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This path-analytic study examined the relationships among channel members’ perceptions of dimensions representing channel leader behavior, channel conflict and satisfaction. In doing so, the path-goal theory of leadership is tested in a franchise channel of distribution. The results indicate that both the consideration and the initiating structure dimensions of leader behavior significantly influence franchisees’ satisfaction with the franchise arrangement. As defined in the theory, these relationships were found to be mediated by the existing level of conflict being experienced by franchisees. Causal linkages are also found between intrachannel conflict and satisfaction. Specific recommendations are provided to franchisors and other channel leaders.  相似文献   

信息不对称、异质性交易与企业资本结构的决定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在将信息不对称划分为内部人和外部人之间以及知情交易者和非知情交易者之间的基础上,借鉴金融市场微观结构和财务学的相关理论成果测度这两类信息不对称,使用中国上市公司的数据,考察了这两类信息不对称与企业资本结构的关系。结果表明,两类信息不对称程度越高,杠杆水平越低;前者对杠杆的影响程度在小公司中更强,而后者对杠杆的作用效果在大公司中更强。此外,股权分置改革在某种程度上降低了前者的影响程度,而提升了后者的作用效果。这表明,我国资本市场的主要问题可能已由原先的内部人和外部人之间的利益冲突,转变为知情投资者和非知情投资者之间的利益冲突。  相似文献   

解决零供冲突对理顺零售商与供应商的关系、完善供应链管理、维护零供双方以及消费者的利益有着重要的现实意义。零供冲突具体表现为低、中、高三个层次,高层次营销领域内的冲突才是零供冲突最终的表现形式和真正的发展趋势。零供冲突产生的原因主要包括零售商牢牢掌控零售终端,供应商在销售渠道建设方面力不从心、产品缺乏差异性、长期“寄人篱下”并利用零售商卖场“做广告”以及品类管理与品牌管理所产生的冲突等方面。供应商应加强产品创新、以品牌力量为导向强化市场推广、组成联盟对抗零售商、自建销售渠道摆脱对零售商的依赖以及与零售商共同商定合理的供应链利益分配比例,有效化解零供冲突。  相似文献   

It is generally argued that channel conflict should not be unmanaged. However, the actual practice of handling conflict remains a problem. This article discusses Channel Development as a fresh approach to channel management.  相似文献   

近年国内学界从多个视角对农产品渠道交易关系、成本与效率等问题进行了广泛研究,但对现实中普遍存在并导致农产品流通绩效低下的渠道冲突问题却鲜有关注。鸡蛋的流通环节多且效率低,渠道关系不稳定,因而对其流通渠道冲突的分析能较好地反映农产品流通中普遍存在的渠道冲突问题。对河南省焦作市红壳鸡蛋流通渠道冲突路径的深入研究表明:渠道冲突已严重影响了养殖户收入的增长,而信息不对称和农产品流通渠道权力的严重失衡是导致这一现象的关键原因。为此,需要对渠道冲突问题进行综合治理。  相似文献   

价值本质、价值源泉和价值尺度是价值论的三个基本问题,它们决定价值论的性质,并通过价值论决定经济学的性质。古典政治经济学对这三个问题的回答有两种路线,逐渐演化出两种对立的价值论和经济学体系。两种经济学在理论和实践中的隔阂和对立使价值论以不同的方式退出了经济学的研究范围。中国建设社会主义与市场经济的社会实践对两种经济学的融合与突破提出了迫切需要,也提供了现实条件,这就要求对价值论展开广泛深入的研究。  相似文献   

利益冲突被认为是信用评级机构失去中立性和丧失预警功能的重要原因之一,从现有的信用评级机构的运行模式来看,利益冲突广泛存在于信用评级机构和评级分析师两个层面。次贷危机发生之后,美国的监管部门不断地修改现有法律,并发布一些监管条例,试图控制利益冲突对评级结果的影响。信用评级机构也通过内部规则和程序治理利益冲突。  相似文献   

作为一种大规模制度变迁,转型向学者们提出了许多难题:转型的目标是什么?转型的最优顺序应该怎样?转型的动力机制有哪些?本文对上述问题的相关文献进行了概括,并对已有转型理论进行扩展和深化.  相似文献   

货币政策区域效应产生机制的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了非最优货币区之内货币政策传导机制的差异对货币政策区域效应的影响,分析了利率渠道、信贷渠道、信用渠道和汇率渠道。利率渠道强调利率的区域差异会带来政策效果的差异;信贷和信用渠道分别从银行和企业的角度讨论了贷款的可获得性对货币政策的影响;汇率渠道和利率渠道的作用机理类似,与经济的外向度密切相关。  相似文献   

从资源保存理论出发,结合工作嵌入和工作-家庭冲突理论,构建了新生代员工工作嵌入对建言行为影响机制的模型。通过336份配对样本数据,考察了新生代员工的工作嵌入与工作-家庭冲突、建言行为的关系,工作-家庭冲突在工作嵌入与建言行为之间的中介作用,以及主管支持的调节作用。研究发现,新生代员工的工作嵌入正向影响自身工作建言和非自身工作建言,负向影响工作-家庭冲突;工作-家庭冲突中介了新生代员工工作嵌入与自身工作建言和非自身工作建言的关系,主管支持在新生代员工工作嵌入与工作-家庭冲突和自身工作建言的关系中均起到调节作用。研究结果对企业有效管理新生代员工,减少新生代员工工作-家庭冲突、激励新生代员工建言献策具有指导意义。  相似文献   

在渠道管理中,渠道控制理论和关系管理理论是共存的。有效地综合运用这两种理论,就能更好地进行渠道管理。要使渠道得到长期的发展,必须实现渠道的循环反馈机制,不断改进渠道管理。  相似文献   

庇古和科斯的规制理论在观点上有着明显的冲突.庇古认为,由于外部性等原因,部分产品的边际私人纯产值与边际社会纯产值并不相等,因此政府必须界入进行管制,对外部性产品收取庇古税;科斯则认为,产权不清才是外部性成本的原因,由此提出了只要明确产权市场就能良好运行的科斯定理.科斯在庇古的基础上拓展了外部性规制理论,但"科斯定理"并不能超越和替代"庇古税".  相似文献   

“直接适用的法”是当今国际私法领域较为前沿的一个课题,它最早产生于欧洲,作为一种突破传统的法律选择方法,它有其独特的内在结构和性质特征,并以之与冲突规范、准据法和公共秩序保留相区别。  相似文献   

以对外贸易对一国产业结构的影响为分析对象,在对已有的理论进行阐述的基础上,分别从理论以及模型两方面对这一问题进行了定性分析,并根据我国的实际情况利用OLS进行了定量分析。从分析的结果中得出我国对外贸易对产业结构升级均有影响,并基于当前的国际环境,对我国的产业结构调整提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

当今汇率理论研究对于人民币汇率运动轨迹难以科学诠释,实际问题解释力很差的情况仍未改变。本文认为,基于经济和金融的复杂性,人民币汇率论争在现阶段和可预期的未来不会只有一个简单的答案。从科学发展观来看,人民币汇率改革首先受国内经济、制度和市场发育等因素影响,要考虑选择期内中国所处的国际环境和具备的经济、政治、社会条件,并在充分分析各种因素正负两方面影响的基础上,以维护和促进本国利益最大化为前提加以理性选择。  相似文献   

Cooperative advertising plays a strategically important role in marketing programs. In this paper, we use a game theoretical model to study not only cooperative advertising but also pricing strategy in a manufacturer—e-retailer supply chain with the consideration of product categories. First, two cooperative advertising models (the leader-follower Stackelberg and the strategic alliance) are established and analyzed. We then compare the two models to develop some important theories and managerial insights. Furthermore, we utilize a bargaining model to implement profit sharing and determine the manufacturer’s participation rate for cooperative advertising in the channel coordination of strategic alliance. Based on our results, we derive optimal market strategies and identify probable paths of future research.  相似文献   

我国社会管理体制改革的路径探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今我国处于经济转轨、社会转型的特殊时期,社会矛盾纷繁复杂,凸显我国现行的社会管理体制的不完善,建设社会主义和谐社会迫切要求进行社会管理体制的改革.而对我国目前现行的社会管理体制进行改革是一种全方位的改革,应进行包括社会管理的主体、社会管理方式、社会管理手段及社会矛盾化解机制等内容的全面变革.  相似文献   

By examining only dysfunctional conflict and ignoring functional conflict, empirical research in marketing has presented only part of the story. This research offers the first systematic look at the antecedents and consequences of both functionaland dysfunctional conflict in intraorganiational relationships. The authors develop and empirically test a causal model for key organizational antecedents of new product strategy quality and market performance. They find that dysfunctional conflict in the decision-making process has deleterious consequences for quality of strategy and market performance, whereas functional conflict improves both quality of strategy and performance. Specifically, organizational design characteristics such as formalization, interdepartmental interconnectedness, low communication barriers, and team spirit improve new product performance by enhancing functional conflict, whereas centralization and high communication barriers lower new product performance by increasing dysfunctional conflict. A post hoc test for common method bias or variance suggests that bias or variance alone cannot explain these findings. His general research interests focus on strategic issues relating to internal relationships, market learning, and organizational context of marketing strategy. His research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Advertising, andJournal of Services Marketing, among others. His general research interests focus on strategic issues relating to relationship marketing, firm performance, sustainable competitive advantage, timing of market entry, and information technology. His past research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Services Marketing, andMarketing Education Review, among others. His research interests are in the areas of marketing research methods, structural equations modeling, cellular automata theories and methods, and Taoist methodologies for marketing strategy. His research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, andJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, among others.  相似文献   

目前。国内学者多用新公共管理运动中的企业家政府理论和新公共服务理论作为政府再造以及职能设置的理论依托.但是这二者又存在一定的抵触。针对我国后税费时代乡镇政府职能设置的现状,从多元公共行政观的视角出发,从政治、管理和法律这三个领域来重塑乡镇政府职能,目的是把我国的乡镇政府打造为兼具“小而能”特征的有效政府。  相似文献   

Physical Distribution (PD) while given a great deal of attention in the marketing literature during the past decade, has not been examined explicitly in terms of how it interfaces with channel management. Yet an understanding of PD-channel management interfaces is necessary if the marketer is to play a role in shaping the firm's PD strategy so that it is more likely to foster channel member cooperation rather than conflict. PD interfaces with channel management in at least four areas: (1) defining channel member service standards, (2) making sure a proposed PD program meets these standards, (3) the selling of the program to the channel members, and (4) monitoring the program once instituted to determine if it contributes to fostering channel member cooperation. Regardless of how the manufacturer treats the PD function from the stand-point of his own internal organization structure, there is no escaping these PD-channel management interfaces. Consequently, the marketer who is concerned with the channels aspects of the manufacturer's overall marketing strategy has an important role to play in influencing the firm's PD strategy so that it helps to enhance channel member cooperation.  相似文献   

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