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目前国内银行主要通过国外银行提供的电子交易平台参与国际外汇市场,该文分析了这种交易模式的优势和局限性,并指出由中国外汇交易中心推出的银行间外币买卖系统,能克服单个银行提供单一平台的局限性,为参与报价的国内外做市商银行提供一个公平竞争的市场环境,也能使市场参与者得到最优的价格。  相似文献   

政策性银行的监督管理初探范桂华杜朝运政策性银行兼有财政(政策性、无偿性)和金融(盈利性、有偿性)的特点,是财政和金融的结合体。为了充分发挥政策性银行的积极作用,必须加强对政策性银行的监督管理,这是政策性银行正常运作的重要保证。从广义上说,政策性银行的...  相似文献   

基于中间件技术的三层客户机假务器处理模式已经成为银行联机交易处理的主流架构。而作为构造三层应用结构基础平台的中间层,应当能够为应用系统提供一个良好的运行和开发环境,使得系统整体结构合理,性能优越,从而满足银行综合业务对吞吐率、响应时间以及安全方面的要求。  相似文献   

We provide an overview of the important events of the recent global financial crisis and their implications for exchange rates and market dynamics. Our goal is to catalogue all that was truly of major importance in this episode. We also construct a quantitative measure of crises that allows for a comparison of the current crisis to earlier events. In addition, we address whether one could have predicted costly events before they happened in a manner that would have allowed market participants to moderate their risk exposures and yield better returns from currency speculation.  相似文献   

We examine the evidence regarding systematic patterns in the euro-dollar foreign exchange market on days when the Governing Council (GC) of the European Central Bank announces its interest rate decisions versus other days. We examine 5-minute data in a non-linear framework allowing for switching between a high-volatility, informed-trading state and a low-volatility, liquidity-trading state. We find strong evidence that the GC policy announcements contain significant news content. Although there is some evidence of positioning in the hour prior to the announcement, this probably reflects dealers minimizing their exposure rather than evidence of information leakage.  相似文献   

Changes in the discount rate can have associated announcement effects on the foreign exchange value of the dollar only if these changes are not anticipated by the market. This paper provides evidence to support this contention. Specifically, discount rate changes made for reasons other than technical adjustments have not been anticipated fully and, consequently, their announcements have had a significant impact on the dollar's exchange rate. Furthermore, results are obtained that support the hypothesis that unanticipated discount rate changes alter inflationary expectations.  相似文献   

《Global Finance Journal》2001,12(2):153-177
Research has documented overreaction and underreaction for stocks and stock market indices, but it has not yet analyzed these phenomena with regard to currency exchange rates. This paper examines exchange rate changes following extreme 1-day fluctuations for currencies in industrialized and emerging markets. In this study, the exchange rate is defined as the number of foreign currency units per US dollar. An overreaction phenomenon for currencies in emerging markets and an underreaction phenomenon for currencies in industrial markets are found. Each extreme 1-day currency fluctuation event is classified according to the type of underlying reason as described in the Wall Street Journal. Events for which no announcements (undefined events) were found are associated with a stronger tendency toward overreaction than those events for which an explanation was given (defined events). This suggests that investors overreact more when the source of the extreme fluctuation is largely unknown. The defined events are classified into two groups: economic events and political events. There is some evidence that political events are associated with a stronger tendency toward overreaction than economic events. These findings can be attributed to uncertainty. Political events (e.g., civil uprising) should be more difficult to assess than economic events (e.g., the release of an inflation report), and undefined events should be associated with the largest degree of uncertainty. Cross-sectional analysis is used to relate post-event exchange rate changes to the magnitude of the initial exchange rate change, leakage, day of the week effects, type of currency (from emerging or industrial market), and the type of announcement (economic, political, or undefined) that appeared in the Wall Street Journal. The cross-sectional analysis confirms that currencies in emerging markets experience stronger degrees of overreaction than those of industrial markets, even after controlling for potentially confounding factors. Moreover, it confirms that undefined events experience stronger degrees of overreaction than defined events, even when controlling for other factors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamics of price adjustments and the price discovery roles of two markets on Taiwan's foreign exchange, TFI and CFE. Results from the multivariate threshold model indicate prices are integrated nonlinearly. The roles of price discovery are asymmetric, depending on the size and sign of the price discrepancies between the two markets. In the lower regime of discrepancies, each market employs information from its counterpart and reacts to each other with different adjustment speeds. When the discrepancy is in the upper regime, CFE's role of price discovery is characterized by its exogenous behavior within the error-correction process.  相似文献   

对外汇干预的认识随现代货币政策观点的演变而变化。大量的理论和实证研究表明,外汇干预的效果取决于央行的独立性、市场预期、协调因素以及干预目标等因素。文章介绍了美国外汇干预渠道和干预工具的种类及其运用特点,指出我国应在全球性外汇干预中做出预判并掌握主动,化危机为机遇,并加快外汇改革进程。  相似文献   

This paper presents a heterogeneous agents model of the foreign exchange market in which agents’ risk attitudes vary over time due to psychological factors emphasized in prospect theory. We find that psychological component and risk-profit elasticity play significant roles in exchange rate expectations formation and investment behavior. Although all agents show more risk-averse after the crisis, the extent to which their risk attitude responds to the crisis varies due to heterogeneous forecasting rules as well as the changes of trading environment and central bank intervention. Moreover, time-varying risk attitudes can help explain the forward premium puzzle. These findings have implications for the exchange rate expectation formation theories and foreign exchange market stability policies.  相似文献   

We apply the trading model of Fleming et al (1998 ). to a number of currency markets. The model posits that two markets can have common volatility structures as a result of receiving common information and from cross‐hedging activity where a position in one currency is used to hedge risk in a position taken in another. Our results imply that the model is effective in identifying common information flows and volatility spillovers in the currency markets and that some of these effects are lost when simply examining raw correlations. A series of specification tests of the 21 bivariate systems that are examined provides support for the trading model in the foreign exchange context.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of electronic trading systems on the bid-ask spreads in the foreign exchange market. The paper finds: first, the EBS reduces spreads significantly; second, the EBS is more influential than the Reuters system for the currency pair DEM/USD; third, dealers with information advantage tend to quote relatively wider spreads with the new systems; fourth, geographical differences in market liquidity are reduced through the new systems, and finally, the effects occur immediately and persist in the long-term. Thus, both proposed positive and negative impacts of the electronic systems are found to be true in this paper, but our findings also suggest that positive effects dominate and the electronic systems overall increase FX market liquidity.  相似文献   

Using a broad data set of 20 US dollar exchange rates and order flow of institutional investors over 14 years, we construct a measure of global liquidity risk in the foreign exchange (FX) market. Our FX liquidity measure may be seen as the analog of the well-known Pastor–Stambaugh liquidity measure for the US stock market. We show that this measure has reasonable properties, and that there is a strong common component in liquidity across currencies. Finally, we provide evidence that liquidity risk is priced in the cross-section of currency returns, and estimate the liquidity risk premium in the FX market around 4.7 percent per annum.  相似文献   

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