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This paper departs from earlier work on location theory by introducing external economies of scale into the Weber–Moses location model. It is shown that under Cournot–Nash competition, when external economies prevail, constant returns to scale at the firm level is not a sufficient condition for ensuring the invariance of the firm's optimal location with respect to a change in market demand, regardless of whether or not free entry is allowed. Moreover, when free entry is allowed and the production function exhibits decreasing returns to scale, but with very strong external economies, the optimal location moves towards or away from the market as demand increases according to whether the demand function is convex or concave. These results are different significantly from the conventional wisdom.  相似文献   

Exporting has always been thought of as one tool to improve productivity and, consequently, to spur economic growth in low‐ to middle‐income economies. However, empirical evidence of this so‐called ‘learning‐by‐exporting’ effect has been limited. This article determines whether learning‐by‐exporting is evident in two Turkish manufacturing sectors—the textile and apparel (T&A) and the motor vehicle and parts (MV&P) industries. A semi‐parametric estimator that controls for problems associated with simultaneity and unobserved plant heterogeneity is used to test the learning‐by‐exporting hypothesis. After controlling for these issues, our results suggest statistically stronger learning‐by‐exporting effects in the T&A than in the MV&P industry. The highly concentrated and capital‐intensive nature of the MV&P industry is the main reason for the lower learning‐by‐exporting effect in this sector. From a policy perspective, this implies that targeting export‐enhancing policies to industries with significant learning‐by‐exporting effects may lead to more productivity gains and would better stimulate an export‐led growth.  相似文献   

Is the degree of external economies (at the industry level) higher than the degree of internal increasing returns (at the firm level)? If so, what is the exact source of this difference? In the general equilibrium model in which firms producing final goods choose the degree of specialization of their technologies, external economies arise from the usage of intermediate inputs and the existence of internal increasing returns. It is frequently assumed that increasing returns are absent at the firm level while present at the industry level. In this model, the existence of increasing returns at the form level is necessary for the existence of external economies at the industry level. We show that the degree of external economies increases with the level of linkage effects. However, a higher linkage effect does not always lead firms to choose more specialized technologies.  相似文献   

The paper studies the relationship between external debt and economic growth in a panel of emerging countries. A number of economists have proposed different methods of analysing the nexus between economic growth and public debt. The paper investigates the debt-growth nexus using a linear and non-linear specification, employing a panel ARDL model on 13 emerging countries during the period 1990–2016. The results show that there is no robust effect of debt on economic growth in the long run; however in the short run, external debt is negatively and significantly correlated to economic growth.  相似文献   

We develop a simple model in which individuals, who are differentiated by skill levels, freely choose location among different regions. In each region there is a local labor market that determines the wage and a local redistributive taxation that is exogenously determined. Equilibrium requires that no agent wishes to migrate. We define some sufficient conditions for equilibrium, and we show that the greater the difference in mean skills across regions, the greater the difference in redistributive taxations across regions should be to avoid migration flows. A condition for uniqueness and stability of equilibrium is also provided.  相似文献   

广播影视企业是否存在规模经济效应直接反映了公司资源利用效率以及整体经营状况,基于16家广播影视业上市公司财务数据,建立超越对数生产函数模型,通过计算规模弹性系数判断广播影视企业是否存在规模经济效应。研究表明:现阶段我国广播影视业上市公司的经营均不存在规模经济效应,资产规模与规模收益弹性之间有极强的正相关性。  相似文献   

Received July 17, 2000; revised version received February 1, 2001  相似文献   

规模经济与银行业发展综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵紫剑 《当代财经》2004,(5):45-48,52
规模经济既是西方微观经济学中的一个基本概念,也是产业组织理论研究的核心问题之一。银行业天生就是一个规模经济效应较强的产业。在研究中国银行业的规模经济问题时,重在探析决定和影响中国银行业规模经济的主要因素以及区分不同的层次;在关注银行规模内在经济和外在经济的同时,须考察银行规模结构,从静态和动态两方面去研究生产要素在银行间的配置组合格局。  相似文献   

高校扩招过程中的规模经济和范围经济   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
一、模型界定:多产出二次型模型及其简略探讨 所谓规模经济,一般界定为初始阶段,厂商由于扩大生产规模而使经济效益得到提高,这叫规模经济;而当生产扩张到一定规模以后,厂商继续扩大生产规模,会导致经济效益下降,这叫规模不经济。范围经济理论的主要思想是,如果联合生产几种产出的支出比分别生产它们的支出要少,那么就称联合生产存在范围经济。高校扩招过程中存在的规模经济和范围经济现象是两种理论得以应用的基础。  相似文献   

It is based on a paper presented to the 1st Conference of Australian and New Zealand Economists in Melbourne, May 1970.  相似文献   

It is well-known that with free entry, more firms than is socially optimal typically enter provided there are economies of scale. This paper investigates the possibility of excess entry in the absence of scale economies We thank Simon Anderson, Tom Holmes, the late Arijit Mukherji, and Xavier Vives for helpful comments. We also thank the participants at the July 2001 Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society in Auckland, June 2002 University of Melbourne-National University of Singapore Symposium and seminar participants at the University of Sydney and University of New South Wales for useful suggestions. We are especially thankful to an anonymous referee whose meticulous comments have helped us to improve the paper  相似文献   

The paper surveys the international trade literature on intraindustrial and interindustrial production externalities. It places particular emphasis upon the literature on variable returns to scale (VRS) developed along the Kemp line that the externalities are output–generated, and the economies of scale are external (internal) to individual firms (industry). The discussion touches upon the literature examining the implications of VRS for fundamental trade theorems, trade policies, economic growth, and welfare. The paper extends the survey to writings on the Meade–type interindustrial production externalities.  相似文献   

The paper examines the relevance of international scale economies and international market efficiency of trade based on the firm-level data of Taiwanese manufacturing industries. The author first constructs a simple analytical framework to measure the extent of scale economies and total factor productivity for each firm. The measurements of scale economies and total factor productivity are then used to investigate the relationships among exports, scale economies, and productivity. Significant external scale economies associated with exports and a strong positive relationship between the individual firm's productivity and its own export intensity are observed.  相似文献   

This article investigates scale economies in the Italian automobile industry as well as substitution possibilities between inputs and direct and cross-price elasticities of factor demand, utilizing a cost function with capital, labor, domestic, and imported intermediate goods inputs. Continuing European integration makes economies of scale an important issue. The study results are consistent with economies of scale in the Italian motor vehicle industry, a particularly interesting finding because the Italian automotive industry consists primarily of one firm, Fiat. The estimated direct price elasticities suggest that capital is most responsive to own price changes, and estimated cross elasticities imply that all inputs are substitutes. (JEL D 2, L 6, O 1)  相似文献   

Strategic positioning and potential cost savings are popular explanations for growing consolidation in the wireless telephone industry. This research estimates economies of scale for a large panel of GTE Wireless cellular market areas. Contrary to previous findings, our results indicate scale economies exist throughout the system and provide a rationale for the industry trend of consolidation.  相似文献   

This paper examines economies of scale in Australian banks. A bank multi-product cost function is estimated using a translog functional form with data drawn from twelve banks spanning the period 1978 to 1990. Different formulations of the model are estimated. Results prove sensitive to estimation assumptions and data definitions however they support the presence of economies of scale for Australian banking in this period  相似文献   

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