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劳动争议是劳动关系双方当事人之间因劳动权利和劳动义务所发生的争议。劳动争议包括:劳动者与用人单位在履行劳动合同过程中发生的纠纷,如因用人单位开除、除名、辞退职工和职工辞职、自动离职发生的争议;因执行国家有关工资、保险、福利、培训、劳动保护的规定发生的争议;劳动者与用人单位之间没有订立书面合同。但已形成劳动关系后发生的纠纷;劳动者退休后,  相似文献   

劳动争议预防定义劳动争议预防是指对劳动关系的双方当事人(企业和劳动者)之间可能会产生劳动争议问题的各个环节采取必要的措施进行预先防范,从而防止劳动争议的发生。即把劳动争议由事后的消极处理转为事先采取积极措施,把劳动争议消除在萌芽状态。国有企业劳动争议的预防工作主要由企业、职工、劳动行政部门、工会、劳动争议调解委员会、劳动争议仲裁委员会、法院以及其社会组织来共同完成。劳动争议产生的原因分析——经济体制改革,导致劳动关系的历史演变,引发利益纷争。从劳动关系演变的历史和其构成上看,劳动关系一般由利益冲突型,利…  相似文献   

2008年以来,受宏观经济形势以及<劳动合同法>、<劳动争议调解仲裁法>实施等因此影响,劳动争议集中爆发,劳动关系的不和谐已经影响到社会经济的协调发展.本文以浙江省为例,对当前劳动争议案件的特点及劳动争议案件高发的原因进行分析,并就如何化解劳动争议、构建和谐的劳动关系提出相应对策.  相似文献   

今年是《劳动合同法》、《就业促进法》、《劳动争议调解仲裁法》施行之年。可以预见,随着三部法律的颁布实施,劳动争议将大幅度增加,劳动争议处理工作任务将更加艰巨,各级劳动争议仲裁机构必须适应新形势的要求,继续加强劳动争议仲裁体系建设,建立健全劳动仲裁工作新机制,不断提高劳动争议处理能力。  相似文献   

<正>宁夏五项措施保实施为抓好《劳动争议调解仲裁法》的贯彻实施,宁夏劳动保障厅近日印发文件作出专门安排,并召开了视频会议进行动员部署,对各级劳动保障部门和劳动争议调解、仲裁机构提出了五个方面的具体要求:一要加强学习培训,加大宣传力度;二要准确把握法律新规定,迎接新法对劳动争议处理能力和仲裁员队伍素质的考验;三要抓紧完善相关配套政策法规,确保现行政策、制度与《劳动争议调解仲裁法》的衔接,确保劳动争议案件及时、有效地得到处理;四要加强劳动争议处理能力建设;五要加强贯彻实施工作的组织领导,保证《劳动争议调解仲裁法》顺利实施。  相似文献   

劳动争议案件在我国现阶段有日益增加之趋势,那么,如何有效地利用劳动争议仲裁机制解决劳动争议显得尤为重要。笔者在程序保障理念的指导下,从劳动争议仲裁制度保障、组织保障、举证责任制度、仲裁时效、仲裁监督等方面对完善我国现行的劳动争议仲裁机制进行了构想。  相似文献   

我国现行的劳动争议调解制度劳动争议是指劳动关系的当事人因劳动权利和义务发生的争议。我国劳动争议中的调解制度主要由三部分构成:劳动争议调解委员会的调解、劳动争议仲裁委员会的调解、法院诉讼中的调解。《企业劳动争议处理条例》第四条强调:处理劳动争议应当遵循着重调解的原则。第六条规定:  相似文献   

当前,我国集体劳动争议进入多发期,处理不当很容易演化成群体性事件。集性劳动争议的发生一般都会经历冲突的酝酿、萌芽、发展、激化的过程。在分析现有集体劳动争议处理的低效与困境的基础上指出"另起炉灶"重新设计集体劳动争议处理机制的社会条件还不成熟,在充分发挥现有政策资源基础上及早预防和化解集体劳动争议,才能在保持社会稳定的前提下,及时回应不断变化了的劳资矛盾,预防胜于救火。  相似文献   

<正>《劳动争议调解仲裁法》是我国第一部从法律层面上关于劳动争议处理的法律规范。在劳动关系日趋复杂、劳动争议大幅度增加的形势下,特别是在《劳动合同法》实施之际出台这部法律,非常及时和必要。  相似文献   

<正>劳动仲裁的7种仲裁风险,发生劳动争议的当事人应注意避免。这7种劳动争议风险分别是: 1.仲裁请求不当的风险。当事人申请仲裁时,应根据客观事实和有关法律、法规,提出属于劳动争议仲裁受理范围的  相似文献   

Traditional economic theory predicts that an unfunded public pension system can be justified on the basis of its ability to provide intergenerational transfers, and also for its ability to provide partial insurance against mortality and labor income risks. In this paper, I demonstrate that the quantitative importance of these traditional roles depends on how the pension system distorts households' labor supply decisions. Using a general-equilibrium life-cycle consumption model calibrated to the U.S. economy, I show that these distortions can be large enough to erase much of the traditional welfare gains from Social Security. I also find that this fact is robust within the range of labor supply elasticities usually encountered in the macroeconomic literature.  相似文献   

劳动关系和劳动法律关系区分的理论更多是法外视角研究劳动关系问题的结果。法律调整社会关系或劳动关系并非是指存在先在的供法律调整的社会关系,而是指法律通过规范人的行为在当事人之间产生法律关系,该法律关系是社会关系的特殊形式;法律关系产生的过程不是寻找社会关系的过程,而是判断法律规范规定的构成要件是否具备的过程。法律调整劳动关系因此是指出现法律规范的构成要件时在当事人之间产生以一方提供依附性劳动、另一方支付报酬为主要义务的权利义务关系,也即法律意义上的劳动关系。从上述劳动关系的逻辑出发,则事实劳动关系概念需要正本清源,集体劳动关系非法律意义的劳动关系,劳动法律关系、社会劳动关系、个别劳动关系等概念无存在必要。劳动法学研究应实现从法外视角向法教义学研究并重的转换。我国劳动法的规则体系和理论体系应围绕劳动关系展开。  相似文献   

Trends in U.S. female and male labor force participation are outlined, particularly for the post-World War II period. Potential causes of these trends are then discussed, both those that operate on the demand side and those that operate on the supply side of the labor market, along with some discussion of alternative approaches to modeling these employment changes. Effects of these trends and future direction of changes are also considered.  相似文献   

劳动用工制度在一定程度上影响着农地的流转。本文以新疆兵团的劳动用工制度为切入点,构建了一个分析农地流转的新框架。通过分析新疆兵团劳动用工制度与农地流转间的深层次相互作用,发现现行的劳动用工制度是阻碍农地流转的一个重要因素。接着,文章构建了破解新疆兵团农地流转困境的方案,并通过对农地流转相关主体间的博弈分析论证了新方案的可行性。  相似文献   

权聪娜  赵慧峰  王芳 《价值工程》2011,30(28):285-286
在构建和谐社会的背景下,首先明确了和谐劳动关系的内涵与意义,并阐述了政府在构建和谐劳动关系中的重要作用,接着分析了现阶段劳动关系存在的主要问题和影响,最后针对存在的问题提出了政府构建和谐劳动关系的对策。  相似文献   

In the past decades, elimination of the pay-as-you-go system in U.S. has been extensively discussed and studied. Such an elimination would also eliminate the intragenerational redistribution done by the following policies of social security. Due to spousal and survivor׳s benefit provisions, US Social Security system redistributes (mostly) to single-earner married households. Since retirement benefits are a concave function of past mean earnings, the system redistributes from high earners to low earners. Finally, existence of a cap on social security taxable earnings makes the system regressive. This paper quantifies redistributive, labor supply, and welfare implications of these policies using a general equilibrium life-cycle model. Agents start out as permanently married or single and with education levels and wage profiles, where the latter depend both on education and gender. The household is the decision maker and decides on labor supply of its member(s) and saving. Elimination of these policies results in a 5.5% rise in labor force participation of married females, while increasing aggregate welfare by 0.4%. A majority of households experience positive gains in welfare. Single-earner married households incur large welfare losses (as big as 1.1%), whereas two-earner households with high skilled spouses experience substantial welfare gains (as big as 1.9%).  相似文献   

劳动合同关系到合同双方当事人的切身利益,它也是劳动争议处理的主要依据之一,因此,不管是用人单位还是劳动者都应当掌握一定的劳动合同知识。文章主要从实际操作的角度,介绍一些劳动合同签订的技巧。  相似文献   

From 1961 to 2007, U.S. aggregate hours worked increased and the labor wedge—measured as the discrepancy between a representative household׳s marginal rate of substitution and the marginal product of labor—declined substantially. The labor wedge is negatively related to hours and is often attributed to labor income taxes. However, U.S. labor income taxes increased since 1961. We examine a model with gender and marital status heterogeneity which accounts for the trends in the U.S. hours and the labor wedge. Apart from taxes, the model׳s labor wedge reflects non-distortionary cross-sectional differences in households׳ hours worked and productivity. We provide evidence that household heterogeneity is important for long-run changes in labor wedges and hours in other OECD economies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the institutional biases that impede the competitive functioning of labor markets. Two contexts are considered. The first relates to Moroccan labor migrants in The Netherlands, where institutional bias distorts the competitive functioning of the labor market by downgrading the educational returns to migrant workers and acting as a disincentive for further investment in human capital. The second relates to labor markets in Indonesia and Pakistan. Institutional bias in these two countries leads to an exaggeration of labor returns to certified education, and to over-investment in university education. We argue that such biases are fed by misinformed beliefs and group interests, and stand in the way of achieving higher growth and equity.  相似文献   

Labor's share of income is a key variable in economics. It plays a leading role in analysis of (in)equality, globalization, technical change, growth theories, etc. Notwithstanding this broad application, there are many different definitions of the labor share. Understanding and synthesizing those differences is the purpose of this applied survey. Empirical measures may vary reflecting the allocation of income components that cannot be directly ascribed to capital or labor. We examine the alternative assumptions made in the literature in this regard and quantify and motivate the resulting discrepancies. Focusing (mostly) on US data, we show that different measures can have very distinct properties in terms of the observed stochastic trends, shares of short‐, medium‐, and long‐run variation and volatilities, persistence and mean‐reversion properties, and susceptibility to structural breaks. For instance, while “short‐run” properties of the surveyed labor share measures are relatively consistent across all definitions (and countercyclical), their “medium‐” and “long‐run” trends may diverge substantially (and are procyclical). To substantiate our analysis, we document the implications of discrepancies in the empirical labor share definition for growth accounting, analyzing the effect of technology shocks, and for estimating inflation dynamics.  相似文献   

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