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金融监管已从过去强调监管干预和控制发展为监管治理,其治理问题包括政府行为及其效率、央行和存款保险机构与金融监管机构的协调状况、监管与被监管机构间的博弈和寻租行为等引起的金融监管宽容及有害监管,以及因金融监管的巨大外部性导致的监管治理效率评估难度较大等。完善的金融监管治理机制应体现独立性、透明性要求,包括对监管机构的制衡及国际金融监管的协调机制等。  相似文献   

公共部门绩效评估是公共管理学界的热门话题,也是现代政府管理的前沿课题.绩效评估主体的选择,是保证政府绩效评估工作顺利实施的重要前提,本文从外部评估主体的视角,探讨社会中介组织在地方政府绩效评估中产生的原因、功效及存在的现实阻碍因素,进而提出相应的治理之策.  相似文献   

王艳丽 《金卡工程》2010,14(2):15-16
公民有序参与地方政府绩效评估不仅是推进中国民主政治建设的必然选择,也是改善政府形象的新路径和调动人民群众积极性的重要措施。只有创造有利于公民有序参与地方政府绩效评估的外部环境,提高公民有序参与的可行性并且积极发展各种合法组织,才能进一步促进地方政府绩效评估中的公民有序参与。  相似文献   

金融监管治理直接关系到金融监管有效性的实现,其中的一个基本原则和核心要求就是监管独立性。金融监管独立性这一议题经过半个多世纪的发展与研究,正在形成丰富的内涵和多元化的实现机制,可以为长期以来被忽视的证券监管治理提供有力的理论指导和支持。当前,我国证券监管独立性与监管治理在监管目标统筹协调、监管规则制定和透明度、监管资源和权力配给、监管问责和治理机制等方面仍有待进一步完善。未来我国应不断强化证券监管治理的独立与问责理念,从监管机构独立性、行业立规权独立性、行业监督权独立性和预算安排独立性四个方面加强有助于证券监管独立性的制度措施,同时进一步完善问责机制,以进一步提升我国证券监管的有效性。  相似文献   

随着公共受托责任关系的发展,作为国家治理的政府绩效审计凸显其重要性。文章通过对中澳两国政府绩效审计独立性的对比分析,发现中国审计机关独立性相对较弱、审计范围相对较小等问题,并从中得出有关改善中国政府绩效审计的一些启示。  相似文献   

随着公共受托责任关系的发展,作为国家治理的政府绩效审计凸显其重要性。文章通过对中澳两国政府绩效审计独立性的对比分析,发现中国审计机关独立性相对较弱、审计范围相对较小等问题,并从中得出有关改善中国政府绩效审计的一些启示。  相似文献   

预算绩效管理是实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化、建立科学合理的现代预算制度的重要途径。基于地方政府预算绩效管理的发展历程,本文分析了地方政府预算绩效管理在制度建设、绩效指标设置、绩效评价结果应用、数据管理等方面存在的问题,并提出了相应的完善措施,从而提升地方政府预算绩效管理水平,以供参考。  相似文献   

张勤芬 《财政研究资料》2006,(22):F0003-F0004
一、当前我国地方政府绩效评估价值取向的基本特点 (一)政府绩效评估的一般概念 政府绩效评估(Government Performance Measurement)作为公共行政的一项有效的管理工具,在当今世界各国广受关注。现代政府以向公民和社会提供优质高效的服务为宗旨,以提高政府绩效为目标,政府绩效评估就是运用一系列评估方法和评估指标从多个维度、多个层面来反映政府行为的成绩和效益是否遵从其服务宗旨。从框架组成来说,政府绩效主要包括三个方面:  相似文献   

预算绩效管理是加强财政收支管理、提高财政资金使用效益的重要手段,也是加快建立现代预算制度的必由之路,更是提高政府治理能力和水平、推动高质量发展的重要保障。笔者以政府治理能力的内涵为切入点,从经济、政治、社会三个维度探讨了预算绩效管理改革影响政府治理能力的内在逻辑,论证了实施预算绩效管理改革所取得的预期成效,提出了“双动力”“内外力”和“三方面”三条路径来提高政府经济、政治和社会民生治理能力,为我国全面推进预算绩效管理改革、进一步深化预算管理制度改革提供理论指引,助力地方政府治理能力提升。  相似文献   

近年来,地方政府融资平台债务凸显所暴露的风险对财政和金融系统的稳定构成了极大威胁,对我国财税体制改革、金融监管和会计制度改革等提出了更高要求。本文概要介绍地方政府融资平台发展情况和债务状况,分析地方政府融资平台存在的主要问题及原因,提出理顺地方政府融资平台与政府财政关系、完善平台公司治理结构、加强金融监管,建立风险预警机制、规范融资平台会计核算和信息披露等政策建议。  相似文献   

In political terms, the case for abolishing rates and substituting a local income tax has frequently been made, notably by the Layfield Committee of Inquiry into Local Government Finance: political independence of local government can only come through financial independence from central government grant. The financial case, which has so far tended to go by default, is based on the premise that local spending decisions can only be made responsibly if the cost of these decisions is felt on the authorities’ own tax base. With the existing level of government support, that is impossible ‐ at least with a Government which appears reluctant to follow through the logic of its new block grant and make rates take the strain of extra spending. Historically, local government has lost its powers in direct proportion to the decline in its tax base. Only local income tax will allow expansion of local responsibility in the longer term, and provide the basis for proper financial accountability. That should appeal to a Government which has often professed its support for such an expansion, and yet is also concerned with making sure that taxing and spending decisions are taken together.  相似文献   

Since 1992, accounting for Spanish local governments has been undergoing substantial change. The application of a new regulation has introduced the double entry system, an approximation to the accounting terminology used in the private sector and the presentation of financial statements beyond the purely budgetary reporting. In this context, the paper attempts to examine the extent to which the new regulation has achieved the objectives of financial reporting, who the users of the information could be, what the usefulness of the financial statements is and what they are used for in local governments. The results prove that the financial reporting of local governments can be useful for potential users like audit institutions, financial institutions or creditors. However, there is a long way to go before we can say that the information is used to the maximum. This implies that further progress is necessary in the use of financial information in local governments, and fundamentally it is necessary to introduce techniques of financial analysis traditionally used in business entities.  相似文献   

The recent global financial crisis has spurred renewed interest in identifying those reforms in bank regulation that would work best to promote bank development, performance and stability. Building upon three recent world-wide surveys on bank regulation (,  and ), we contribute to this assessment by examining whether bank regulation, supervision and monitoring enhance or impede bank operating efficiency. Based on an un-balanced panel analysis of 4050 banks observations in 72 countries over the period 1999–2007, we find that tighter restrictions on bank activities are negatively associated with bank efficiency, while greater capital regulation stringency is marginally and positively associated with bank efficiency. We also find that a strengthening of official supervisory power is positively associated with bank efficiency only in countries with independent supervisory authorities. Moreover, independence coupled with a more experienced supervisory authority tends to enhance bank efficiency. Finally, market-based monitoring of banks in terms of more financial transparency is positively associated with bank efficiency.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between firm performance and corporate governance in microfinance institutions (MFI) using a self-constructed global dataset on MFIs collected from third-party rating agencies. Using random effects panel data estimations, we study the effects of board and CEO characteristics, firm ownership type, customer-firm relationship, and competition and regulation on an MFI’s financial performance and outreach to poor clients. We find that financial performance improves with local rather than international directors, an internal board auditor, and a female CEO. The number of credit clients increase with CEO/chairman duality. Outreach is lower in the case of lending to individuals than in the case of group lending. We find no difference between non-profit organisations and shareholder firms in financial performance and outreach, and we find that bank regulation has no effect. The results underline the need for an industry specific approach to MFI governance.  相似文献   

农村金融效率:研究现状及借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对农村金融效率相关文献的梳理,结合国内外研究现状,归纳了农村金融效率的内涵、影响因素以及农村金融机构效率评估框架及方法,发现目前相关研究存在缺陷,为此,在目前研究成果的基础上,拓展农村金融机构效率的内涵,从经营效率与服务效率二维视角全面审视农村金融机构效率,探讨其效率提升之路。  相似文献   

It has been argued that central bank independence (CBI) may not only be beneficial for reaching the objective of price stability, but also for maintaining financial stability. Greater independence from external pressure implies that central banks are less politically constrained in acting to prevent financial distress, while it also will allow them to act earlier and more decisively when a crisis erupts. We estimate the relation between CBI and a newly constructed measure of financial instability using a dynamic panel model for the period 1985–2005 with a large set of control variables. We find a significant and robust negative relation between CBI and financial instability, which is mostly due to political independence.  相似文献   

绿色金融与普惠金融协同发展可有效推动绿色农业发展,在改善环境、降低碳排放的同时,提高“三农”领域的金融可得性.目前,中国在金融支持绿色农业发展上面临的主要障碍包括:绿色农业的标准尚未统一和规范,金融支持绿色农业的范围不够明确,缺乏针对绿色农业融资主体的信用体系,缺少绿色农业供给端的风险分担机制以及绿色农业消费端尚待进一...  相似文献   

我国金融混业监管的模式选择与协调机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对金融混业经营及其载体金融集团的监管有单一监管和功能性监管两种基本模式,两种模式并无绝对的优劣之分。从我国现实情况出发,不同监管机构相互独立而又紧密协调的功能性监管模式更为适当。目前我国相关立法对于金融监管协调机制的规定尚不充分,亟需在功能性监管的总体框架下,建立由中央银行作为牵头监管者的常设性金融监管协调机制。  相似文献   

国际金融危机爆发以后,防范系统性风险和维护金融稳定成为监管机构的主要任务,宏观审慎监管由此备受关注。本文对加强银行业宏观审慎监管的必要性进行了阐述,对现有微观审慎监管体制进行了反思,在此基础上,结合我国实际提出了建立与宏观经济部门的合作关系、调整监管机构内部职责、建立宏观审慎监管框架、完善系统性风险分析工具方法和培育宏观视野的监管人才等建议。  相似文献   

近年来,地方高校办学体制和投资主体日益呈现出多元化,财务管理较以前有了更大的自由,但存在的财务风险不可忽视。本文根据地方高校近年来接受政府审计的实践,对经济责任审计中存在的基建修缮、物资采购、对外投资等方面存在的财务风险进行分析,着重剖析产生财务风险的成因,从对经济责任审计的错误认识、内部控制系统、高校内部审计部门的监管、财务部门的会计监督等方面进行展开;最后,提出了防范财务风险的若干对策。  相似文献   

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