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In the catalogue of “Sustainable Development Goals” approved by the UN General Assembly in September 2015, financial market regulation is mainly described as an issue of social sustainability. This classification is appropriate because inadequate regulation leads to imbalances between profits and liability, as private gains are accompanied by social costs. Consequently, the distribution of wealth and income deteriorates inasmuch as people with high fortunes tend to have more opportunities to benefit from investments in capital markets. Financial market regulation, aiming to prevent such a development, should mainly focus on fighting moral hazard, limiting too -big -to- fail problems and banning short -term-oriented remuneration structures in banks.  相似文献   

Football has always been an important part of consumer culture, in many countries producing a global audience for World Cups and millions of people celebrating annual football competitions. It was once described by iconic Liverpool Football Club (FC) football manager Bill Shankly as follows, “Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don’t like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that.” This marketplace icon contribution puzzles over whether football truly represents a marketplace icon and if so how does this effect the world’s most popular sports game? The commentary explores the significance of the beautiful game asking the reader to consider that it is not only a marketplace icon but much more than that, likened here to a “supra socio-cultural phenomenon” which rises above market logic or as Foer argues Football explains the world.  相似文献   

Medikamente allein reichen nicht - Komplement?re Ma?nahmen k?nnen Effekte von Medikamenten verbessern und den Umfang der Medikation vermindern. Aus diesem Grund sollten Pflegende und Therapeuten m?gliche Alternativen kennen und den Betroffenen anbieten.  相似文献   

übernahme ?rztlicher Leistungen - In letzter Zeit wird intensiv darüber diskutiert, inwieweit das Delegieren von ?rztlichen Leistungen auf nicht?rztliches Personal zul?ssig ist. Schon 2007 pl?dierte der Sachverst?ndigenrat im Gesundheitswesen für eine Neuordnung der Aufgabenverteilung. Erste rechtliche Weichen wurden inzwischen gestellt.  相似文献   

Monika Kunz 《Heilberufe》2010,62(9):52-53
Wo bleibt die Sicherung der Ausbildungsqualit?t? - Für Praxisanleitung ist nie genügend Zeit! Warum eigentlich? Der DBfK Nordost wollte es wissen und hat ein Projekt zur Zeiterfassung der praktischen Anleitung aufgesetzt – mit erschreckenden Ergebnissen.  相似文献   

Against the backdrop of the present conflict between China and the US, public discourse often sees free trade is a value as such; more aptly put, it is a method to generate prosperity. Within the market economy context, there are others methods of attaining wealth that may be in conflict with free trade. The following contribution shows that an institutional economics approach is able to explain the present trade conflict relating to fundamentally altered risk and communication structures.  相似文献   

Using a large panel microdata set for the time period 1992 to 2014, the paper analyses the long-run trends in German wage inequality for full-time workers. The approach differentiates by gender and region. The analysis confirms the result of other studies that show a sharp increase in wage inequality in Germany from the mid-1990s until 2010. The increase can only partly be explained by rising skill differentials. The lion’s share is neither attributable to price effects nor to changes in the composition of the workforce. As an interesting phenomenon, the rise in the inequality indicators did not continue after 2010. The pattern is similar for male and female workers as well as for the eastern and western parts of the country. In some sub-samples we even find a marked decline. This is especially true for females. Hence there are some indications of a hiatus or even a trend reversal. At the time being it is still unclear whether the phenomenon is caused by sectoral minimum wages, a more egalitarian stance on wage policy, technological or structural developments favouring the low-skilled or other causes.  相似文献   

Umgang mit Patientenverfügungen im klinischen Alltag – Immer h?ufiger bringen Patienten Patientenverfügungen mit. Zudem ist seit zwei Jahren die Verbindlichkeit von Patientenverfügungen gesetzlich geregelt. Doch nach wie vor treten im Umgang mit den Willenserkl?rungen Fragen und Unsicherheiten auf – eine Herausforderung an die ethische Reflexion.  相似文献   

H?usliche Pflege oder Haushaltshilfe - Die Versorgung eines Pflegebedürftigen rund um die Uhr k?nnen Angeh?rige oft nicht oder nicht allein leisten. In solchen F?llen müssen Unterstützungsm?glichkeiten und Alternativen gefunden werden. Nicht selten wird dabei auf Hilfen aus Osteuropa zurückgegriffen. Doch was ist erlaubt?  相似文献   

Werner Schell 《Heilberufe》2010,62(12):43-44
Kranken- und Pflegedokumentation - Die Dokumentation von ?rztlichen und pflegerischen Ma?nahmen dient nicht nur der Diagnostik und Therapie, sondern ist auch ein Rechenschaftsbericht gegenüber dem Patienten. Welche rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen gelten dabei?  相似文献   

In this article two problems with the recently developed "practice or virtue approach" to business ethics are discussed. The first problem concerns an alleged harmony between common demands of morality (generally understood) and the internal goods of actual business practice. The claimed harmony is strong in essence since it holds that the role expectations a good manager has to live up to, do in fact coincide with what morality demands. The second problem is related to the first and concerns the alleged relevance of a virtue perspective for business ethics. According to the virtue perspective discussed in this article, moral reasoning should take actual practice, and only actual practice, as a point of departure. In so doing ethics is claimed to become insulated from e.g. putting irrelevant demands on practitioners. Such demands are understood as based on abstract principles alien to the practice in question. The thesis of this article is that neither of the above mentioned two claims are plausible. This is so basically because one needs to turn elsewhere than to actual business practice in order to detect a morally laden notion of managerial goodness.  相似文献   

It has been common for retail companies to use multiple channels simultaneously. However, simultaneous use is only the first step in creating a customer-centric multichannel system that demands channel synergies rather than parallel retail formats. Therefore, the perceived integration of customer-related functions and processes between the channels of multichannel systems is analyzed with respect to its significance for customer loyalty and usage of a multichannel system. Drawing on a sample (n) of 981 customers, the results indicate that linkages between retail channels positively affect customer loyalty and verify the importance of establishing a well-integrated – ‘seamless’ as perceived by the customer – multichannel system.  相似文献   

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