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面料作为服装的载体,是服饰设计之本,研究面料再造不仅开发了学生的创意性思维,而且使服装呈现立体的触觉肌理造型。从面料再造在服饰产品中的应用,到产品面向市场,接受市场的检验,能够及时有效地检验教学效果,更能体现教学成果的实用价值。泰山职业技术学院依托泰安市"创建国际旅游名城"建设需求,重视实践教学条件内涵建设,利用专业教师设计方面的优势,帮助企业进行新产品开发。尤其是与旅游文化公司合作开发旅游服饰新产品,取得了较好的社会效益。建立泰山旅游服饰产品设计特色课程,培养大批的应用型、技能型专门人才,增强为经济建设与社会发展服务的能力。  相似文献   

刺绣作为一种传统的手工艺,在服装中的装饰应用可以分为服装制作之前和制成之后。无论在哪个过程中,其都会对面料的外观产生很大的影响,可以说是针对面料进行了重新的装饰,而这种重新的"装饰"属于现代面料再造设计的一种形式。同时在伴随着服装的发展过程中,其种类已不再是最初传统意义上的一种刺绣,越来越多的形式增加到其中。本文试图从刺绣在面料再造设计中的应用,探讨并总结其装饰形式,感受其在服饰中的装饰魅力。  相似文献   

服装面料囊括了服装中重要的元素——服装的色彩与服装的材质。因此,在教学实践中,引导学生正确地选择面料就显得尤为重要了。基于大量的教学实践积累,分析如何引导学生正确选择服装材料的教学方法,并提出自己的观点与看法。  相似文献   

通过对面料再造以及蕾丝面料的特性的研究,以拓展面料设计的多元思维,创新性的将羊毛毡与蕾丝结合,激发蕾丝面料设计潜能。探讨基于羊毛毡的蕾丝面料再造设计的作用,综合运用色彩变化、荧光涂料、立体浮雕、镂空、针毡和湿毡等再造手法制出全新面料。分析基于羊毛毡的蕾丝面料再造设计的特点与材料应用的趋势,并将这些成果进行开发利用,使其意义和价值在创意产品中得以体现。使服装面料再造设计成为设计的创新手段,提升服装设计的内涵。  相似文献   

面料和服装的关系好比水和鱼:面料是水,服装是鱼。没有水,鱼不能存活;只有水没有鱼,是一滩死水。服装企业与面料企业应互相通晓各自的时尚趋势及技术创新点,结成战略同盟,共同探索品牌化高端化的发展之路。鼎天是中国面料领域的后起之秀,近年来表现出较快的发展速度。在目前面料企业品牌意识普遍不强的情况下,鼎天不仅在业内有了广泛的知名度,其定位也为下游服装企业所高度认同。  相似文献   

通过对高职院校《服装材料》课程的现状进行分析,明确了课程改革的目标与思路,依据岗位分析进行了该课程教学内容的优化和筛选,采取任务驱动教学模式,让学生带着真实的任务在探索中学习,较好地改善了教学和人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

无论时尚如何变化,造型、材料与色彩是服装设计永恒的三要素。服装面料则是连接服装色彩与服装造型设计的桥梁,是设计师体现设计构思的重要物化载体,服装面料的性能能够影响甚至决定整个服装的表现力,决定了服装设计的成衣效果。这里所说的"服装面料肌理艺术再造"是指对面料艺术效果的二次设计,运用新的设计思路与工艺手法改变了现有服装的风格特征甚至是服用性能,起到了提高其品质和艺术审美的效果,使服装的成衣效果获得最大程度的发挥。  相似文献   

一、前言 面料是服装生产的重要材料。服装市场的竞争,最终体现在染整行业面料产品的竞争上,而面料的优劣在很大程度上取决于染整后整理水平的高低。因此面料的质量就成为染整行业市场竞争成败的关键,也是染整行业技术工艺设计水平的综合体现。我国染整产品用于服装面料约占80%左右,因此,染整产品的发展是和服装的发展方向密切相关的。但从我国服装工业发展来看,面料开发与服装生产脱节是存在多年、至今仍未解决的老大难问题。近年来进口面料越来越多,据统计,每年服装企业需要进口的面料已达51亿米,需用外汇达30亿美元,所以急需解决国产面料替代进口面料的问题。中国服装协会王曾敬副会长在1998年中  相似文献   

服装材料可分为服装面料和服装辅料,服装材料不仅可以诠释服装的风格和特性,且直接左右服装造型的表现效果,而面料的舒适性能则直接影响服装的品质,舒适性也是生活中服装设计的宗旨。本文就面料的含气性、透气性、透湿性、吸水性、防水性、保暖性、柔软性及抗静电性等进行阐述,旨在服装设计中能更科学更合理地运用面料的舒适性。  相似文献   

服装设计的创新离不开对服装材料知识的掌握与运用,在服装材料教学中我们不仅要能清楚、准确地阐述服装材料的基本理论知识,还要能就某一方面作出详细的分析与比较,在实际操作过程中教会学生判断、评价、选择服装材料,同时应加强服装材料知识与其它课程知识的衔接,帮助学生形成有联系、有效用的知识体系。  相似文献   

Hong Kong’s transformation from a manufacturing to a knowledge-based economy has prompted the local government to promote the city as a regional design center. The 2008 Policy Address delivered by Hong Kong’s Chief Executive calls for the creation of a large pool of creative and knowledgeable talent. The government recognizes that, in addition to disciplinary knowledge and skills, the high-quality workforce demanded by the economic transition requires creativity and broader competences. The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong considers outcome-based education (OBE) the best approach to developing a workforce qualified to meet the demands of the professional marketplace and, accordingly, is strongly encouraging its deployment in all higher education institutions. This article investigates the effects of the OBE approach on the curriculum revision, implementation, and evaluation of a two-semester undergraduate-level communication design course that was selected for an OBE pilot study at the author’s university. To establish stronger linkage between the academic and professional contexts, it was deemed necessary to seek the opinions of experienced design practitioners about the attributes they expect of graduates and the methods they employ in training junior designers. The author conducted in-depth interviews with 13 art/creative directors from 11 design agencies in Hong Kong in 2007. Their opinions were incorporated into the formulation of intended learning outcomes (ILOs), teaching and learning activities (TLAs), and assessment tasks (ATs) for the revised outcome-based course curriculum, which was then implemented in the 2008–2009 academic year. This article reports the findings of the aforementioned interviews and discusses the design of the revised curriculum with illustration from samples of students’ creative projects. It also provides a preliminary evaluation of the effectiveness of the course design and student learning, as revealed in quantitative and qualitative feedback from students and in the course designer’s self-reflection.  相似文献   

从本质上讲,隐性课程是一种价值性影响,各种隐性课程因素以间接和内隐的形式,曲折地反映着社会和学校德育的内容和要求,潜移默化地对受教育者施加思想、政治和道德影响。因此,重视并充分运用隐性课程因素促进学生个性的全面发展,是高校优化德育环境的重要内容。  相似文献   


Engineers play a vital role in enabling the sustainable development of their societies. Thus, it is necessary to teach sustainability in universities, especially for engineering students, for a more sustainable future. The present work aims to measure and enhance engineering students’ awareness of sustainability by monitoring and evaluating learning and student outcomes during the last stages of an engineering curriculum and its culminating major design experience. A questionnaire to assess students’ awareness of sustainability and its tools is implemented. From this empirical study, obstacles to the awareness of sustainability through engineering education are discussed. The analysis of the results of the questionnaire implies the modification of the structure of senior projects and other capstone design courses in order to include a proposed teaching and assessment framework. This framework emphasizes students’ ability to understand and use effective sustainability tools, within the environment of their major design experience. The framework is composed of two paths. The first path concerns course design through which sustainability concepts and methods are included in several course elements. The second path addresses the assessment of the attainment of sustainability objectives by the students.


《服装产品设计》是服装与服饰设计专业项目导向模块中的专业必修课程。为了达到对学生的“立德树人”的目标,将课程内容与实际教学相结合,注重改革课程教学实施方式和改革课程考核方式,有效地融合思政课,在课堂教学中探求中国元素、弘扬民族文化、增强民族自豪感和文化自信,文中对《服装产品设计》课程“课程思政”教学改革进行了初步探索设计。  相似文献   

The mathematical requirements for engineering, science and technology students has been debated for many years and concern has been expressed about the mathematical preparedness of students entering higher education. This paper considers a mathematics course that has been specifically designed to address some of these issues for technology education students. It briefly chronicles the changes that have taken place over its lifetime and evaluates the introduction of Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) into a course already being delivered using Computer Aided Learning (CAL). Benefits of CAA can be categorised into four main areas. 1. Educational – achieved by setting short, topic related, assessments, each of which has to be passed, thereby increasing curriculum coverage. 2. Students – by allowing them to complete assessments at their own pace removing the stress of the final examination. 3. Financial – increased income to the institution, by broadening access to the course. Improved retention rate due to self-paced learning. 4. Time – staff no longer required to set and mark exams. Most students preferred this method of assessment to traditional exams, because it increased confidence and reduced stress levels. Self-paced working, however, resulted in a minority of students not completing the tests by the deadline. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Technology education in the New Zealand context has seen significant change since it’s inception as a technical subject. The changing nature of the subject in New Zealand secondary schools is influenced by some teachers’ preoccupation with the making of quality product outcomes, rather than their enactment of the curriculum, which conceptualises a wider remit. Research into the perceptions of technology teachers’ interpretation and enactment of the curriculum suggests that to enable change, teachers need to adopt a form of “technological thinking”, in support of their “technical thinking”. Technological thinking is a notion presented to support teachers to explore a range of differing pedagogical approaches and learning outcomes, reflective of the intent of the New Zealand curriculum, which aims to foster learning environments that are innovative and responsive to students’ social and academic needs.  相似文献   

"印后加工技术"是印刷工程本科专业的一门重要的专业核心课程.本论文根据印刷工程本科专业的教学特点,在"印后加工技术"课程教学中,从培养印刷工程专业学生的实践技能和素质教育,深化教学改革,构建合理的课程体系与完善的教学内容入手,利用各种教学方法和手段,提高学生的培养质量;加强实践环节,在培养学生实际技能等方面提出了一些教学改革的设想和措施.  相似文献   

针织服装设计方向《服装设备》课程教学探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文从《服装设备》课程教学的状况着手,分析传统教学过程中存在的方法和手段等问题,根据针织服装设计方向学生及专业特点,因材施教,通过科学的设计教学内容,合适的教学方法,以多媒体展示艺术以及多样化、情趣化的教学模式,激发学生学习的兴趣和内在动力,从而提高《服装设备》课程教学效果。  相似文献   

Over the last fifteen years Delft University of Technology has developed a unique educational program in its undergraduate curriculum. In this program health, safety, environmental and social aspects of chemical engineering are studied explicitly in separate courses while being integrated into the whole of educational and research activities. The program's activities include a required (“dedicated”) third year course, Chemical Risk Management, which covers environment as well as safety. There is also a required first year course, Chemistry and Society/Industrial Orientation, which studies how industries and government react to environmental and safety problems. Another required activity is the Safety Report, which fourth year and graduate students must write and have accepted in order to be allowed to carry out laboratory work. All these activities are closely related to and coordinated with one other. The program, which has been followed by more than two thousand students over the last fifteen years, requires extensive cooperation with industry.  相似文献   

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