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Previous studies document a negative return to equity on the announcement of an SEO. However, the effects of SEO announcements on bonds have received little attention. We find that bondholders experience a significant positive return on the announcement of an SEO and this effect is more pronounced for bonds with lower ratings. We examine alternate explanations for bond market reactions to SEO announcements including the leverage risk reduction, wealth transfer, and information signaling hypotheses. Overall, our results are most consistent with the leverage risk reduction hypothesis.  相似文献   

In an accelerated seasoned equity offering (SEO), an issuer foregoes the investment bank's marketing efforts in return for a lower fee. To explain why many issuing firms choose a higher cost fully marketed offer, we posit that the marketing effort flattens the issuer's short-run demand curve. Alternatively stated, with a fully marketed offer, the issuer is paying investment bankers to create demand, making the elasticity of demand at the time of issuance an endogenous choice variable. Empirical analysis shows that both the pre-issue elasticity of the issuing firm's demand curve and the offer size are important determinants of the offer method choice. We find evidence of a large transitory increase in the elasticity of demand for issuers conducting fully marketed SEOs.  相似文献   

Do institutional investors possess private information about seasoned equity offerings (SEOs)? If so, do they use this private information to trade in a direction opposite to this information (a manipulative trading role) or in the same direction (an information production role)? We use a large sample of transaction-level institutional trading data to distinguish between these two roles of institutional investors. We explicitly identify institutional SEO allocations for the first time in the literature. We analyze the consequences of the private information possessed by institutional investors for SEO share allocation, institutional trading before and after the SEO and realized trading profitability, and the SEO discount. We find that institutions are able to identify and obtain more allocations in SEOs with better long-run stock returns, they trade in the same direction as their private information, and their post-SEO trading significantly outperforms a naive buy-and-hold trading strategy. Further, more pre-offer institutional net buying and larger institutional SEO allocations are associated with a smaller SEO discount. Overall, our results are consistent with institutions possessing private information about SEOs and with an information production instead of a manipulative trading role for institutional investors in SEOs.  相似文献   

The bought deal is the predominant method of underwriting SEOs in Canada. Offer prices are set and underwriters commit to purchase offerings several days earlier for bought deals than for firm commitment issues, implying stronger underwriter certification for bought deal issues. Consistent with the certification hypothesis, this study finds a significantly smaller negative stock price reaction around the announcement of bought deals compared to firm commitment issues. Bought deals are further shown to have smaller offer price discounts and smaller underwriting fees, implying superior pricing and thus, higher quality offerings. These findings suggest that investment banks’ underwriting method of choice is informative of issue quality.  相似文献   

We document the frequent use of lockup agreements in seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) and examine the determinants of their use, duration, and early release. We find that the likelihood of an SEO lockup and its duration are positively related to issuer information asymmetry measures. Lockup duration is negatively related to underwriter spreads and underpricing, indicating that lockups lower expected flotation costs. Lockups are frequently released early following share prices rises. We conclude that lockups represent a contracting solution to asymmetric information and agency problems that plague equity issues by helping to insure SEO quality and deter opportunistic insider trading.  相似文献   

We investigate what stock return synchronicity reflects in terms of price informativeness by examining its effect on the pricing of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). Based on 5,087 SEOs from 1984 to 2007, we find a significantly negative relation between stock return synchronicity (estimated as the logit transformation of the R-squared statistic from a two-factor regression) and SEO discounts (the percentage differences between pre-offer day closing prices and offer prices). The negative relation is strongest when there is no analyst coverage, and it declines as analyst coverage increases. This shows that stock price is more informative when stock return synchronicity is higher and also that information asymmetry can be mitigated by analyst coverage. We further decompose stock return synchronicity into the market comovement and industry comovement components and find that both components are equally important in affecting SEO discounts.  相似文献   

The significant negative issuance day returns associated with seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) have been a puzzle. In this paper we provide two explanations for this empirical regularity. First, using an option-based argument, we contend that issuance day returns are negative because of SEO related declines in volatility that reduce the option value of equity. Our empirical examination of US SEOs between 1983 and 2003 strongly supports this contention. Second, we find that the negative issuance date return is also related to market liquidity around the issuance date. Our findings are robust to various sub-samples and the uncertainty resolution argument, and are not driven by SEO buy-sell order imbalances.  相似文献   

Spread costs and their adverse selection and temporary components for Canadian SEOs follow an approximate V-shaped pattern with a trough at the closing window. Enhanced ownership diffusion partly explains the decrease in these spread costs post-SEO completion versus pre-SEO announcement. SEO spread costs decrease after the April 1996 TSX decimalization. The adverse selection cost of privately-placed Canadian SEOs decreases after Multilateral Instrument 45-102 reduced the lock-up period to four months in 2001. Consistent with results for non-US SEOs, negative abnormal returns (ARs) occur in announcement windows for undifferentiated SEOs. ARs are significantly different for public (significantly negative) versus private (insignificantly positive) SEOs consistent with their associated differential reductions in information asymmetry. Conditional residual volatilities decrease post-announcement, consistent with a diminished temporary spread cost and expected behavior following an unanticipated event.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the long-run effect on shareholders' wealth and firms' operating performance of the right offering decision in Spain. The evidence shows that the stock price of firms' issuing rights substantially underperform the different benchmarks employed. It has also been observed that these companies experience a decrease in accounting profitability for some pre- to postissue periods. An excessive optimism about the long-term prospects of equity issuers could explain these results.  相似文献   

We examine information spillovers in the context of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). Rival firms react significantly positively (0.26%) to primary SEO announcements, indicative of a competitive effect, but negatively (− 0.35%) to secondary share announcements, which is evidence of a contagion effect. Consistent with the view that primary equity offerings signal favorable industry prospects because firms presumably issue new shares to invest in profitable projects, we find that the rival response is positively related to analysts' EPS growth forecasts. However, when insiders are selling their shares through a secondary offer, this may suggest overvaluation and thus negatively impacts rival firms. Consistent with this view, we find when VCs sell through a secondary offerings, rivals experience a more significant negative reaction. We find rival firms are more likely to follow their peers and conduct a primary SEO if the market reacts favorably to their peer's SEO announcement. Finally, rival firms outperform secondary share issuers of equity, but not primary share issuers. Collectively, the findings support the view that insiders take advantage of windows of opportunity when they sell their own shares, but not when they raise capital for investing purposes.  相似文献   

This paper finds significant differences in the price impacts around the announcement date for domestic and international seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) by Canadian issuers cross-listed on US trade venues. Important determinants that differ by US cross-listing trade venue are identified for the price impacts associated with domestic and international SEOs. The significant determinants are variables that proxy for positive private and public firm information for the domestic SEOs of issuers cross-listed on NASDAQ, and are mainly variables that proxy for negative private information for the domestic SEOs of issuers cross-listed on the NYSE/AMEX. Good and bad news affect domestic and international SEOs favorably and unfavorably, respectively. The only common determinant for the domestic and international SEOs and for domestic SEOs for both groupings of US listing venues is whether or not the issue is primary.  相似文献   

Both a firm's market-timing opportunities and its corporate lifecycle stage exert statistically and economically significant influences on the probability that it conducts a seasoned equity offering (SEO), with the lifecycle effect empirically stronger. Neither effect adequately explains SEO decisions because a near-majority of issuers are not growth firms and the vast majority of firms with high M/B ratios and high recent and poor future stock returns fail to issue stock. Since without the offer proceeds 62.6% of issuers would run out of cash (81.1% would have subnormal cash balances) the year after the SEO, a near-term cash need is the primary SEO motive, with market-timing opportunities and lifecycle stage exerting only ancillary influences.  相似文献   

We examine the effect on expected flotation costs of including co-managers in the underwriting syndicate. We consider five components of SEO flotation costs: announcement returns, underpricing, the probability of withdrawals, offering delays, and underwriting spreads. The results show that the characteristics of co-managers participating in syndicates have significant effects on flotation costs, while the effect of the number of co-managers is largely insignificant. Our results are consistent with the notion that highly reputable underwriters and commercial banks serving as co-managers serve a certification role, reducing information asymmetries and, as a result, lowering SEO flotation costs.  相似文献   

We investigate if the long-run underperformance in the year after the issue of a sample of Spanish SEO firms is related to behavioural biases that lead investors to slowly adjust their pre-issue overoptimism. We also examine the existence of arbitrage costs that preclude mispricing from being corrected rapidly by sophisticated investors who act as arbitrageurs. Our findings support the contention that small SEO firms are overpriced at the time of the issue and suggest that their post-underperformance is related to arbitrage costs, where transaction costs play an important role although holding costs do not.  相似文献   

We analyze the effects of managerial incentive, firm characteristics and market timing on floating-to-fixed rate debt structure of firms. We find that chief financial officer's (CFO's), not chief executive officer's (CEO's), incentive has a strong influence on firm's debt structure. When CFOs have incentives to increase (decrease) firm risk, firms obtain volatility-increasing (-decreasing) debt structure. These effects are present only for CFOs who are not subject to high monitoring by board members, CEOs, or corporate control market. Our findings suggest that agency problems at the level of non-CEO executives could be an important driver of various corporate decisions.  相似文献   

Using a sample of U.S. seasoned equity offering (SEO) during the period 2002–2017, we document that audit quality is associated with SEO issuance method choice. Specifically, firms with higher quality auditors are more likely to adopt the accelerated offerings issue method instead of using other seasoned equity offering methods. We also identify that audit tenure and industry audit specialization influence the relation between audit quality and the likelihood of undertaking accelerated SEO offerings, and that the relationship is more pronounced in the presence of weaker firm-level information and governance environments. Extending from the conclusion that accelerated offerings serve as a quality certification mechanism, we also find that firms completing accelerated offerings enjoy lower audit fees in subsequent years. These firms also exhibit superior post-SEO-issue long-term abnormal stock performance. Overall, our study shows that the certifying and monitoring role of auditors is valuable to clients, underwriters, and investors in SEO transactions.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of U.S. seasoned equity offering (SEO) during the period 2002–2017, we examine how the choice of equity issuance method changes in response to policy uncertainty. We find that firms subject to high policy uncertainty are less likely to use accelerated offerings rather than other types of traditional seasoned equity offerings. Our results are robust to alternative variable specifications, propensity score matching method, IV approach, and the inclusion of additional controls. Also, the effect of policy uncertainty on accelerated offering decision is weaker for firms with better information environment, earnings quality, and governance structures. Further, policy uncertainty increases the cost of funds and lowers long-run abnormal returns after SEOs for firms subject to high levels of policy uncertainty.  相似文献   

We provide one of the first large sample comparisons of cash policies in public and private U.S. firms. We first show that despite higher financing frictions, private firms hold, on average, about half as much cash as public firms do. By examining the drivers of cash policies for each group, we are able to attribute the difference to the much higher agency costs in public firms. By combining evidence from across public and private firms as well as within public firms across different qualities of governance, we are able to reconcile existing mixed evidence on the effects of agency problems on cash policies. Specifically, agency problems affect not only the target level of cash, but also how managers react to cash in excess of the target.  相似文献   

The SEC promulgated the Securities Offering Reform (SOR) in 2005 to ease disclosure restrictions prior to seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). The SEC argued that SOR would improve the information environment, but critics claimed it would allow firms to hype their stock. This paper is the first to examine the information environment at the time of capital formation under SOR. We find more frequent and accurate management earnings forecasts, more 8-K filings, greater absolute market-adjusted returns, and more positive stock returns leading up to the SEO issue date indicating a richer pre-SEO information environment with capital formation benefits after SOR.  相似文献   

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