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Jared Greenville T. Gordon MacAulay 《The Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics》2006,50(2):207-226
The use of marine protected areas as a fishery management tool has been suggested as a hedge against management failures and variation in harvests. A stochastic bioeconomic model of a hypothetical predator–prey fishery is used to test the performance of protected areas in a fishery with heterogenous environments. Protected areas are analysed under density‐dependent and sink‐source dispersal relationships between the subpopulations that occur within the fishery. Differing management structures governing resource extraction are analysed. The focus of the study is placed on the biological and management characteristics that yield benefits to both fishers and society. It is shown that the establishment of a protected area improves fishery rent and lowers harvest variation. This result is sensitive to both current management controls and the correlation between species and patches. 相似文献
如何开展配额制度的实施工作为我国渔业的可持续发展创造一个良好的制度框架,是近几年来我国相关领域学者们着重研究的一项课题。本文通过分析冰、美、加三国相关配额制度(quota-based management systems),结合我国国情对我国配额制度的选择、配额制度的实施机构、总可捕量的确定、配额分配方式的选择以及配额制度的监督执法给出了自己的观点。 相似文献
渔业生态标签制度的发展与问题 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在如何提高渔业资源可持续利用水平这一国际背景下,FAO倡导创设渔业生态标签并提出了初步设想,随后MSC进一步丰富和发展了这一制度。实践证明,生态标签制度通过市场力量,有助于提高渔业从业者保护渔业资源和环境的意识,因而有助于渔业资源的可持续利用。本文旨在系统介绍渔业生态标签制度的基本理念、发展过程、应用情况及其引发的问题。 相似文献
基于生态系统的渔业管理理论探讨 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
目前,我国海洋渔业资源处于严重的枯竭状态,生态系统日趋退化,有些甚至已丧失了其原有的生态功能。这部分归因于传统渔业管理往往把单一种类列为管理对象,而忽略了生境、捕食者、被捕食者和生态系统等要素间的相互作用和影响。面对这一现实,及时调整管理单元,建构基于生态系统的渔业管理体系,也就显得尤为必要和迫切。作者介绍了基于生态系统的渔业管理的基本概念、目标和指导原则,并就如何改善我国现行渔业管理体系提出了看法。 相似文献
辽宁省海洋渔业发展的瓶颈与对策建议 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
论文在梳理辽宁海洋渔业发展现状与特点的基础上,系统分析了现阶段制约辽宁海洋渔业发展的瓶颈问题,即资源环境的刚性约束、科技创新投入低原动力不足、水产品质量安全存在隐患、产业化程度低结构不合理、生产成本增加熟练工流失。在此基础上,有针对性的提出了解决的对策建议,即加强对海洋渔业资源环境的养护和修复、依靠科技创新调整海洋渔业产业结构和增长方式、加快海洋渔业产业化布局、沿海市县错位发展、提高水产品质量安全水平、扩大水产品出口贸易、加强对发展海洋渔业的管理与服务。 相似文献
Carlos Castillo Jorge Dresdner 《The Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics》2013,57(1):104-122
In this study, we analyse effort optimisation in common rights‐based joint‐stock artisanal fisheries when several objectives are pursued by the authorities and the fleets are heterogeneous. The purpose is to discuss policy options available to the authorities and their implications in terms of trade‐offs between goals. We apply a multi‐objective programming model to the sardine and anchovy artisanal fisheries in central southern Chile. The results suggest that the regulatory system generates inefficient solutions for profit and employment maximisation goals. Moreover, the fleet structure of the artisanal organisations is central for the outcomes obtained by different policy simulations. To improve effort assignment, the authorities should seek to increase flexibility in the system. 相似文献
三峡建坝截流后,重庆境内库区水面广阔,蕴藏着渔业开发的巨大潜力。本文介绍了近年来,库区局部水域渔业开发取得的进展及存在的问题,并提出了应尽快制定库区渔业综合开发规划、加速渔业产业化进程、提高渔业开发技术手段和配套设施建设、加大科技投入等对策与措施 相似文献
海洋生物资源管理是一项相当复杂的任务,其复杂性不仅源于资源和环境本身的不确定性和复杂性,鱼类种群内部、种群之间以及种群与环境之间复杂的相互依赖和相互作用等;也源于人类心理与行为的复杂性,人类知识以及以此为基础所建构的制度的局限性。因此,要确保海洋渔业可持续发展,就不仅需要自然科学的支撑,更需要社会科学的支撑。 相似文献
论上海市渔业经济的发展方向 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
由于天然捕捞资源和养殖水域资源的有限性,近年来,上海市传统渔业的发展步伐放缓,部分指标出现下降态势。在今后的渔业结构调整中,上海市必须结合本市的经济特点,利用科技人才优势,实现传统渔业向现代都市渔业的转变。 相似文献
近年来,随着海水富营养化现象加剧,赤潮在福州海域呈现早发、多发和持续时间长的现象,给福州市海洋环境和渔业生产造成了很大的破坏。因此,对福州的近海海域赤潮灾害进行研究非常有必要。本文记录了福州近7年的赤潮灾害,分析了造成赤潮灾害的损失原因,提出了福州市最好的赤潮防灾减灾方法是预警,以为赤潮防灾减灾工作提供科学依据。 相似文献
Ho Geun Jang Satoshi Yamazaki Eriko Hoshino 《The Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics》2019,63(3):549-574
The management of small pelagic fisheries is difficult due to environmental regime changes that generate multi‐decadal cyclic fluctuations in stock abundance. Lagged management responses to environmental factors can amplify the effects of fishing and may even result in stock collapse. In this paper, we develop an age‐structured bioeconomic model to explore the effectiveness of alternative management approaches for cyclically fluctuating small pelagic fish stocks. The fishery outcomes are evaluated against the overall profit of the fishery and the intertemporal distribution of fishing profits. The model is parameterised for the Japanese sardine fishery, once the largest fishery in Japan, which has experienced a prolonged period of stock collapse over the last 100 years. The results show that the duration of fishery collapse is mostly determined by the extent of cyclic fluctuations in the recruitment of immature sardines, but the effects of the fluctuations on the fishery are heightened by the cumulative impact of fishing. We further show that restricting fishing reduces the fishery’s overall profits, but smooths the intertemporal distribution of profits, resulting in greater intergenerational equity. This income smoothing effect is particularly pronounced when the stock exhibits high levels of cyclic fluctuations. 相似文献
加强鄱阳湖渔业资源管理,实现渔业可持续发展是鄱阳湖生态经济区建设的重要内容。然而,鄱阳湖渔业资源管理是一种典型的“集体行动”,行动个体理性行为的非合作博弈必然导致集体行动的困境,如鄱阳湖渔业资源捕捞面临“公地悲剧”、鄱阳湖资源开发利用深陷“囚徒困境”、鄱阳湖渔业资源管理遭遇“集体行动悖论”。因此,完善体制、明确责任、利盎激励、合理监督、沟通协调、自律管理等制度安排是解决鄱阳湖渔业资源管理遭遇集体行动困境的治理路径。 相似文献
通过对中国水产科学研究院科研单位创新团队建设进行分析研究,论文总结归纳了科技创新团队的通性和特性;结合渔业领域及水产行业人才队伍的特点,探讨了水科院构建科技人员创新团队的主要理念和重要实践,以期为渔业科技创新团队建设提供参考和借鉴。 相似文献
超市的迅速发展,既体现了现代商业的新潮流,也对水产食品的生产、销售提出了新的挑战。作者通过上海水产(集团)总公司组建的配送中心,提出为适应市场经济的需要,水产配送中心发展的方向和应采取的措施。 相似文献