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利率市场化与商业银行经营   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
实现人民币利率市场化,将对商业银行的业务经营产生重大影响,同时也给商业银行带来各种发展机遇和有利条件,商业银行面临更加自由的经营环境,有利于商业银行进行金融创新,提高经营效益。  相似文献   

本文在我国利率市场化的背景下,借鉴西方国家商业银行的贷款定价理论和方法,分析影响我国商业银行贷款定价的因素,提出适合我国商业银行实际的贷款定价模型和方法。  相似文献   

由于我国金融业从计划金融体制向市场化金融体制转轨不久,商业银行从业人员的经营管理思想难免不打上计划金融的烙印,我国各家商业银行或多或少还存在着非市场化的经营行为,因此,治理商业银行非市场化经营行为已是当务之急。  相似文献   

利率市场化下商业银行贷款定价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在我国利率南场化的背景下,借鉴西方国家商业银行得贷款定价理论和方法,分析影响我国商业银行贷款定价得因素,提出适合我国商业银行实际的赞款定价模型和方法.  相似文献   

利率市场化下国内商业银行贷款定价问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着我国利率市场化改革步伐的加快,国内商业银行面临贷款定价问题。在经营过程中,要达到贷款风险收益的最优组合,需要对贷款进行合理定价。本文对西方主要贷款定价理论进行了比较分析,并针对我国商业银行贷款定价现状,提出适合我国商业银行的贷款定价方法(客户风险收益法)和配套管理战略。  相似文献   

利率市场化趋势下商业银行贷款定价的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国利率市场化改革从前期探索到走向成熟必然经历不同阶段,贷款利率定价亦将面临不同的资金供求格局和市场特点。鉴于此,本文将传统成本相加定价模型和基准利率加点模型有机结合,强调理论定价应避免偏离市场环境而失去指导意义;此外,模型主张引入客户综合贡献度参数对理论定价进行必要修正,从银企间综合业务营销成本与收益的维度考虑单笔业务定价合理性;同时,由于同业竞争压力将通过价格传导机制对市场化后的银行战略选择及目标客户定位形成深远影响,本文建议银行适度通过内部定价授权体制缓解理论定价与同业竞争间的矛盾,确保银行定价机制的实践意义。  相似文献   

商业银行贷款定价问题初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

随着中国利率市场化进程的逐步推进,商业银行拥有更多的定价自主权,各银行开始积极探索适合自身实际的贷款定价管理机制,但贷款利率浮动幅度并没有随着商业银行定价权的扩大而提高,中小企业融资困难的问题依然没有得到有效解决.本文在分析商业银行贷款定价管理现状和问题的基础上,对改进商业银行贷款定价管理提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

一直以来,阻碍我国小微企业发展的一个重要问题便是融资难,我国政府部门近年来逐渐出台了很多支持政策激励各大商业银行发展小微企业贷款,帮助小微企业破解融资难问题,一些商业银行响应国家号召,积极推出相关的金融产品为广大小微企业客户服务,取得了较好的效果,但在这一过程中仍旧有一些问题需要我们重视和解决。现分析了商业银行对小微企业金融服务存在的问题并提出了破解小微企业贷款难的对策。  相似文献   

We investigate the recent financial crisis with an emphasis on the interlock among housing, mortgage, and credit markets. Following Geanakoplos (Econometric Society Monographs 2:170–205, 2003, 2010), we develop a model in which both prices of the mortgage and its collateral are simultaneously and endogenously determined. Our empirical tests confirm the model’s prediction that an adverse change in the risk free rate or the loan recovery rate can trigger the financial crisis as we observed. Finally, we discuss how the pro-cyclical leveraging practice by financial intermediaries can magnify their losses in mortgage-related assets and consequently cause significant contraction in the balance sheets of these firms.  相似文献   

In this paper, I estimate the magnitude of an informational friction limiting credit reallocation to firms during the 2007 to 2009 financial crisis. Because lenders rely on private information when deciding which relationship to end, borrowers looking for a new lender are adversely selected. I show how to separately identify private information from information common to all lenders but unobservable to the econometrician by using bank shocks within a discrete choice model of relationships. Quantitatively, these informational frictions appear to be too small to explain the credit crunch in the U.S. syndicated corporate loan market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the behaviour and information content of insiders’ trades before and after the credit crunch and, in particular, examines the extent to which some insiders anticipated the market crash and took action to protect their positions. In part, the market crash was brought about by the excessive borrowing of financial institutions. Our results point to the view that a number of insiders, primarily directors, were aware that the excessive use of leverage by financial institutions would ultimately have a detrimental impact on the economy. These insiders acted by selling their shares prior to the market collapse and subsequently buying them back at a lower price. Supportive evidence for the above view is provided through both graphical evidence and regression analysis. In particular, we demonstrate a link between insider behaviour and the rapid decline in share values. Further evidence is also provided of a link between insider behaviour and future risk as measured by the CDS premium. In short, we argue that this selling was not motivated by liquidity or other contrarian strategies but was a result of understanding how higher levels of leverage and excessive trading in new risky derivatives could lead to higher levels of risk, an insight possessed only by a subset of insiders.  相似文献   

Through the lens of a DSGE model, I find that financial shocks in conjunction with downward nominal wage rigidities (DNWR) are important features in explaining the degree of asymmetry that U.S. business cycles exhibit. Financial shocks are constructed as residuals of the borrowing constraint faced by firms in a similar fashion to Jermann and Quadrini (2012). The effects of these shocks on aggregate quantity variables are amplified by DNWR, especially during the global financial crisis. Moreover, my model explains a large part of the upward shift in the labor wedge that occurred during this recession.  相似文献   

Prudential Regulation and the "Credit Crunch": Evidence from Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The underlying causes of sharp declines in bank lending during recessions in large developed economies, as exemplified by the U.S. in the early 1990s and Japan in the late 1990s, are still being debated due to the lack of any convincing identification strategy of the supply side capital–lending relationship from lending demand. Using within bank share of real estate lending in the late 1980s as an instrumental variable for bank capital, we find that Japanese banks cut back on their lending in response to a large loss of bank capital in fiscal year 1997.  相似文献   

民间借贷中介机构是一种非正规的金融中介机构,是对正规金融机构的有效补充,一方面满足中小企业和个人的小额信贷需求,另一方面为社会的闲散资金拓宽了投资渠道,在"喊渴"的资金需求者和找不到出路的民间资本之间建立起有效的桥梁.同时,民间借贷中介机构的出现使游离于法律边缘的民间借贷活动有了相对规范的依据和标准,对借贷双方的权利和义务提供了一定的保障,一定程度上使民间融资合法化.但是近期,民间借贷中介机构经营中主动收缩业务量,惜贷情绪明显,建议从中介机构和小微企业两方面着手,引导其更好发挥民间借贷市场的作用.  相似文献   

Using detailed data on loan applications and decisions for a large sample of manufacturing firms in Italy during the recent financial crisis, we find that the credit crunch has been harsher in provinces with a large share of branches owned by distantly managed banks. Inconsistent with a flight to quality we do not find evidence that economically weaker firms suffered more during the crisis. In contrast, we find that financially healthier firms were affected more in functionally distant credit markets than in markets populated by less distant banks, consistent with a home bias on the part of nationwide banks.  相似文献   

本文在分析美国养老保险基本情况的基础上,探讨了美国两党执政理念对美国养老保险政策的影响,从而对奥巴马政府的养老保险政策进行了前瞻.  相似文献   

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