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In this paper we prove that partial-moments-based performance measures (e.g., Omega, Kappa, upside-potential ratio, Sortino–Satchell ratio, Farinelli–Tibiletti ratio), value-at-risk-based performance measures (e.g., VaR ratio, CVaR ratio, Rachev ratio, generalized Rachev ratio), and other admissible performance measures are a strictly increasing function in the Sharpe ratio. The theoretical basis of this result is the location and scale property and two other plausible and mild conditions. Our result provides a decision-theoretic foundation for all these frequently used performance measures. Moreover, it might explain the empirical finding that all these measures typically lead to very similar rankings.  相似文献   

We propose a performance measure that generalizes the Sharpe ratio. The new performance measure is monotone with respect to stochastic dominance and consistently accounts for mean, variance and higher moments of the return distribution. It is equivalent to the Sharpe ratio if returns are normally distributed. Moreover, the two performance measures are asymptotically equivalent as the underlying distributions converge to the normal distribution. We suggest a parametric and a non-parametric estimator for the new performance measure and provide an empirical illustration using mutual funds and hedge funds data.  相似文献   

The Sharpe ratio is adequate for evaluating investment funds when the returns of those funds are normally distributed and the investor intends to place all his risky assets into just one investment fund. Hedge fund returns differ significantly from a normal distribution. For this reason, other performance measures for hedge fund returns have been proposed in both the academic and practice-oriented literature. In conducting an empirical study based on return data of 2763 hedge funds, we compare the Sharpe ratio with 12 other performance measures. Despite significant deviations of hedge fund returns from a normal distribution, our comparison of the Sharpe ratio to the other performance measures results in virtually identical rank ordering across hedge funds.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretically sound portfolio performance measure that takes into account higher moments of distribution. This measure is motivated by a study of the investor’s preferences to higher moments of distribution within Expected Utility Theory and an approximation analysis of the optimal capital allocation problem. We show that this performance measure justifies the notion of the Generalized Sharpe Ratio (GSR) introduced by Hodges (1998). We present two methods of practical estimation of the GSR: nonparametric and parametric. For the implementation of the parametric method we derive a closed-form solution for the GSR where the higher moments are calibrated to the normal inverse Gaussian distribution. We illustrate how the GSR can mitigate the shortcomings of the Sharpe ratio in resolution of Sharpe ratio paradoxes and reveal the real performance of portfolios with manipulated Sharpe ratios. We also demonstrate the use of this measure in the performance evaluation of hedge funds.  相似文献   

In an incomplete market, including liquidly traded European options in an investment portfolio could potentially improve the expected terminal utility for a risk-averse investor. However, unlike the Sharpe ratio, which provides a concise measure of the relative investment attractiveness of different underlying risky assets, there is no such measure available to help investors choose among the different European options. We introduce a new concept—the implied Sharpe ratio—which allows investors to make such a comparison in an incomplete financial market. Specifically, when comparing various European options, it is the option with the highest implied Sharpe ratio that, if included in an investor's portfolio, will improve his expected utility the most. Through the method of Taylor series expansion of the state-dependent coefficients in a nonlinear partial differential equation, we also establish the behaviour of the implied Sharpe ratio with respect to an investor's risk-aversion parameter. In a series of numerical studies, we compare the investment attractiveness of different European options by studying their implied Sharpe ratio.  相似文献   

We derive closed-form expressions for risk measures based on partial moments by assuming the Gram-Charlier (GC) density for stock returns. As a result, the lower partial moment (LPM) measures can be expressed as linear functions on both skewness and excess kurtosis. Under this framework, we study the behavior of portfolio rankings with performance measures based on partial moments, that is, both Farinelli-Tibiletti (FT) and Kappa ratios. Contrary to previous results, significant differences are found in ranking portfolios between the Sharpe ratio and the FT family. We also obtain closed-form expressions for LPMs under the semi non-parametric (SNP) distribution which allows higher flexibility than the GC distribution.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on analyzing functional relationships among performance measures, centered on the adjusted differential risk premium between the asset and the benchmark and on Sharpe-1994 ratio. First, we develop a risk normalization procedure for variance and Aumann–Serrano riskiness which turns contradictory rankings into coherent ones, and combines the effects of correlation and outliers into the analysis. On this basis, we deduce functional connections among performance measures, arriving at a new indicator which expresses performance as the addition of three effects due to Sharpe ratio, correlation and outliers. We show it is a strictly increasing function of Homm–Pigorsch ratio.  相似文献   

We compare stock performance based on utility indifference pricing and the Sharpe ratio assuming that stock returns follow the class of discrete normal mixture distributions. The utility indifference price with an exponential utility function satisfies several desirable properties that a suitable value measure should satisfy. For utility indifference pricing, we employ the inner rate of risk aversion proposed by Miyahara [Evaluation of the scale risk. RIMS Kokyuroku, No. 1886, Financial Modeling and Analysis (2013/11/20-2013/11/22), 181–188, 2014], which is the degree of risk aversion that makes the utility indifference price with the exponential utility function zero in order to evaluate stock performance. Using a selection of U.S. stocks, the results show that the evaluation of stock performance based on the inner rate of risk aversion is more relevant for risk-averse investors than that based on the Sharpe ratio, which represents performance by the first two moments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze momentum strategies that are based on reward–risk stock selection criteria in contrast to ordinary momentum strategies based on a cumulative return criterion. Reward–risk stock selection criteria include the standard Sharpe ratio with variance as a risk measure, and alternative reward–risk ratios with the expected shortfall as a risk measure. We investigate momentum strategies using 517 stocks in the S&P 500 universe in the period 1996–2003. Although the cumulative return criterion provides the highest average monthly momentum profits of 1.3% compared to the monthly profit of 0.86% for the best alternative criterion, the alternative ratios provide better risk-adjusted returns measured on an independent risk-adjusted performance measure. We also provide evidence on unique distributional properties of extreme momentum portfolios analyzed within the framework of general non-normal stable Paretian distributions. Specifically, for every stock selection criterion, loser portfolios have the lowest tail index and tail index of winner portfolios is lower than that of middle deciles. The lower tail index is associated with a lower mean strategy. The lowest tail index is obtained for the cumulative return strategy. Given our data-set, these findings indicate that the cumulative return strategy obtains higher profits with the acceptance of higher tail risk, while strategies based on reward–risk criteria obtain better risk-adjusted performance with the acceptance of the lower tail risk.  相似文献   

American depository receipts (ADRs) represent an increasingly popular and convenient mechanism for international investing. We analyze ADRs traded throughout the 1990s and find that these securities offer a diversification and portfolio performance benefit when combined with a domestic portfolio (proxied by the S&P 500). While we find that emerging market ADRs are effective instruments for reducing portfolio risk, they do not improve portfolio performance as measured by the Sharpe ratio. Developed market ADRs do improve portfolio performance as measured by the Sharpe ratio. The asset allocation which maximizes the Sharpe ratio is 84 percent domestic stocks, 16 percent developed ADRs, and 0 percent emerging ADRs. Further, due to problems in defining an appropriate market index for ADRs, the Sharpe ratio is viewed to be the preferred performance measure. Other measures such as Jensen’s alpha and the Treynor measure are susceptible to being “gamed” to distort portfolio performance.  相似文献   

This article formalizes the undesirable property of the Sharpe ratio that a fund with a certain poor performance can increase its Sharpe ratio in a prospective period by generating a sufficiently negative excess return. Specifically, we set out the conditions that a fund must meet to be exposed to this kind of effect. Furthermore, we provide a formal statement of the excess return value that needs to be deceeded to obtain a higher Sharpe ratio. In an empirical application, we investigate the practical relevance of this kind of distortion. We find that an economically significant number of funds listed in the CISDM hedge fund database have at least once reported a sufficiently negative return, causing an increased Sharpe ratio fund performance.  相似文献   

We define a battery of Sharpe performance measures, which differ by the information taken into account in their computation, but also by the potential use of the fund by the investor. Four advantages of Sharpe performance based rating are especially important for the investor. First, the performance measures correspond to the standard measures used for mutual funds and known by retail investors. Second, we can compare the numerical results, even if they are obtained with different assumptions. Third, the rankings are based on regression analysis and easy to compute. Fourth, we can easily use these performance measures in the design of an optimal basket of hedge funds. Finally, we can use the performance measures to partition the set of funds into homogenous segments.  相似文献   

Global investments have been a hot issue for years. Investors can diversify risks and obtain benefits from foreign markets by investing directly in the foreign security market or indirectly in Exchange-Trade Funds (ETFs). Because direct investments are not always feasible, we investigate whether indirect investments can replace direct investments. We create different regional optimal portfolios containing ETFs and ensure optimal asset portfolio allocation. In addition to mean-variance approach, the Sharpe index, we also adopt the Campbell et al. (2001) method to have the efficient frontier under control risks, the Value at Risk. We apply both normal and non-normal distributions for comparisons and find that different assumptions of return distributions affect the results of efficient frontier. The results show that international diversification is a reasonable strategy. In addition, when comparing ETFs and target market index portfolios, ETFs have higher Sharpe measures than target market indices especially in the emerging markets. However, there are no significant performance differences between direct and indirect methods even if we use different performance measures. We also find that the diversification benefits are the same before and after the Subprime crisis. We conclude that it is effective for investors to use indirect methods to create internationally diversified portfolios.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a decision maker whose utility function has a kink at the reference point with different functions below and above this reference point. We also suppose that the decision maker generally distorts the objective probabilities. First we show that the expected utility function of this decision maker can be approximated by a function of mean and partial moments of distribution. This 'mean-partial moments' utility generalises not only mean-variance utility of Tobin and Markowitz, but also mean-semivariance utility of Markowitz. Then, in the spirit of Arrow and Pratt, we derive an expression for a risk premium when risk is small. Our analysis shows that a decision maker in this framework exhibits three types of aversions: aversion to loss, aversion to uncertainty in gains, and aversion to uncertainty in losses. Finally we present a solution to the optimal capital allocation problem and derive an expression for a portfolio performance measure which generalises the Sharpe and Sortino ratios. We demonstrate that in this framework the decision maker's skewness preferences have first-order impact on risk measurement even when the risk is small.  相似文献   

As the assumption of normality in return distributions is relaxed, classic Sharpe ratio and its descendants become questionable tools for constructing optimal portfolios. In order to overcome the problem, asymmetrical parameter-dependent performance ratios have been recently proposed in the literature. The aim of this note is to develop an integrated decision aid system for asset allocation based on a toolkit of eleven performance ratios. A multi-period portfolio optimization up covering a fixed horizon is set up: at first, bootstrapping of asset return distributions is assessed to recover all ratios calculations; at second, optimal rebalanced-weights are achieved; at third, optimal final wealth is simulated for each ratios. Eventually, we make a robustness test on the best performance ratios. Empirical simulations confirm the weakness in forecasting of Sharpe ratio, whereas asymmetrical parameter-dependent ratios, such as the Generalized Rachev, Sortino–Satchell and Farinelli–Tibiletti ratios show satisfactorily robustness.  相似文献   

We examine two data sets, one from the UK (n = 15,750) and one from the US (n = 3239), to show that SME financial behaviour demonstrates substantial financial contentment, or ‘happiness’. We find fewer than 10% of the UK firms seek significant growth and only 1.32% of US firms list a shortage of capital other than working capital as a problem. Financial performance indicators (growth, return on assets, profit margin) were not found to be determinants of SME financing activities, as might be expected in a ‘rational’ risk–return environment. Younger and less educated SME owners more actively use external financing – even though more education reduces the fear of loan denial – while older and more educated (‘wiser’) SME owners are found to be being less likely to seek or use external financing. The contentment hypothesis for SME financing also extends to high-growth firms in that we show that they participate more in the loan markets than low-growth firms. By way of contrast to the finance gap hypothesis, the contentment hypothesis observes the importance of social networks (connections) [for finance] and confirms the ‘connections – happiness’ linkage in the literature on happiness while doubting the theoretical suitability of Jensen and Meckling [Jensen, M., Meckling, W., 1976. Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs, and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics 3, 305–360.] base-case analysis for SMEs.  相似文献   

We analyze the optimal portfolio policies of expected utility maximizing agents under VaR Capital Requirement (VaR-CR) regulation in comparison to the optimal policy under exogenously-imposed VaR Limit (VaR-L) and Limited-Expected-Loss (LEL) regulations. With VaR-CR regulation the agent strategy consists of simultaneous decisions on both the portfolio VaR and on the implied amount of required eligible capital. As a result, the performance of VaR-CR regulation depends on its design (the parameter n) and the agent preferences. We show that an optimal VaR-CR regulation allows the regulator on the one hand, to completely eliminate the exposure to the largest losses, which may jeopardize the existence of the institution, and on the other hand, to restrain the portfolio exposure to all other losses. These results rationalize the current Basel regulations. However, the analysis shows also that there is an optimal level of required eligible capital from the regulator standpoint. Counter-intuitively, any requirement above this optimal level is inefficient as it leads to a smaller amount of actually maintained eligible capital and thereby to a larger exposure to the most adverse states of the world. Unfortunately, the current Basel’s range of required levels (n = 3–4) is within this inefficient range. Moreover, with an inefficient regulation the agent might employ an inefficient reporting and disclosure procedure.  相似文献   

We reassess the recent finding that no established portfolio strategy outperforms the naively diversified portfolio, 1/N, by developing a constrained minimum-variance portfolio strategy on a shrinkage theory based framework. Our results show that our constrained minimum-variance portfolio yields significantly lower out-of-sample variances than many established minimum-variance portfolio strategies. Further, we observe that our portfolio strategy achieves higher Sharpe ratios than 1/N, amounting to an average Sharpe ratio increase of 32.5% across our six empirical datasets. We find that our constrained minimum-variance strategy is the only strategy that achieves the goal of improving the Sharpe ratio of 1/N consistently and significantly. At the same time, our developed portfolio strategy achieves a comparatively low turnover and exhibits no excessive short interest.  相似文献   

The paper presents an incomplete market pricingmethodology generating asset pricebounds conditional on the absence of attractiveinvestment opportunities in equilibrium.The paper extends and generalises the seminal article ofCochrane and Saá-Requejowho pioneered option pricing based on the absenceof arbitrage and high Sharpe Ratios. Ourcontribution is threefold:We base the equilibrium restrictions on an arbitrary utility function, obtaining theCochrane and Saá-Requejo analysis as a special case with truncated quadratic utility. We extend the definition of Sharpe Ratio from quadratic utility to the entire family of CRRA utility functions and restate the equilibrium restrictions in terms ofGeneralised Sharpe Ratios which, unlike the standard Sharpe Ratio, provide aconsistent ranking of investment opportunities even when asset returns are highlynon-normal. Last but not least, we demonstrate that for Itô processes theCochrane and Saá-Requejo price bounds are invariant to the choice of the utilityfunction, and that in the limit they tend to a unique price determined by theminimal martingale measure.  相似文献   

We study model-driven statistical arbitrage in US equities. Trading signals are generated in two ways: using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or regressing stock returns on sector Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). In both cases, the idiosyncratic returns are modelled as mean-reverting processes, which leads naturally to ‘contrarian’ strategies. We construct, back-test and compare market-neutral PCA- and ETF-based strategies applied to the broad universe of US equities. After accounting for transaction costs, PCA-based strategies have an average annual Sharpe ratio of 1.44 over the period 1997 to 2007, with stronger performances prior to 2003. During 2003–2007, the average Sharpe ratio of PCA-based strategies was only 0.9. ETF-based strategies had a Sharpe ratio of 1.1 from 1997 to 2007, experiencing a similar degradation since 2002. We also propose signals that account for trading volume, observing significant improvement in performance in the case of ETF-based signals. ETF-strategies with volume information achieved a Sharpe ratio of 1.51 from 2003 to 2007. The paper also relates the performance of mean-reversion statistical arbitrage strategies with the stock market cycle. In particular, we study in detail the performance of the strategies during the liquidity crisis of the summer of 2007, following Khandani and Lo [Social Science Research Network (SSRN) working paper, 2007].  相似文献   

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