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China'sImportGrowthRateExcedsExportGrowthin19981Reviewofforeigntradein1997In1997,China'sforeigntraderealizedarapidgrowthrateo...  相似文献   

According to Ma Kai's economic planning report submitted to the NPC session on March 5th,(Ma Kai is the Minister in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission),the government has listed the slowdown in trade surplus growth and the steady expansion of external investment as major tasks for 2008.  相似文献   

Textile and apparel export to the U.S. grew steadily in 2007. In November of 2005,China and the U.S.signed a bilateral agreement on textiles,launching the three-year quota control for 21 sorts of textile products.In 2007,the second year for the implemen- tation of the agreement,China's textile export to the U.S.underwent several changes. Export kept grooving fast and  相似文献   

Dragged by the U.S.subprime crisis and the soaring oil price,the global economy is slowing down,causing problems to China,the country which has continuously achieved miraculous economic growth.Apart from the ac- cumulation of high inflation and risks of overheated economy,China is attacked by serious natural disasters ever since the beginning of 2008,including the snow disaster,the earthquake and the flood.It is obviously that China's priority now is to bring inflation under control  相似文献   

The growth rate of China's economy is expected to lower to 6.7% next year, said Morgan Stanley economist Stephen Roach recently at Beijing University.  相似文献   

It is estimated that after 2005, China‘s foreign trade will walk out of the state of extraordinary growth, and will restore the state of steady growth.  相似文献   

Q:What do you comment on the Report from CPPCC President Jia Qingling and the government work report from Premier Wen Jiabao? A:As usual the reports are quite comprehensive.While they take stock of achievements and short comings of the previous year,they also try to indicate the way forward for the coming months.I am quite impressed by the way the leaders frankly identify the challenges facing the  相似文献   

Aforumonthethemeof"1999,apreviewofthestrategyofamedium-to-long-termeconomicdeveloDment".hostedbytheMarketEconomicResearchinshtUteoftheStateCouncilDevelopmentffesearchCentef,washeldearlythisyeaLMorethan30specialistsfromvariousgovernmentdepartmentsandcommissionstookpartinitandpresentedtheirwrittenmonographs.ThespecialistsholdthatforChina,sustainedeconomicgrowthisstillpossible.Itsindustrializahon,urbanization,market-orienteddevelopment,andinternationalizationwillprovideastrongandsustainedmoti…  相似文献   

About ST Electronics Headquartered in Singapore, ST Electronics has almost 40 years of experience providing electronics, communications and ICT (information communications technologies) solutions to governments and commercial enterprises worldwide,[第一段]  相似文献   

The People's Bank of China has announced its intention to raise the deposit reserve rate again, less than one month after the last rate increase,this means that the deposit reserve rate has increased a total of ten times this year.However,this time the central bank increased the deposit re- serve rate by a full 1 percent,a bigger increase than the last nine adjustments of 0.5 percent.After the latest increase,  相似文献   

Hong Kong has sailed through several economic crises while undergoing economic adjustment since its return. However, industrial trade has been a firm force driving Hong Kong's economy through the past decade. Over the past 10 years, Hong Kong's total trade volume has grown from HKD 2.9 trillion in 1997 to HKD 5 trillion in 2006, representing a remarkable increase of 70%. In spite of economic twists and turns in Hong Kong, its foreign trade has maintained continuous growth. Especially over this decade, foreign trade has made noticeable contribution to Hong Kong's economic development. But where will Hong Kong's foreign trade stand in 10 years' time? And what will Hong Kong's advantages lie in the future?  相似文献   

On November 15th,2020,during the fourth summit conference,trade ministers from China,ten ASEAN countries and Japan,South Korea,Australia and New Zealand jointly established the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP).Member countries of RCEP,namely,the 10 ASEAN countries and China,Japan,South Korea,Australia,and New Zealand,represent nearly 30%of the world’s population,gross domestic product,and total trade volume.As such,the signing of RCEP will create the largest trading bloc in the world,with the largest population,the most diversified economic structures,and the greatest potential for development.After eight years of hard negotiations,especially in 2020,when the COVID-19 pandemic disturbed normal international communications,the participating countries managed to fully complete the negotiations on market access,and signed the RCEP as scheduled.After the signing of the agreement,Wang Shouwen,Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce of China and deputy China international trade representative,described it as“one of the most important achievements in the past 20 years of East Asian economic integration”.  相似文献   

The year 2003 is the first year ofimplementing the spirit of 16thParty Congress of CPC in an all—round way.On the Report of the EconomicForecast Department of State InformationCenter,accelerating the growth ofconsumption is of vital importance tostimulating the domestic demand,so as toattain the objective of building a well-offsociety in an all-round way.The rapid  相似文献   

The SH-118 quick growth hair blackening oil produced by the Shanghai Yifa Health Care Industry Co. is made of effective ingredients extracted from natural wild plants on the principle of Chinese traditional medicine combined with modern scientific technology, There is neither any harmful chemical composition, nor side-effect. The product is a kind of brownish semi-transparent oily liquid, having the functions of aiding general weakness,  相似文献   

It is knowledge and/or technology that has changed the world's development course and has become the engine of social, economic and cultural development in every country.The last decades of the 20th century have rep resented a turning point in the global development process. It is knowledge and/ or technology that has changed the world's development course and has become the engine of social, eco-  相似文献   

Though the expansion of foreign insurers in China has been challenging,foreign insurance companies still view China as a very attractive market according to a recent survey by PwC.The survey shows that despite the challenges of penetrating the Chinese market,foreign insurance companies  相似文献   

Mr. Yao Jingyuan, Chief Economist of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) delivered a speech on “Chinese Consumption Demand and Price Projection“ at the Forum on China‘s Economic Development Trend and Macro-Control recently. He thought that it is a crucial moment for macro economic control. In addition to investment, consumption should be a driving force for the development of China‘s economy.  相似文献   

Mr. Yao Jingyuan, Chief Economist of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)delivered a speech on "Chinese Consumption Demand and Price Projection" atthe Forum on China's Economic Development Trend and Macro-Control recently.He thought that it is a crucial moment for macro economic control. Inaddition to investment, consumption should be a driving force for thedevelopment of China's economy.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of the mobile internet era and the technological progress in the network infrastructure,the short video content market is developing rapidly.After years of development,short videos have become a part of most people’s daily life,according to the Special Research Report on Competition in China’s Short Video Leading Market in 2020-2021 released by iiMedia Research.The number of short video users in China has grown significantly,exceeding 700 million in 2020,and is further expected to increase to 809 million in 2021.  相似文献   

Theterm"ecologicalindustry"beganappearinginChinaattheendofthe1980s.EcologicalworkwasofficiallyincludedintheStateplanandbecameanimportantcomponentpartofitattheendof1996,butitwasfarfromasizableindustrySofar,thereareS,700enterprises,mostlysmalltownshipundertakings,involvedinecologicalprotection,withanannualoutputvalueofRMBllbillion,accountingforlessthan1percentofGDPInthe1990s,China'secologicalprotectionmachinerymanufacturingindustryhasmaintainedanaverageannualgrowthrateof18percent,buttheprodu…  相似文献   

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