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作为社会主义市场经济的内在需要和引领机制,中国会展业要想做强,依然任重而道远。目前,会展业向上发展尚存有巨大空间。统计表明,2008年中国会展业总产值约150亿元人民币,占我国GDP总量的0.05%;而全球会展业产值规模约占世界经济总量的0.6%,其比例大约是我们的10倍。世界会展强  相似文献   

刍议品牌与品牌文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有品牌必定有品牌文化,品牌文化是品牌的决定因素。文化与品牌联系密切,品牌的一半是文化,品牌的内涵是文化,品牌以文化来增强品牌附加值。文化支撑着品牌的丰富内涵,品牌展示着其代表的独特文化魅力,文化与品牌相辅相成,相映成辉,纵观成功的企业,都十分重视品牌的文化含量,无不努力挖掘和提升产品的文化内涵。  相似文献   

品牌与文化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
自90年代以来,全球进入品牌国际化的竞争时代,品牌已成为新的国际语言并深入人心。进入新世纪的中国也无可避免地加入这场没有国界和终结的竞争———品牌竞争之中。但在实施品牌战略过程中,许多企业步入了误区。误认为品牌就是名牌,品牌就是产品的知名度。本文通过引证国内外知名品牌,并从文化现象这一独特视角来剖析品牌竞争的文化效应以及实现文化品牌的有效途径。以期帮助企业正确定位品牌战略。  相似文献   

何晨  张琦沛  王莹 《中国市场》2010,(44):30-32
本文关注大学生市场对一些知名品牌间差异的认知,通过品牌联想的方法进行问卷调查,综合数据进行分析,初探部分领先品牌之所以长期保持市场主导地位的内涵要素,验证了领先品牌与追随品牌差异假设——与追随品牌相比,领先品牌在消费者心目中拥有更多的词汇联想数量,更容易激发消费者的正面的、具有一定的特性的联想,为业界和学界在大学生市场进行品牌推广、建立品牌价值模型提供新的视角。  相似文献   

郭融融 《上海商业》2008,(11):34-35
我们通常所说的消费是指对耐用消费品(如汽车,照相机.电视)以及非耐用消费品(食品、饮料)的需求而通过购买的形式而获得的一种社会活动。在这样的一种过程中.商品的价值主要体现在以下两个方面:首先是物质消费。即当我们口渴的时候我们需要水来解渴.我们感到饥饿的时候.需要购买食物来充饥。这是一种满足我们实际和基本需要的消费,是可见的。同时这也是马斯洛人类需求层次理论最低端的表达方式。  相似文献   

宝洁公司始创于1837年,目前是世界上最大的日用消费品公司。1988年宝洁公司正式进入中国。十七年来,宝洁奉行“亲近生活,美化生活”的企业宗旨。生产出了众多质量一流、深受消费喜爱的产品。宝洁的飘柔、海飞丝、潘婷、舒肤佳、玉兰油、护舒宝、碧浪、汰溃和佳洁士等已经成为家喻户晓的品牌。  相似文献   

企业与企业之间的竞争,其核心就是品牌之间的竞争。中华民族要振兴,一定要有自己优秀企业的品牌,它是一个国家实力的象征。品牌文化是品牌的标志和灵魂,品牌文化的构建和形成与企业文化密切关联,企业文化的定位直接影响到品牌文化的战略策划和制定。  相似文献   

韦华伟 《品牌》2005,(12):21-22
<正> 企业文化与品牌文化的核心含义不同企业文化是企业形成的共同遵守的价值观、信念和行为方式的总和,重点是企业价值观、企业理念和行为方式的塑造,是企业生产与发展的指导思想。品牌文化则以品牌个性、精神的塑造和推广为核心,使品牌具备文化特征和人文内涵,重点是通过各种策略和活动使消费者认同品  相似文献   

王胜  董蓉 《品牌》2005,(3):44-45
对比明清时期,晋商称雄国内商界五个多世纪,雄踞徽商、粤商等十大商帮之首的辉煌,当代晋商却在中国经济发展大潮中落伍了,与沿海经济发达地区相比,山西的经济明显滞后了。为传承晋商文化,重振晋商雄风,推动山西经济的发展,山西省委宣传部、山西省委统战部、山西省工商业联合会联合举办"晋商国际论坛"。以期共同研讨晋商文化,传播晋商精神,探索当代晋商落伍于时代的缘由和未来发展的趋向。本刊特别采访了发起人之一的山西省工商联会长边鸣涛。  相似文献   

Brand relationships through brand reputation and brand tribalism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The academic research on branding of consumer products and services is increasingly considering the degree of connectedness between consumers and brands as a key issue of investigation. The literature in this area investigates the nature and the strength of the relationship that consumers develop with brands, as well as the trend of joining brand tribes or brand communities in order to demonstrate and share with others their feelings towards and preference to brands. However, the impact of the overall perceptions of the brands in the form of its reputation and brand tribalism on brand relationships is so far unexplored in the existing literature. Using data collected from 912 respondents, this paper explores the importance of the long term brand reputation and brand tribalism on the strength of brand relationships. The findings suggest that brand tribalism is a better predictor of the strength of brand relationships than the long term brand reputation itself.  相似文献   

Historically, measures of brand value have focused on brand awareness, customer brand equity and measured brand loyalty. While useful, these generally provide little visibility for the future of the brand. A new measure, brand sustainability, is proposed, described and illustrated. Drawing on over 1 million responses to online customer questionnaires, over a 10-year period, covering brands in 73 FMCG product categories, we create, illustrate and demonstrate a brand sustainability measure. That measure consists of brand share of preference, a calculation of their average annual growth rate. That is then compared to the consumer-stated no brand preference in that category. Net promoter scores are used to support those calculations. Findings show that manufacturer brands are challenged, not by private label, but by no brand preference in the category. Research suggestions are made on how to develop and use brand sustainability and the impact of that measure on future brand growth and development.  相似文献   

The impact of hotel names on the evaluation of the hotels by customers prior to their stay was investigated. In general, hotels were rated higher on attributes consistent with the semantic associations of the name than on inconsistent attributes. This name effect was somewhat reduced—but still strong—when actual feature information was given, when consumers were explicitly told that the hotels bearing different names had exactly the same features, when consumers were provided with testimonials from former hotel guests, when consumers were informed that the name had changed in the past or would change in the future, and when the actual features were in with the image evoked by the name. The results corroborate the widely accepted assertion that consumers use brand names as diagnostic and legitimate search attributes. Most notably, the findings imply that the effects are robust and resistant to elimination. Four hundred clients of a travel agency participated in this research. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Consumers act and interact via social media networks and online brand communities, collectively generating brand culture. In this context, organisations have the opportunity to develop a cultural following. The respective task for brand managers and marketers is to understand how consumers collectively generate online brand culture? Using active and overt netnography and investigating the specific context of the Behance Network, the findings presented here demonstrate that online brand community members collectively generate brand culture in variant ways: through construction of self, emotional relationships, storytelling and ritualistic practices. Pragmatically, this work demonstrates that online brand community members are curators of online brand culture and netnography offers a window through which to identify what actions and interactions need to be facilitated and fostered.  相似文献   

忽视斯耐波品牌文化的桂格公司,遭到了滑铁卢式的惨败。1993年,桂格公司以高于可口可乐及其他竞争对手的价格,投入17亿美元的价格收购了天然饮料品牌斯耐波。但是由于经营不利,1997年桂格仅以3亿美元的价格,又把斯耐波卖给了另  相似文献   

Two important benefits of brand equity have largely been assumed in most previous research: reduced marketing expenditures required to launch brand extensions; and channel participants as an important source of brand equity. Results of a discrete choice experiment with independent retail grocers indicate that brand names influence independent retailers’ probability of listing brand extensions, but their sensitivity to mix elements such as consumer advertising, promotional allowances, and wholesale price, as well as competitors’ listing actions are not influenced by brand names. This means that retailers treat each dollar of consumer advertising or promotional allowance the same, regardless of who is spending it. Manufacturers should not assume that retailers will be less sensitive to other elements of the marketing mix for stronger brands.  相似文献   

This research examines how brand personality (excitement) and logo size used in product design (big versus small) interacts in affecting consumer brand evaluation. We first demonstrate that combining a big logo and a high-excitement brand (versus a small logo combined with a high-excitement brand) leads to high processing fluency, further resulting in more favourable brand evaluation (Study 1). We then determine the consumption situation as a moderator of such an interaction effect: the influence of the big logo and high-excitement-brand combination on brand evaluation is significantly weakened in a private consumption situation (a T-shirt worn at home) compared to a public consumption situation (a T-shirt worn outside, Study 2a), and becomes insignificant for a private product category (slippers, Study 2b).  相似文献   

Brand anthropomorphism has been found to enhance the ability of consumers to recognize the inherent value of brands. However, there is limited knowledge among practitioners on how to build a brand with humanlike characteristics. After a literature review of brand anthropomorphism in general and the theory of warmth and competence in particular, we present the Human Brand Model of how to build a brand that is perceived to be human. There are four steps in this process; the first three indicate the brand inputs and the last indicates the results of those inputs. This model guides brand managers on how to make their brand more human. The use of this model should result in the organization having an excellent brand reputation; stronger, more meaningful relationships with its customers; and improved brand loyalty.  相似文献   

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