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Content analysis of traditional and social media has a central role in investigating features of media content, measuring media exposure, and calculation of media effects. The reliability of content coding is usually evaluated using “kappa-centric” agreement measures, but these measures produce results that aggregate individual coder decisions which obscure the performance of individual coders. Using a data set of 105 advertisements for sports and energy drinks media content coded by five coders, we demonstrate that Item Response Theory can track coder performance over time and give coder-specific information on the consistency of decisions over qualitatively coded objects. We conclude that IRT should be added to content analysts’ tool kit of useful methodologies to track and evaluate content coders’ performance.


陈群  商文兵 《商品储运与养护》2013,(10):191-192,190
本文结合A知名数控公司的营销现状,进行SWOT分析,根据价值链理论,结合公司实际,对该公司营销策划提出若干的建议,以期提升公司的营销能力。  相似文献   

A turnpike theorem is proved for a general equilibrium model with finitely many immortal consumers.  相似文献   


The present study endeavors to develop a deeper understanding of the motivational processes involved in intentional entrepreneurial behavior. For this purpose, it integrates the social cognitive approach of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the organismic theory of motivation of self-determination theory (SDT). More specifically, it tests the role of basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness as defined in SDT in shaping university students’ attitudes and intentions toward entrepreneurship. The sample of this study consisted of 438 (Males?=?166, Females =272) 3rd and 4th year university students from four Malaysian Public Universities. The results of the study show that the model strongly explains about 71% of the variance in entrepreneurial intention. Basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness have a strong indirect impact on entrepreneurial intention via their attitudinal antecedents: attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. This indicates a full-mediational model, where the attitudinal factors operated as transmitters of effects from the distal constructs of SDT on entrepreneurial intention. These findings confirm that both SDT and the TPB provide complementary explanations of the motivational processes of entrepreneurial behavior. The study contributes to the existing knowledge by providing a theory-based understanding of the role of motivations in the formation of entrepreneurial intentions. It opens the way for future research to analyze how alternative motivations may affect new venture creation, survival and success.


本文在调研分析的基础上,根据会计人员职业能力的基本要求,针对高职会计专业教学系统设计的现状和问题,提出了运用“双主”(教师为主导、学生为主体)教学系统设计模式改进教学的方式方法,以期在提升教师教学水平的同时,提升学生的职业能力,提高高职院校的人才培养质量。  相似文献   

The present study brings together the multiple dimensions of self-determination theory (SDT), the three facilitators (global aspirations, global motivation and mindfulness), the three needs (autonomy, competence and relatedness) and perceived autonomous support (PAS) towards the organisational citizenship behaviours (OCBs) of 386 New Zealand managers. SDT suggests that individuals with higher SDT dimensions will achieve greater motivation and well-being; however, few studies include more than one SDT dimension. The findings show that overall the majority of SDT dimensions were significantly correlated to OCB dimensions. Moderated regression analysis found that autonomous motivation was positively related to OCBs with controlled motivations negatively related to OCBs. PAS and most of the need satisfaction dimensions were also positively related to OCBs. Intrinsic aspirations were only related to OCBs individual. PAS was also tested as a moderator of SDT dimensions, and five significant interactions were found to influence OCBs individual and one to influence OCBs organisational. Overall, the highest levels of OCBs were reported by managers with higher than average PAS and those who rated highly on the SDT dimensions. This study provides strong and consistent support that SDT dimensions influence OCBs, and the consistent influence of PAS highlights the importance of workplace context.  相似文献   

孟固 《城市问题》2001,(3):44-46
一、北京的文化产业 北京的文化产业在市委市政府的倡导下发展的气势磅礴.作为北京文化产业主力军的宣传文化系统,积极落实市委市政府的决策,以改革为动力,实行资产重组,实现强强联合,先后组建了北京紫禁城影业公司、北京歌华文化发展集团、北京出版社出版集团、北京新华外文图书发行集团和北京日报社报业集团和北京维宝光盘有限责任公司.  相似文献   

Perceived employability (PE; i.e. the worker's perception about available job opportunities) is portrayed as the upcoming resource for workers and organizations. However, organizations might particularly want to stimulate perceptions of job opportunities on the internal labor market (i.e. internal PE). In contrast, they may be hesitant in stimulating perceptions of job opportunities on the external labor market (i.e. external PE), as this might foster workers' voluntary turnover. The contextual influences adding to these different types of PE are relatively unknown. Building upon self-determination theory, we argue that the organization's support of intrinsic (e.g. personal growth) and extrinsic (e.g. status) values may play a critical role. In line with expectations, the results reveal a positive association of the perceived organization's support of intrinsic work values and a negative association of the perceived extrinsic value support with internal PE, both in terms of a similar job (i.e. internal lateral PE) and a better job (i.e. internal upward PE). Unexpectedly, perceived organization's support of extrinsic values did not relate negatively to external PE. These results show that employers can invest in the workers' employability without disadvantaging the organization. To arrive at a flexible workforce, the support of intrinsic values is of key importance.  相似文献   

This paper provides an organizational economics foundation to guide managers in matching the comparatively more efficient organizational mode with transactional characteristics such as: (1) the degree of (human capital) asset specificity involved in the transaction, (2) the degree of uncertainty surrounding the transaction, and (3) the number of trading partners (suppliers and buyers) in the vertical supply chain. The key role of technology, and more specifically the e‐business infrastructure and its effects on organizational mode choice, is highlighted. The main results from this analysis suggest that changes in information technology are changing the nature of transaction costs leading to more efficient management through an electronic integration solution thus favoring contracting and outsourcing than would have been technologically possible when Williamson's Markets and Hierarchies (Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications. Free Press: New York, 1975) was published. It is emphasized that the transaction cost economics principles are durable but that the breathless advances in information technology, especially in the past decade, have comparatively favored lower transaction costs of markets over hierarchies. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how a qualitative content analysis method may be used to help understand undergraduate students’ experience. We examine and rationalize the methodological concerns regarding content analysis of open-ended comments in the qualitative study. We describe a data analysis technique, using qualitative responses from National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) as an example, and highlight the findings in a thematic way to convey how undergraduate students perceive issues that challenge them to develop skills, awareness, and confidence, as well as the potential factors that influence student engagement and future success. Finally, we provide potentials of how these findings can be utilized to improve student experience, limitations of this study as well as suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

在分析住宅区用地规模控制根源的基础上,提出了尊重各个利益主体价值取向的用地规模控制思路,并从物业管理的经济性、公建规模的合理性、绿地系统的功能性、居住空间的多样性和城市更新的整体性等方面探讨了住宅区用地最小规模控制的依据.  相似文献   

This paper extends a fundamental temporal diffusion model to integrate space and time dimensions of the diffusion of innovation. The analogous developments in physical sciences are compared and it is demonstrated that the proposed model may be the first step in linking the concept of catalysts in physical science diffusion processes to the role of change agents in social science systems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of holding sport mega-events on city brand awareness and city brand image, using the 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung and the people of Taiwan as the research subjects. Convenience sampling was used for distribution of the questionnaire, and 1,272 valid samples were obtained. SPSS 12.0 statistical software was used for structural analysis of the samples, and LISREL 8.20 statistical software was used to conduct confirmatory factor analysis on the various dimensions of the questionnaire. Finally, the structural equation model (SEM) was used to analyze the model and confirm that it had a good fit. This study made a number of important findings. The hosting of sport mega-events has a significant effect on city brand awareness. City brand awareness has a significant effect on city brand image. Sport mega-events have an indirect effect on city brand image, and city brand awareness has a mediating effect. These research results could be used as a reference for cities that actively seek to establish city branding.  相似文献   

天津开发区在从单纯加工区建设到谋求新城转型的发展过程中,通过大规模城市建设呈现出日益明显的新城特征.它兼具出口加工区的经济特征和西方新城的空间特征,将之定义为外向型工业新城,许多沿海开发区已经呈现出这种外向型工业新城的现实图景.这种外向型工业新城存在着经济、社会、人口和空间等方面的诸多问题,在发展表象之下隐藏着自身内在的缺陷.  相似文献   

城市主导产业的选择——以杭州市为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文介绍了城市选择主导产业的理论依据和评价方法 ,依据比较优势理论、赫希曼产业关联理论、罗斯托经济理论等 ,采用层次分析法 ,对杭州市主导工业进行优选 ,认为杭州宜发展电子与通讯设备制造业、医药制造业和交通运输设备制造业等产业  相似文献   

陈超  胡彬 《城市问题》2007,(10):56-62
以杭州市为例,从人口郊区化和工业郊区化的动因入手分析了城市郊区化的机制,认为中国的城市郊区化受到政府规划与政策的较大影响,且目前仍然处于初级发展阶段.政府对郊区城市化的导向作用主要围绕产业结构优化调整的目标展开,并采取了尽量不触及现行体制的做法,在降低政策成本的同时,也使得我国的城市化呈现出与发达国家不同的特点.从城市形成与演变的角度阐释了我国城市郊区化的发展机制,并就政府提升城市功能的努力方向提出了建议.  相似文献   

本文以重庆为例,分析了小城镇经济辐射区范围的形成受行政范围、自然条件、人口规模、城镇用地规模、经济结构、经济规模、交通和市场等八个主要因素的影响,指出小城镇经济辐射能力弱、辐射范围小是欠发达地区普遍存在的现实问题,并在此基础上提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

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