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Controlled laboratory conditions using monetary incentives have been utilized in previous studies that examine individual discount rates, and researchers have found several apparently robust anomalies. We conjecture that subject behavior in these experiments may be affected by (uncontrolled) factors other than discount rates. We address some experimental design issues and report a new series of experiments designed to elicit individual discount rates. Our primary treatments include: (i) informing subjects of the annual and effective interest rates associated with alternative payment streams, and (ii) informing subjects of current market interest rates. We also test for the effect of real (vs. hypothetical) payments and for the effect of delaying both payment options (vs. offering an immediate payment option). The statistical analysis uses censored data techniques to account for the interactions between field and lab incentives. Each of the information treatments appears to reduce revealed discount rates. When both types of information are provided, annual rates in the interval of 15%–17.5% are revealed, whereas rates of 20%–25% are revealed in the control session. Each of the treatments also lowers the residual variance of subject responses.  相似文献   

The notion of sustainability has lead to the evaluation of public projects in terms of wider socio-economic and environmental benefits. The Cost Benefit Analysis and its respective, Social Discount Rate (SDR), is of crucial importance, especially when the advantages of private financing are to be demonstrated in comparison with the alternative traditional procurement of works and services. The SDR seen as a measure of a country’s value of future costs and benefits is related to the notion of promoted sustainability. The impact of smaller and declining SDRs on project selection is investigated, and a conceptual formulation concerning the selection of the project procurement method is presented. The modelled formulation will assist central and local governments in assessing projects and the potential benefit of private financing.  相似文献   

In this paper the fishermen's planning and investment horizon is investigated using their discount rates. It is shown that one might calculate the implicit discount rate in an ITQ regulated fishery from the available information from the quota market. This gives information about how well the system is working. In particular, discount rates where ITQ systems are in operation initially were very high, before they started to decrease. This implies that it take some time to reap the full benefits of an ITQ system. It also gives arguments for not letting ITQs be perpetual property rights, and hence, enables more flexibility in the management system.  相似文献   

Interior Optimal Chaos with Arbitrarily Low Discount Rates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we demonstrate, for an arbitrarily small discount rate, the existence of a topologically chaotic policy function that lies in the interior of the technology set in a two-sector model with smooth production and utility functions. For this purpose, we adopt CES production functions and a utility function with a constant elasticity of intertemporal substitution. The two-sector model with those functions always has a policy function lying in the interior of the technology set (interior policy function). The existence of a scramble set of a policy function may be proved even in the case in which the discount rate is arbitrarily small.
JEL Classification Number: 041.  相似文献   

Managed exchange rates have become a tool of macroeconomic stabilization policy. Much of the previous emphasis on parametrically chosen exchange rate regimes has missed the advantages of a strategy of a variable target exchange rate when the central bank tries to maintain equilibrium output in the face of various shocks to the economy. Based on a standard IS-LM-AS macromodel, optimal combinations of exchange rate and money supply changes are found that insulate the economy against all stipulated shocks. However, these combinations vary from one shock to another; therefore recognition signals are necessary. Continuous information on some variables allows the central bank to identify shocks if they can be guaranteed to occur individually, but not otherwise. As a second-best strategy, ‘defensively managed exchange rates’ appear suitable. The paper also discusses some side effects and other practical difficulties of a managed exchange rate as an automatic stabilizer.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to use experimental data to estimate individual discount rates and test for hyperbolic discounting over a long time horizon. To do this, we employ the convex time budget experimental approach with cash payments over a 20 year time horizon. To date, there are few experimental studies that explore discount rates beyond a 1 year time horizon. Previous experimental studies that focus on short time horizons find high discount rates, which may not be applicable to decisions that affect outcomes in the distant future. Our findings are quite similar to the average rate of 4.9% found by Grijalva et al. (Environ Resour Econ 59:39–63, 2014), who similarly use a 20 year time horizon, but use the multiple price list elicitation method along with payment via government savings bonds. We find annual discounts rates in the range of 1.9–5.5%, depending on the specific model used. We also find evidence for declining discount rates, and that this hyperbolic pattern of behavior is related to the confidence subjects have in receiving distant-future payments.  相似文献   

The last few years have witnessed important advances in our understanding of time preference and social discounting. In particular, several rationales for the use of time-varying social discount rates have emerged. These rationales range from the ad hoc to the formal, with some founded solely in economic theory while others reflect principles of intergenerational equity. While these advances are to be applauded, the practitioner is left with a confusing array of rationales and the sense that almost any discount rate can be justified. This paper draws together these different strands and provides a critical review of past and present contributions to this literature. In addition to this we highlight some of the problems with employing DDRs in the decision-making process, the most pressing of which may be time inconsistency. We clarify their practical implications, and potential pitfalls, of the more credible rationales and argue that some approaches popular in environmental economics literature are ill-conceived. Finally, we illustrate the impact of different approaches by examining global warming and nuclear power investment. This includes an application and extension of Newell and Pizer [‘Discounting the benefits of climate change mitigation : how much do uncertain rates increase valuations?’ Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 46 (2003) 52] to UK interest rate data.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the problem of modelling demographic variables for the purpose of forecasting. Two empirical model selection procedures are applied to suggest final form forecasting equations for Australian marriage rates. The suggested models are then assessed by comparing their post-sample forecast performance with that of univariate ARMA-type models of marriage rates which are regarded as approximations to marriage rate final equation models. In this instance the ARM A models are preferred for forecasting purposes. The properties of the ARM A model forecasts are then examined and the modelling strategy is contrasted with the regression method used by Withers.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的形势下,资本国际自由流动成为一种趋势.对于发展中国家,或者实行促进资本自由流动的政策,或者实行资本控制的政策.而实行资本控制的政策是同较高的贴现率相联系的.按照一些西方经济学家的看法,高贴现率不利于长期项目的投资,因此不利于经济增长和发展.本文对有关理论观点做了评析.认为,在具备一定的前提条件下,发展中国家可以适当实行促进资本自由流动的政策.  相似文献   

The incorporation of adaptive expectations by Dornbusch in a Mundell-Fleming model modifies significantly the traditional results of policy effectiveness in a small, open economy. While monetary policy is still able to influence aggregate demand when flexible exchange rates prevail, the effects of this policy on other important variables in the economy during the adjustment process to a new equilibrium may be considered sufficiently ‘disruptive’ so that the authorities will be hesitant to use their only fully-effective policy instrument for income-stabilization purposes. However, by adding a target level for the exchange rate to their list of goal variables and by using an appropriate mix of monetary and fiscal policies, it appears to be possible for the government to avoid these disruptive side effects.  相似文献   

A model comprising spot and forward foreign exchange markets and a domestic credit market is used to examine the trade-off between volatility in the nominal exchange rate and domestic interest rate. It also shows how a slowly crawling spot rate can raise interest rate volatility and the amplitude of reserve flows. Finally, the paper extends a finding by Driskill and McCafferty that the exchange rate effects of external shocks are differently affected by the responsiveness of speculation to expected profits; high responsiveness makes the spot exchange rate more sensitive to foreign financial shocks but less sensitive to trade balance shocks.  相似文献   

The literature on the idea of ‘social capital’ is now enormous. Offering an alternative to impersonal markets and coercive states, the communitarian institutions built around social capital have looked attractive to scholars in the humanities and social sciences. The literature in consequence has a warm glow to it. In this article, I first study the various contexts in which the promises people make to one another are credible and then suggest that the accumulation of social capital is a possible route to creating such a context. I offer a tight definition of social capital – namely, interpersonal networks – so as not to prejudge its ability to enhance human well-being. The links between the microfoundations of social capital and the macroeconomic performance of economies are then studied. I also show that economic theory not only identifies circumstances in which communitarian institutions can function well, but that it also uncovers a dark side, namely, their capicity to permit one group to exploit another within long-term relationships.  相似文献   

This paper explores the time-varying behavior of five EMS exchange rates namely, the Belgian Franc, Dutch Guilder, French Franc, Italian Lira and the Spanish Peseta vis-à-vis the Deutschemark from 1979 to 1998. The returns were examined using the Sign- and Volatility-Switching GARCH model, which is capable of accounting for potential asymmetries and the reversals in a series' volatility structure. The results point to significant sensitivities of the conditional variances of the French franc, the lira and the peseta to adverse shocks but notable responsiveness to favorable shocks by those of the other rates. Although asymmetry in the volatility structure of all rates is found in the period prior to Germany's reunification in 1990, it vanishes thereafter. Volatility persistence for all rates is noticeable in the first period but becomes more pronounced in the second, [F23, F31]  相似文献   

There is tentative evidence to suggest that the well‐documented empirical failure of uncovered interest parity (UIP) is confined to short‐term interest rates. However, tests of UIP for long‐term bonds are thwarted by various data problems. These data problems can be avoided by focusing on short investments in long‐term bonds. This paper concerns the relationship between changes in the US dollar–Deutsche Mark exchange rate and returns to short investments in US and German long‐term government bonds. The hypothesis that expected returns to investments in bonds denominated in the two currencies are equal is not rejected, and the estimated slope coefficients are positive. For corresponding short‐term interest rates, the typical finding of negative and large Fama coefficients is confirmed. We conclude that it is the maturity of the asset, rather than the investment horizon, that matters for the results.  相似文献   

This paper provides favorable econometric evidence for a productivity‐based model of the pound/euro real exchange rate. We find that a 1% increase in UK productivity is consistent with a 3.5% real depreciation of sterling. Likewise, a 1% increase in euro area productivity is compatible with a 5.16% real appreciation of sterling. The asymmetric response of UK and foreign productivity shocks corresponds well with our model if UK labor supply is more elastic than euro area labor supply. Estimates of equilibrium exchange rates suggest that sterling was not overvalued at its 2004Q3 level vis‐à‐vis the euro.  相似文献   

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