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综述了家庭旅馆的概念和分类,重点总结了家庭旅馆经营管理的研究现状,针对目前研究中的问题与不足,指出了今后的研究发展方向.  相似文献   

家庭旅馆成长路径研究:以世界文化遗产地丽江古城为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对丽江家庭旅馆的成长路径和影响因素进行实证研究,发现丽江古城家庭旅馆的4种成长路径:连锁化经营、扩展为民居旅馆、业务多元化、业务创新发展.在丽江,家庭旅馆经营者出现了原住民文化空心化与外来文化多元化的反差现象.影响丽江古城家庭旅馆创建的主要因素包括创始人个人经历、机会成本、家庭条件以及市场需求和政策引导.影响丽江家庭旅馆成长的主要影响因素是服务创新,一些在预订、通讯网络、文化交流等方面创新的家庭旅馆获得持续成长.丽江家庭旅馆关闭的影响因素包括销售渠道不畅而转租、追求高品质生活而迁移、因政府强制改造缺乏资金而放弃经营等.丽江家庭旅馆成长路径与一般家族性企业发展规律有别,强制性制度影响是发展的重要外部影响因素,也是文化遗产地家庭旅馆成长的特殊性.  相似文献   

家庭旅馆业的发展--以桂林龙脊梯田风景区为例   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
文彤 《旅游学刊》2002,17(1):26-30
随着大众旅游的兴起,家庭旅馆在我国部分地区尤其是边远贫困地区的旅游经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用,甚至受到了许多旅游城市的重视。本文从实际案例出发,着重分析了家庭旅馆发展的特点和问题,以求对我国家庭旅馆业有一个客观、全面的基本认识。  相似文献   

家庭旅馆业的发展——以桂林龙脊梯田风景区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着大众旅游的兴起 ,家庭旅馆在我国部分地区尤其是边远贫困地区的旅游经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用 ,甚至受到了许多旅游城市的重视。本文从实际案例出发 ,着重分析了家庭旅馆发展的特点和问题 ,以求对我国家庭旅馆业有一个客观、全面的基本认识  相似文献   

副业:家庭成旅馆家庭旅馆是皇城村开发旅游的一个特色,清一色的小别墅,三星级的旅游宾馆价格比较昂贵,对于普通游客来说住在老百姓家里更合算,而且更能体验乡村生活。家庭旅馆由专人负责,统一收费,对于一个旅游目的地而言, 一个床位每天20元的价格,还可以洗澡,有电视看,共享超大客厅,显然是物超所值。开办旅馆的家庭每年该项收入大约在8000元左右,除了散客外,接待影视剧组成了他们最主要的任务。《别拿豆包不当干粮》的女主角方青卓就乐意住在家庭旅馆,据老乡说,方青卓热情大方,和老乡们打成一片,见了面就打招呼,合影签名来者不拒,长时间和他们在一起生活,乡亲们都把她当成自己人了。  相似文献   

在德旅居的2年一直过着“准流浪”的生活,然而终于不致太过孤独的原因则要归功于我所住过的那些“临时家庭”,帮我或多或少地缓解了旅途的孤独。所谓“临时家庭”,是私人家里出租的客房,在欧洲国家都很普遍。住在这样的客房中,不仅价钱非常便宜,只要30-40马克/人每天,而且舒服踏实,有人情味。和主人一起聊聊天,喝喝茶,会意外地得到许多最实用,最鲜活的信息和  相似文献   

一、规划立场:本地居民当自己的主人20世纪90年代,国内某滨海旅游度假区在做规划时,业主邀请了一位欧洲的规划师和一位新加坡的规划师。规划区内有一个小渔村,欧洲规划师的方案是保留小渔村,将之改造为家庭旅馆区;而新加坡规划师的方案则是将渔村拆迁。我们可以猜到  相似文献   

乡村旅游的快速发展推动了乡村产业结构调整和乡村经济发展,促进了乡村脱贫和乡村振兴。越来越多的乡村居民通过创办家庭旅馆、农家饭店和销售土特产等创业方式参与到乡村旅游中来。乡村居民的创业受多种因素影响,其中乡村社区长期的邻里关系、共同的文化观念、个人的社会关系等社会资本对乡村居民创业有重要影响。文章以山西省东寨镇为实证案例地,运用Logistic回归模型,从社会资本的结构、认知和关系三个维度探讨乡村中居民拥有的社会资本对于旅游创业的影响,结果发现:社会资本结构和认知维度对旅游创业存在正向影响,乡村居民中的个人所嵌入的网络规模越大,所获得的网络资源越丰富,越倾向于创业,而社会资本关系维度对旅游创业影响不显著。  相似文献   

中国变化遗产保护利用研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过对1994年以来有关中国文化遗产保护利用研究文献的统计分析,从国外经验借鉴研究、价值功能等基础性研究、城市发展和文化遗产保护研究、旅游发展和文化遗产保护研究等7个方面对中国文化遗产保护利用研究进行了综述,并对研究中存在的问题和今后需要进一步重视的问题进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

家文化视角下本土旅游小企业的代际传承   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文彤  张庆芳 《旅游学刊》2017,(8):93-103
文章基于桂林龙脊梯田景区平安寨家庭旅馆的访谈数据,揭示了中国传统家文化对本土旅游小企业代际传承的影响,其中,家庭利益至上的家本位内涵确定了企业传承目标为"家业永续",使家庭成员以企业传承发展为载体通过集体主义利他思想实现了家庭与企业内在利益的一致;家庭伦理所规范的家庭和谐框架中"父慈"与"子孝"的双重互动产生了代际间的信任,借助家庭内部长久稳定的情感财富保障了代际传承过程的顺利与流畅;而家庭扩大化所形成的关系网络不仅是家庭成员情感和物质上相互依存的基础,更成为家庭企业联合经营并不断壮大家族共有财产的重要动因与保障力量.文章由此认为,通过家庭内的代际传承来应对外来竞争压力是本土旅游小企业现实而可行的选择,强调旅游发展过程中家庭文化、社区文化建设和保护的重要性.  相似文献   

Host/Guest Encounters in the Commercial Home   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Commercial homes, which provide hospitality where the private home dimension is significant, blur traditional boundaries between home and work and social constructions of hospitableness versus hospitality. Drawing on interviews with owner‐managers of these micro businesses and a guest‐researcher’s experiences and observations, this paper explores the home space as a dual‐purpose site of both commercial work and domestic retreat. First, use and meanings of domestic symbols in performances on the home as stage are examined. Second, there is an exploration of social control and spatial management strategies employed by hosts and guests. The findings reveal that domestic symbols add to the construction and interpretation of negotiated normative practices within these home‐based enterprises. They may adopt the role of identity markers and communication tools. Hosts employ an array of mechanisms to achieve physical or emotional distance between the domains of home and work. Social constructs may be subtle as well as explicit, including spatial as well as temporal mechanisms of social control and boundary setting, framed by unspoken protocols.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on business travel as a contemporary form of mobility and how it relates to family life. Through qualitative research with business travellers, insights are gained into the role digital technology plays in enabling connections to home and family. The paper argues that technology affords a ‘business tourist gaze’, characterised by a focus on ‘home’ rather than ‘away’ as might be the case for leisure tourists. The paper discusses how, through the business tourist gaze, the boundaries between the everyday and the exotic are dissolved and the business traveller is disconnected from the destination, simultaneously absent whilst present both at the destination and at home. Theoretical understandings of the business tourist experience are offered.  相似文献   

沐浴业是一个重要但叉常常被忽视的休闲部门.近年来中国沐浴业发展迅速,它的发展模式逐渐成为新的研行究焦点.本文在建立沐浴业发展模型的基础上,进行了沐浴业发展的中外比较,指出了对中国沐浴业发展的启示.  相似文献   

Although sustainable tourism comprises economic, social and environmental aspects, economic analysis has been less evident in the literature. This paper takes an economic perspective to evaluate the contribution of holiday home owners to a local economy. Tourism destinations which are at the mature stages of the tourism lifecycle wish to maximise revenue from tourism while minimising costs such as overcrowding. A prime objective has to be to attract the more economically valuable tourists. In this paper an analysis of North Wexford in Ireland poses questions such as: How does the holiday home owners’ expenditure in the local area compare to that of traditional tourists? Do they purchase different types of goods? What levels of local expenditure do holiday home owners engage in for the upkeep or development of their second properties? What are the implications of these findings? The results show that there are clear economic benefits for an area that people deem attractive enough to build or purchase a holiday home in. This type of tourist has a high annual spend relative to other tourists and much of this expenditure seems to be concentrated in the local area. These findings need to be incorporated into the broader debate regarding the advantages and disadvantages of holiday home owners and the possibility of them comprising a route to sustainable development for local tourist areas.  相似文献   

The focus on individuals in tourism research has led to limited and fragmented research on family groups and their leisure experiences away from home. This article extends conceptual and theoretical understandings within family tourism research by offering a three-dimensional framework inclusive of group perspectives. A whole-family methodology was used with 10 families (10 fathers, 10 mothers, and 20 children) in New Zealand as a more critical and holistic approach to tourism concepts. Empirical findings illustrate group dynamics along with the underrepresented generational perspectives of children and gender perspectives of fathers to provide insights into family functioning. This resulted in a three-layered model of family holiday experiences inclusive of group sociality. The collective intentionality of family togetherness on holiday is contrasted with more balanced modes in own time, highlighting the complexity of socialization within tourism theory and practice.  相似文献   

有效、准确的旅游流数据获取是决定旅游流研究科学性的关键问题之一.文章通过对国内外旅游流相关研究中的旅游流空间数据获取方法的梳理,认为旅游流数据获取的基本方法有观察法、旅游者时空账户、现代追踪技术、二手面板数据和其他途径等5种,通过成本、效率、可操作性、拓展性和准确性等方面对5种方法进行了比较和述评,并对比国内外相关研究的差距与不同.文章指出,目前国内旅游流研究仍存在数据获取方法单一、现代技术应用不足、重视程度不够等问题,尚未实现与国际研究的全面接轨.文章旨在能够引起旅游管理部门和研究者对旅游流数据获取的重视,以科学、有效的途径收集准确、适用的数据,提高旅游流研究的科学性和对旅游业发展实践的指导意义.  相似文献   

Generally, the international second home (ISH) retirement develops from the need for better life quality of the aging population globally. “Malaysia My Second Home” (MM2H) is an ISH scheme that aims to attract inbound retiree market in Malaysia. This study explores the retirement motivations and their influences on ISH decision using the combination of push–pull travel motivation theory and tri-reference point (TRP) theory, while simultaneously comparing the British and the Japanese retirees. We interviewed 26 MM2H participants in depth and content analyzed the data with qualitative NVivo software. Other than common motivations shared by both groups, there are also distinct differences, especially with regards to environmental preference and risk taking. Only two motives fit into all the three elements of TRP, with most motives either explained by a single or dual reference point. Based on the findings, the study proposes its knowledge, marketing, and managerial implications.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and customer behavioral intentions at hotels and ryokan (traditional Japanese inns). In this empirical research, questionnaires were sent to guests at seven sites: three hotels and four ryokan. Service quality, as perceived by guests, affected customer satisfaction and customer behavioral intention. Results from this empirical study show strong evidence of service quality as perceived by guests being influenced by the type of accommodation. Also, among service quality factors, “physical aspect” had the most powerful impact on customer satisfaction and customer behavioral intention. “Creativeness” ranked second, followed by “unexpected service” and “encounter performance”. The prominence of physical aspects probably reflects the distinctiveness of the service of offering a one-night stay. However, as a certain level of physical facilities is taken for granted at lodging facilities above a certain price, “creativeness”, the second most powerful factor, becomes decisively important.  相似文献   

We examined the motivations of sexual minority adults to vacation at a sexual minority-focused campground and how sexual orientation identity management was associated with leisure motivations. Twenty-nine men and 12 women who owned seasonal homes participated. In responses to open-ended questions, participants expressed many of the motivations typically associated with seasonal home leisure (e.g., socializing, escape, relax). The most frequently mentioned motivation was the sexual minority focus of the campground. The more participants were “out” in everyday life, the less likely they were to mention the sexual minority focus of the campground as a motivation for being there.  相似文献   

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