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设计,以物质世界为依托伴随着人的存在而产生,创造并改变着生活世界。人的欲望是设计能够产生的潜在动力,设计为人们提供满足高品质生活集功能和精神需求的产品,所以设计的成果最终的自我价值实现就是满足人们的欲望,也为人们的生活世界创造多样的生活存在方式。  相似文献   

童辉 《山东纺织经济》2012,(8):59+116-59,116
舞台服装作为设计的一种,在实用的基础上必须给人带来艺术的享受。舞台服装设计最重要的便是欲望满足,它包括需要、要求、欲望。其次便是物化过程,即产品的制造。我们由欲望出发,借助于工具的使用和创制,以及技术的运用让欲望实现,在此过程中离不开设计的介入,而智慧就在这样的一个循环活动中指引着设计。  相似文献   

人生活在这个世界上,首先表现为他的欲望及其实现。要以什么方式,怎样实现,这需要靠智慧来解答。正如品牌服装的设计一般,她既是人们欲望的集中表现,也是人们欲望的源泉。如此反复,通过服装这一层面便可得知当下人们的内心需要,再通过人们极具智慧的思考将这些愿望巧妙地一一实现,真正做到人人为设计,设计为人人。  相似文献   

富有朝气,让人振奋,充满激情,时尚而不失稳重,并将古典的浪漫元素和新的时尚欲望结合,是2003MARKFAIRWHALE高级休闲男装商务系列的设计要点。我把这次发布定名为“颠峰激情”,是把我所欣赏的活跃在世界艺术殿堂颠峰的名流们,以及他们创造的独特经典文化的魅力表达出来。  相似文献   

张久 《汽车与社会》2013,(15):80-93
作为国内首个聚焦中国当代艺术与设计的跨领域重量级奖项,奥迪艺术与设计大奖从设立之初就将推动“中国创造”作为宗旨,并受到了中国当代艺术与设计领域的高度关注。继首届大奖的成功举办之后,本届大奖在“传承·创新·领”理念的基础上提出“融汇东西的未来创造”这一主题,以自身实践引领各领域探讨“中国创造”的方向和构想。  相似文献   

本文将创造顾客体验作为品牌服装卖场设计的目的,分别从品牌服装卖场设计理念、设计程序及设计元素进行分析,探索品牌服装卖场体验化设计的思路。  相似文献   

装饰是人类美感创造的重要手段,是文化意识的表达,装饰艺术已经发展到更为广阔的领域,装饰性包含在一切艺术作品中。旅游作为一个可持续发展的产业,蕴涵着巨大的商机,旅游文化产品具有一定的民族特色、地方性特色,从而引起消费者的购买欲望,促进旅游产品更高更快的发展。装饰色彩通过合理的运用,对民族旅游文化产品进行合理的、大胆的概括和夸张表现,更好的适应了现代人追求一种理想民族色彩美的需要。  相似文献   

旅游商品作为旅游目的地的文化承载体,在旅游文化传承交流中扮演着重要角色。旅游商品开发要以深入挖掘旅游商品自身特性为基础做好旅游商品的包装设计,最大限度刺激旅游者的感官,以形成心理共鸣,引发心理扩张,产生消费欲望,实施消费行为。本文从旅游商品特性视觉对旅游商品的包装问题进行了解读。  相似文献   

在如今商品流通日益加速、商品消费形式日益多样化的时代,产品的包装已经摆脱最原始的保护、运输作用的桎梏,不仅成为商品信息的承载者而且在一定程度上凸显出设计师本人和消费者共同选择的审美趋向。而隐形版式设计作为包装设计中的重要一环,往往以先入为主的视觉攫取在丰富商品内涵、引领消费潮流方面起着举足轻重的作用。可以说,好的版式设计不仅可以使商品在同质性产品的竞争中脱颖而出,而且还可以刺激消费群产生强烈的购买欲望。  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记在庆祝建党90周年纪念大会上曾讲到:“人才是第一资源,是国家发展的战略资源。”搞好人才培养、使用、管理,对于我们的党、我们的国家和企业是至关重要的。对于知识型员工,激励因素有其独特性和深刻性,既有自身欲望的激励,也有外部条件的激励。自身欲望的激励因素包括创造欲、成就欲、尊重欲和自我发展欲,而与其对应的外界条件的激励因素包括自主性、  相似文献   

Global Design     
Robert Blaich, Philips' Managing Director of Corporate Industrial Design, shares his insights on ways to integrate product design with other new products development activities. During an eight-year period, these initiatives have attracted increasing international attention among design professionals. Blaich describes the creation of a design policy, provides criteria for evaluating the quality of design and discusses the creation of a design management process at both corporate and divisional levels. He argues that design can become a major competitive factor in new product strategies.  相似文献   

众所周知,皮革服饰具有很强的防寒功能性,但皮革服装存在着季节的局限性和面料的局限性,因此存在秋冬旺季库存过剩问题,以及春夏淡季缺款问题。文章通过研究皮革与不同材料的结合设计增加皮革服饰的穿着率;应用皮贴画图案的创造性提高皮革服饰的利用率;以及服装的功能性解构实现一衣多穿的可持续设计与实践。  相似文献   

Academic entrepreneurship by means of university spin‐offs commercializes technological breakthroughs, which may otherwise remain unexploited. However, many universities face difficulties in creating spin‐offs. This article adopts a science‐based design approach to connect scholarly research with the pragmatics of effectively creating university spin‐offs. This approach serves to link the practice of university spin‐off creation, via design principles, to the scholarly knowledge in this area. As such, science‐based design promotes the interplay between emergent and deliberate design processes. This framework is used to develop a set of design principles that are practice based as well as grounded in the existing body of research on university spin‐offs. A case‐study of spin‐off creation at a Dutch university illustrates the interplay between initial processes characterized by emergent design and the subsequent process that was more deliberate in nature. This case study also suggests there are two fundamentally different phases in building capacity for university spin‐off creation. First, an infrastructure for spin‐off creation (including a collaborative network of investors, managers and advisors) is developed that then enables support activities to individual spin‐off ventures. This study concludes that to build and increase capacity for creating spin‐offs, universities should do the following: (1) create university‐wide awareness of entrepreneurship opportunities, stimulate the development of entrepreneurial ideas, and subsequently screen entrepreneurs and ideas by programs targeted at students and academic staff; (2) support start‐up teams in composing and learning the right mix of venturing skills and knowledge by providing access to advice, coaching, and training; (3) help starters in obtaining access to resources and developing their social capital by creating a collaborative network organization of investors, managers, and advisors; (4) set clear and supportive rules and procedures that regulate the university spin‐off process, enhance fair treatment of involved parties, and separate spin‐off processes from academic research and teaching; and (5) shape a university culture that reinforces academic entrepreneurship by creating norms and exemplars that motivate entrepreneurial behavior. These and other results of this study illustrate how science‐based design can connect scholarly research to the pragmatics of actually creating spin‐offs in academic institutions.  相似文献   

Internet advertising exchanges possess three characteristics—fast delivery, low values, and automated systems—that influence market design. Automated learning systems induce the winner’s curse when several pricing types compete. Bidders frequently compete with different data, which induces randomization in equilibrium. Machine learning causes the value of information to leak across participants. Discrimination may be used to induce efficient exploration, although publishers (websites) may balk at participating. The creation of “learning accounts,” which divorce payments from receipts, may be used to internalize learning externalities. Under some learning mechanisms the learning account eventually shows a surplus. The solution is illustrated computationally.  相似文献   

服装设计蕴含了丰富的美学思想,席勒作为德国古典美学思想的代表人物,其浪漫主义色彩的美学观点对现代设计具有良好的指导作用;旨在现代服装设计中辩证继承席勒的古典美学思想,并以此论证其美学观在现代服装设计中的指导意义,为服装创作与欣赏提供良好的思索路径;通过将席勒积极的美学思想与知名设计师典型服装的表现相结合,辩证具体地分析...  相似文献   

Product design is increasingly being recognized as an important source of sustainable competitive advantage. Until recently, the domain of design has been loosely categorized as “form and function” issues. However, as this paper will explore, product design deals with a much richer range of issues, many of which have not been considered in the marketing literature. To explore the domain and elements of design, the paper begins with two major goals: (1) to elicit the key dimensions of design and to develop an enriched language for the understanding and study of design; and (2) to integrate the design dimensions within a broader model that ties initial design goals to eventual psychological and behavioral responses from consumers. To achieve these ends, grounded theory development is used by conducting an extensive literature review, in‐depth interviews, and an interactive object elicitation technique. Drawing from this rich source of qualitative information as well as diverse literature fields, a framework is proposed for the creation of design value in consumer products. This framework not only explores the domain of design but also highlights the important elements of design that go well beyond the clichéd form and function issues. The resulting model reflects specific marketplace and organizational constraints that may help or impede the conversion of designer goals to so‐called design levers. These levers are used to convey three types of values to consumers: rational, kinesthetic, and emotional. The framework then explains how and when these different values may be perceived by the consumer. Within this framework, testable research propositions and specific directions for future design‐based research are also offered. Beyond its potential to spur marketing and new product development (NPD) management thought, the framework offered here represents a significant contribution to the field of design, which has historically been represented as a highly fragmented body of knowledge. Formalizing this framework should help overcome perhaps the largest obstacle to date to marketing‐related and NPD‐related research in this area—the lack of a detailed and consistent nomological view of the scope of design dimensions including testable linkages. Design has become an important tool that can be used by managers to develop dominant brands with lasting advantages. This research lends the NPD manager and the marketing manager better insights in into how this increasingly popular focus can be used to influence consumer behavior and firm success. “Design may be our top unexploited competitive edge.” Tom Peters, 2004 (cover review of Norman, 2004 ) “We don't have a good language to talk about [design]. In most people's vocabularies, design means veneer.… But to me, nothing could be further from the meaning of design. Design is the fundamental soul of a man‐made creation.” Steve Jobs, Apple Computers  相似文献   

As the fallout from subprime losses clearly demonstrates, the credit risk in residential mortgages is large and economically significant. To manage this risk, this article proposes the creation of derivative instruments based on the credit losses of a reference mortgage pool. We argue that these derivatives would enable banks to retain whole loans while also enjoying the capital benefits of hedging the credit risk in their mortgage portfolios. In comparisons of hedging effectiveness, the analysis shows that instruments based on credit losses outperform contracts based on house price appreciation.  相似文献   

This article introduces ‘virtual design competitions’ as a new means of opening up the innovation process and enriching the companies, ‘design‐ideas’ by utilizing the creativity of a multiplicity of external designers and enthused consumers all over the world. The ‘Swarovski Enlightened? jewellery design competition’, explored in this study, demonstrates the enormous potential of virtual co‐creation platforms. It further highlights the importance of the co‐creation experience and its impact on the quantity and quality of designs submitted. First, we introduce the idea of virtual co‐creation platforms and the requirements on the design of such a platform. Second, we explore the impact of the co‐creation experience on the content contributed by participants. Our study shows that co‐creation experience significantly impacts the number of contributions by consumers as well as the quality of submitted designs. Our paper contributes to a better theoretic understanding of the impact of a participant's perceived autonomous, enjoyable, and competent experience, as well as participants' perceived sense of community on their experience. From a managerial perspective, it provides guidance in designing successful idea and design competitions. While innovation managers may be interested in creative contributions, for participants, it is the experience which matters. Fully featured community platforms rather than single idea submission websites are required to attract creative users to submit their ideas and designs.  相似文献   

The digital revolution is fundamentally reshaping the business landscape by generating abundant new opportunities and novel business models. As a new source of value creation, a start-up’s business model is critical for its survival and growth. How, then, should a digital start-up design its business model? The present study departs from existing viewpoints on the topic and proposes a strategic orientation view. By integrating the resource-based view and the demand-side perspective, we examine the impact of strategic orientation in business model design on the performance of start-ups in the digital economy. Using a data set of digital start-ups, our empirical results show that both technology and consumer orientations are beneficial to the performance of start-ups. However, it would be counterproductive for a digital start-up to seek a balance between both strategic orientations in business model design. Furthermore, the positive relationship between consumer orientation and firm performance becomes more prominent in a highly open technological environment, but is weakened in environments characterized by high user interactivity. This study advances business model design research by proposing a strategic orientation view, and contributes to business model theory building by offering an integrated view that embraces the resource-based view and the demand-side perspective.  相似文献   

The success of efforts to integrate technology with design education is largely affected by the attitudes of students toward technology. This paper presents the findings of a research on the attitudes of design students toward the use of computers in design and its correlates. Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools are the most widely used computer applications in design. An instrument was developed and applied for the first time to relate computer attitude to design field through CAD. Interior architecture undergraduates of Bilkent University participated in the survey. As a result, students’ attitudes toward the use of computers in design were found to be positive. A significant gender difference in attitudes toward computers was observed with males having more positive attitudes than females. The results also revealed that students’ attitude toward computer usage in design was highly related to their general attitude toward computers, but it was not correlated with their perception of instructors’ attitude toward the use of computers in design.  相似文献   

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