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孙晓谦 《北方经贸》2004,(10):102-104
世界旅游组织曾为黑龙江省的旅游资源定位为"冬季冰雪"和"夏季清凉"两大世界.黑龙江省冬季的"冰雪世界"早已饮誉中外,但对黑龙江的夏季人们却知之甚少.其实黑龙江的森林、草原、江河湖泊,到处都是休闲避暑的好地方.为了让更多的人了解黑龙江的夏季,我们应该努力开创夏季旅游品牌产品,树立"黑龙江-中国旅游‘酷'省"形象,将黑龙江打造成国内首选的夏季避暑胜地.  相似文献   

孙欣 《北方经贸》2022,(6):10-12
我国成功举办2022年冬奥会,向世界展示了冰雪运动的发展成就,受到全世界超过20亿人的关注。黑龙江省是中国冰雪大省,黑龙江运动员是冬奥会上的夺金主力,黑龙江也是我国重要的冬季旅游目的地。在后冬奥时代,冰雪产业发展环境有了新变化,黑龙江省做好冰雪产业整体规划,推动冰雪产业从“单一粗放”步入“高质量发展”,对促进我省经济结构调整、满足人民群众对美好生活的需求有着重大意义。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,黑龙江省旅游业发展迅速,正呈现良好的发展态势。世界旅游组织专家把黑龙江旅游形象定位为:黑龙江——中国旅游COOL(酷)省。这是黑龙江凉爽怡人的气候,独特神奇的生态旅游资源,时尚浪漫的旅游产品和独具地域民族特色的人文景观的高度概括。具体解读为:"黑龙江——春季活力世界,夏季清凉世界,秋季多彩世界,冬季冰雪世界"。然而经过20多年艰苦努力,黑龙江"冰城夏都"的美誉业已蜚声中外,其他季节尤  相似文献   

近一段时间以来,我国冰雪项目旅游事业发展迅速,尤其是黑龙江省,在发展旅游业中,逐渐将冰雪项目旅游事业作为其旅游经济产业发展的重要组成部分。黑龙江以独特的地理特色,固有的自然风光,成为国内外游客冬季旅游的目的地之一。但我们仍要看到黑龙江省冰雪旅游还存在着特色单一、冰雪旅游产品开发深度不够、文化内涵不突出、管理和营销水平低下等问题,导致黑龙江省的冰雪旅客客源市场被分化,市场竞争力不足,吸引力下降的现象。因此,应加大宣传促销力度,全力打造冰雪旅游品牌,提高冰雪旅游科技含量,继续深挖冰雪旅游特色,完善对旅游业从业人员的培养制度,进而使黑龙江冰雪旅游长盛不衰。  相似文献   

黑龙江省城市社区冰雪旅游资源开发路径探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江省独特的冰雪资源优势,加上丰富的个性化、私人订制的特色旅游更加吸引全国乃至世界的目光。优质冰雪是黑龙江省的独特资源,对标“全域旅游”,黑龙江省的冰雪旅游产品走在了全国前列,具有比较优势。但城市社区的冰雪旅游资源则是全域旅游资源的重要组成部分,黑龙江省城市社区冰雪旅游资源的开发和利用要转变观念,调动全社会参与的积极性;构建具有黑龙江省特色的社区冰雪旅游文化体系;融入高科技元素,打造冰雪旅游特色品牌;发挥社会组织、自治组织作用,吸引旅游人群。  相似文献   

近年来,随着国内外市场竞争日益激烈,黑龙江冰雪旅游产业受到严重的挑战。如何通过创新,不断提高黑龙江冰雪旅游产业的竞争力,在激烈的市场竞争中继续保持领先地位,是黑龙江冰雪旅游产业急需解决的问题。本文从产业融合的视角,利用波特的钻石理论模型,分析得出,通过推动冰雪旅游产业与相关产业的融合,有利于提升冰雪旅游产业的竞争力,并提出了放松政府管制、促进生产要素融合、加强需求引导、构建产业集群以及培育旅游企业集团等促进冰雪旅游产业融合、提升黑龙江省冰雪旅游产业竞争力的对策。  相似文献   

三亿人上冰雪,十四亿人迎冬奥2021中国冰雪旅游发展线上论坛打造冰雪旅游首选目的地本刊讯(编辑付晓)论坛首次发布“十大冰雪经典”、“十大冰雪时尚”标杆。哈尔滨市的大雪时节采头冰(黑龙江哈尔滨)、冰灯游园会(黑龙江哈尔滨)、元宵围火滚冰(黑龙江木兰)入围“十大冰雪经典”。同时上榜的还有松江赏雾凇(吉林省吉林)、断桥赏残雪...  相似文献   

仲跻强 《北方经贸》2023,(6):4-5+37
2022年北京冬奥会的成功举办,以及中国社会经济的飞速发展,冰雪体育产业成为我国经济发展的焦点。黑龙江省是我国冰雪体育旅游强省,具有丰富的冰雪自然资源,是我国最早开展冰雪体育旅游的省份,以“冰天雪地,也是金山银山”的政策理念,发展黑龙江省冰雪体育旅游产业从而实现“带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”,发展冰雪体育旅游产业是推动黑龙江省经济增长的驱动力。  相似文献   

体育冰雪旅游资源探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>旅游资源是自然界和人类社会凡能对旅游者产生吸引力,可以为旅游业开发利用,并可产生经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的各种事物和因素。我国体育冰雪旅游在黑龙江省率先起步,1996年第3届亚洲冬季运动会在黑龙江省的成功举行,有力促进了黑龙江省体育冰雪旅游产业的发展。  相似文献   

浅析发展黑河冰雪旅游的优势及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冰雪旅游是当今世界继海洋生态游、森林生态游之后,最受世人欢迎的生态旅游项目之一,它集健身与娱乐为一体,融神奇与浪漫为一体,以其特有的神奇魅力吸引着成千上万的游人。据旅游部门的统计资料,目前,全世界共有标准滑雪场6000多个,仅法国滑雪旅游年收入就高达200亿美元。黑龙江省2002—2003年冬季接待滑雪旅游者达80万人次,冬季旅游突破1000万人次。作为冷资源的冰雪产生了“热”效应,昔日皑皑白雪正在变成财源  相似文献   

成都自古即有“天府”和“天府之国”之称,其最初得名略晚于关中,以后取代关中,这已成千古定论。根据苏秦、张良、诸葛亮之定义,所谓“天府”和“天府之国”,必须具有“四塞之国”、“沃野千里”、“天子之都”三个标准。后来太原、北京、沈阳、汪淮以南、闽中等地先后有“天府”之称,但均因缺乏其中一条或多条标准而够不上“天府”和“天府之国”之称谓,也自然为历史所淘汰。目前在成都未丧失上述条件前,来开展评选“新天府”活动则毫无意义。  相似文献   

Currently, online retailers evaluate whether chatbots—software programs that interact with users using natural languages—could improve their customers' satisfaction. In a retail context, chatbots allow humans to pose shopping-related questions and receive answers in natural language without waiting for a salesperson or using other automated communication forms. However, until now, it has been unclear which customers accept this new communication form and which factors determine their acceptance. In this paper, we contrast the well-known technology acceptance model (TAM) with the lesser known uses and gratifications (U&G) theory, applying both approaches to measure the acceptance of the text-based “Emma” chatbot by its target segment. “Emma” was developed for the prepurchase phase of online fashion retailing and integrated into Facebook Messenger by the major German online retailer Zalando. Data were collected from 205 German Millennial respondents in a usability study. The results show that both utilitarian factors such as “authenticity of conversation” and “perceived usefulness,” as well as hedonic factors such as “perceived enjoyment”, positively influence the acceptance of “Emma”. However, privacy concerns and the immaturity of the technology had a negative effect on usage intention and frequency. The predictive power of both models was similar, showing little deviation, but U&G gives alternative insights into the customers’ motivation to use “Emma” compared to the TAM.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of “One Belt & One Road” as an exogenous policy shock on the utilisation of foreign capital in China in the short term. Based on provincial panel data for the years 2003–15, the empirical study is conducted with difference‐in‐differences design. The first difference is whether a province is an OBOR province, and the second is whether “One Belt & One Road” initiative has been proposed. The empirical results suggest the utilisation of foreign capital in OBOR provinces has decreased significantly compared to non‐OBOR provinces after the initiative has been proposed. The study has further shown that the OBOR construction not only means factor movements and projects but also stands for policy shock. Its impact on utilisation of foreign capital cannot be simply captured by the commonly quantifiable “going global” indicators, namely outward direct investment, overseas contracted projects or overseas labour services. The negative impact of the initiative on foreign capital utilisation is strongly reflected in the OBOR provinces with low levels of economic development, heavy fiscal burdens and high proportions of state‐owned economy. In the short term, the negative impact of the initiative on foreign capital utilisation may be due to its role in resource competition and signal delivering. The former means that the OBOR initiative may induce resource competition between “going global” and “bringing in,” and the latter suggests that this initiative is likely to be regarded as a “signal” by foreign investors that “going global,” not “bringing in,” has become the priority of the government.  相似文献   

The literature on political risks (and opportunities) in international business has expanded far beyond its initial preoccupation with expropriation and instability in “third world,” developing countries. The literature has thus become more concerned with other types of government policies and with political conditions in “first world” and “second world” countries as well. In those respects, the literature has developed analytically and become of more widespread relevance to managerial issues in international business. This article reviews the topical coverage of the political risk literature of international business, and in addition it considers key analytical issues concerning the levels of analysis, theoretical content, and analytical methods that have been evident, as well as those that have been neglected. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the hottest buzzwords in today's global corporate environment is “sustainability.” But long before the topic became “cool,” it was on the mind and on the agenda of Costa Rica's president, José María Figueres. In this well‐thought‐out article, Figueres maps the route that he forged for Costa Rica's future as a developing country leveraging its resources into a model of sustainable development for Latin American emerging economies. Using concrete examples, he explains the thought leadership behind projects that have moved Costa Rica into the forefront of countries doing well by also doing good. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(1):37-50
A decade ago, we published an article in Business Horizons about the challenges and opportunities of social media with a call to action: “Users of the world, unite!” To celebrate its anniversary, we look at artificial intelligence and the need to create the rules necessary for peaceful coexistence between humanity and AI. Hence, we now are urging: “Rulers of the world, unite!” In this article, we outline six debates surrounding AI in areas like artificial superintelligence, geographical progress, and robotics; in doing so, we shed light on what is fact and what is utopia. Then, using the PESTEL framework, we talk about the six dilemmas of AI and its potential threat and use. Finally, we provide six directions on the future of AI regarding its requirements and expectations, looking at enforcement, employment, ethics, education, entente, and evolution. Understanding AI’s potential future will enable governments, corporations, and societies at large (i.e., the rulers of this world) to prepare for its challenges and opportunities. This way, we can avoid a scenario in which we return in 10 years to write the article: “Dreamers of the world, unite!”  相似文献   

Dance is an integral part of culture, as is consumption. However, there is a paucity of published research regarding the effect of dance on consumption. In particular, studies on how black social dance in commercials depicts culturally defining racial tensions and stereotypes, and its effect on Euro American consumption are scant. Consequently, qualitative research was employed to survey and interview a small group of Euro American respondents. A Diet Pepsi commercial served as the research text. A consuming value system reinforced the association of the dance with consumption of individual identity as cool; fractured conformity away from the defining macro social structure; and provided for resistive self and community identities. Three contributions result from the research. First, an alternative way of seeking knowledge through dance theory demonstrated dance's value for consumer's lives. Second, Holt's 2004 work was built upon. The dance demonstrated cultural myth recreation in a “macro dance” performed in the “micro dance” of everyday life. Third, ethnographic dance premises were extended and served as the research framework.  相似文献   

“亚洲间贸易”论的局限性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
“亚洲间贸易”论1984年由日本经济史家杉原薰提出,受到了日本国内外学术界的高度关注。本文试图以该理论与旧日本帝国主义的关系作为切入口,探讨该理论可能具有的局限性。研究结果表明,将该理论追溯到20世纪30年代是有疑问的。在该年代,不仅整个亚洲间贸易已经发生了根本性的性质转变,而且由于中国受到日本帝国主义入侵的影响,也改变了其在亚洲间贸易中的战略地位。为克服这一理论缺陷,本文强调了在日本帝国主义时代背景下进行分析和研究的必要性。  相似文献   


Hall (1976) argued that “Culture is communication and communication is culture” (p. 169). Because cultures are dynamic, they are subject to change due to a variety of influences, and while cultural change is usually slow and takes years or sometimes generations to materialize, the authors believe the new media technologies may shorten this time of change. The purpose of this report is to examine the cultural orientation of the Arab world and the communication styles used there as they relate to advertising persuasion and compare it to that of the United States. The results suggested the some changes in the well-known Arabic culture may be taking place.  相似文献   

胡俊翔 《浙商》2020,(6):64-69,8
揭秘《条例》起草始末依法保护和促进民营企业健康发展,浙江在地方立法上先行一步。但即使是走在市场经济最前端的浙江,迈出这先行一步的过程也隐藏着政府部门之间不断的沟通与博弈。  相似文献   

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