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一位设计大师曾说:服装与艺术及生活结合得如此紧密,以至于任何艺术上的革新或社会动荡都会给服装带来新的表现手法。确实,服装设计师必须认识到这一点,而且对服装的理解不能仅限于设计款式,更要紧跟流行趋势。那么,流行趋势如何运用呢?我们可从流行面料、流行色彩、流行造型三方面来着手。  相似文献   

现代服装发展的明显趋势是其更新周期越来越短,流行化成为服装消费的一个重要特征。世界各发达国家都非常重视对服装流行及其预测的研究,定期发布服装流行趋势以指导生产和消费成为服装产业发达国家和地区的共同举措。随着中国纺织服装消费市场的成熟稳定,流行趋势的发布对产品开发方向以及消费潮流起着更加深远的指导与推动作用。  相似文献   

本文从流行文化和服装配饰的历史与现状入手,分析了服装配饰运用直接展示、突出特征、合理夸张的手段体现流行文化。并提出流行文化促进了服装配饰的发展,提升了服装配饰的价值。二者相互促进、相互影响。  相似文献   

服装流行即是在一定的时间、空间范围内,服装在某个群体中所形成的主要穿着趋势。流行文化就是流行所导致的衍生物,是包括服装、消费观念、物质文化、生活方式、大众文化等。服装设计会受到流行文化的潜在指导,流行文化决定着服装设计。  相似文献   

通过对石家庄市部分群体服装色彩的调查,分析1998/1999 年石家庄市冬季服装色彩的流行趋势和流行特点,并提出了几条引导流行的相应策略。  相似文献   

服装流行是一种社会现象,是人类社会发展到一定阶段才展现起来的,是物质、精神文明高度发展的产物。服装的流行受多种因素的影响,但其产生与发展却是人们心理欲望的直接反映。这些心理因素包括求异心理、从众心理和模仿心理。研究服装流行的心理因素,有利于服装产业的发展。  相似文献   

本文从较新的角度详细阐述了流行服装以及流行服装生命周期的含义、特点、阶段划分等基本理论问题.  相似文献   

专业服装流行趋势发布再现CHIC3月18日下午,“07/08秋冬中国服装流行趋势发布”隆重举行。在每年一度的CHIC盛会一系列活动中,“07/08秋冬中国服装流行趋势发布”是对中国服装市场消费趋势专业的预测,以引领消费走向。  相似文献   

本文从较新的角度详细阐述了流行服装以及流行服装生命周期的含义、特点、阶段划分等基本理论问题。  相似文献   

中国流行色协会趋势研究员、米皇品牌设计顾问熊怡从针织服装的原料、设计结构、织造方法等方面,对2010年春夏针织服装面料和款式进行分析并预测了流行趋势。她认为,国内2010年春夏针织流行面料以轻薄、飘逸为主,2010年春夏针织服装款式  相似文献   

管理时尚传播过程研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
管理时尚指短时间内大家普遍认为处于管理学发展前沿的某种管理技巧,它们具有操作性强、以偏概全等特点。管理者、企业员工、消费者、社会大众、社会团体以及合作伙伴共同导致了企业对管理时尚的强烈需求,管理权威、商业学校、咨询公司与大众媒体针对这种需求提供了大量的管理时尚,供给与需求形成了管理时尚市场。管理时尚在不同类型的企业内经历了不同的应用阶段。将它们的国内外传播综合考虑,其生命周期曲线将呈现出一种雁形模式。最后,管理时尚的许多特点在输出国与输入国将会表现出巨大差异。  相似文献   

Social media has become one of the major industrial marketing channels for companies. Because of the nature of social media, social media marketing produces a strong branding effect for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the fashion industry. This study contributes to social media analytics research by exploring the interactions between private labels and national brands in fashion social media and investigating how these interactions influence the popularity and subsequent sales of private labels. Our main findings suggest the presence of large national brands has a positive spillover effect on the popularity of private labels in fashion social media and ultimately influences sales of private label products. The results add to our understanding of the impact of Business-to-Business (B2B) social media marketing on brand competition in the fashion industry.  相似文献   

本文主要研究传媒对服饰流行的影响。具体分析时尚杂志对服饰流行的导向作用,以及畅销书籍、热播影视作品、明星穿着打扮、流行音乐、外来文化及个人审美对服饰流行的影响。进一步阐明了这些因素与服饰流行之间的内在联系。  相似文献   

服装广告是服装企业为宣传自己的品牌、服装产品、营销方式等而进行的一系列的宣传性活动,广告在服装品牌的创建与发展中发挥了重要的传播作用。本文详细分析了我国品牌服装广告的现状,并从媒体组合、公共关系和终端展示三个方面对服装广告的发展策略进行了论述,希望给中国的服装企业提供参考。  相似文献   

Market Orientation (MO) was originally introduced with a reflective second-order scale, but much recent research has conceptualized MO as a formative second-order construct. However, either the reflective or the formative approach to measuring MO may have issues that obscure relationships between both the individual dimensions and their relationships with other variables. Thus, the current research disaggregates the MO construct into three sub-constructs in an effort to explore relationships between the three dimensions of MO and its implementation process within the firm. The proposed Market Intelligence Implementation Process (MIIP) model suggests both a direct path from intelligence generation to responsiveness and an indirect path through a company-wide focus on dissemination. The process model suggests that firms may select two distinctly different paths to responsiveness when applying market intelligence. Explicating this dual process model allows us to understand how firm characteristics impact the process of MO through the individual elements. If the three sub-constructs do not vary in concert with each other, researchers cannot simply conclude that a firm characteristic (i.e., centralization or international experience) positively or negatively impacts MO's relationship to important marketing variables. The results indicate that for centralized and experienced firms, a high level of intelligence dissemination may actually hinder responsiveness. However, in decentralized and inexperienced firms, high levels of dissemination are linked to increased responsiveness. Using conditional process modeling, our study disaggregates the temporally distinct process of MO to reveal internal relationships among its dimensions. The current research also shows that the mediation of intelligence dissemination on the link between intelligence generation and responsiveness depends on the firm's levels of both centralization and international experience.  相似文献   

The term ‘Videotex’ has recently been adopted internationally to describe some of the simple, low- cost electronic means of ‘publishing’ text and graphics. The technology is expected to become widely available in the next five years. The author reviews the key technical and managerial issues and options involved in Videotex (otherwise known as ‘viewdata’) and in a wider range of text- dissemination systems. He offers a tentative assessment of the economic significance of these new media. Public policy implications are discussed: these include questions relating to regulation, editorial control, advertising standards, competition, and other issues. The distinctive industry structure in the USA presents special difficulties and opportunities.  相似文献   

Crisis communication has attained increased importance for communicators, especially in the modern agricultural sector, with each crisis creating a demand for communication that is responsive and problem-specific. This demand is related to the desire for social acceptance, which also constitutes an essential part of an organization’s activity. Our purpose in this study is to identify appropriate response strategies for the hypothetical case of a transport accident involving genetically modified organisms (GMOs). To answer the research question, we conducted 14 semi-structured interviews with experts in communication, crisis communication, and internet communication, or with individuals who had contact with crisis management when an incident with GMOs occurred. We had the interviews audio recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed. We based the analysis on a qualitative content analysis, which we structured in the manner of Kuckartz's (2016) study. Regarding the GMO scenario presented, the findings show that crisis management constitutes an essential precondition for successful crisis communication. Due to the increasing use of online media, especially social media, dissemination and exchange of information happens very fast. In line with this, the interviews indicate that one must put the primary emphasis on crisis preparedness, especially on developing a crisis manual that provides a structure for crisis response, thus enabling a quick response. We also highlight the significance of using online media because of its ability to rapidly disseminate information. Furthermore, we found that responding with emotional messages was important, as it might help stakeholders deal with their uncertainty in a way that would not negatively affect the organization’s reputation.  相似文献   

The Effect of IT and Co-location on Knowledge Dissemination   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Due to the increasing globalization of businesses, new ideas for innovation need to be disseminated rapidly both within and across different departments and divisions. Frequently, ideas and information are dispersed over globally distributed organizations or team members. As a result, the exchange of knowledge has become not only very important for innovation but also highly complex. To facilitate this knowledge exchange, electronically mediated interactions are growing rapidly, replacing traditional face‐to‐face communications. However, literature provides contradicting results regarding the effectiveness of computer‐mediated communication (CMC) versus face‐to‐face communication. This study attempts to reconcile differences in the literature on the benefits of CMC technologies and co‐location. Focusing on knowledge dissemination in technology development processes in high‐technology firms, the study investigates the relative impact of CMC technologies and co‐location of research and development (R&D) staff, as well as the mutual interaction between them. The present article hypothesizes that CMC technologies and co‐location of R&D staff have a positive impact on knowledge dissemination. Further, it is hypothesized that it is more favorable to co‐locate R&D staff than to invest in CMC technologies and that the effects of co‐location and CMC interact negatively. These hypotheses are tested using empirical data collected from 277 high‐technology firms in the United States, and the results are generalized by conducting the same test on data from 125 high‐technology firms in the Netherlands. Tests are conducted in a real‐world setting, differing from previous comparative studies that mainly used laboratory experiments. Empirical results support the main effects of CMC technologies and co‐location of R&D staff on knowledge dissemination. Other empirical results contradict conventional wisdom. Investing in CMC technologies is found to be favorable over co‐locating R&D staff for knowledge dissemination. Moreover, the two communication channels strengthen each other. The discussion section presents the contours of a firm‐level theory on communication infrastructures and knowledge dissemination, focusing on the scope and the heterogeneity of knowledge dissemination, which may explain these initially surprising results. From the arguments it follows that the choice for investment in co‐location or CMC technologies depends on the scope of knowledge dissemination that has to be facilitated. Furthermore, the conclusion is made that effective knowledge dissemination requires a balanced investment in co‐location and information technologies to be able to deal with the heterogeneous but interdependent types of knowledge dissemination.  相似文献   

Knowledge dissemination is of crucial importance for the strategic planning in new product development. Many new ideas stem from recombination of previously successful, disseminated actions, and knowledge dissemination offers a clear overview of market needs, technology developments, and competitors' actions. Moreover, in dynamic environments, where strategic planning has to be added by some kind of improvisation, knowledge dissemination leads to a high quality of improvisation. It leads to a quick awareness of external or internal surprises, gives an opportunity to learn quickly from the past, and compensates for a coordination mechanism instead of planning. The dissemination of knowledge does not always happen spontaneously. Especially, people with a technical background often are highly individualistic and do not disseminate knowledge naturally. So, this must be fostered by the organization. In management research, particularly on technology and innovation management, many facilitating factors have been identified that enhance communication. Intuitively, they also would seem useful in enhancing knowledge dissemination; however, these factors have not been tested empirically for this specific use. Research on knowledge and its management has not given much attention to the way knowledge in an organization is disseminated and the factors that can facilitate it. If such factors are mentioned, they are not tested empirically and their relative impact is not addressed. In this study we identified 17 important factors in enhancing knowledge dissemination and validated 10 of these factors empirically and determined their relative impact. We focused on technological knowledge in new product development—not on the project level but on the level of the strategic business unit. The field research comprised three parts. In the first step, we conducted in‐depth interviews with research and development (R&D) managers and their supervisors to select the most important potential facilitating factors. In the second step, in‐depth interviews with senior executives, information technology (IT) officers, and R&D experts were conducted to determine whether the constructs regarding knowledge dissemination and the potential facilitating factors had face validity. Finally, the potential factors were tested empirically in 277 U.S. high‐technology firms at the strategic business unit (SBU) level. It was our intention to examine potential factors beyond the level of the particular project, so we looked for antecedents in an SBU environment with a longer‐term impact. Our results indicate that individual commitment to the firm is very important to facilitate knowledge dissemination as well as organizational crises and risk‐taking behavior. Individual commitment was found to have the greatest impact on the level of knowledge dissemination, followed by organizational crisis and risk‐taking behavior. It is thus up to management to find new ways to control individual commitment. More research, however, is required to better understand the ways by which managerial interventions stimulates knowledge dissemination.  相似文献   

通过分析探讨服装表演中所要展示的服装美、舞蹈美表达形式,提出将舞蹈的节奏与韵律与服装的设计创意、服装款式、服装材质和服装色彩等充分融合的观点,以期服装表演的完美展示和舞蹈元素在服装表演中的更大程度融入。  相似文献   

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