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中国工程机械工业协会工业车辆分会是中国工程机械工业协会的下属分支机构,是由全国从事工业车辆行业的制造、配套、营销企业、以及科研、检测、维修、流通使用单位和大专院校等180多个单位组成的社会团体,是社会团体法人,是跨地区、跨部门的全国性行业组织。工业车辆分会遵照国家的方针、政策、法律和法令,加强对企业的联系、服务和咨询。向政府部门反映企业的要求和愿望,  相似文献   

市场需求进一步加大 2003年是工业车辆行业持续高速发展的一年。在中国加入世贸组织之后,为适应国内外激烈竞争市场的需求,各行业和企业都在加大技术改造的投入,这就为工业车辆行业的发展提供了良好机遇。同时奥运会项目的启动和上海世博会的成功申办,都为工业车辆行业的发  相似文献   

根据中国工程机械工业协会工业车辆分会的统计数据,2010年,中国工业车辆行业取得了重大发展,境内企业共销售机动工业车辆232,409台,相比2009年的138,008台增长了68%。从3月以来连续十个月,月销  相似文献   

进入21世纪后,中国工业车辆行业迎来了长达10年的发展黄金期,产销量快速增长。但是2012年,由于受到国内外经济发展趋缓的共同影响以及行业自身发展规律的作用,中国工业车辆市场出现了全球金融危机后的首个"负增长"。与此同时,随着更多企业进入工业车辆行业,市场竞争愈演愈烈,行业格局也在悄然发生改变。为了在新一轮发展  相似文献   

安徽合力依托国家级企业技术中心,围绕工业车辆、工程机械及关键零部件三大主营业务板块,通过自主创新、自主品牌、自主营销,引领了中国工业车辆行业的产业升级、技术进步和健康发展。  相似文献   

作为物流技术的主要装备,工业车辆产品2003年取得了较大的发展。机动工业车辆共销售45482台(包括内燃叉车、电动步行式仓储车辆、电动乘驾式仓储车辆、电动平衡重乘驾式叉车),比去年同期的32977台增长了38%;非机动工业车辆(包括轻小型半电动工业车辆)共销售941140台,比去年同期的629898台增长了49%。  相似文献   

1.市场状况。工业车辆行业在“十五”期间得到了飞快的发展。2001年销售机动工业车辆25603台,2005年销售机动工业车辆约75000台,增长290%;手动液压托盘搬运车(包括手动叉车)2001年销售466833台,2005年约为150万台,增长321%。  相似文献   

2014年世界工业车辆总销量首次突破100万台,达到历史最好水平。而中国工业车辆行业在国内经济增速放缓、国际局势复杂多变的大背景下,继续保持了稳定的增长,国民经济结构的优化和人民生活水平的提高,企业工作效率提升、机器代替人工、物流规模水平的发展等等原因,使工业车辆的市场需求量不断增加。世界工业车辆市场情况分析来自世界工业车辆统计协会(WITS)的数据显示,2014年世界工业车辆总销量为1063029台,  相似文献   

中国叉车(工业车辆的主要组成部分)行业一片繁荣。一方面,市场需求旺盛。2005、2006、2007叉车销售量连续3年保持30%以上增长。另一方面,叉车企业正在狂飚猛进,新工厂建设如火如荼,叉车产能迅速扩大,有些企业凭借资本实力迅速跨过门槛,分享叉车市场奶酪。  相似文献   

3月6日,工业车辆联盟工作会议在北京召开,欧盟、美国、日本工业车辆协会秘书长与中国工业车辆分会苏恩一秘书长、张洁常务副秘书长出席会议。这是自去年9月工业车辆分会正式加入世界工业车辆大联盟后四个协会间的第一次工作会议。  相似文献   

Researchers have argued that corporate contributions serve as necessitated investments, social currency, or social responsibility efforts. This article integrates and extends these perspectives to develop a view of corporate contributions as managerial masques. It argues that managers use corporate contributions to influence various stakeholders including stockholders, consumers, employees, investors, publics and societal institutions. A strategic framework is used to explore how managers promote managerial and corporate interests through corporate contributions. the societal implications of managers' discretionary uses of corporate contributions are also discussed.  相似文献   

怎样衡量一个企业的成功程度?通过利润吗?这个很难说,有些明明昨天赚钱的,今天却不赚钱,员工多少?土地多少?厂房多少?这些都很难成为一个标准,我想到了三个字:主动性。  相似文献   

Considerations of justice have moved to a central place in planning theory following Susan Fainstein's (2010) eloquent plea to elevate justice to the principal criterion for the evaluation of planning practice. Justice based on this understanding is the object of planningthe normative end that planning practice should strive to achieve. In this essay I explore the implications for planning theory and practice of making justice the subject rather than the object of planning. This formulation places justice at the center of rather than regarding it as the outcome of practice: what is of concern here is planning as the practice of justice rather than the justice of planning practice. The question for planning in this mode shifts from ‘Is this a just outcome?' to ‘What is justice in this situation?'. Based on John Dewey's pragmatist philosophy, this question transcends the dualisms between subject and object, and process and outcome, by understanding outcomes as already formulated (what Dewey called ends‐in‐view) in the process of their production. A planning process that takes justice as its subject is anti‐foundational and contextual rather than universal, anticipatory rather than retrospective, generative of solutions rather than evaluative of outcomes, culturally encompassing rather than project‐delimited, and inclusively democratic rather than expert‐driven. Examples from a variety of sources illustrate the practice of justice as the subject of planning.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of self-governance. Self-governance refers to the capacity of social entities to govern themselves autonomously and, as such, is an important mode of societal governance in modern society. However, the nature of'self-governance'and its actual and potential contribution to societal governance in modern society are not (yet) fully understood. Therefore, two perspectives on self-governance as a mode of societal governance are dis-cussed: a system-oriented perspective thatfocuses on the operational closure of systems; and an actor-oriented perspective that stresses the situational dependency of the actual possibilities for making use of self-governance. A third, interactional, approach is added that stresses the need to understand societal interactions in their full complexity, dynamics and diversity, in which self-governing capacities are tapped.  相似文献   

A bstract . In order to compare the quality of life (QOL) in U.S. metropolitan areas economic, sociological, political and cultural data are often gathered and equally weighted without regard for the way QOL is perceived by those who live there. Basing our comparisons of U.S. metropolitan areas solely on objective data or official statistics biases the results so that there is little relationship between one set of measures and another. These results contradict conclusions reached by survey researchers who siwdy the perceptual aspects of the quality of life. Therefore, we must rethink the methods used in future of life studies, Psychographic and demographic data must be integrated.  相似文献   

The maintenance of a stable global atmosphere would seem to present a clear mandate for government activity. Martin Anderson, Executive Editor of Economic Affairs, argues that the privatisation of the Amazon Basin will stimulate entrepreneurs to overcome the obvious barriers to a market in air.  相似文献   

产品有需求就有市场吗?未必! 我有个朋友研发成功了飞机飞行记录仪,俗称黑匣子。项目的研发团队都是一帮高学历的专业人才,同时这个产品同内还没有人能够生产,技术肯定也是先进的。当时深圳市科技部门也看好这个产品,还注资了一笔研发费用。在人才、技术、资金郁具备的情况下,产品历时一年多做出来了,结果却出人意料。  相似文献   

在郭兴昌42年的从业生涯中,北京直航纽约的开通,又让他打了一个胜仗。当然,不满足的美国大陆航空还在努力地抓住下一次机会  相似文献   

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