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We examine the relationships among alcohol prices, consumption, and traffic fatalities using data across U.S. states from 1982 to 2000. Some previous studies have found large, negative associations between alcohol taxes and fatalities. However, commonly used price data suggest little or no connection between alcohol prices and fatalities. These apparently conflicting findings may result from measurement error and/or endogeneity in the price data, which biases ordinary least squares estimators toward a finding of no price effects. Using alcohol taxes as instrumental variables, fatalities are found to be negatively related to prices. In addition, alcohol consumption is strongly positively related to fatalities. However, biases may still remain, because taxes are not entirely suitable as instruments.  相似文献   

This article investigates the association between alcohol consumption and labor market outcomes in Russia, using data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS). It estimates cross-sectional and fixed effects models of the impacts of alcohol consumption on employment and wages for males and females using three different measures of drinking. The cross-sectional findings indicate that alcohol consumption has an inverse U-shaped impact on employment and wages for females. The impact on males appears to be positive but the inverse-U shape is less pronounced. Once the unobserved individual heterogeneity is accounted for using fixed effects, alcohol consumption is found to have no significant effect on employment for either males or females. The fixed effect wage models indicate that alcohol consumption has a small, positive, but linear impact on the wage rate for both males and females. Models including fixed effects generate estimates that are smaller in magnitude compared with those of cross-sectional models. The findings are robust to several diagnostic checks.  相似文献   

政府消费、居民消费与广东经济增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王朝晖  王成进   《华东经济管理》2010,24(12):33-37
我国的二元经济结构以及市场化程度不高的特征使得研究政府消费、居民消费中农业居民消费与非农业居民消费对经济增长的不同影响更具现实意义。作为改革开放的试验田和国内最大、最有活力的经济体,以及藏富于民的发展模式,广东的发展实践为我们的研究提供了一个鲜活的材料。文章通过检验广东省1978—2008年政府消费、居民消费与经济增长的关系发现:广东的经济增长对居民消费具有直接的因果关系,而居民消费并不是经济增长的直接原因;非农业居民消费对经济增长的影响作用最大,农业居民消费对非农业居民消费和经济增长具有反向的冲击作用;政府消费对居民消费和经济增长的作用正在不断增强。文章分析了这一现象的原因.并给出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

唐煜  高昊 《改革》2012,(8):123-132
针对煤炭消费强度高、煤炭消费弹性系数高、煤炭能源生产和消费区域错位等重要的安全问题,构建我国煤炭消费安全度量体系,运用主成分分析法实证分析1995~2010年我国煤炭消费安全状况。保障我国煤炭消费安全,应构建煤炭能源安全评价体系,以煤炭深加工为主提高煤炭产业技术创新能力,树立节能减排和绿色经济理念,充分发挥煤炭行业协会等中介组织的桥梁和纽带作用。  相似文献   

175 中国高度     
谨此记录三峡工程成功蓄水175米历史性时刻谨此献给为三峡工程作出巨大奉献的百万移民This Is to Record the Historic Moment When the ThreeGorges Project Successfully Retains Water of175m  相似文献   

10月份,规模以上工业增加值同比增长13.1%,比9月份回落0.2个百分点;1~10月份,规模以上工业增加值同比增长16.1%,比1~9月份回落0.2个百分点. 2010年10月,中国制造业采购经理指数(PMI)为54.7%,高于上月0.9个百分点.  相似文献   

消费管理与关系营销   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
客户资源是企业重要的资源之一 ,消费管理就是对这种资源进行有效地开发。消费管理是指通过对消费者进行消费教育和消费引导 ,组织消费者系列化。通过消费管理形成关系营销网络 ,使企业与消费者的关系更加密切和稳固 ,从而提高企业的营销效率 ,节省营销成本 ,降低营销风险  相似文献   

Conclusion Nominal interest payments that come as a compensation for a fall in the real value of monetary assets can hardly be counted as income, if that variable is to have economic content. In spite of this obvious fact, and in a time when consumers are quite often modeled as being extremely rational, most econometric studies still use the disposable income data as if they were a good approximation of an economically meaningful variable even in times of inflation. Both theoretical and empirical work indicate that this is not the case. Perhaps the fact that the empirical work performed also has remarkably good prediction properties will help make econometricians think more carefully about the economic content of the data series they use.  相似文献   

城市若没有他们及他们的艺术,城市就将失去灵魂,失去光泽,从而失去生命……而重庆是幸运的,她因为拥有了众多的艺术家而拥  相似文献   

尹雪 《走向世界》2009,(8):34-35
当一缕阳光透过窗户照在脸庞,当一丝轻柔的海风迎面而来,这个崭新的春天就开始了它美丽的序幕.在青春盎然的三月,女人们脱下臃肿的外套,摆脱禁锢身躯的枷锁,在快乐和激情中开始了一年的美丽大计.  相似文献   

中国居民的储蓄倾向长期保持在较高的水平而且还有进一步增加的趋势。具体来说,中国城市居民的平均消费倾向由1997年的86%已经下降至2006年的81%。面对这一现象,学术界给出了很多解释。在这里,我们试图从收入差距解释中国居民日益下降的消费趋向。  相似文献   

梁纪尧  董长瑞 《山东经济》2006,22(1):13-16,20
消费占国民收入的三分之二,是拉动经济增长的重要动力之一,因此消费的重要性也就不言而喻了。自凯恩斯提出绝对收入假说以来,对于消费问题的研究可谓百花齐放、百家争鸣。广大经济工作者从不同的角度针对不同重点对消费进行了深入研究,创立了不同学说,对消费理论作出了不同贡献,为实际经济工作提供了理论指导。基于为扩大内需、刺激消费的政策寻求理论上的借鉴,本文通过建立模型、科学测算经济变量、实证研究分析了前期消费、暂时收入与现期消费的关系,在本文研究的范围内得出现期消费主要取决于前期消费的结诊。  相似文献   

灵蓝 《走向世界》2012,(4):68-70
中国人对酒始终怀有一种特殊的感情,从古至今,酒一直是庆典、祭祀、表达尊崇、抒发情感的最好载体,于是,一部中华文明史,处处飘溢着浓郁的酒香。翻开酒史,不得不提到"兰陵"。在历史中对于兰陵酒的着墨最负盛名的当数诗仙李白的诗:"兰陵美酒郁金香,玉碗盛来琥珀光。但使主人能醉客,不知何处  相似文献   

政府支出与居民消费:消费倾斜渠道与资源撤出渠道   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
申琳  马丹 《世界经济》2007,30(11):73-79
政府支出主要通过两个渠道影响居民消费:消费倾斜渠道和资源撤出渠道。本文分别对1978~2005年期间中国政府支出影响居民消费的两个渠道进行经验分析,并考察中国政府支出通过以上两个渠道对居民消费产生的综合影响。经验结果表明,中国人均政府支出增加通过消费倾斜渠道促使人均居民消费上升,而通过资源撤出渠道导致人均居民消费下降;综合来看,中国人均政府支出增加通过两种渠道最终导致人均居民消费下降。也就是说,中国人均政府支出与人均居民消费之间存在长期替代关系。  相似文献   

在国内外需求明显好转的情况下,1~2月份,规模以上工业增加值同比增长20.7%,比上年同期加快16.9个百分点,比2009年12月份加快2.2个百分点,增速水平已基本恢复到危机前的水平。工业企业产品销售率为97.2%,比上年同期提高0.1个百  相似文献   

While consumption has moved to centre stage in accounts of Britain's industrialization, evidence on the mass transformation of homes and expenditure on novelty is hard to reconcile with the poor living standards experienced by many working people. Part of the conundrum arises from the limitations of available probate evidence, but the motivational drivers behind raised consumption can also be questioned. Was it changed tastes or falling prices because of improved technology which prompted the purchase of new goods? Utilizing evidence from an alternative source, property stolen through housebreaking and burglary as reported in the Old Bailey Papers and Proceedings for 1750–1821, we identify those goods that were commonly stolen as the fashion icons of their day, trace such goods back to their original owners, thus linking ownership and status, and through analysis over time show how consumption evolved. This analysis incorporates the influence of price and real incomes on ownership, allowing the influence of price and fashion on consumption patterns to be identified separately. The findings show that, in addition to price and income effects, fashion had a strong influence, but this was not just emulation; differentiation too was evident. The evidence points to a complex interplay between desires and differentiation, aspiration and affordability, in determining the goods that people possessed.  相似文献   

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