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Amazon.com has been through several stages of development: first as a cyber-bookstore, then a cyber-market, and now an Application Service Provider (ASP). I apply the concept of “business ecosystem” to describe the evolution of Amazon.com, and highlight the role of web services in the shaping of its ecosystem. The company plays a central role in the ecosystem, working with a network of partners to bring products and services to customers. By continually trying to improve the health of its ecosystem, Amazon ensures its own survival and prosperity. The mechanisms through which Amazon has created its ecosystem are discussed and ideas for firms looking to create analogous business communities are advanced. Copyright © 2009 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) project management has always been a major concern for firms. Researchers have demonstrated that the different characteristics of a project directly affect project management practices and have suggested that different leadership profiles are better suited to different project conditions. The aim of the proposed model is to aid in the understanding of the relationship between the type of IT project (represented by its sourcing mode) and the leadership profile adopted by a project manager. Using a case approach, we studied four successful IT projects. Our results suggest that projects using a partnership or recuperation sourcing mode require a more flexible profile of management than projects characterized by internal governance or outsourcing, which require a more control‐oriented profile of management. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Factors associated with adopting and resisting mobile banking technologies were investigated among university students in Taiwan. Adoption factors included the belief that mobile banking helps fulfill personal banking needs, provides location-free conveniences, and is cost effective. The primary factors associated with resistance included concerns over system configuration security and basic fees for mobile banking web connections. The theoretical and applied implications of these findings are discussed. Copyright © 2009 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This case study is reflective of the action‐research perspective documents applied in an intervention to manage a crisis during an information technology development project. The aim was to better understand how tools used to solve unstructured problems might help resolve such crises. The development and implementation of an intervention utilizing multiple tools is described. As a result of the intervention, a shared meaning of the crisis emerged among the major stakeholders along with a consensus as to appropriate solutions and action steps. Work on the project resumed to the satisfaction of management. Recommendations for future research are offered. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rao, Metts, and Mora Monge (2003) proposed a stage model to reflect the progression small businesses follow in their use of Internet technology. We extend their work in two ways. We introduce marketing integration into this technology-focused model and further differentiate the transactions stage of the framework. We then use the model to examine differences in the degree of sophistication of websites used by businesses in the Canadian winery sector. Data collection entailed a content analysis on a census of English language Canadian winery websites (N = 206). A supplementary survey was used to distinguish among those sites that were making use of relatively advanced technologies. A multinomial logit analysis was applied to examine a series of research questions based upon our integrated model. Implications of the findings for scholarship and practice are discussed. Copyright © 2009 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As talent management evolves from intuitive to evidence‐based decision‐making, the role of electronic Human Resource Management (eHRM) to gather, distribute, and analyze data becomes more critical. However, surprisingly few academic studies investigate the role of technology in talent management. Drawing on a qualitative case study of talent management in a large professional services firm, this paper critically examines how eHRM information technologies are framed as useful within talent identification discourses. The findings reveal two distinct but interrelated sets of processes employed to identify talent and suggest that the perceived usefulness and centrality of eHRM are influenced by how stakeholders shape their understanding of effective talent management. Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study identifies and addresses an important gap in the nascent literature on big data analytics, using a longitudinal case study to investigate the implementation and application of big data analytics into a small firm specialized in transport logistics. Our research is rooted in Practice Theory, considering the implementation of new technologies in organizations as a result of multiple social negotiations, interpretations, and interactions. Our findings indicate the importance and centrality of human factors in decision-making and operational implementation, technology representing only a means to a clearly specified and collectively assumed objective. Big data analytics adoption and use in the case-study firm represents a gradual process, with each stage justified by the need to solve the problems caused by heavy and unpredictable road traffic. This approach validates the entrepreneurial effectuation model, which defines a firm's strategy as a fragmented but continuous effort to find and implement effective solutions to the market challenges encountered.  相似文献   

Supply chain management is a key element in companies' competitiveness. We surveyed 512 Canadian manufacturers, most of which were small or medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). Our survey was structured around four dimensions of supply change integration, namely: nesting, collaboration, financial incorporation, and distancing. In this paper we describe the use of supply chain management practices and show that their use is dependent on the nature of the business partners (i.e., upstream or downstream positioning of partnership in chain logistics of businesses studied), business field (i.e., sector of activities in which the business operates), and organizational size. Our findings suggest that supply chain practices were used more intensively with clients than with suppliers. They also show that practitioners and scholars need to qualify the concept of integration which is often used in a one‐dimensional perspective. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines the factors that lead employees to endorse or resist the introduction of a new information system (IS). Findings suggest that attitudes toward adopting IS are related to psychological characteristics of the potential adopters, including, open‐mindedness, self‐efficacy, interest in the information and communication technology, and time remaining before retirement. Also figuring prominently in influencing attitudes are the end‐users' perceptions and expectations with respect to project management, IS quality, IS usefulness, and its effects on organizational positions, work organization, performance, skills, jobs, and worker health. Finally, user attitudes also relate to features of change management practices, including leadership, training, support, recognition, communication, and participation. An integrative conceptual model of IS user adoption is proposed and suggestions for future research are offered. Copyright © 2008 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce this special issue by addressing seven key challenges associated with managing hybrid human-automated service systems. These consist of the following:
  • 1 What strategic and tactical issues arise when managing hybrid service systems?
  • 2 How should the core “value proposition” be set?
  • 3 What special considerations arise in the design and implementation phases?
  • 4 How can service delivery be managed to identify systemic problems and to address service breakdowns?
  • 5 How can communications with clients improve the functioning of service systems?
  • 6 What performance measures should be used to monitor process, outputs, client perceptions, and financial outcomes?
  • 7 How can we coordinate the various interdisciplinary activities needed to address the previous six issues?
We consider these challenges after first characterizing the historical evolution of service delivery, reviewing some of the literature in the administrative sciences, and proposing a conceptual framework. Copyright © 2009 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the state and evolution of information systems (IS) research in Canada as reflected in publications of the proceedings of the annual conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada from 1974 to 2007. We present a scientometric analysis of (a) individual and institutional research outputs; (b) differences in three productivity score calculation methods: straight count, equal credit, and author position; (c) study topics; (d) research methods; and (e) use of student samples. Copyright © 2008 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Technology transfer, and its focus on research commercialization, is gaining popularity in all academic fields as a way to better demonstrate universities' external impacts. We conducted a multiple case‐study of three commercialization projects in Organizational Development, Information Technology, and Marketing, which took place in a university business school. We explored to what extent the technology transfer model of commercializing academic outputs could apply in business schools. We also examined its potential value compared to other ways of sharing academic expertise. Although the technology transfer approach appears to work, the three projects exhibited crucial characteristics that markedly differ from traditional technology transfer. Compared to other forms of knowledge uses, what makes research commercialization so attractive is that it is readily observable and traceable. However, it raises some fundamental questions about knowledge production and its use. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although gender discrimination remains a feature of working life in many contexts, research on gender in organizations has shown that workplaces are often constructed as gender neutral. This poses an ideological dilemma for workers: how can they make sense of gender discrimination at work while presenting their workplace as gender neutral? This article explores that dilemma through an analysis of how information communication technology (ICT) workers talk about gender discrimination. Instead of denying gender discrimination, workers acknowledge it can happen but construct it as singular events that happened in the past and they place the onus on women to overcome such obstacles. Navigating the ideological dilemma around gender neutrality and discrimination, interviewees display what the article characterizes as gender fatigue. Copyright © 2009 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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