有一定风险认知能力,土地经营面积在333~1333hm2(50~200亩)与1333~3333hm2(200~500亩)的家庭农场风险认知处于中等水平, 3333hm2(500亩)以上家庭农场经营风险认知低; (2)玉米种植型家庭农场风险认知水平高于水稻种植型家庭农场; (3)年龄、是否村干部、劳动力数量、土地经营规模、是否有自然灾害、农产品市场价格波动、是否“三品一标”认证、金融支持、农推人员技术指导和新型经营主体间合作稳定对东北地区粮食型农户家庭农场经营风险认知有影响。[结论]应培养家庭农场主个人特质,鼓励支农惠农政策向规模适度的家庭农场倾斜,从流程入手提高家庭农场风险防范能力。  相似文献   

This study presents evidence of profound farm‐level transformation in parts of sub‐Saharan Africa, identifies major sources of dynamism in the sector, and proposes an updated typology of farms that reflects the evolving nature of African agriculture. Repeat waves of national survey data are used to examine changes in crop production and marketed output by farm size. Between the first and most recent surveys (generally covering 6 to 10 years), the share of national marketed crop output value accounted for by medium‐scale farms rose in Zambia from 23% to 42%, in Tanzania from 17% to 36%, and in Nigeria from 7% to 18%. The share of land under medium‐scale farms is not rising in densely populated countries such as Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda, where land scarcity is impeding the pace of medium‐scale farm acquisitions. Medium‐scale farmers are a diverse group, reflecting distinct entry pathways into agriculture, encouraged by the rapid development of land rental, purchase, and long‐term lease markets. The rise of medium‐scale farms is affecting the region in diverse ways that are difficult to generalize. Findings indicate that these farms can be a dynamic driver of agricultural transformation but this does not reduce the importance of maintaining a clear commitment to supporting smallholder farms. Strengthening land tenure security of local rural people to maintain land rights and support productivity investments by smallholder households remains crucial.  相似文献   

中国农村改革的未来方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结了我国农业农村发展新时代,深化改革,要准确把握农村未来方向,以土地制度改革为主线,聚焦土地制度、经营制度与产权制度三大问题。土地制度改革要在尊重农民意愿的基础上,推动土地经营权共享,通过土地经营权流转与不流转两种形式促进土地规模化、服务规模化;新型经营主体的培育要重点提升人力资本,注重职业农民的数量增长与质量提升,培养出一批真正有爱农情怀、工匠精神、创新意识、社会责任感的职业化农民;要充分理解农村集体产权制度改革的重大意义,把产权制度改革提升到第二次飞跃的高度来认识,并将改革与新产业新业态发展、农民就业增收、集体经济发展、乡村治理、党对基层基础工作领导等重大问题结合起来,充分发挥集体经济的优势,走出一条具有中国特色的现代农业发展道路,高质量完成全面建成小康社会的发展目标。  相似文献   

[目的]在农业的发展过程中,以集约化土地种植为主的新型经营主体将极大地促进农业的现代化发展,这是新型的农业经营主体追求效益的最大化的选择性行为,也是政府主导和扶持的新型农民的政策缩影。文章探讨现代农业发展的背景下不同种植规模经营主体对于农业技术服务的需求行为差异和影响因素。[方法]以新疆棉区的1 043户小规模种植农户和683户家庭农场主的调查数据为例,对以家庭农场(种植面积267hm2及以上)为例的新型农业经营主体与传统农户小规模农地对农业技术服务需求行为运用二元Logistic模型进行实证分析。[结果](1)家庭耕地面积是影响家庭农场对农业技术服务需求行为的主要因素; 而文化程度、是否参加农业合作社、村里是否有农业合作社是家庭农场对农业技术服务需求行为的影响程度最大的。(2)而参加农业技术培训次数是影响农户小规模农地对农业技术服务需求行为的主要因素; 是否参加农业技术培训是农户小规模农地对农业技术服务需求行为的影响程度最大的。[结论](1)农业技术服供给机构应根据农户经营种植的耕地面积,对用户进行分类管理。(2)农业技术服务机构应协同基层部门加大对农业技术服务的宣传力度,全面提升种植农户的认知程度。(3)培育新型农业经营主体,为农业技术服务培育不同规模需求的优良农户。  相似文献   

在我国城镇化进程中,保障土地生态安全是其重中之重。就我国目前的社会阶段来看,人民自身素养和科学技术积累程度还没有达到土地私有化的水平,目前个体农民并没有这个能力,一旦土地私有,就会出现土地过分开发的情况,土壤养分会在短期内被榨干,土地修复复垦是一个需要大量人力物力科学技术的工程,个体农民及农民集体根本没有这个能力,就会造成土地荒废遗弃,甚至加重荒漠化、沙漠化。所以土地私有制并不适合我国现阶段的社会发展。以资源代际公平、土地生态安全的角度来看,土地国有是适应现阶段社会发展要求的。土地的利用与开发需要养护和维持,以达到后代子孙的持续发展。  相似文献   

"三权分置"是农地制度改革的重要成果,为提升农业经营效益提供了制度保障。农业经营的实践形态显示,土地经营权的设立并未提升资本化耕种的农业经营收益,也难以提升村集体范围内农地产权正式转移的水平。农业经营体制在"统"的层面缺乏可操作性的产权制度方案,阻碍了农地产权设置在"分"的层面发挥出高效的制度效能。切实回应农地利用中实际耕者的地权诉求,解决农地细碎化、村集体内土地经营权流转价格过高、土地经营权配置不充分、土地经营权流转后的社会纠纷等问题,需要围绕农地高效利用,在"三权分置"下充分发挥集体土地所有权的管理权能,以集体土地所有权统合土地承包经营权和土地经营权。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the evolution and perspectives of private farm management consulting in Argentina. In the first part, recent developments in consulting services are presented. Because of its importance, particular emphasis is placed in the evolution of consulting work done in the framework of the CREA (Consorcios Regionales de Experimentación Agricola) association of farm producers. Rough estimates show that: (a) private consulting represents 10-15% of total manpower devoted to direct farmer advice, and (b) demand for consulting work has grown considerably faster in areas where farms have mixed (crop-livestock) production systems. The possible incentives for farmers hiring consulting services are summarized. The widespread (in Argentina) opinion that consultants allow higher yields from a given input mix is not fully supported by the empirical data presented in this paper: there is evidence that yield differences found on farms are caused not only by the presence or absence of consultants but also (and perhaps primarily) by differences in land quality. The fact that the average farmer may be (at least on a yield basis) as efficient as the ‘top’ farmers should be further studied, as it has important implications from a policy point of view.  相似文献   

Transition and agricultural labor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reforms have strongly affected agricultural employment in transition countries but in remarkably different ways. We present a theoretical model and an empirical analysis to explain differences in labor adjustment during transition. We show that the differences are due to a combination of variations in initial conditions and differences in reform policies and effects. The removal of price distortions and subsidies caused wage and price adjustments during transition and a reduction in labor demand in agriculture. Surplus labor outflow from agriculture was further stimulated by the privatization of the farm assets as they improve incentives and remove constraints for optimal factor allocation and structural adjustment. The shift to individual farms, which was especially strong in labor‐intensive production systems with low labor productivity in agriculture, has reduced the outflow of labor from agriculture by improving farm governance and labor efficiency, although this effect was mitigated by losses in scale economies due to disruptions and market imperfections in transition. In general, labor outflow was considerably lower on individual farms than on corporate farms, due to a combination of factors related to human capital, access to finance, and physical capital. In the last section of the article we present a general framework for understanding labor adjustments in transition countries. Specifically, we show that there are several patterns of labor transition. In one pattern, followed by, e.g., the Czech Republic and Hungary, there is initially a strong survival of the restructured large‐scale corporate farms that have laid off many workers. In the second phase of transition, gradually the importance of individual farms increases. In other countries, such as Romania, the opposite has happened. In these countries there is an immediate strong shift to individual farms, while labor use increases on average in agriculture. After this initial phase, the shift to individual farms continues, albeit more slowly, and labor use in agriculture starts to decline. Finally, our analysis shows that in countries such as Russia and Ukraine much of the surplus labor is still employed by little‐reformed former collective and state farms. Major adjustments await more progress in agricultural and general reforms.  相似文献   

我国家庭农场发展现状及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭农场是在我国农村现有基础上建立的,是新型的农业生产主体,是实行农业现代化的金钥匙。家庭农场的出现,既增加农民的收入,又可以实现农业生产的产业化。文章运用文献分析和实地调研相结合的研究方法,分析了当前我国家庭农场的发展现状,即我国家庭农场呈现出经营规模不同、经营品种不同、经营效益较好、具有市场竞争力等明显特征。家庭农场的发展面临大好机遇,但是也存在土地产权认识不明晰、资金短缺、劳动力缺乏等瓶颈问题。并提出明确家庭农场认定标准、引导土地向家庭农场流转、农民的技术培训、完善农业保险、政府给予一定的资金政策等建议,旨在为各地区制定发展家庭农场政策提供参考。  相似文献   

It is argued that while it is difficult to be critical of GKI, because the picture painted of the former Soviet bloc countries is so broad, the treatment is not sufficiently detailed to be analytically illuminating. Four important weaknesses are identified. The first is the problematic analogy of private plot agriculture on the former state and collective farms with minifundia in Latin America, and the consequent analogy of collective farms with latifundia. The second is the argument that private plot farming was involuting in a Geertzian sense. Thirdly, the GKI redistributive land reform agenda for Russia is questioned and a case is made for privately owned and managed large farms. Finally, GKI are criticized for failing to take account of the limited rural labour supply in Russia.  相似文献   

Small olive farms typically find it hard to compete with their larger competitors due to unfavourable conditions in terms of labour costs, land fragmentation and structural capital. These conditions result in higher production costs that reduce their competitiveness, leading to progressive exclusion from domestic and international markets and the abandonment of farming. In this scenario, cooperation between farmers to increase farm size and reduce land fragmentation may be an innovative strategy to improve the competitiveness of small agricultural holdings and avoid farm abandonment. The aim of this paper is to characterize the spatial structure of the traditional olive grove in the province of Jaén (South of Spain), the world’s leading olive oil producer, to identify the areas where farmer cooperation can be effectively implemented. The results of this study confirm that there are large numbers of small, barely viable olive groves and show different ways to promote cooperation between farmers according to the structural characteristics of their farms and their spatial relationships. In particular, when small olive farms have large neighbours, assisted cooperation systems should be implemented, while when small olive farms are concentrated in areas without larger farms, shared cultivation systems would be more efficient. This paper also provides information for the design of public policies aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of small agricultural holdings.  相似文献   

本文以习近平总书记多次强调坚持农村土地农民集体所有、坚持“统分结合”发展集体经济与合作经济的重要讲话为指导,客观评析了主张土地私有化或变相私有化的四个错误观点:评析了“农村土地集体所有制产权不清”的观点,认为法律对土地集体所有权作出了非常清晰的界定;评析了“土地私有制是农村土地改革方向”的观点,认为这种主张的实质是通过永久性地固化原有的家庭土地承包关系来搞农村土地私有化,无视和否定了习近平总书记所强调的壮大农村集体经济应注重“统分结合”双层经营的思想;评析了“农村土地私有化会使农民更为富裕”的观点,认为私有土地的自由买卖并不能使农民实现权利与结果的公平,绝大多数农民也不可能通过农村土地私有化实现全面小康和共富共享;评析了“‘一田两主’制度是农村土地改革有效途径”的观点,认为这一论断是通过实际架空农村土地的集体所有权来变相主张农村土地私有化。  相似文献   

论文客观记录了三明市20余年集体林产权制度改革的历程。分析了在农村改革初期南方集体林区的林业改革背景下,三明市从分户经营改革及转变到林业股东会制度改革的效果和推动力;论文又分析了从林业股东会的整顿到农户和个人自主经营制度的建立过程中,支持集体林集中经营制度力量的消散和市场配置资源力量的增长过程。论文证实了约束条件的改变是三明市出现不同的集体林产权制度安排的规律。  相似文献   

It has often been stated that land fragmentation and farm structures characterized by small agricultural holdings and farms divided in a large number of parcels have been the side-effect of land reform in Central and Eastern Europe. This article reports the findings of a study of land reform in 25 countries in the region from 1989 and onwards and provides an overview of applied land reform approaches. With a basis in theory on land fragmentation, the linkage between land reform approaches and land fragmentation is explored. It is discussed in which situations land fragmentation is a barrier for the development of the agricultural and rural sector. The main finding is that land fragmentation is often hampering agricultural and rural development when both land ownership and land use is highly fragmented.  相似文献   

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