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With more trade disputes emerging, there are more communications and cooperations between Chinese and US governments, chambers of commerce, and enterprises.  相似文献   

“No domestic textile enterprises will be bankrupted though threatened by the lost of some overseas market because domestic market potential is quite large.”  相似文献   

China and the USA have decided to start up the third round of negotiation on the textile issue in the recent future. Maybe there is some activesignificance to start up this round of negotiation in such an occasion, for China's central bank has launched a reform on the RMB exchange rate in July and appreciated RMB for 2%. In the meantime, Huo Jianguo, head of the Department of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce, revealed that the trade surplus with the USA is expected to exceed US$90 billion this year. Wang Zihong, Head of Division of Economic Research, Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Science, gave his answers on the question when interviewed by China's Foreign Trade.  相似文献   

"The network will foster new relationship between US and Chinese small and mediumsize companies in 14 key business centers, generating new opportunities for US SMEs in the China market and prosperity for both our great nations, " said Tim Hauser.  相似文献   

The visits by Chinese Kuomintang (KMT) Party Chairman Lien Chan and People First Party (PFP) Chairman James Soong from Taiwan to the mainland during the end of April and the early days of May can be regarded as fruitful and have won the focused attention from all of the world. The two visits not only end a 60-year of isolation, but also mark the first step toward a new era of the cross-Straits relations.  相似文献   

In 2003,the trade volume of China and Canada has surpassed US$10 billion, increased 27% compared to the same period of the previous year, among which there were US$5.63 mil-lion exported to Canada and US$4.37 million imported from Canada.In February 5, the economic department of Consultant to Toronto has organized a buffet of Chinese Businessmen Association. Consul General, Ms. Chen Xiaoling, has addressed New Year messages and invited Commercial Counselor of Chinese Embassy in Canada, Mr. Liu  相似文献   

Belarus is an important trade partner of China. In January, a Belarus trade delegation, headed by Uldimir N. Bobrov, President of the Belarus Chamber of Commerce, visited China, and signed a series of agreements for economic and trade cooperation with CCPIT. When interviewed by China's Foreign Trade, he stressed that Belarus was ready to strengthen its commitment to comprehensive cooperation with China in many spheres.  相似文献   

The third round of Sino-US textile ne gotiation has been launched sinceAugust 16. On the eve of the negotiation, China's Foreign Trade exclusively interviewed Bruce W. Blakeman, Special Counsel to the US Secretary of Commerce.  相似文献   

US-China Business Council, has constructed a“ platform of systematic cooperation “for the exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese and American industrial and business circles.  相似文献   

The Ministry of Commerce of China(MOFCOM)begins warning on overscas technical trade barriers against China‘s exports and foreign antidumping in China while vowing to enhance countermeasures.  相似文献   

China hopes to improve its communications with the United States and European Union as textile manufacturers in both economies have expressed great concerns since the abolition of textile trade quotas on January 1.  相似文献   

Dialogue between China and U.S. is various in channels, among which Sino-U.S. Strategir,Economic Dialogue paves way for a smoothly-going and long-term cooperation in bilateral relations.The dialogue focuses on bilateral and global strategic economic issues of common interests and concerns.  相似文献   

Mr. Tozzoli, a three-time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in promoting world peace through international trade. He is also Chairman of TradeCard Inc., WTCA Services Inc., WTCA Offshore Holdings and WTCA Affinity Services Ltd.  相似文献   

The First Manufacturers‘ Agents National As sociation (MANA) Trade Mission visited Beijing and Shanghai in January 2003. Spon soring this event was the first co-operation between MANA and China Council tor the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). The Trade Mission was a large-scale conference undertaken by Global Business Information Corp., who was a company of CCPIT.Helen Degli-Angli, Vice-Chairperson of MANA, was  相似文献   

According to the latest report from Ministry of Commerce, the contribution rate of China to the growth of global goods trade was expected to be up to 12% in 2004, up 0.3% compared with 2003, becoming main driving force of world trade growth.In the first 11 months of 2004, China's foreign trade topped a trillion US dollars, up 36.5% compared with the same period of 2003. It was estimated  相似文献   

陈自由 《中国工商》2005,(6):169-170
4月4日,美国纺织品协议执行委员会(CITA)正式宣布对3类中国纺织品进口发起“特保”调查;随后,美国纺织品与服装行业6日再次向美国政府提出诉求,要求政府对14种中国产品重新实施进口配额。同一天,欧盟委员会又公布了对中国纺织服装类产品实施“特保”措施的方针,明确了欧盟肩动纺织品“特保”措施的必要条件、相关程序和相应措施。人们备感惊诧:刚刚进入后配额时代才3个月,全球纺织业“特保”调查何以暗潮汹涌?  相似文献   

劳工标准:贸易保护主义的新威胁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乌拉圭回合谈判结束后,发展中国家面临着新的压力和进一步的挑战。劳工标准问题是发达国家同发展中国家之间争议最大和最为复杂的问题之一。劳工标准的提出,实际上是一些发达国家用高关税办法来对付发展中国家低劳动成本产品进口的竞争所寻求的借口,以达到贸易保护的目的。我国已被一些发达国家列入所谓低工资高竞争的名单内,从,而可能成为劳工标准的主要审查对象。为了挫败这一新的贸易保护主义企图,我们应该进一步认识和了解《劳工标准:贸易保护主义的新威胁》,制定有关的对策。  相似文献   

贸易保护主义的新趋势及我国面临的挑战与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 贸易保护主义并未因乌拉圭回合带来的贸易自由化的强化而退潮,反而可能随着国际竞争的日趋激烈而更趋猖撅,并假借“多边的”、“环保的”、“人权的”和“技术的”各种外衣而出现。由于我国的特殊性及西方国家对华政策的特殊政治图谋等原因,西方国家会更多地采取反倾销、环保、劳工标准、知识产权和市场准入等手段对我国施加压力和贸易限制。面对十分严峻的挑战,我国应从“外交”和“内政”两方面着手,苦练“外功”与“内功”。  相似文献   

The G20 summit started on April 2, in London. Twenty of the most financially powerful countries in the world met to discuss the global recession, and the problems and responses both individually and collectively. Representatives from China also ioined the group. One of the popular topics for discussion is trade protectionism.  相似文献   

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