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Recent changes in the strategies of US airlines have led to a convergence of unit costs between the network legacy carriers and low-cost carriers. We develop a methodology for breaking down operating cost data reported by the airlines and argue that certain cost categories must be excluded to make a valid comparison between the carrier groups. We find significant evidence of convergence in unit costs excluding fuel and transport-related expenses, and labor unit costs in particular. While network legacy carriers have improved cost efficiency through dramatic labor cost reductions and longer stage length flying, low-cost carriers labor unit costs continue to increase as these former new entrant airlines mature.  相似文献   

At a time when the liberalisation of air transport is increasingly being promoted as a means to induce the growth of the tourism business, it is striking that there is little evidence to suggest that such liberalisation has indeed led to a growth in tourism. Furthermore, the evidence is usually restricted to the impacts of sole low-cost airlines on tourist destinations newly served by such airlines. In contrast to various ideological or naïve statements, this paper shows that assessing the relationship between liberalised air markets and trends in tourism is challenging. On the transport side, aviation liberalisation is rarely considered as a dimension that can be measured accurately; similar protected markets are not considered for comparison; and trends in charter flights are neglected. On the tourist side, broad definitions of so-called tourists are usually considered and include immigrants visiting their home country; nights spent are neglected, despite a possible trend in declining length of stay; and substitution between places is usually disregarded, as are the long-term effects.  相似文献   

This paper studies the price effect of de-hubbing, which occurs when an airline ceases hub operations at an airport. We develop a simple theoretical model to study the impact of de-hubbing on prices and quantities of direct flights at the hub airport. Using an event study of seven cases of de-hubbing between 1993 and 2009, we analyze how average airfares change following de-hubbing. Consistent with the theoretical implications, the empirical results suggest that airfares decrease when there is a low-cost carrier presence at the de-hubbed airport, whereas airfares increase when the de-hubbed airport is not serviced by a low-cost carrier.  相似文献   

Low-cost carriers are an increasingly important part of the European aviation industry. Airport choice is a crucial factor in determining their success or failure. While research has been conducted into airport choice factors, their relative rankings have not previously been investigated. This paper addresses this through an exploratory survey of eight European low-cost airlines. The paper finds that demand for low-cost services is the most important choice factor, with aeronautical charges ranked fourth. Further analysis reveals different requirements depending upon airline characteristics. This implies that airport managers need to tailor their service offering to individual low-cost airlines rather than treating the sector uniformly.  相似文献   

The effects of “low cost carriers” (LCCs) such as Southwest Airlines and JetBlue Airways on the competitive landscape of the U.S. airline industry have been thoroughly documented in the academic literature and the popular press. However, the more recent emergence of another distinct airline business model—the “ultra low cost carrier” (ULCC)—has received considerably less attention. By focusing on cost efficiencies and unbundled service offerings, the ULCCs have been able to undercut the fares of both traditional network and low-cost carriers in the markets they serve.In this paper, we conduct an analysis of ULCCs in the U.S. aviation industry and demonstrate how these carriers' business models, costs, and effects on air transportation markets differ from those of the traditional LCCs. We first describe the factors that have enabled ULCCs to achieve a cost advantage over traditional LCCs and network legacy carriers. Then, using econometric models, we examine the effects of ULCC and LCC presence, entry, and exit on base airfares in 3,004 U.S. air transportation markets from 2010 to 2015. We find that in 2015, ULCC presence in a market was associated with market base fares 21% lower than average, as compared to an 8% average reduction for LCC presence. We also find that while ULCC and LCC entry both result in a 14% average reduction in fares one year after entry, ULCCs are three times as likely to abandon a market within two years of entry than are the LCCs. The results suggest that the ULCCs represent a distinct business model from traditional LCCs and that as the ULCCs grow, they will continue to play a unique and increasingly important role in the U.S. airline industry.  相似文献   

In the competitive aviation market as a result of the emergence of low cost carriers, charter airlines have had to reconsider their approach to service provision. Specifically, the reduction in service and comfort levels offered by the low cost airlines provides charter carriers with an opportunity to differentiate their product based on the quality of the offering. To consider this strategic option we employ an on-line choice experiment to examine consumer choices with respect to the bundle of services on offer when deciding to purchase a flight. With these data we use the Bayesian methods to estimate a mixed logit specification. Our results reveal that in principle passengers are willing to pay a relatively large amount for enhanced service quality.  相似文献   

The paper makes uses of cognitive mappings developed from personal interviews with a number of European airline executives to examine the differences in managerial attitudes of low-cost and transitional carriers. In particular it explores the extent to which there is a convergence of views regarding the ways various airline models will develop in the future.  相似文献   

Both the sustainable development of China's economy and the deregulation of the China air transport market have acted as a spur for the halting development of low-cost carriers (LCCs) in China. To analyze the development trends of LCCs' network in China, this paper took Spring Airlines, the only LCC in China as an example. First, the winter flight plans of Spring Airlines from 2005 to 2013 were collected. Secondly, the development trends of air transport network of Spring Airlines were explored with methods of mathematical statistics and social network analysis. Additionally, the development trends were analyzed from the levels of navigable cities, air routes and air transport networks. The results show that although Spring Airlines actively launched air routes between tourist cities with non-class I airports, its network has been transformed from a star structure into a complex one with multi-hubs. The development process of the Spring Airlines network can be separated into three stages. In addition, the problems and evolution trends of its network are discussed further.  相似文献   

In light of the ‘hybridization’ process characterizing airlines' business models, this work contributes to the literature by analyzing the rationale underpinning the decision to introduce connecting flights into the typical point-to-point networks of low-cost carriers (LCCs). By referring to the network of the largest European LCC, Ryanair, we provide evidence on how its new inter-connecting strategy is influenced by market, supply, and leg characteristics. Applying a probit model, results suggest that Ryanair is offering connecting flights on both non-directly offered markets and on markets that it already serves directly. The likelihood to observe a connecting flight increases at higher level of legs' frequency and at lower levels of Ryanair's legs' market share. Eventually, this new connecting strategy is negatively correlated with market distance, routing factor, direct frequency, and Ryanair's current O&D market share.  相似文献   

This paper investigates hub carriers’ airlines-within-airlines (AinA) strategies, intended to establish low-cost divisions offering nonstop flights on rim routes. An initial hub-spoke network is optimal if passenger differentiation between one-stop and nonstop services and via-hub time cost are small. If differentiation is substantial, a mixed one-stop and nonstop (point-to-point) network under AinA is optimal when via-hub time cost is small (large). Low-cost rivals on rim routes weaken AinA adoption and enhance welfare from a monopoly mixed network. In a perfect-substitute case, hub carriers may have excessive incentive to adopt AinA from a welfare viewpoint, especially, when low-cost rivals exist.  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of domestic origin-destination air traffic and fares at the top 200 airports in the US between 1990 and 2008, with a focus on the impacts of low-cost carrier entry and growth. By 2008, 95 of the airports had an aggregate low-cost carrier market share of domestic traffic greater than 20%, up from 27 airports in 1990. Their entry or substantial growth at US airports has had significant impacts on lowering average fares and stimulating passenger volumes. This market stimulation effect has, however, diminished in recent years, as the difference in average fares between carrier types has narrowed and as the number of additional US domestic origin-destination markets able to support their entry has dwindled.  相似文献   

Using a robust transfer function model methodology, the present paper seeks to offer empirical evidence regarding the size and type of effects that low-cost carriers (LCCs) have had on traffic for charter carriers (CCs) in the Spanish airport system by geographic market. We show an unmistakable substitution relationship between CCs and LCCs in the latter's typical niche markets, national and European flights, while there is no reaction from the CCs in the segment of international flights outside the EU. Furthermore, substitution effects are smaller between CCs and LCCs on the domestic level than effects between LCCs and network carriers (NCs) and slightly larger on the European level. Lastly, CC traffic's different sensitivity to terrorist attacks, day of the week, air accidents and the economic crisis is also evident. CCs should therefore be considered an independent category that warrants individualized analyses.  相似文献   

Low cost carriers entered the Serbian air travel market after Serbia joined the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) in 2006, prompting the development of healthy competition among airlines and resulting in significant traffic increase at Belgrade Airport. The aim of this paper is to examine the characteristics of passengers traveling on low-cost carriers (LCC) in comparison with those traveling on traditional airlines by using cluster analysis, and to provide practical implications to airport management in tailoring their strategies to meet growing demand. A comprehensive passenger survey was recently conducted at Belgrade Airport on the routes where competition between traditional and LCC carrier exists. The results reveal that emigrants, primarily encouraged by favorable fares, constitute a substantial portion of LCC passengers. Affordable service offered by LCC has also been a positive stimulus for emigrants, who purchase tickets for their friends and relatives to visit them in their host countries. On the other hand, passengers using traditional airlines could be generally classified into two segments, those who fly on business and those who fly for leisure purposes, and each had specific needs when choosing their airline.  相似文献   

We investigate the factors that affect passenger decisions regarding airline choice. Three Multivariate Probit (MP) models are developed to analyze data for a sample of 853 respondents. This methodology allows for modeling the simultaneous, yet separate, consideration of airline choice determinants. Fare, safety and reliability, and friendly-and-helpful staff during flight are the most important determinants of airline choice. In-flight entertainment and frequent flyer program are considered to be less important. Results clearly depict differences in the significance of these factors among passengers with different socio-demographic and trip characteristics.  相似文献   

Recently, low-cost airline (LCA) companies have become more attractive. However, emerging digital technologies have transformed the passengers’ profiles. Digital competency has become a crucial matter to capture digital passenger expectations. Hence, the purpose of the study is to introduce a new digital competency evaluation (DCE) model. The proposed model comprises technology transformation & implementation, and also transformation & adaptation management dimensions, with ten criteria and thirty sub-criteria. Criteria weights are calculated using the IVIF AHP method. The results show that the most significant dimension is transformation and adaptation management. The most digitally competent airline is selected through the IVIF VIKOR method. A case study concerning the LCAs is conducted in Turkey to verify the validity of the proposed model.  相似文献   

We present a highly structured, online, interactive choice environment containing a large number of alternatives, a search tool that eliminates alternatives that fail specified criteria, and a sort tool. A conceptual framework is developed that links tool usage and preference heterogeneity, and tested in the context of long-haul flight choice. Individuals who sort on price are more price sensitive; individuals who search on certain attributes have a greater marginal (dis)utility for that attribute; and individuals who perform certain non-price searches have a lesser price disutility. The method shows promise as a means for providing a richer picture of preference heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Despite the explosive growth of the Chinese aviation sector and the major industry reforms undertaken in recent decades, the Chinese domestic market remains highly concentrated with a significant element of regulation and governmental control in areas such as market entry and airline fleet planning. In this study, we investigate the frequency strategies and aircraft choices of airlines operating in this concentrated growth market. Our empirical investigation suggests that airlines mainly accommodate rapid traffic growth by flying more frequently, although increased aircraft size also contributes to market expansion. We also find a negative relationship between market concentration and flight frequency. Due to the more balanced market structure resulting from mergers among leading airlines since 2002, there has been a moderate reduction in market concentration at route level, contributing to a 3.7% increase in traffic volume from 2002 to 2008. The results of our study suggest that Chinese travelers have yet to fully enjoy the benefits of market liberalization, and airports should prioritize increasing capacity related to aircraft movements over the accommodation of larger aircraft.  相似文献   

This paper explores the evolution of airport passenger traffic in Greece over the period 1978–2006. The country is a member of the European Common Aviation Area, but despite air transport liberalisation, spatial concentration of traffic and asymmetry remain high and have not decreased significantly over time. Greece is still short of traffic generated by low-cost carriers especially outside the main metropolitan airports. The paper argues that further dispersion of traffic could be possible primarily in the mainland if low-cost carriers decide to dynamically enter the Greek market. Potential benefits for regional and tourism development should induce policy makers to work towards this direction.  相似文献   

The entry of low cost airlines has thrown out a challenge to all airlines to find ways of attracting passengers, through a mix of fare discounting, greater frequency, improved flight times and no-frill's levels of on-board service. These competitive strategies have an impact on cost recovery. As airlines seek business in an increasingly heterogeneous passenger market, a greater understanding of what matters to potential passengers in choosing an airline grows in importance. Traditional studies of passenger airline choice assume that all attributes matter, but some to a lesser extent. What happens to the empirical evidence on willingness to pay when specific attributes are totally ignored by particular passengers? In this paper, we examine the impact of individual-specific attribute processing strategies (APS) on the inclusion/exclusion of attributes on the parameter estimates and behavioural outputs of models of airline service and fare level choice. Modelling practice assumes that whilst respondents may exhibit preference heterogeneity, they employ a homogenous APS with regards to how they process the presence/absence of attributes of stated choice (SC) experiments. We demonstrate how information collected exogenous of the SC experiment on whether respondents either ignored or considered each attribute of the SC task may be used in the estimation process, and how such information may be used to provide outputs that are attribute processing strategies segment specific.  相似文献   

Many new-entrant carriers enjoyed fast growth and by the same token sudden failure, therefore raising interest in the characteristics of their life cycles. The article proposes a different approach to life-cycle analysis of airlines by integrating an ‘evolution path’ based on size classification with a ‘traditional life-cycle path’ that assumes two distinctive routes to failure. On the basis of a survey conducted among managers of new-entrant airlines in Europe and the USA, various factors were identified that showed significant differences between stages of evolution. The findings do support that new-entrant airlines have similar life-cycle characteristics as firms in general.  相似文献   

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