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abstract We propose a framework to understand interpartner legitimacy in strategic alliances. Interpartner legitimacy is the mutual acknowledgment by the alliance partners that their actions are proper in the developmental processes of the alliance. We argue that interpartner legitimacy is needed for cooperation to achieve alliance objectives. We propose three types of interpartner legitimacy – pragmatic, moral, and cognitive legitimacy – and discuss the dynamics of these three types in the formation, operation, and outcome stages of alliance development. Further, we discuss the salience of interpartner legitimacy in different alliance types. Finally, we derive propositions for further research, and discuss strategies that alliance managers can adopt to develop interpartner legitimacy.  相似文献   

文章对20世纪90年代中东欧转轨国家汇率制度选择及其通胀绩效进行了实证考察。结果表明,这些国家在从计划经济向市场经济转轨的过程中,采取了几乎所有的汇率制度类型。对于转轨国家而言,汇率制度选择与通胀之间存在着非常密切的关系。在转轨的初期,通胀的压力和宏观经济的稳定性是政府主要考虑的因素,这些国家的政府都把稳定货币作为制定政策的出发点,汇率制度的选择也是围绕稳定货币进行的。这些国家的实践表明,钉住汇率制度反通胀的绩效要超过浮动汇率制度。  相似文献   

This paper explores the ability of firms to integrate a critical strategic issue, the natural environment, into the strategic planning process within the natural resource-based perspective. Using survey data collected from a wide variety of firms and industries based in the United States, we empirically examined the antecedents and effects of integrating the natural environment into the formal planning process. These data were analysed using structural equation modelling with the LISREL technique. Overall, our data provided strong support for the hypothesized relationships. Specifically, we found that the level of integration of environmental management concerns in the strategic planning process was positively related to financial and environmental performance. Furthermore, we found that the greater the functional coverage and the more resources provided to environmental issues, the greater the integration of environmental issues in the planning process. These results suggest that concern for environmental issues may yield competitive advantages in the marketplace as the natural resource-based perspective suggests  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to clarify the relationship between companies' sustainable behavior and their financial performance (FP), which has been studied for several years without reaching a consensus on the effect and the direction of it. Hypotheses are tested for an unbalanced sample of 1960 multinational non‐financial listed companies from 25 countries and one administrative region for the period between 2002 and 2010. Due to the use of an international database and the differences among countries, it is possible to observe divergence between institutional settings. For this reason, a corporate governance system (Anglo‐Saxon, Germanic, Latin and Asian) is used as characteristic of the macro‐environment. Results obtained via the generalized method of moments estimator allow us to support the existence of a positive bidirectional relationship between corporate social responsibility and FP, evidencing the existence of a synergistic circle. The use of market value indicated that investors are able to identify economic, social and environmental practices generating a positive effect on FP. These relationships differ between corporate governance systems, due to the specific characteristics of each system. Findings are robust for each sustainable sub‐index (society, human rights, environmental and board). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

We conduct two empirical studies to test two hypotheses: (1) rivals' customer satisfaction increases a firm's own customer satisfaction; and (2) rivals' customer satisfaction reduces a firm's sales. Study One uses a panel dataset of annual store‐level customer satisfaction data from a supermarket chain for the periods 1998–2001. Study Two considers a range of industries by using a panel dataset of brand‐level customer satisfaction ratings from the American Customer Satisfaction Index spanning the periods 1994–2003. Results from both studies provide support for our hypotheses. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

人力资本与企业绩效关系的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内外对企业绩效的实证研究主要是研究财务指标与企业绩效的关系,缺少对非财务指标的实证研究特别是人力资本与企业绩效关系的实证研究。本文选取反映人力资本的指标和反映企业绩效的指标,随机选取上市公司的数据进行多元回归分析,结果发现,员工高学历比例和员工专门技术人员比例,与企业绩效存在显著关系。笔者建议,要明确企业绩效与人力资本的关系,重视人力资本的作用,同时要结合行业特点和竞争程度综合考虑企业绩效。  相似文献   

abstract In this article, we use Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and the Resource‐Based View (RBV) of the firm to study outsourcing agreements. We develop an original approach of contract complexity and analyse the links among exchange hazards (i.e. specificity and environmental uncertainty), the contractual aspects of outsourcing (control, incentives, penalties, price and flexibility clauses) and the level of ex post transaction costs. Both contract complexity and ex post transaction costs are operationalized and measured. Our empirical research analyses 82 outsourcing contracts. This article uses three different dimensions (proximity to the core business, switching costs and adaptation costs) to assess the strategic importance of an outsourced activity. Our findings extend TCE's validity for the outsourcing of activities with a strategic value. Finally, this study offers an indirect measurement of ex post transaction costs. In short, to restrict vendor opportunism, contracts must contain incentives and penalties, as well as pricing and monitoring clauses.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Organizational learning, resourcing and control have been identified in the literature as potential firm‐level influences on the performance of international joint ventures (IJVs). The study reported here examines the impact of these factors on the performance of Sino‐foreign IJVs. Their performance is assessed in terms of both ‘goal’ and ‘system’ criteria. The hypothesized performance determinants are found to be more strongly associated with variance in system performance than in goal performance. The main performance predictors are the parent companies’ experience with international business and joint ventures, and the quality of resources they provide to the joint ventures in respect of capital investment, new facilities and operational inputs. When good quality resourcing is provided, the sharing of control with local partners also predicts higher IJV performance. The performance effects of these factors appears to be cumulative, implying that further research should examine them together rather than singularly.  相似文献   

周小庆  李东 《价值工程》2007,26(4):155-157
阐述了托宾Q及其与市场绩效的一般关系,引出本文的假设;然后从财务困境与市场绩效之间的相关性角度,也就是从公司陷入财务困境与市场绩效之间的关系以及影响市场绩效的因素等方面展开,进行实证研究,得出中国的ST公司股价受到公司基本面影响的程度是非常小的,股价更多的是受到其他因素的影响。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of a human resource management (HRM) system, which integrates both content and process of human resource (HR) practices, on organizational performance, through collective employee reactions. The analysis is based on a sample of 1,250 Greek employees working in 133 public‐ and private‐sector organizations, which operate in the present context of severe financial and economic crises. The findings of the structural equation modeling suggest that content and process are two inseparable faces of an HRM system that help to reveal a comprehensive picture of the HRM–organizational performance relationship. Based on the findings that collective employee reactions mediate the HRM content (i.e., organizational performance relationship) and HRM process moderates the HRM content (i.e., employee reactions relationship), the study has several theoretical and practice implications. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

上市公司股权结构与公司绩效实证研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
股权结构与公司绩效之间的关系一直是一个争论的问题。实证研究并未得出一致的结论,本文以我国上市公司为样本,对这一问题进行了经验分析。研究发现,股权结构与公司经理层持股比例并不影响公司绩效,从而得出结论:我国股市低效率的根本原因不在于股权结构,而在于国有股权的不流通。其解决之道应该从源头入手,尽快实现市场化的运行机制。  相似文献   

检验了个体反思在新任领导者学习过程中扮演的角色。构建以角色认同为中介、以培训时间为调节的结构方程模型,同时控制了个体主动行为作为学习的另一种渠道。根据内容分析的方法,对3322份文本材料进行计算机自动编码。研究结果表明:内外部消极体验对个体反思、个体主动性的影响方向相反,并且强度随着培训时间的增加而加强;个体反思、个体主动性与角色认同成正相关关系;角色认同对个体反思与学习行为的关系起部分中介作用;内部消极体验通过反思与角色认同正向影响学习行为。研究结果阐述了不同性质的工作经验对个体学习影响的差异,强调了个体反思对学习行为的影响,识别了角色认同在新任领导者学习中的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract . A technological revolution may be seen as the process when more flexible or warranted technological relations break through destructive forces so decisively that the institutional-technological structure is transformed into what Clarence Ayres called a set of “efficient organizational structures.” Growing flexibility of such relations can lead to broader public access to the means of life This creates conflict because ceremonial forces are expressed through repressive. obstructive and exploitative institutions in technology and science so that there is a greater benefit to those rested powers than to society, and because the vested interests ability to withhold or charge heavily for access to economic opportunity would be reduced. Two processes are at loggerheads: encapsulation vs. liberation. A ‘general trust’ in ‘technology’(used as an euphemism for the anti-consumer business power system) abandons the main thrust of the ceremonial instrumental dichotomy: the scientific-technological process is the social context in which the forces of warranted or warrantable knowledge are expressed through community institutions enlarging accessibility and participation on a peer-to-peer basis. Thus the reconstructed dichotomy is both a coinflict theory and a conflict resolution theory.  相似文献   

王育晓 《价值工程》2011,30(19):111-112
为了深入研究国际软件外包中的知识溢出与创新绩效之间的关系,文章引入吸收能力这一中介变量,通过在全国范围内对169家企业的调研,采用探索性分析法与多元线性回归方法对国际软件外包中知识溢出和创新绩效间的关系进行实证研究。结果表明知识溢出对企业的吸收能力具有正向影响,吸收能力对企业创新绩效具有正向影响;吸收能力在知识溢出与创新绩效之间的关系中扮演部分中介的角色。  相似文献   

abstract    This study provides a longitudinal empirical examination of the basic elements of Nonaka's (1994 ) dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation. First, the data illustrate the notion that knowledge creation in organizations proceeds through an intertwined four-phase process: (1) socialization (tacit knowledge amplification); (2) externalization (tacit knowledge is transformed into explicit knowledge); (3) combination (explicit knowledge amplification); and (4) internalization (explicit knowledge is transformed into tacit knowledge). Second, the study extends Nonaka's theory by comparing the relative amount of intra-organizational knowledge transfer occurring during periods of product redesign with the amount of knowledge transfer occurring during steady-state periods. The questionnaire data suggest that the overall level of knowledge transfer is higher during periods of product redesign than it is during the steady state, whereas the interview data indicate that there were more mentions of knowledge transfer during the steady state. Third, the data suggest that there may be benefit in adding tacit error correction as a fifth phase in the learning cycle. This phase is characterized by a dual emphasis on externalization and internalization. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

To date, studies of wealth effects on consumption have mainly used aggregate wealth definitions on a single‐country basis. This study seeks to break new ground by analysing disaggregated financial wealth in consumption functions for G7 countries. Contrary to earlier empirical work, we find that illiquid financial wealth (i.e. securities, pensions and mortgage debt) tends to be a more important long‐run determinant of consumption than liquid financial wealth. These results imply potential instability in consumption functions employing aggregate wealth. Our results are robust using SURE; when testing with a nested specification; and when using a linear model.  相似文献   

近十几年来,变革型领导理论成为领导理论研究的重点,虽然目前关于变革型领导行为的研究成果颇丰,但对其四个维度的深入研究却比较匮乏。实际上,其四个维度对员工的任务绩效可能会产生不同程度甚至不同方向的影响。因此,分维度来研究变革型领导行为对员工任务绩效的影响很有必要。利用3家河北省企业的样本数据验证研究假设发现,理想化影响、智力激发、个性化关怀与员工任务绩效均显著正相关,鼓舞性激励与员工任务绩效不相关。另外发现,理想化影响和智力激发与员工任务绩效的相关性比诸个性化关怀与之的相关性更显著。  相似文献   

房地产能否增加公司的股票市场价值、提高其收益率和公司的整体赢利能力是公司房地产领域一个很重要的问题。文章采取深圳股票市场非房地产上市公司的股票以及其公司房地产信息,结合三因素模型,对该问题做了实证分析。实证结果表明,公司房地产比率对所有行业整体的平均股票收益率影响并不显著,却对信息技术行业影响显著;同时公司房地产的规模对公司的赢利能力有比较显著的影响。  相似文献   

关于股权集中度与公司业绩关系的实证研究结果呈现出多样性的特点,但现有理论缺乏对这一关系的规范性描述,从而降低了理论研究对企业的现实指导意义。本文对股权集中度与经营业绩关系的函数描述和分析表明:对一个稳定成长的企业而言,在其他因素不变的情况下,存在一个使企业业绩最大的股权集中度;而且企业也可找到一个能达到既定业绩目标的股权集中度;从理论上看,利用观察或一定的实验数据可以给出股权集中度与业绩之间函数关系的逼近表达式。这一研究不仅丰富了股权结构理论,而且对股权结构的设计和国有股减持有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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