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一、背景介绍所谓战略投资者是指与发行人业务联系紧密、以谋求长期战略利益为目的、持股量较大且长期持有、拥有促进发行人业务实力并积极参与公司治理的法人投资者。中国银行业将在2006年底全面对外开放。而中国的银行目前正在努力增强竞争力,同时加快了引进境外战略投资者的  相似文献   

新加坡风险投资公司与中国的业务联系已经不算新鲜,但是在与中国结缘的众多VC中,大华银行(UOB)的名字更多地为中国业界同行所关注。  相似文献   

Novell公司任命中国总经理(本刊讯)Novell公司于1994年11月16日在京召开新闻记者招待会正式任命了中国代表处总经理。首任中国总经理金明先生全面负责及扩大Novell公司在中国的业务,通过建立业务联系和提供最先进的产品和技术积极参与中国国...  相似文献   

本文分析了“帐户管理系统”与“天地对接系统”的业务联系,指出现行做法的弊端,并给出一个可行的两个系统接口的解决方案  相似文献   

段伟平 《时代金融》2007,(12):30-31
家庭背景资料 家庭成员情况:宋先生,32岁,一名自由服装设计师。目前已经有3家公司与其建立了长期的业务联系,设计的一些作品也得到了业界的认可。妻子安女士,29岁,网页设计师。也是一名自由职业者,现拥有自己的个人网站。目前还没有小孩。  相似文献   

论债转股与国有商业银行的信贷管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩强 《中国金融》2000,(3):19-19,34
从债转股本身来说,它涉及企业、银行、资产管理公司三方的利益,其中尤以银行为主,因为不但转股的债权属于银行,而转股之后的企业仍然要和银行保持业务联系,这就使债转股不但对银行现在的信贷业务,而且对银行将来信贷业务的发展产生一定的影响。客观地说,债转股对银行的信?..  相似文献   

一、战略投资者及公司治理概述 战略投资者是指与对象企业业务联系紧密,以谋求长期战略利益为目的,持股量较大并且长期稳定持股,拥有促进对象企业业务发展的实力并积极参与公司治理的法人投资者。与一般法人投资者比,战略投资者持股的安定性更强、集中度更高、参与公司治理的积极性更大,因而是一种积极持股股东和安定性股东。  相似文献   

一、背景介绍 所谓战略投资者是指与发行人业务联系紧密、以谋求长期战略利益为目的、持股量较大且长期持有、拥有促进发行人业务实力并积极参与公司治理的法人投资者.中国银行业将在2006年底全面对外开放.而中国的银行目前正在努力增强竞争力,同时加快了引进境外战略投资者的步伐.截至2006年7月末,已有25家境外投资者入股18家中资银行,外资投资金额已超过203亿美元,占国内银行总资本的19%左右.  相似文献   

日前,银监会下发了《关于建立银行业衍生产品交易业务联系机制的通知》,通知称,为构建银行业衍生产品交易业务的交流平台,提高银行业衍生产品交易业务监管的有效性,推动我国银行业衍生产品业务健康、快速发展,银监会决定建立银行业衍生产品交易业务联系机制,今后,各从事衍生产品交易的银行将与监管机构建立起定期的沟通机制。  相似文献   

某集团公司在对其下属A子公司的年度经济责任审计中发现以下事项:与公司有密切业务联系的B公司与A公司在当年12月4日发生一笔购销业务,B公司拟购买A公司配件10套,价税共计20万元整。B公司已将20万元预付给A公司。A公司的账务处理为:借:银行存款20万贷:应收账款——B公司20万查看凭证后面的原始单据,审计人员发现银行转账支票为C单位开出,后有A公司经销人员书写的三方抵账说明,有A公司法人代表的同意抵账意见和出纳人员与部门经理的签字,无其它两法人单位B公司和C公司盖章或法人代表签字。疑虑初现。随后,审计人员在对往来账的审核中发…  相似文献   

科技与金融结合机制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张育明 《新金融》2001,(4):9-12
进入90年代以来,世界经济保持着比较高的增长速度,其间虽然有亚洲金融危机出现,但受其影响的国家出乎意料地较快地恢复了元气。美国经济的发展尤其引人注目,美国依然在世界经济发展中扮演着领头羊的角色,经济增长远比其他发达国家更快。经济学家试图揭开美国经济持续增长的奥秘,他们终于发现美国经济增长主要得益于科技进步带来的生产率提高,科技进步使美国企业在世界上保持着竞争优势,与此同时,由于美国经济良好的发展势头和前景,美国国内资金充裕,资本市场平均收益率上升,道-琼斯指数屡创新高,吸引了大量的国外资金进入美国资本市场,资本市场的活跃,反过来带动了美国风险投资业的发展,促进了风险资本在科技方面的投入,科技与金融相结合经济增长带来巨大的推动力。改革开放以来,特别是90年代,中国经济取得了世人瞩目的增长速度,科技进步在经济增长中贡献的份额越来越大。迅速发展的新兴的资本市场正在成为资源配置的主要方式,这些客观上为我们开发科技与金融相结合奠定了坚实的物质和制度基础,也为我们研究科技与金融相结合提出了有现实意义的要求。  相似文献   

Sara Lemos 《Fiscal Studies》2018,39(3):455-487
We exploit the sizeable and long Lifetime Labour Market Database (LLMDB) to estimate the immigrant–native employment gap across gender, across continents of nationality and across lengths of stay in the UK between 1981 and 2006. These estimates are a novel contribution, as estimates for men and women are scarce in the literature and estimates across immigrants’ origins and lengths of stay are as yet unavailable. Furthermore, we estimate the employment gap as the differential in the number of employed weeks in the year between immigrants and natives, which has not been done before – this contrasts with the employment probability gap usually estimated in the literature. We also estimate the immigrant–native earnings gap across gender, across the entire earnings distribution, across continents of nationality and across lengths of stay. Estimates across the earnings distribution are also a novel contribution, as these are also as yet unavailable in the literature. Our main conclusion is that both the immigrant–native employment and earnings gaps vary across gender, continents of nationality and lengths of stay. Immigrant women earn more than native women throughout the distribution. The earnings gap is positive throughout for females: smaller at the bottom, larger at the top and relatively constant in the middle of the distribution. In contrast, it increases monotonically across the distribution for males: it is negative at the bottom and positive at the top. In the main, immigrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Central and South America, and Eastern Europe suffer larger employment and earnings penalties, which are reduced as their length of stay increases. In contrast, immigrants from North America have a more favourable labour market experience.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the litigation risk hypothesis of initial public offering (IPO) underpricing in different legal and economic environments. When litigation risk is reduced in the three-year period after the enactment of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, firms' litigation risk plays a less significant role in IPO underpricing strategy. Furthermore, underpricing deters more traditional IPO lawsuits compared to that effect in the pre-1995 period. In the period after that, however, there is another structural change in which firms again use underpricing as insurance against IPO lawsuits. This underpricing may actually have led to greater litigation relating to IPO allocation irregularities.  相似文献   

要构建和谐社会,就必须构建和谐的劳资关系;而要构建和谐的劳资关系,就必须协调好公平与效率的关系,公平与效率的不同组合对劳资关系将产生不同的影响。在目前阶段,针对不公平问题日益凸显和劳资关系日益紧张的现状,我们必须强调公平与效率并重和统一,并以此为指导来构建和谐劳资关系。而要做到将公平与效率并重和统一起来并促进劳资关系的和谐发展,需要政府、资本所有者和经营者、劳动者的共同努力:政府要制定政策和法规,资本所有者和经营者要转变发展观念,劳动者要转变观念和提高能力。  相似文献   

Risk perception research has been dominated by cognitive psychology as a theoretical basis for understanding how people perceive and judge risks. However, during the last few years the role of affect in risk perception has received increased attention. Potential hazards may cause worry and concern and, consequently, an affective component is involved. Affects are often assumed to be post-cognitive. The present study aims to test the hypothesis that an 'image of risk', i.e. affect, may precede cognitive judgement and need not always be a criterion variable. During the period 1996 to 1998 a questionnaire survey was carried out in Norway. In total 1450 respondents replied to the questionnaire. Structural equation modelling showed that the fit of the models of risk depended on the respondents' sex, education and the type of risks evaluated. In the majority of model tests the idea that an image of risk may predict the cognitive judgement of risk was supported. The study also identified two dimensions of affectivity. Cognitive judgements of risk seemed not be related to affectivity as such, but rather to one aspect of affect, i.e. worry and concern. Treating affectivity as one dimension may be a hindrance to detecting the real associations between general affect and cognitive risk judgements.  相似文献   

Interaction between economic and financial development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a model of financial and economic development which assumes the consumption of real resources by the financial sector. Financial development occurs endogenously as the economy reaches a critical threshold of economic development. Compared to financial autarky, financial intermediaries allocate savings, net of their costs of operation, to more productive investments. Whenever the technology financed by intermediaries is more capital-intensive than that operated in financial autarky, the growth effect of financial development is ambiguous. As a result, financial development may be unsustainable. However, when financial development is sustainable, the credit market becomes more competitive and more efficient over time, and this could eventually contribute to economic growth. Nonetheless, given monopolistic competition in the financial sector, the level of entry into the credit market is generally inefficient. For instance, with diminishing returns to specialisation, entrants might be too few at the early stages of economic development and too many later on.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to empirically test the linkages between dividends and earnings. Using the Granger test of statistical causality, it is found that some firms use dividends for signaling, some follow a residual policy, and some firms simultaneously signal and follow a residual policy. Segmenting firms according to dividend policy, the results indicate that firms that follow a residual or signaling dividend policy tend to have a higher growth in asset turnover, but a lower growth in revenues. Signaling firms also tend to be smaller, have higher variability in revenues, and use less debt throught time.  相似文献   

金融是现代经济的核心。然而相对于传统意义上的金融,现代金融体系已经或即将发生什么样的变化?现代金融将沿着什么方向演变?又是什么因素推动着现代金融体系向这一方向演变?……显然,众多经济学家或金融学家对这些带有基础性的理论问题存在着一些截然不同的看法。可以说。从金融业的理论、法规制度建设到操作层面,特别是在金融理论的前沿,涌动着这样那样的冲突。深究这种冲突的根源,无疑,是源自实践给我们带来的矛盾和挑战。在这里,我想谈谈自己的一些思考。  相似文献   

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