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股权分置下公司治理存在着“一股独大“,缺乏共同的利益基础,组织机构不健全,缺乏有效外部治理等问题。随着股权分置改革的进行,将从制度上促进我国金融市场的全方位改革,对我国上市公司的治理结构产生深远的影响,这主要体现在股权结构的合理化,管理层激励机制的逐步完善,职业经理人市场的形成等。  相似文献   

股权分置下公司治理存在着"一股独大",缺乏共同的利益基础,组织机构不健全,缺乏有效外部治理等问题.随着股权分置改革的进行,将从制度上促进我国金融市场的全方位改革,对我国上市公司的治理结构产生深远的影响,这主要体现在股权结构的合理化,管理层激励机制的逐步完善,职业经理人市场的形成等.  相似文献   

股权分置现象在我国的产生和存在有着特定的经济、制度背景,股权分置时代由于控制权、所有权不能自由转让,导致同股不同权的存在,造成了不同股东的利益不一致,从而在资本市场运行中出现了控股股东损害中小股东利益的诸多问题。股权分置改革是为了赋予股权应有的流通转让权,从根本上解决股权的同股不同权问题。  相似文献   

股权融资结构是指公司的全部股权融资额中,股权融资的来源以及各种来源的股权资金的比例关系,包括股东身份结构与股权比例结构两方面的内容。关于公司治理,从治理主体上划分,可分为股东价值观和利益相关者价值观两种观点。股东价值观认为公司治理的中心在于确保股东的利益,因而股东在公司治理中具有绝对主导地位。利益相关者价值观认为公司治理研究的是包括股东在内的利益相关者之间的关系,以及规定他们之间关系的制度安排。相比而言,利益相关者价值观点更为合理。股权融资的治理效应通过股东对公司的内部控制与外部接管来实现。不同的股权融资结构决定了不同的公司治理效率。我国上市公司的股权结构由于存在股权集中度过高、股东身份结构畸形、机构投资者发展滞后等一些缺陷,导致股权融资成为我国最廉价的融资方式,不但没有限制经营者对公司的控制,反而比债权融资更有利于经营者对公司的控制。为了发挥股权融资的治理效应,需要对我国上市公司的股权融资结构进行优化,其具体措施包括逐步减持国有股权,改革与完善国有股管理体制,适度发展国有法人相互持股等内容。  相似文献   

股权分置问题与国有资本管理颇有渊源.当初股权分置的制度设计,主要是针对人们对公有制主体地位和国有资产流失等问题的担心与顾虑,切合了我国证券市场设立时特定的历史背景、经济条件、政治环境和思想意识.时至今日,股权分置问题已日益成为制约国有资产管理体制改革的根本性制度障碍,它扭曲了国有资产的定价机制,影响了国有资产的顺畅流转和估值水平,破坏了投资者对资本市场的稳定预期.  相似文献   

公司治理因素包括股东与董事会对公司的治理。本文研究的是股权分置改革之后现金股利与股权结构和董事会结构的关系。得出的结论是现金股利与前十大股东持股比例正相关,与独立董事比例不相关,与董事会开会次数呈负相关。股权分置改革的效应并没有完全显现出来,一些不合理的现象依然存在,其效用的真正发挥还需假以时日。  相似文献   

引言 股权转让是一个股东(自然人或法人主体)将其持有的对公司的所有权让渡给另外一个主体,使其成为公司新的股东的过程.通过转让,新旧股东对公司的权利、义务发生变化,公司的股权结构实现调整.股权转让的份额有大有小,本文的股权转让指大宗股权转让(block trade).股权转让机制是指使股权转让得以实现的一系列因素的总称.在市场经济条件下,这些因素主要指资本市场的作用,包括资本市场通过股票价格对公司价值的定价作用、接管市场对公司未来价值增值的识别作用以及对股权交易的促进作用.  相似文献   

文章在肯定股权分置改革的基础上,提出从公司融资、资本市场稳定发展的角度出发,股权分置应和对业绩差公司的整改方案同时推出,并将优化公司治理作为股权分置改革的关键来抓。  相似文献   

4月29日,经国务院批准,中国证监会发布了《关于上市公司股权分置改革试点有关问题的通知》,这标志着,中国证券市场股权分置问题的解决终于迈入实质性阶段。  相似文献   

我国上市公司从2005年实行股权分置改革以来,取得了明显成果。本文分析了我国上市公司股权分置的经济实质及其财务后果,同时分析了我国上市公司股权分置改革及其财务影响。掌握资本运作和创新金融工具运用方面的知识,成为股权分置改革后财务管理的一项重要工作。  相似文献   

Before the introduction of the Split Share Structure Reform (SSSR) of 2005, a dual stock system characterized Chinese-listed firms. The states owned non-tradable shares and private owners held tradable shares. The dual system generated agency problems because state owners enjoyed all the rights reserved for tradable shares but escaped the stock market risk faced by non-state shareholders. Because executives of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) received rewards based on the book value of assets rather than the market price of shares, they had no incentive to maximize the share price. The SSSR led to the conversion of non-tradable shares to tradable shares, with two major implications: (1) the interests of government and private owners are now more closely aligned and (2) government agents of SOEs are now rewarded and punished based on a firm's market performance. Thus, the expectation is that government agents turn their attention to improving a firm's market performance rather than its book value during the post-reform era. We examine the impact of the SSSR on Chinese firms' investments in working capital. Based on 511 manufacturing firms between 2003 and 2011, we find that the SSSR is associated with significant reductions in working capital investments during the post-reform period. The reduced investment in working capital is associated with improved market performance of these firms.  相似文献   

The paper describes selling and underwriting procedures in rights issues and open offers, and analyses the costs of issue reported in prospectuses, including the substantial costs which are not for underwriting. The impression is often given that costs are fixed at 2 % of gross proceeds, but they vary and average 5.78 %(median 4.28 %). Controlling for economies of scale and fees not related to the issue, costs increase with the proportion of the issue underwritten and with the depth of discount, and decrease with the proportion of the company owned by large shareholders.  相似文献   

There are two major mechanisms by which managers distribute cash to shareholders: through dividends and share repurchases. Historically, dividends have been the preferred method, but in recent years, share repurchases have become more popular, with more firms using repurchases than dividends to distribute cash. During the sample period of 2004–2006, 6.5 billion shares were repurchased for a total dollar volume amount of $222 billion. Using a unique dataset on actual monthly share repurchases, this paper investigates when and why managers repurchase shares in the open market. The paper finds evidence that firms which make repurchases are jointly timing their repurchases to perceived undervaluation and the presence of discretionary cash flow. In addition, the paper finds evidence which supports that (1) firms in competitive industries tend to repurchase less, (2) firms tend to substitute repurchases for anti-takeover provision adoption, and (3) firms attempt to manage earnings upward through the use of repurchases.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the simple hypothesis that when companies issue more capital, they have a tendency to select the type of capital, all other things being equal, which results in the higher short-term earnings per share (eps). The methodology employs probit analysis to test the hypothesis that the form of issue selected was that which gave the higher eps after controlling for other factors such as leverage and industry classification. The results lead us to conclude that there is evidence in capital issues of functional fixation on eps.  相似文献   

This study examines both the short- and long-term share price and accounting performance of Chinese rights issues. Employing data from 432 rights offerings issued between 1994 and 1999, the study documents a statistically significant positive abnormal stock return of 4.8% on the ex-date. Over the long run, rights issuing firms significantly outperform control portfolios of firms matched on the basis of size, the book-to-market ratio, and both size and the book-to-market ratio. Similar to the case of U.S. experience, investors in China appear to underreact to the initial announcements of new equity offerings, but in the opposite direction. Interestingly, although firms issuing rights generally underperform their non-issuing peers in important operating performance metrics such as return on assets, their growth rates of sales and capital expenditures far outstrip non-issuers. Finally, the findings document that changes in the long-term stock performance of rights issuing firms are positively correlated with changes in post issue accounting performance.  相似文献   

This paper finds that stocks of repurchasers with high sensitivity to investor sentiment are more likely to be mispriced. Thus, such repurchases are followed by superior post-buyback stock performance. This abnormal return associated with sensitivity to sentiment cannot be explained by other undervaluation factors: book-to-market or prior return effects. My results are robust with factor model analysis and controls for contamination effects. I conclude that this sentiment-driven undervaluation may result from the difficulty to value and/or limits to arbitrage rather than investor overreaction.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have focused on the theoretical and empirical aspects of corporate capital structure since the 1960s. As a new branch of capital structure, however, debt maturity structure has not yet received as much attention as the debt-equity choice. We use the existing theories of corporate debt maturity to investigate the potential determinants of debt maturity of the Chinese listed firms. In addition to the traditional estimation methods, the system-GMM technique is used to explicitly control for the endogeneity problem. We find that the size of the firm, asset maturity and liquidity have significant effects in extending the maturity of debt employed by Chinese companies. The amount of collateralized assets and growth opportunities also tend to be important. However, proxies for a firm's quality and effective tax rate apparently report mixed or unexpected results. Debt market and equity market conditions are also examined in relation to corporate loan maturity. The system-GMM results show that market factors seem to influence debt maturity decisions. Finally, corporate equity ownership structure has also been found to have some impact on debt maturity mix.  相似文献   

吴石 《国际融资》2001,(1):70-71
中华网(CHINA) 2000年11月1日~11月30日股价变动图 ▲中华网和惠普新加坡公司就mOFFICE的无线产品达成"捆绑协议".  相似文献   

注册会计师审计在上市公司财务报告中发挥了重要作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由香港和内地学者组成的研究团队通过对2001-2005年度上市公司审计报备资料的深入研究分析发现:注册会计师每收1元审计费用带来约470元的纠错成效;遏制多家企业转微亏为微利的企图,使微利企业减少64家,亏损企业增加160家;通过挤压上市公司利润水分,避免了约5500亿元的股市泡沫;挡住了至少313家公司的配股企图,减少股市圈钱约1300亿元;制止至少182家公司虚增利润、甩掉ST、PT帽子的企图;为国家追调应收税金高达180多亿;将700多家客户的违规行为以非标准审计意见的方式公诸于众;调整的会计利润总额一项即达2500多亿元,这意味着:相当于宝钢股份、华能国际、四川长虹和南方航空的资产总额的5倍,等于17个三峡电站的投资。这些数据充分说明了注册会计师审计对上市公司财务报告的影响,体现了审计师对我国资本市场健康发展所做的鲜为人知的重大贡献。  相似文献   

This paper examines the decision to list abroad by Chinese companies in the form of ADRs and foreign IPOs from 1993 to 2005. Our sample consists of 33 ADRs, 218 foreign IPOs, and a sample of 1418 domestic listings. We find evidence to support that issuers are motivated to cross-list due to the legal and accounting standards of the foreign markets, more stringent listing requirements and closer regulatory monitoring, significant demands for external capital due to rapid growth, an expanded shareholder base, and foreign expertise. The motives and firm factors differ by the type of issue (ADR versus foreign IPO) and by the market in which the foreign exchange is located (Hong Kong versus Singapore). Subsequent to the listing events, issuers experience a significant drop in profitability, tangible assets ratio, and asset turnover. There is no significant change in capital expenditure. Stock returns after the listing events are generally negative for ADR and foreign IPO stocks. More significantly, these stocks under-perform the market in the post-event window ranging from 3 days to 3 years.  相似文献   

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