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近年来,广西专利年中请量呈现快速增长态势,2009年专利申请量4000多件,广西累计专利申请总量20000多件.与此形成鲜明对比的是广西专利实施许可备案登记的数量仅为127件,广西专利实施转化率没有呈现"水涨船高"的趋势.然而,创新成功的关键在于将自主创新的成果转化为生产力,因此有必要针对广西专利实施转化现状及其存在问题进行分析研究,并对此提出一些建议.  相似文献   

专利代理人为发明人提供专利事务咨询,办理专利申请相关事宜,其执业水平的高低对专利申请质量、发明人合法权益以及智力成果转化具有重要影响。文章介绍了广西专利代理人才需求现状,阐述了现阶段广西专利代理人才培养情况,分析了广西专利代理人才队伍建设工作存在的问题,并提出了相应措施及建议。  相似文献   

专利代理人为发明人提供专利事务咨询,办理专利申请相关事宜,其执业水平的高低对专利申请质量、发明人合法权益以及智力成果转化具有重要影响。文章介绍了广西专利代理人才需求现状,阐述了现阶段广西专利代理人才培养情况,分析了广西专利代理人才队伍建设工作存在的问题,并提出了相应措施及建议。  相似文献   

据国家知识产权统计数据显示,2011年,宁波全市专利申请量突破4.5万件,授权量突破3.5万件,专利授权总量在全国15个副省级城市中仅次于深圳。其中,授权发明专利量出现较大幅度增加,授权发明专利1625件,相比上年同期增长34.4%。据了解,随着知识产权战略的深入实施,近几年来宁波专利申请量和授权量不断攀升,2006年到2011年,全市专利授权总量累计突破10万件,合计达到103120件,占1985年我国专利法实施以来累计总量的81.6%。截至2011年底,全市专利授权总量已达到126379件。从科学技术是第一生产力的提出,到以创新型国家为目标的党的十七大报告号召。有必要对专利法在把劳动密集型企业转化为技术密集型企业的过程中所发挥的作用及两者关系作一阐述。  相似文献   

文章对IncoPat专利数据库收录的广西医疗器械产业相关专利数据进行挖掘、分析,并从专利申请—公开的年度趋势、专利技术功效趋势、IPC国际专利分类、申请地域、申请人等角度,分析广西医疗器械产业的技术创新、产品创新、专利布局等发展态势。研究发现,自2016年以来,广西医疗器械产业进入快速发展时期,专利申请量大幅攀升,从专利申请量排名前10名中有8名来自医院的情况来看,说明广西医疗器械产业正在形成以医院应用和需求为导向的技术创新发展态势,尚未形成以企业为主体的技术创新体系,产业同质化竞争突出,专利技术及相关产品大多处于产业中低端,核心竞争力不强,需要政府引导企业加大创新投入,建立以企业为主体的技术创新体系;支持设区市树立错位发展理念,加强科技项目攻关规划布局;加快医疗器械科技成果转化,进一步优化医疗器械产品注册审评流程,促进广西医疗器械产业高质量发展。  相似文献   

我国专利法实施10年了,申请专利的项目已达到46万件,而专利实施率不到30%,就是说有大量的技术申请专利后搁置不用,这是什么原因?请看中国专利局专利工作管理部胡佐超部长就此发表的意见。问:我国专利法已实施10年了,累计受理专利申请51万件,已授权26万件。在大力提倡科技成果尽快转化成现实生产力的今天,人们会很自然地想到专利实施率。那么实施率是什么概念?在统计专利实施率中又存在哪些问题呢?胡部长:所谓实施率,是指在已有的专利申请技术中有多少件《立业技术开友))1996年第4实施了,更确切地讲是指申请量与实施星之比…  相似文献   

专利产出最终目的是实施产业化和转化成生产力。当前,广西专利技术实施和产业化还存在转化难、转化率低、转化效果不佳等问题。文章针对广西实施专利转化工作所面临的问题,提出了广西专利转化平台构建方案和功能设计。  相似文献   

专利产出最终目的是实施产业化和转化成生产力。当前,广西专利技术实施和产业化还存在转化难、转化率低、转化效果不佳等问题。文章针对广西实施专利转化工作所面临的问题,提出了广西专利转化平台构建方案和功能设计。  相似文献   

为破解大量PCT国际专利申请不进行实际海外布局的问题,文章以PCT国际专利申请分析为基础,采用统计分析法、比较分析法等,从产业视角开展PCT国际专利申请与广西相关产业出口统计数据、资助政策等的关联性研究。研究结果表明:广西相关产业利用国际制度进行国外专利申请布局的能力较弱;广西PCT国际专利申请存在技术创新实力、海外专利布局能力与产业发展、相关产业商品出口不协调的“两张皮”问题;在广西PCT国际专利申请中,有近60%的法律状态处于进入国家阶段PCT有效期满的案件,未到海外进行相关专利布局,推测广西政府的相关资助收益大于PCT国际专利申请支出是导致“两张皮”问题的原因。基于研究结果发现,提出“优化考核评价体系,建立以PCT国际专利申请结合其海外布局数量为核心指标的政府绩效考评体系和专利价值评价体系”等对策和建议。  相似文献   

日前,世界知识产权组织公布了2011年全球专利申请情况,中国企业中兴通讯凭借2826件国际专利一举超越日本松下的2463件,跃居全球企业国际专利申请量第一位。  相似文献   

The question whether patenting impacts patenting firms' subsequent financial performance is important for technology-oriented companies. However, relevant research has led to contradictory results. We strive to overcome this impasse by introducing innovation competition and patent age as moderators of patents' performance contribution into the discourse. Based on a sample of 975 cases from diverse industries, we find strong support for our arguments. In line with our expectations, the results show that the number of patents granted, the degree of patent competition, and the timeliness of a patent contribute positively to financial performance. Moderation analysis nuances our findings by showing that the impact of patent protection on financial performance is stronger when the patent competition is stronger and the patents are younger.These findings provide insights into the conditions under which patenting leads to higher financial performance. Our findings highlight the importance of innovation competition and patent age for innovation research. The empirical results show firms that patenting pays and that, in order to tap the full potential of patents, they need to focus on emerging competing industries and reduce the time to market. Policy makers learn that patenting is a successful approach to foster innovation at limited social costs.  相似文献   

The effective patent life of all pharmaceutical New Chemical Entities registered in Sweden was investigated for the period 1965-88. Three-year moving average effective patent life was 12.3 years in the beginning of the period, while by the end of the period it had decreased to 8.3 years. If we exclude the increase in the nominal patent term which accompanied Sweden's entry into the European Patent Convention, the effective patent life decreases over the period by over 3 months per year. This coincides with the results of similar studies in other countries. If European research-oriented Pharmaceuticals companies are to maintain their international long-term competitiveness, patent term restoration measures appear to be urgently needed.  相似文献   

An Empirical Look at Software Patents   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Software patents have grown rapidly in number and now comprise 15% of all patents. They are acquired primarily by large manufacturing firms in industries known for strategic patenting; only 5% belong to software publishers. The very large increase in software patent propensity over time is not adequately explained by changes in R&D investments, employment of computer programmers, or productivity growth. The residual increase in software patent propensity is consistent with a sizeable increase in the cost effectiveness of software patents during the 1990s, perhaps arising from changes in the application of patent law to computer software.  相似文献   

区域性专利促进体系的构建是区域政府实施国家知识产权战略的有效手段。区域政府应当依据专利制度的原理,全面考虑专利技术创造、专利成果应用和专利信息流通等方面的需要,通过一系列政策措施来构建高效运作的专利促进体系。  相似文献   

Legal changes in the patentability of software since the mid 1990s have resulted in a substantial increase in the number of patents on software inventions. We focus here on the impact of transactions costs associated with patent "thickets" on new entrants' interactions with the capital markets. Using data on the financing of entrants into 27 narrowly defined software markets, we show that start-up software companies operating in markets characterized by denser patent thickets saw their initial acquisition of VC funding delayed relative to firms in markets less affected by patents after the mid 1990s. The relationship between patent thickets and subsequent financing activity such as IPO or acquisition is more complex, but there is weak evidence that firms without patents became less likely to go public if they operated in a market characterized by patent thickets. Firms with patents are more likely to be funded or experience a liquidity event. However, the application for a patent appears to matter more than its grant.  相似文献   

Technological innovation depends on knowledge developed by scientific research. The number of citations made in patents to the scientific literature has been suggested as an indicator of this process of transfer of knowledge from science to technology. We provide an intersectoral insight into this indicator, by breaking down patent citations into a sector-to-sector matrix of knowledge flows. We then propose a method to analyze this matrix and construct various indicators of science intensity of sectors, and the pervasiveness of knowledge flows. Our results indicate that the traditional measure of the number of citations to science literature per patent captures important aspects of intersectoral knowledge flows, but that other aspects are not captured. In particular, we show that high science intensity implies that sectors are net suppliers of knowledge in the economic sector, but that science intensity does not say much about pervasiveness of either knowledge use or knowledge supply by sectors. We argue that these results are related to the specific and specialized nature of knowledge.  相似文献   

Evidence of the importance of urban agglomeration and the offsetting effects of congestion are provided in a number of studies of productivity and wages. Little attention has been paid to this evidence in the economic growth literature, where the recent focus is on technological change. We extend the idea of agglomeration and congestion effects to the area of innovation by empirically looking for a nonlinear link between population density and patent activity. A panel data set consisting of observations on 302 USA metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) over a 10-year period from 1990 to 1999 is utilized. Following the patent and R&D literature, models that account for the discreet nature of the dependent variable are employed. Strong evidence is found that agglomeration and congestion are important in explaining the vast differences in patent rates across US cities. The most important reason cities continue to exist, given the dramatic drop in transportation costs for physical goods over the last century, is probably related to the forces of agglomeration as they apply to knowledge spillovers. Therefore, the empirical investigation proposed here is an important part of understanding the viability of urban areas in the future.  相似文献   

Patent statistics have fascinated economists concerned about innovation for a long time. However, fundamental questions remain as to whether or not patent statistics represent the real state of innovation. As Griliches pointed out, substantial questions involve: What aspects of economic activities do patent statistics actually capture? And, what would we like them to measure? He pointed out that these statistics can be a mirage appearing to provide a great number of objective and reliable proxies for innovation.This paper aims to address some of these questions by making a comparative evaluation of the representability of patent statistics in four levels of the innovation process, using as examples research and development (R&D) in Japan's printer and photovoltaic solar cell (PV) industries over the last two decades. Furthermore, this research provides a new set of patent statistics which could be considered a more reliable proxy for innovation.  相似文献   

Without the confidence that patent rights can be enforced quickly and efficiently, when needed, the patent system will not stimulate innovation. For this reason, governments, academics, international institutions and the private sector have poured significant resources into gathering and analysing statistics on patent enforcement over the last two decades. This paper reviews these studies and finds that while infringement is relatively common, much enforcement occurs informally and less than 1–2% of patents incur litigation. New strategic uses of the enforcement system, especially by nonpracticing entities, are the major emerging enforcement issue, especially in the United States. While the old problem of litigation costs attracts the lion's share of empirical attention, it has produced remarkably few solutions to date.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between the main determinants of technological activity and patent applications. To this end, an original panel of 181 international manufacturing firms investing substantial amounts in R&D during the late 1980s has been constructed. The number of patent applications by firms is explained by current and lagged levels of R&D expenditures and technological spillovers. Technological and geographical opportunities are also taken into account as additional determinants. In order to examine this relationship, several econometric models for count panel data are estimated. These models deal with the discrete nature of patents and firm specific unobservables arising from the panel data context. The main findings of the paper are first, a high sensitivity of results to the specification of patent distribution. Second, the estimates of the preferred GMM panel data method suggest decreasing returns to scale in technological activity and finally a positive impact of technological spillovers on firm's own innovation. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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