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随着经济的发展,人们消费水平的提高,品牌定制服务逐渐成为一个热门话题。本文通过对品牌定制服务的历史回顾、现状的研究、及典型的案例分析,提出了未来品牌定制服务的趋势;为品牌定制服务提供了新的思路和策略。  相似文献   

中国金融业的开放——外资银行准入的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着我国金融业的逐步开放,外资金融机构陆续进入我国,外资金融机构已发展成为我国金融体系的一个重要组成部分,而金融业开放程度的重要标志是外资金融机构在一国的数量和作用。在开放金融业的过程中,外资金融机构数量不断增加,在一定程度上促进了我国国民经济的发展,同时也存在一些问题以及负面影响。我们应采取切实的措施加以解决,保证金融业开放的顺利进行和金融市场的稳定。  一、外资金融机构发展的客观必然性1979年,我国开始金融业的对外开放,批准了第一家外资银行日本东京银行在北京设立代表处。在此后十几年里,开放…  相似文献   

左涛  王道平 《商场现代化》2006,(27):269-270
按有关规定,我国金融业将在2006年底全面对外开放,范围包括市场准入、客户范围和人民币业务,外资银行将能够享受到中国银行同等的权利。外资银行经过长期的发展和积累,拥有我国国有商业银行无法比拟的优势。本文首先分析了我国国有商业银行对外资银行的不足,接着提出了解决这些问题的对策。  相似文献   

五一前的一天中午,位于郑州城东路金水河畔的海天大酒啮二楼中餐厅热闹非凡,一对新人在举行婚礼,三十多桌的婚宴,使所有的服务人员显得十分繁忙。  相似文献   

目前,外资银行的落户已成为现代化大都市的重要标志之一,在华外资银行的迅速发展已成为我国银行业的一支重要力量。黑龙江省作为老工业基地,在实现经济崛起新跨越之际,加强外资银行入驻,对整个黑龙江省的经济和社会发展都有着重大的意义和作用。在中央振兴东北老工业基地和加快建设哈大齐工业走廊的大好机遇中,又恰逢韩国银行进驻黑龙江省,因此只有加大力度推进黑龙江省与韩国的金融合作,研究和探索加强区域金融合作的对策,才能真正加快黑龙江省经济的发展,推进区域经济合作。  相似文献   

先是在中国一、二城市设分支机构,接着再抢滩三、四线城市,即使是在欧债危机冲击下全球市场疲软的2012年,也没能阻挡住在华外资银行这一坚定的扩张脚步。2010年10月,有着12位企业银行服务专员和34位零售银行服务专员规模的花旗银行贵阳分行在地处西南的贵州省会城市贵阳开业,这是继重庆分行之后花旗银行在中国西部设立的第三家分行,也是其在内地开设的第十家分行。一年之  相似文献   

1937年由冯尧敬先生在广州创办的永亨银行,二战后转战香港。1991年永亨银行再度涉足国内市场,发展迅猛,口碑甚佳。  相似文献   

基于顾客价值的服务标准化与服务定制化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾锵 《北方经贸》2005,(3):96-97
无论从就业、产值,还是从国际服务贸易来看,服务业的地位和作用已经日渐凸现,而服务业的发展也出现了两种截然不同的趋势:服务的标准化、服务的定制化。本文从顾客价值的视角来探讨和研究服务标准化和服务定制化的内在关系以及对顾客价值的影响。  相似文献   

寇玉琴 《商场现代化》2008,(17):128-129
以往传统的服务往往重视大多数顾客的普遍需求,而对个别顾客的特殊要求重视不够或估计不足。随着当今企业竞争的加剧,服务也越来越向着更深更广的角度发展,以更多的内容去应付千变万化的顾客个性需求。本文分析了定制化服务出现的原因,并通过对产品类型和基于产品匹配的设计策略矩阵进行分析研究,提出针对性的定制化服务实施策略。  相似文献   

Professional services suffer from a dearth of literature on marketing, especially in New Zealand. Like other professioal services, consulting engineers have expressed particular concern on how to adapt to the present competitive environment. A survey of New Zealand consulting engineers indicated that the use of marketing techniques within consulting engineering practices is uncoordinated in nature and there is disagreement as to the most efective method of attracting clientele. The lack of coordination of marketing techniques is best illustrated by the majority of consulting engineering practices competing on price, while actually perceiving service quality as the most important method for success. Within consulting engineering practices, marketing is becoming a legitimate management function. However, evidence can be seen to illustrate that the ‘trappings' of marketing prevail rather than the ‘substance’ which is needed to have the customer-driven orientation fundamental to the implementation of the marketing concept.  相似文献   

对中外资银行合作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温波 《商业研究》2003,(18):46-48
中国加入WTO后,金融市场将进一步对外开放,大量外资银行将进入中国。由于中外资银行各具自己的优势,因此中外资银行有必要进行合作。通过对中外资银行合作的必要性、可能性及合作的方式,分析中国经济的高速增长,对于金融服务的要求不仅在数量上大为增加,而且在种类上也会更加广泛。因此,中外资银行优势互补的合作会有很大的空间。  相似文献   

随着我国银行业全面对外开放,中资银行与外资银行在本土的竞争日趋激烈。外资银行的优势主要表现为经营体制的灵活性和强大的国际化竞争能力。中资银行既有本土经营的优势,也存在经营管理体制上的严重缺陷。面对银行业激烈竞争的严峻形势,中资银行应同外资银行建立战略联盟,推动金融创新,优化人事机制,克己之短,扬己之长,缩小与外资银行存在的差距。  相似文献   

随着我国银行业全面对外开放,中资银行与外资银行在本土的竞争日趋激烈。外资银行的优势主要表现为经营体制的灵活性和强大的国际化竞争能力。中资银行既有本土经营的优势,也存在经营管理体制上的严重缺陷。面对银行业激烈竞争的严峻形势,中资银行应同外资银行建立战略联盟,推动金融创新,优化人事机制,克己之短,扬己之长,缩小与外资银行存在的差距。  相似文献   

The recognition by professional services firms of the need to become marketing-orientated and apply marketing techniques is of recent origin. Yet their need to identify, anticipate and satisfy client requirements profitably, rather than passively wait for clients to request their services, is overwhelming. The professional services provided by such specialists as accountants, advertising agents, banks, computer consultancies, consulting engineers, and management consultants are highly people intensive. Consequently, there is more room for individual discretion, eccentricity, delay and error. This article argues that professional services companies can systematically plan the marketing of their services so that they can provide value satisfactions that will create and keep their clients and produce profits.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This study includes the analysis of global trade in the services and service sector in Turkey, and estimates the elasticity of trade in services to real exchange rates and income. There is an increasing role of the service sector in the Turkish economy; however, a decreasing trend of trade in services is taking place. The commitments of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) were found to be ineffective, at least in the case of Turkey. The empirical findings suggest that the real exchange rate is not a significant determinant for the trade in services. We found an inelastic real exchange rate and income elasticities in trade demand functions. However, the value of income elasticity significantly exceeds the value of real exchange rate elasticity.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


Current empirical literature concerning the activities of foreign banks exhibits some degree of consensus around the thesis that foreign banks are less efficient than domestic banks in the case of industrial countries, but that they are more efficient than domestic institutions in emerging economies. The reasons for such phenomena include the exposure to tougher competition in industrial countries, adoption of better management methods, the tendency to develop new products and technologies, and the influence of better-equipped regulators. The paper examines these claims in light of recent Brazilian experience. It is shown that, at least in the case of Brazil, the expansion of foreign bank activities in the domestic markets has not resulted in any major improvement. Operational characteristics are similar for domestic and foreign banks, as are efficiency measures. Technical progress has been introduced by domestic banks, particularly in the fields of automation and online banking, much more intensively than by foreign banks. Balance sheet structures are very similar for both groups, dominated by interfinancial operations and by investment in securities. Thus, there is no evidence that the generally accepted thesis mentioned above applies to Brazil.

RESUMEN. La actual literatura empírica sobre las actividades de los bancos extranjeros muestra un cierto grado de consenso sobre la tesis de que los bancos extranjeros son menos eficientes que los bancos domésticos en el caso de los países industrializados, pero son más eficientes que las instituciones domésticas en las economías emergentes. Las razonas para este fenómeno incluyen la exposición a una competencia mucho más agresiva en los países industriales, la adopción de mejores métodos administrativos, la tendencia de desarrollar nuevos productos y tecnologías, y la influencia ejercida por reguladores mejor equipados. El documento examina estas aseveraciones a la luz de la reciente experiencia brasileña. Queda demostrado que, por lo menos en el caso de Brasil, la expansión de las actividades de los bancos extranjeros en los mercados domésticos no ha resultado en ninguna mejoría considerable. Las características operativas son similares para los bancos domésticos y extranjeros, así como lo son las medidas eficientes. El progreso técnico ha sido introducido por los bancos domésticos, especialmente en el campo de la automación y operaciones bancarias en línea, mucho más intensivamente que por los bancos extranjeros. Las estructuras de los balances son muy similares en ambos grupos, dominados por las operaciones interfinancieras y por la inversión en la bolsa. Por ende, no existe prueba alguna que la supramencionada tesis generalmente aceptada se aplica en el Brasil.

RESUMO. A atual literatura empírica sobre as atividades dos bancos estrangeiros apresenta um certo grau de consenso no que diz respeito à tese de que os bancos estrangeiros são menos eficientes do que os bancos nacionais, no caso de países industrializados, mas que são mais eficientes do que as instituiç[otilde]es nacionais nas economias emergentes. As raz[otilde]es para tal fenômeno incluem a exposição à competição mais intensa em países industrializados, adoção de melhores métodos de gestão, tendência para desenvolver novos produtos e novas tecnologias e a influência de reguladores mais bem equipados. O estudo examina estas raz[otilde]es à luz da recente experiência brasileira, mostrando que, pelo menos no caso do Brasil, a expansão das atividades dos bancos estrangeiros no mercado nacional não resultou em qualquer grande melhoria. As características operacionais são semelhantes nos bancos nacionais e nos estrangeiros, da mesma forma que as medidas de eficiência. O progresso técnico foi introduzido pelos bancos nacionais, particularmente no campo da automação e dos serviços on-line, com mais vigor do que pelos bancos estrangeiros. A estrutura do balanço é bem parecida em ambos os grupos, dominada pelas operaç[otilde]es interbancárias e pelas aplicaç[otilde]es em títulos. Portanto, não há evidência de que a tese mencionada, geralmente aceita, aplica-se ao Brasil.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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