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本文基于中国工业企业—对外直接投资匹配数据,以加成率为视角,运用倍差法对中国对外直接投资企业的盈利能力进行了考察。通过检验我们得出如下几点经验证据:对外直接投资(ODI)当期会降低企业加成率;ODI有显著正向的滞后“加成率效应”,且呈现增长趋势;技术研发和生产加工型ODI具有显著的滞后“加成率效应”;中国对非洲、“一带一路”沿线国家和金砖国家投资有显著超过平均水平的正向滞后效应。  相似文献   

绝大多数研究认为外资银行进入有利于东道国银行业效率的提高。在我国对外资银行全面开放的背景下,本文通过构建外资银行进入的效率变量函数,分析得出:外资银行进入在短期可能使我国银行业效率暂时下降,而在长期能够提高我国银行业的效率。但应注意的是,我国现存的金融环境有可能影响外资银行进入的竞争效应和溢出效应的发挥。  相似文献   

以2011~2020年中国A股上市制造业企业为研究对象,构建计量模型实证分析数字化转型对制造业企业创新绩效的影响,并考察技术溢出在其中所发挥的中介效应。结果表明:数字化转型对制造业企业创新绩效具有显著提升作用,成为制造业企业提升创新绩效的新动能。数字化转型对制造业企业创新绩效的提升作用存在地区异质性、产权异质性及行业异质性,主要表现为在东部地区制造业企业、非国有制造业企业与高技术制造业中更显著。中介效应机制检验结果显示:数字化转型可通过技术溢出积累创新知识,进而提升制造业企业创新绩效。鉴于此,应夯实数字化转型基础,优化数字营商环境,降低技术溢出门槛,充分释放数字化技术创新效应,推动制造业高质量发展。  相似文献   

传统理论认为,扩大服务业开放有助于促进制造业攀升价值链高端并提升附加值创造能力,但实践中却存在着扩大服务业开放未能有效破解制造业因生产性服务业发展不足,从而出口附加值创造能力提升受制的悖论。主要原因可能在于,扩大服务业开放后,国外服务要素作为中间投入直接进入制造业的“直接效应”与反向拉动国内服务业发展的“间接效应”,对企业出口国内增加值率具有相反作用。进一步利用中国企业层面经验数据进行检验,还发现上述影响及其作用机制具有明显的异质性。因此,在中国制造业亟待迈向全球价值链中高端和提升出口国内增加值率的新阶段,依托扩大服务业开放的促进作用不能简单因袭“拿来主义”路径,更要注重开放的竞争效应、溢出效应、关联效应等有助于拉动国内服务业发展的作用机制,以及其实际影响可能具有的异质性特征。  相似文献   

外资银行进入对我国银行业效率影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绝大多数研究认为外资银行进入有利于东道国银行业效率的提高。在我国对外资银行全面开放的背景下,本文通过构建外资银行进入的效率变量函数,分析得出:外资银行进入在短期可能使我国银行业效率暂时下降,而在长期能够提高我国银行业的效率。但应注意的是,我国现存的金融环境有可能影响外资银行进入的竞争效应和溢出效应的发挥。  相似文献   

本文基于省级层面投入产出表测算得到的制造业服务化数据,与中国工业企业数据库匹配合并,得到2000—2013年省份-行业层面面板数据,采用动态空间杜宾模型实证探讨制造业服务化对中国制造业行业就业规模的影响效应。研究发现:制造业服务化会显著提升本区域的制造业就业规模,但对于空间关联区域的劳动力市场将产生“虹吸效应”,即降低空间关联区域的就业规模。机制分析发现,制造业服务化主要通过产品创新和市场规模两条渠道来影响制造业就业。异质性分析发现,对于东部地区以及非劳动密集型行业而言,制造业服务化对就业规模的扩大作用与负向空间溢出效应并存;对于中部地区以及劳动密集型行业而言,制造业服务化只存在负向的空间溢出效应;而对于西部地区来说,制造业服务化带来的就业效应尚未显现。拓展性分析发现,服务业集聚水平的提升以及服务业的不断开放,均能显著增强制造业服务化对本区域就业带来的提升效应,同时弱化对空间关联区域劳动力市场的虹吸效应。  相似文献   

文章采用2011-2020年我国30个省份的面板数据,实证分析数字经济对税收收入及其相关指标的具体影响效应,并在此基础上研究数字经济发展带来的区域税收差异及溢出性问题。研究发现,数字经济发展显著扩大了税收收入,数字基础设施、数字产业化和产业数字化三个维度的数字经济对税收收入均具有正向效应;分区域回归结果显示,数字经济对税收收入的促进效应主要体现在我国东部、西部地区;异质性回归结果显示:数字经济对税收收入的促进效果具有正向递增效应;空间计量回归结果显示,数字经济具有显著的“外溢效应”。  相似文献   

产学研合作能够产生创新要素集聚效应,对企业创新质量具有重要影响。基于国家知识产权局2012—2020年制造业联合发明专利申请数据,利用双重固定效应模型分析产学研合作对企业创新质量的影响及作用机制。研究表明:产学研合作对企业的创新质量有着显著正向影响,在经过一系列稳健性检验后,该结论依旧稳健。机制分析发现,产学研合作通过创新人才集聚和创新资本集聚提升企业创新质量。异质性分析表明,相较于非省会城市,省会城市产学研合作对创新人才、创新资本集聚效应提升作用更显著;高技术行业对于创新人才集聚效应较强,对创新资本集聚效应的影响低于非高技术行业。研究结论对制造业等实体企业如何开展高质量创新活动及政府部门政策的制定具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,中国经济步入从高速增长转向中高速增长、从规模速度型粗放增长转向质量效率型集约增长的“新常态”,为实现制造业转型升级,党中央高度重视数字经济,坚持推动数字技术与实体经济深度融合,推动制造业向数字化、智能化、智慧化目标迈进。在此背景下,研究数字技术对于制造业转型升级的影响尤为重要。论文以2013—2019年874家制造业上市公司作为样本,深入研究数字技术应用对制造业转型升级的异质门槛效应及作用路径。研究结果显示,数字技术应用对于制造业企业转型升级有显著的正向促进作用,主要是通过降低交易成本改善资产运营效率路径实现,而对于满足差异化长尾需求提升盈利能力作用并不显著。异质性研究结果表明,对于高技术能力、低企业规模、高资产周转、高劳动依赖的企业,数字技术应用对转型升级有着更加显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

减少非理性的多元化扩张行为是优化企业资源配置,进而实现高质量发展的必然要求。以2012~2020年A股上市公司为样本探讨多元化经营对企业全要素生产率的影响,并考察连锁股东所施加的调节效应及三者间关系的异质性结果。研究结果显示:多元化经营会显著抑制企业全要素生产率的提升,即体现为多元化经营的“折价”效应;连锁股东能够发挥监督效应与信息效应,从而缓解多元化经营的“折价”效应。进一步分析发现:多元化经营与企业全要素生产率的关系在不同分位点上存在一定差异:随着全要素生产率分位点的提高,多元化经营的“折价”效应越发显著,连锁股东的监督效应和信息效应也更为凸显。此外,当企业实施股权激励以及所处行业竞争程度较高时,多元化经营对企业全要素生产率无明显影响;反之,多元化经营的“折价”效应及连锁股东的调节效应显著。本研究为基于高质量发展视角重新审视多元化经营折损理论提供了新的数据支撑,也为全面认识连锁股东的作用提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

This study examines financial analyst coverage for U.S. firms following an increase in foreign product market competition. To capture exogenous shocks to domestic firms' competitive environments, we exploit a quasi‐natural experiment from large import tariff reductions over the 1984 to 2005 period in the manufacturing sector. Using data for the years before and after large tariff reductions, our difference‐in‐differences analysis shows evidence of a significant decrease in analyst coverage for incumbent U.S. firms when they face greater entry threat from foreign competitors. We also find that analysts with less firm‐specific experience and less accurate prior‐period forecasts are more likely to stop following the domestic firm when foreign competition intensifies. Overall, the findings suggest that foreign product market competition from global trade liberalization is an important determinant of financial analysts' coverage decisions.  相似文献   

How does foreign competition affect growth and innovation in China? Using our unique measures of proximity of Chinese firms and industries to the world technology frontier, we find that despite vast sectoral heterogeneity, Chinese manufacturing industries have undergone rapid technological upgrading over the period of 2000–06. The distance to the world production frontier of firms and industries plays an important role in shaping the nexus between the competition pressure from foreign imports and domestic firms' growth and innovation behaviour. Our results support the theoretical predictions of Aghion et al. (2005, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp. 701–728) that import competition stimulates the domestic firms' productivity growth and R&D expenditure if firms and their industries are close to the world frontier, but discourages such incentives for laggard firms and industries. The two forces highlighted by the model operate for imports under the ordinary‐trade regime, for collective and private firms, and for imports originated from high‐income countries. Our findings are robust after controlling the influence of foreign investment, the reverse causality of regressors and the short‐term business cycle fluctuations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of group incentives on firms' performance. It shows that group incentive raises firms' performance. This result empirically validates the implication of the theoretical literature that performance‐related pay can potentially improve firms' performance, in the context of a developing country, and indicates the importance of group incentives in small firms. It also shows that partnership firms perform better than private limited companies and labour unions have a negative impact on firms' performance. It employs the Hausman–Taylor random effects estimator in order to isolate the effects of time‐invariant covariates and also to tackle potential endogeneity problem. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of public R&D subsidies on firms' private R&D investment per employee and new product sales in German manufacturing. Parametric and semiparametric two‐step selection models are applied to this evaluation problem. The results show that the average treatment effect on the treated firms' R&D intensity is positive. The estimated effects are robust with respect to the different selection models. Further results show that publicly induced R&D spending is as productive as private R&D investment in generating new product sales. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of performance of 68 Indian state-owned enterprises in the manufacturing sector for a five-year period: 1987 to 1991. Relative performance is determined using data envelopment analysis, with variations in performance patterns subsequently explained using regression analysis. We note that the performance of firms in the Indian state-owned sector is characterized by both, low performance, as well as significant and systematic variations in the performance parameters. Size is positively associated and age negatively associated with efficiency. Further, economic liberalization and reforms aimed at improving the performance of state-owned firms induces efficiency gains over time. This heterogeneity within the state-owned sector has policy implications, which we discuss. In countries which have privatized large numbers of their state-owned firms, it is often the larger establishments which have been sold to the public. The state-owned firms in the manufacturing sector that can be candidates for privatization are the smaller and older manufacturing firms. These firms may also be easier to dispose of to private investors. This finding reinforces our central thesis that firm-level analysis within the state-owned sector is useful and important for generating pragmatic policy guidelines.  相似文献   

We explore the supply chain problem of a downstream durable goods monopolist, who chooses one of the following trading modes: an exclusive supply chain with an incumbent supplier or an open supply chain, allowing the monopolist to trade with a new efficient entrant in the future. The expected retail price reduction in the future dampens the profitability of the original firms. An efficient entrant's entry magnifies such a price reduction, causing a further reduction of original firms' joint profits. In equilibrium, the downstream monopolist chooses the exclusive supply chain to escape further price reductions, although it expects efficient entry.  相似文献   

Using a panel of India’s registered manufacturing firms and both economy-wide and firm-level financial data, we investigate the effects of India’s financial liberalization on the productivity of its manufacturing sector in the 1990s and 2000s. Our dynamic panel analysis shows that the series of financial liberalization policies/measures, at both the macro and micro levels, significantly enhanced the productivity of the manufacturing sector. Total factor productivity increased for all firms, including those owned by the state government, with greater gains for the firms in the private and foreign sectors. Our results suggest that policies favoring financial liberalization should be pursued further in order for India to foster higher economic growth.  相似文献   

The literature on the impact of multinationals on domestic firms' productivity points to supply chain linkages with multinational firms as the main channel for positive spillover effects. Local and multinational firms' relative positions in the supply chain are typically determined through the use of input–output tables. For a panel of Romanian firms, we show that the level of industry aggregation in these tables and the applied spillover definitions bear an important impact on estimated spillover effects. We find that the total impact of foreign presence – irrespective of the channel – is considerably larger when detailed IO-tables are used. When more aggregated tables are used, one is likely to misclassify a considerable number of supplier–client activity as within-industry competitive activity. Including within-industry supply and use in the measures of supplier–client activity results in a further increase of the spillover effect on local suppliers, whereas the within-industry spillover effect disappears.  相似文献   

Recent research finds that firms investing abroad tend to agglomerate with other foreign entrants. Yet firms often invest multiple times within the same host country, which raises the question of whether firms agglomerate with their competitors' or their own prior investments. Collocation's attractiveness also may vary as a firm's entry motives evolve. The activities of prior and present investments often differ—initial investment may be for distribution while later ones might be for manufacturing. For Japanese investment into the United States in the electronics sector from 1980 to 1998, we find that firms tend to collocate only with their own prior investments. The exception is firms with little of their own experience, who tend to collocate with competitors. These results demonstrate the importance of firm heterogeneity in determining agglomeration behavior.  相似文献   

研究目标:中国装备制造业及其细分行业TFP增长率的测定与分解。研究方法:构建超越对数形式的随机前沿生产函数模型,测算中国装备制造业及其细分行业TFP增长率,并对其进行分解。研究发现:中国装备制造业TFP增长率不但在区域和省份之间存在差异,而且存在明显的内部行业异质性;技术进步和配置效率变化分别是提高和阻碍装备制造业TFP增长率的主要原因和障碍;除技术进步均为正值外,技术效率变化、规模效率变化和配置效率变化在装备制造业各行业中异质性相当明显;装备制造业及其细分行业仍未从真正意义上实现由粗放型向集约型增长方式的转变。研究创新:中国装备制造业细分行业TFP增长率及其异质性。研究价值:为装备制造业转型与升级提供经验证据。  相似文献   

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