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Incorporating managerial flexibility in an innovative R&D project is important, because managers face greater uncertainty in today's competitive and dynamic changing environment. It is essential to bring managerial flexibility into R&D project planning to decrease technical and market risks, while increasing potential market value. The objective of this paper is to develop a flexibility planning methodology based on real option analysis to improve managerial flexibility for R&D projects. The proposed methodology identifies potential risks that may occur during every R&D stage. It also recognizes a cascading option structure to resolve the identified risks, and evaluates and selects adequate options that maximize the potential value of the project. Instead of using a traditional option pricing method, a dynamic programming model that considers multidimensional product performance and market payoff is used to evaluate the R&D project value. Using the proposed methodology, managers can identify future scenarios as a function of their management actions. The proposed flexibility planning methodology can help managers improve managerial flexibility of R&D project and increase the success rate of product launch. A drug development project is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

When facing uncertainty, firms entering new markets can make initial foothold investments rather than undertake large sunk investments. Such investments are real call option purchases. They offer management flexibility, but also raise questions about whether and when to increase commitments to new markets. We present an entry timing decision criterion and discuss its application to a variety of market entry situations. Optimal timing for exercising real options depends on current dividends, possibilities for preemption, and whether the option is simple or compound, proprietary or shared. Our analysis reveals critical assumptions and new theoretical insights regarding market entry timing. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article proposes a real options valuation of a tolling contract using a combined switching option and volatility regime switching model. In a tolling-based transaction, the toller becomes the energy manager (but not the owner) of the power plant, having the option to switch it on or off to benefit from (mitigate) the upside (downside) potential related to frequent, jumpy fluctuations of power (and gas) prices. Value creation from such flexibility in managing the spark spread risk may be better captured by expanding the static NPV of the plant via exercise of a switching (compound) option having the plant itself as an underlying two-market-based asset portfolio (electricity and gas). Results from adoption of a pentanomial lattice pricing approach show that the set of tolling fees the toller would prefer to pay to the tollee “in equilibrium” is a decreasing function in the portfolio volatility because of the higher risk being borne by the former. Though the toller is willing to fairly pay equal or less than the value created from active management of the power plant, obtaining a positive net profit, the tollee may rely on a constant flow of bullet bond-like installments, securing remuneration of equity capital invested and arrangement of a project financing for plant construction.  相似文献   

商业地产开发投资中存在投资的不可逆性、外部环境的不确定性和决策的灵活性,因而具有实物期权特性。从确定要解决的问题、分析不确定性的来源、鉴别关键的不确定性因素、识别实物期权类型、构建期权定价模型、计算项目价值、检查计算结果和重新设计8个方面,构建了商业地产投资决策的实物期权分析框架。  相似文献   

We study firms' incentives to create switching costs using a four-period model consisting of two consecutive price-competing stages intervened by options to create switching costs early (before price competition) and late (during price competition). Acknowledging that many real/social switching costs need to be created early while many contractual/pecuniary switching costs are set up late during the competition, we show that firms are better off minimizing real/social switching costs while maximizing contractual/pecuniary switching costs. The results highlight the importance of timing of creation that is embedded in different types of switching costs. We also show that switching costs can actually benefit consumers when firms practice behavior-based price discrimination because consumers can enjoy benefits of deep price discounts without the hassle of actually switching. Therefore, an observed lack of consumer switching should not be immediately interpreted as lack of competition in markets where both switching costs and behavior-based pricing exist.  相似文献   

Product outsourcing is recognized as a way to gain flexibility for competitive advantage. We formulate the outsourcing problem using real options. We develop a financial model to assess the option value of product outsourcing. Specifically, we consider a three state-variable problem and use Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the value of the option. This valuation gives decision makers a way to choose the appropriate outsourcing strategy based on an integrated view of the market dynamics. A case example from the apparel manufacturing industry is used to demonstrate the application of real options to value outsourcing flexibility. We show that the inability of classical net present value methods to address dynamics in the market condition leads to an undervaluing of the outsourcing strategy. Numerical results and sensitivity analysis show how the real options approach can be used to give a better view of the long-term value of outsourcing.  相似文献   

The strategy literature is increasingly focused on the need to create dynamic capabilities to respond with innovative product offerings in 'hypercompetitive' environments. The real options approach offers hope for managers facing such threatening environments by highlighting methods to hold options on a variety of possible future states, thereby reducing risk without bearing all the costs. However, extant real options literature, stemming from rational-based financial assumptions, does not consider attention as a limited resource. Real options are valued on the assumption that management can exploit the flexibility inherent in projects, and so require management attention to obtain their full theoretical value. This paper brings attentional constraints to bear on the real options framework and describes a conceptual framework that illustrates the real option value realization process.  相似文献   

Real options reasoning emphasizes the strategic value of making flexible investments in a turbulent environment. Employees' investments in specific human capital are often critical to the success of a real option project, but the very flexibility that allows a firm to change course in response to new information also affects employees' incentives to make such specific human capital investments. We develop a model of real option investment that explicitly incorporates the role of employee incentives. The model suggests that the effect of investing in a real option project on employee incentives may be positive, further increasing the value of the project, or negative, sometimes more than offsetting the benefit of flexibility and resulting in reduced project value. Therefore, firms and managers should take into consideration the role of employee incentives when applying real options logic to investment decision making. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Contractual control in franchising is exercised by using the following clauses: exclusive dealing, exclusive territory, tying arrangement, resale price maintenance, real option, lease control, alienation and non-competition covenants. Previous research has not explained the performance consequences of these contractual restraints in franchise contracting. This study examines - from a franchisor perspective - the impact of individual (disaggregated) and bundled (aggregated) contractual restraints on franchise system performance. In line with transaction cost theory predictions, the aggregated approach shows that bundling of contractual restraints increase franchise system performance (i.e. profitability and efficiency). The results of seemingly unrelated regression analyses based on data from the German and Swiss franchise sector provide support for most of the hypotheses. Overall, this study contributes to the franchising and marketing channel literature by presenting a new approach to analyze the performance consequences of a bundle of contractual restraints in franchise contracting.  相似文献   

We examine call option rights as a contractual clause in international joint ventures (IJVs) and propose that the assignment of the call option right in an IJV is determined by certain ex ante asymmetries between the partners. Results show that between the two partners in an IJV, the firm with greater complementarity with the venture and greater prior IJV experience is more likely to hold the call option right; in addition, the firm's contractual choice on the call option right and its ownership choice on a greater initial equity stake are substitutive. Our focus on explicit call options advances the real options theory of collaborative agreements, and our results also highlight that option rights be considered an important part of alliance design. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The timing flexibility of investments in oil and gas assets can potentially add value. In this article, we examine the value of waiting in exploration projects and propose a real option–based valuation method using least-squares Monte Carlo simulation. We show that the dynamics of the oil and gas prices have a large impact on the value of the option to wait, especially for projects with long lead times and durations. The uncertainty in the forward price curve is modeled using a two-factor stochastic price process. The article also presents the valuation method in the form of MATLAB functions and routines that can be used as an efficient test and analysis platform using the industry-standard input formats.  相似文献   

Least‐squares Monte Carlo simulation (LSM) is a promising new technique for valuing real options that has received little or no attention in the pharmaceutical industry. This study demonstrates that LSM can handle complex valuation situations with multiple uncertainties and compounded American‐type options. The limited application of real option valuation (ROV) in the pharmaceutical industry is remarkable, given the importance of accurate project valuation in an industry that requires large investments in high‐risk projects with long pay‐back periods, which is furthermore suffering from ever‐increasing development costs and shrinking profit margins. The LSM model developed in this study is constructed as an extension of a discounted cash flow model that should be familiar to economists active in the pharmaceutical industry. A number of pharmaceutical projects have been evaluated using LSM ROV, binominal real option valuation and expected net present value techniques. The different results yielded by these methods are explained in terms of differences in risking assumptions and ability to capture the value of flexibility. The analysis provides a framework to introduce the basic concepts of real option pricing to a non‐specialist audience. The LSM model illustrates the potential for real‐life commercial assessment as the versatility of the technique allows for an easy customisation to specific business problems.  相似文献   

Recognizing the inflexibility inherent in standard capital budgeting analysis, recent research has provided new insights using a real options framework. This paper uses the explicit finite difference approach to value real options. However, instead of assuming a constant return and volatility term, we assume that these variables are sensitive to changes in the economic environment. Accordingly, we adapt our approach to incorporate a Markov switching feature. Further, we recognize that some of the modeling assumptions can be violated in a practical application. Therefore, we recommend using range based estimates of the real option value, as opposed to a point estimate.  相似文献   

本文首先对版权集体管理组织的概念、起源及基本运作机理作了简述,然后从交易费用经济学的视角对这种经济现象进行了分析与解释,指出版权集体管理是诸多版权交易模式中的一种,它适应了某些约束条件,避免了版权直接交易定价的高昂成本,其本质是一种节约交易费用的合约安排。当约束条件变化后,交易费用就可能发生变化,最优的合约模式也会重新选择,版权交易的合约模式选择和演变是一个不断适应约束条件变化的动态过程。文章对美国音乐产业中版权集体管理制度的微观运行机制进行了实证考查,初步验证了上述推论,并对中国的歌厅娱乐行业版权收费争论作了启示性评述。  相似文献   

The Real Options paradigm addresses the valuation of managerial flexibility in capital budgeting. Despite the great strides achieved by researchers in this field, many financial analysts have chosen not to adopt this new paradigm due to a lack of comfort with the approach and the mathematical complexity of the valuation models. This article shows how some projects with real options can be valued using simple and familiar tools-discounting expected cash flows after adjusting the discount rate. Unless the discount rate is adjusted to account for the impact of real options on risk, a traditional net present value (NPV) analysis misses the value of flexibility. By narrowing the gulf between Real Options analysis and more familiar tools, the weighted average discount rate (WADR) approach introduced in this paper may help novices better understand die Real Options paradigm, which subsequently may gain the wider acceptance it deserves. Though the WADR approach is practical only for simple real options, comfort with the approach may encourage analysts to pursue more advanced and robust real option valuation techniques for more complex applications.  相似文献   

This article analyzes adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) based on the Eleventh District Cost of Funds Index (EDCOFI). The behavior of EDCOFI was examined over the period 1981–1993. Adjustments in this index lag substantially behind term structure fluctuations. Also, the seasonality and days-in-the-month effects noted by previous authors are really symptoms of a January effect . A finite difference valuation algorithm was developed which accounts for all usual ARM contractual features, in addition to the dynamics of EDCOFI. This pricing algorithm allows us to determine endogenously the optimal prepayment strategy for mortgage holders, and hence the value of their prepayment options. The dynamics of EDCOFI give significant value to this option, typically around 0.5% of the remaining principal on the loan.  相似文献   

I investigate the effects of switching costs on the market outcome in network industries using a dynamic duopoly model of price competition in the presence of an outside option. I find that the role of switching costs depends on network effects and the outside option. Without a viable outside option, high switching costs can neutralize the tendency towards high market concentration associated with network effects, but with a viable outside option, switching costs increase market concentration. Furthermore, switching costs lower prices if network effects are modest and there exists a viable outside option, but generally raise prices otherwise.  相似文献   

We explore transaction cost economics (TCE) and real option (RO) rationales for alliance governance and find the predictive power of each depends upon the type of uncertainty confronted. Our review of alliance activity from 1995 through 2000 for 642 alliances confirms that governance is influenced directly by partner, task, and technological uncertainty and by interactions among asset co‐specialization, partner uncertainty, and task uncertainty. Consistent with TCE, co‐specialized assets increased the likelihood of hierarchical governance. Partner and task uncertainty increased this effect. Consistent with RO, we find technological uncertainty decreased the likelihood of hierarchical governance. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Commercial software development is an inherently uncertain activity. Private risk is high, schedule and cost overruns are common, and market success is elusive. Such circumstances call for a disciplined project evaluation approach. This paper addresses the use of market and earned value management data in assessing the economic value of commercial software development projects that are simultaneously subject to schedule, development cost, and market risk. The assessment is based on real options analysis, a financial valuation technique that can tackle dynamic investment decisions under uncertainty. The paper demonstrates the application of real options analysis to a development scenario that consists of two consecutive stages: a mandatory prototyping stage and an optional full-development stage. The full-development stage is undertaken only if the prototype is successful and the market outlook is sufficiently positive at the end of the prototyping stage, thus giving the full-development stage the flavor of an option. The project's staged design increases its value. Real options analyses capture the extra value due to optionality.  相似文献   

In volatile lease markets, a fixed rate contract may allow one contract party to gain excessive profits while letting the other party face substantial losses. The flexibility in adjusting the contract rate can help address this issue and maintain a fair long-term relationship. This article models and prices the flexibility using real options and derives the boundary of option exercise to facilitate the optimal decision on the rate adjustment. The proposed method is applied to time charter contracts in the maritime transport industry. Moreover, the level of flexibility can be tailored to meet different budgets for the flexibility.  相似文献   

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