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本文建立一个两国模型,研究存在运输成本和收益递增场合贸易的模式与利得分配,探讨成本递减作为贸易保护理由的条件,拓广Ethier(1982a)的分析。模型中制成品的生产可选用现代技术或传统技术,前者带来规模收益递增。基本结论是:模型参数及初始条件决定贸易均衡的类型以及贸易利益的得失。若收益递增越强、运输成本越低、制成品支出份额越高或相对经济规模越大则越容易形成专业化的生产与贸易格局,且专业化的格局类似于李嘉图模式(无运输成本、收益不变)的分析,即各国出口其具有比较优势的产品;出口收益递增产品的一方总是从贸易中获利,另一方可能获利也可能受损。建议政府大力扶持收益递增产业,积极推动工艺创新。  相似文献   

Abstract.  Efficient Allocation of labour among a set of machines (say) operating under initially increasing and then decreasing returns is studied first for identical machines and then for the case when machines can be ranked by their productivity. Essentially it is a question of the number of machines to be operated. At critical input levels this number jumps and the intensity of machine use is reduced discontinuously.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to extend a monopolistically competitive trade model with symmetric costs to one with asymmetric costs in product diversification. Both the trade pattern and the effects of the opening of trade on welfare are examined. It is shown that: (1)the larger country will be a net importer of differentiated products, which contradicts the result of Krugman (1980); (2)the greater the size of the country, the smaller is the share of the intra-industry trade, and (3)the larger the trading partner of a country, the larger are the gains from trade of the country. Some of these results duplicate those from recent studies. However, our results are based on asymmetric costs. In particular, (3) suggests that the presence of increasing-returns-to-scale technology does not always imply that the large country gains from its large market.  相似文献   

本文中的策略性劳动分工模型解释了为什么人们有时不选择分工,并造成社会产出损失。由于在高技能部门里存在“干中学”效应,低技能者如果背离比较优势而从事高技能部门的生产,就可以在未来分享劳动分工收益的过程中获得更高的谈判地位,甚至可能逆转自己的比较优势。然而,这种个人理性的选择却可能导致社会的产出损失。这个模型的一个意外而合理的含义是,在策略性的劳动分工决策中,如果未来一期由交易关系瓦解而造成的损失足够小,那么,交易成本的减少也可能导致当期分工的恶化。但我们的模型也包含了交易成本下降可能促进分工这一既有理论中的特殊情况。这个模型有助于理解在国际贸易、国内区域间分工和家庭内分工中广泛被观察到的低效率现象及相应的政策。  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on growth and income poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Results are obtained by processing microdata from household surveys of 18 LAC countries covering the 1990s and early 2000s. Over this period the LAC economies experienced heterogeneous patterns of growth and poverty changes. Most countries in the region had a rather meager performance in terms of poverty reduction. Episodes of positive, significant and unambiguously pro-poor income growth have been rare in Latin America.  相似文献   

This article has two goals: (i) to reduce the 7‐fold productivity differential required to explain the observed 33‐fold income difference between the richest and poorest countries of the world; and (ii) to explain cross‐country differences in the capital‐output ratio. To achieve the first goal we modify the production function of the standard neoclassical growth model to include public capital whose provision is subject to intermediation costs. For the second goal we distort private investment by introducing credit frictions. The model, quantified using cross‐country data, generates an income gap of 33 with productivity differences of only 3 under the measured variations in public and private capital. The required productivity gap declines even further, to 2.1, when we introduce a home‐production sector. On the second goal, however, credit frictions do a poor job of explaining cross‐country variations in the capital‐output ratio.  相似文献   

The heads of state of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) nations have committed member nations to remove all barriers to trade both among themselves and with respect to the rest of the world by 2020. The present paper uses a simple econometric model of bilateral trade flows based on country size, relative factor endowments, and trade barriers of importing as well as exporting countries to estimate the shares by country of origin in imports of each of the 16 major APEC countries and the rest of the world for each of 45 commodity groups comprising world trade in commodities. The estimates reveal that APEC trade would be expanded by 13% with complete liberalization of tariff barriers, by an additional 5% if nontariff barriers are also removed, and by another 4% if the rest of the world would also remove all barriers to trade. Variants on this base scenario show that such trade expansion could be substantially reduced were trade liberalization, capital growth, or both to be reduced in the countries affected by the Asian financial crisis. ( JEL Fl, F17)  相似文献   

International trade and economic growth have been considered intimately linked in nineteenth century Britain. Conventional estimates of Britain's gross national product, however, fail to account for changes in the terms of trade and may be misleading indicators of changes in real income. Revised figures that incorporate terms of trade changes are presented here. One finding is that conventional estimates of GNP overstate growth in real income early in the century when the terms of trade deteriorated.  相似文献   

本文通过考察中国对外贸易的差额结构来展望“十二五”纲要中提出的中国新经济增长模式的发展前景。统计分析表明,中国对外贸易顺差是伴随着高耗能、低附加值制造业的发展而实现的,中国外向型制造业的附加值很低,无法真正实现从根本上提升技术水平的目标。中国的产成品过于集中地出口到美国和欧盟,使中国产品在国际市场上面临着严重的贸易摩擦与争端,使中国对外贸易发展具有不可持续性。为完成“十二五”纲要中的发展目标,实现内外平衡的经济增长新模式,需要调整目前的贸易差额结构,既要努力实现国内制造业技术水平的提升,又要注意出口流向多元化,并且从根本上促进金融保险等服务业的发展;在依靠国内市场的同时不能放弃对外贸易,并力争做到二者的协同发展。  相似文献   

This article estimates poverty persistence over an individual's lifetime, using two definitions: income poverty and a multidimensional index of lifestyle deprivation. We stress the ability of the two definitions to provide a generally consistent characterization of poverty persistence risks faced by various population subgroups, but also the additional insights to be gained by analysing the two definitions in parallel in a longitudinal context. The results of multiple‐spell hazard rate models highlight the weaknesses of the Italian labour market, the insufficiencies of the existing social security system, and the deep territorial dualism in generating persistent poverty for certain groups of the population.  相似文献   

This paper implements and adapts the conceptual framework developed by Winters (2002) that identifies the transmission mechanisms between trade policy reform and household welfare outcomes. We make use of household panel data from Vietnam collected in two years, 1992–93 and 1997–98 that span the very earliest years of the reform period and its immediate after effects. Poverty dynamics are modeled using changes in consumption expenditure and poverty transition models. The trade effect is captured by a set of variables that are most likely to have an impact on rural poverty, namely prices of staples and employment in the export sector. We show that trade liberalization has a material and positive effect on rural household welfare and this trade effect is largely transmitted to the poor through the labor market channel.  相似文献   

民营高科技企业的成长模式与环境优化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
民营高科技企业的发展依赖于内部成长模式的正确选择和外部环境的优化。民营高科技企业必须结合自身特点和市场前景选择切合企业实际的成长模式或模式组合,政府部门应在市场准入、企业融资、税费负担、权益保护等领域进行政策调整和制度创新,共同推动民营高科技企业的健康成长。  相似文献   

After decades of intensive research dedicated to efficient and flexible parametric statistical distributions, the lognormal distribution still enjoys, despite its empirical weaknesses, widespread popularity in the applied literature related to poverty and inequality analysis. In the present study, we emphasize the drawbacks of this choice for the calculation of the elasticities of poverty. For this purpose, we estimate the growth and inequality elasticities of poverty using 1,132 income distributions, and 15 rival assumptions on the shape of the income distributions. Our results confirm that the lognormal distribution is not appropriate in most cases for the analysis of poverty: the magnitude of the elasticities is generally overestimated and the estimation of the relative impact of growth and redistribution on poverty alleviation is biased in favor of the growth objective.  相似文献   

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