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The pillars of inclusive growth in El Salvador have to be nontraditional export growth, investment, and government determination to reduce income inequality and poverty. This article analyzes the key obstacles to the development of a competitive and dynamic export sector: Dutch Disease driven by aid and remittances, a significant decline in real wages, and lack of productivity growth. Policies can and must focus on productivity growth rather than wage repression, in the pursuit of peace consolidation and long-term competitiveness.  相似文献   

Countries in post-conflict transitions have to reconcile the development challenge with the additional burden of reconstruction and national reconciliation. This paper first describes the peculiarities of these countries which make them clearly different from those pursuing normal development. Second is a discussion of the challenges that these transitions pose on the countries involved and on the international organizations that support them. Third, the paper illustrates through a discussion of El Salvador—by all standards a success story—how the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations had to adapt to meet the challenges of post-conflict reconstruction. The paper concludes with some policy recommendations.  相似文献   


The economic consequences of the peaceJ. M. Keynes, Londen, Mac Millan and Co., 279 bladz

人,群居动物,需要沟通交流.如果身边的人都是善良无私的,敞开心扉,畅谈东西南北、个人喜好,或许能给你带来满足和快感.但现实往往与此相背离,你向往的美好或许只能是憧憬.看历史,权力角逐,刀光剑影,尔虞我诈,所谓战战兢兢如履薄冰,有哪个敢对人敞开心扉?看现代,绝密档案一封存就是几十年,国家尚且设防封锁公众视听.看身边,哪个会一股脑倒豆子一样把心地的话语全告诉你?除非这人是口井,横竖都是二.  相似文献   

战争是政治家的利益游戏,却是平民百姓的巨大灾难。平民永远是战争中最无辜的受害者。什么时候,孩子们那惊恐的眼神、百姓们那绝望的表情,才能引起政治家们的恻隐之心?让安宁、和平早一些到来  相似文献   

The article deals with the problem of transforming the labor market in the Mari El Republic. A model for forecasting the population’s employment has been proposed and forecasting calculations of regional labor-market indicators have been carried out. Ways to achieve a balance of supply and demand of labor in the current economic conditions have been outlined.  相似文献   

无论是山水画还是花鸟画,都能将观者带入“桃花源”胜境中,让人感觉都是诗一般的恬静,梦一般的温馨。即便所画是墨云冬雪枯枝寒秋,也能使人留连忘返,乐在其中。这就是国画家熊新峡其人其画带给人们的印象.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the employment and incomes of migrants in the city of San Salvador. The study finds that, both rural-urban and urban-urban migrants experience income gains and are increasingly employed in the formal sector. However, the upward mobility of urban-urban migrants is much larger. Compared with urban natives, these migrants have higher income levels and employment rates after five years of urban residence, while rural-urban migrants earn much less and tend to remain in the informal sector more frequently. This evidence is contrary to findings obtained in other studies, for example Brazil, which showed that urban natives and migrants have comparable levels of income and employment. The authors suggest that the experience of rural-urban migrants is a result of the functioning of the urban labour market. Within this market a mechanism exists whereby access to the high-wage sector is limited by discriminating among workers. As a result, rural-urban migrants, often recognizable by their racial characteristics, are denied access to high-wage jobs.  相似文献   

The formal financial sector has expanded rapidly in postwar El Salvador, encouraged by premature financial liberalization and a remittance windfall, exceeding commercial banks' capacities to lend prudently. The counterpart of this spurious financial deepening is a shallow financial market for smaller firms, which reflects both difficult real conditions for small urban and agricultural enterprises, and the unfortunate effects of the credit-channeling model characterizing development banks and most nongovernment organization projects. This model discourages the growth of small-scale institutions that can fund themselves from local resources, and limits the ability of small producers to accumulate financial savings.  相似文献   

Combining ethical, political and economic elements, this paper studies the relationship between American food aid and agricultural assistance and the evolution of demands made by developing countries for a new international economic order. The ethical viewpoint is based on John Rawls' theory of ‘distributive justice’ and argues that the ‘Right to Food Resolution’ does not meet the developing countries' calls for redistribution. After analysing the political and economic differences in outlook of the developed and developing countries, it is concluded that the conduct of American agricultural assistance policies towards the developing countries has failed to appreciate the needs expressed in their demands for a new order.  相似文献   

陈铭萱 《上海经济》2010,(12):25-28
“绿色和平组织”作为“深绿派”的代表,虽没取得全球环境保护运动的领导权,也未得到绝大多数人的赞同,但他们把握了全球环保运动高潮迭起的机会,抓住“环境伦理学”这个阵地,极力通过撰写文章、创办刊物、出版书籍、建立群众组织、开展宣传活动等多种方式,运用擅于煽情的特长,宣传其观点主张。  相似文献   

张栋磊 《港口经济》2008,(11):55-58
随着改革开放的深入,我国口岸建设力度不断加大。面对口岸通关“大进大出”、“快进快出”新的形势要求,口岸管理工作牵涉面不断扩大,某一事项往往涉及多个口岸管理部门,呈现多样化、复杂化的特点。加之口岸管理涉及众多主体,包括边防检查、海关、检验检疫、海事等监管执法主体,规划、建设、外贸等行政管理主体,港口、机场、车站等交通基础设施运营管理主体,这些主体依法行使自身特定的口岸管理权限,各自为政。  相似文献   

This paper presents two views of the European sovereign debt crisis. The first is that countries in the South of the Eurozone were fiscally irresponsible and failed to implement pro-competitive supply side policies. The second view holds that the crisis reflects a deep divide between the external surpluses of the North and external deficits of the South. Basic stylized facts cast doubt on the explanation based on the first thesis alone. A relatively simple model shows how poor fundamentals can create a debt problem independently of fiscal responsibility. The empirical analysis of the determinants of government bond yield spreads relative to Germany suggests that both views in fact provide useful insights into the roots of the current sovereign crisis. However, differences in growth and competitiveness and capital flows between North and South have assumed a much more dominant role since the onset of the global crisis.  相似文献   

William Roe 《Local Economy》1992,7(2):163-169
To date governments have been slow to appreciate that, as well as a peace dividend, arms reduction will bring social and economic hardship to communities which have relied upon defence expenditure for employment. Conversion of military bases, let alone restructuring of defence industries, cannot be left to market forces to achieve; government intervention is required to ensure the successful adjustment of communities.

During the Cold War, the dominance of the “military-industrial complex” spread the notion that disarmament would threaten not only security, but jobs. Current geopolitical changes present an opportunity to challenge this argument. Local employment initiatives are essential to prevent defence cuts from causing unemployment.  相似文献   

The article has considered the conceptual foundations of business management in the housing and utilities sphere. The condition of housing stock in the Mari El Republic, as well as housing and the state of utility facilities and systems, has been monitored. A forecast for providing the Republic’s population with social housing and the priority regional project of the comfortable urban environment formation has been presented.  相似文献   

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