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我第一次来中国是2003年,之前很关注欧洲的市场.我的基金主要投资英国的证券.从2004年开始,我们把一部分资金转到中国市场,但投资的数额很少,只有几百万美元.以后到中国来,跟中国的企业进行接触,并开始管理资金.我来过中国几次,中国的发展日新月异,我想在结束投资生涯之前,要运作一支专门做中国市场投资的基金.如果能够做到这点,等我退休时会感到欣慰.现在我在香港管理一支纯中国市场基金.  相似文献   

中国过去15年来在高速公路发展上取得了巨大的成就,并形成了巨大的公路资产.随着中国国家高速公路网的建设发展,要求中央和地方各级交通部门进一步加强公路养护、安全、运营,同时加强投融资管理以实现均衡发展.2007年2月12日,在交通部和世界银行联合召开的"中国高速公路绩效评价与跟踪"研讨会上,世界银行对过去15年来中国高速公路发展的成就给予了积极评价,同时建议中国进一步加强公路规划、投融资和管理方式,以确保公路资产的可持续和有效管理,从而为各地区提供公平的发展机会.  相似文献   

本书不是空谈任何管理理论.而是关注实实在在、有血有肉的中国人。中国人灵活多变的特性决定了照搬所谓科学的管理理论来管理中国人是行不通的,只有了解中国人.才能管好中国人。中国式团队不等于中国人的团队.只有以中国传统文化为背景.以中国人的人情世故为出发点.充分考虑中国人的优缺点.以及许多只可意会、不可言传的潜规则,才能构建和谐、和乐、合理、合适的中国式团队.而这样的团队才是真正高效能的团队。  相似文献   

三星中国通过参与试点政策,所有成员公司的操作流程与规范度进一步提高,这对公司隐性管理能力、管控能力的提高都有很大的帮助。三星(中国)投资有限公司(下称“三星中国”)是参与跨国公司外汇资金集中运营管理试点企业之一。试点一年来,公司取得的效果非常明显。  相似文献   

从人类社会发展的客观角度来探讨全球治理体系的问题,这是包括中国学者在内的所有公共管理领域学者不可推卸的责任30年前,在中国改革开放之初,夏书章先生以他作为新中国公共行政学的奠基人和领军者所独有的敏锐和远见,率先发出了"把行政学的研究提上日程是时候了"的呐喊,敲开了中国行政管理领域拨乱反正、蓬勃发展的大门,推动了行政学和公共管理学科领域的发展,体现了一个中国知识分子崇高的学术精神和社会责任,为我们后代公共管理领域的学者树立了一座丰碑。今天,国际风云变幻,中国的改革开放进入新的时期。展望未来公共管理30年,我们仍然需要学习夏老这种精神,发扬中国知识分子"先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐"  相似文献   

李超  马昀 《金融研究》2012,(4):84-97
外债是弥补发展中国家资金不足的手段,更是促进贸易投资便利化的工具。两者共同构成了中国外债管理的"基石"。改革开放30年来,中国外债管理逐渐形成了服务实体经济的目标、循序渐进的改革思路和联合监管的模式。现阶段,中国的主要外债指标在合理区间内,既有实体经济的基础,又有充裕外汇资源的支撑。未来,深化外债管理体制改革应着力于提高外债统计的完整性和准确性,提高统筹"防风险"和"便利化"的监管能力。  相似文献   

中国管理会计理论与实践:1978年至2008年   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
管理会计对企业组织的体制及其所面临的市场环境具有依附性。中国管理会计的发展与中国经济体制改革密切相关。本文立足中国经济体制改革历程,从理论与实践两个层面回顾改革开放三十年来管理会计理论与实践的发展历程。  相似文献   

1980年9月10日至20日,中国成本研究会在北京举行成立大会暨第一次学术讨论会。大会共听了三次报告。第一次,由中国财政学会副会长、财政部财政科学研究所所长许毅同志作“论成本管理”的报告。报告共分三个部分:一、关于国民经济的成本管理他认为对于成本理论和成本管理,应当从社会宏观经济的角度和企业的角度两个方面来进行研究。他列举了三十年来我国国民经济比例协调与失调,产品成本起伏,论证了经济结构是否合理,社会生产、分配、交换、消费运行是否顺畅。  相似文献   

股东回报最大化才是风险投资基金的惟一目的.楼云立认为。为此.她选择离开美林,自己创业成立麦顿基金.管理“麦顿中国机会投资基金”,以投资回报为标准来确定自己的价值.来寻找中国机会。  相似文献   

2014年初,青岛市财富管理金融综合改革试验区正式得到国家批复,成为我国财富管理行业发展中的标志性事件,也意味着财富管理真正成为国家金融改革发展的前沿重点.五年来,无论是在全球范围还是中国,财富管理行业的发展都出现了一些新的特征.从全球范围来看,不同国家财富管理行业的发展出现了一定的分化.以中国大陆为代表的新兴市场国家近年来财富规模快速集聚,行业在短期内呈现出强劲的发展态势.  相似文献   

The theme of this article is the future of learning in public organizations. It outlines a way of thinking that might underpin learning, and argues that, by the year 2010, public organizations could develop a radical approach to organizational learning that would make the concept more meaningful in their everyday practice. This approach is based on various shifts in the ways in which management is thought about and enacted. These changes are a movement away from the idea of 'the public manager' to a more relational notion: 'management in public'. The author explains what 'management in public' means, and discusses how it can be put into practice in order to transform learning in public organizations.  相似文献   

We examine performance persistence in the large and growing Brazilian equity fund market from 2000 to 2012. We find a significant risk-adjusted spread between a portfolio of top- and bottom-performing funds, which supports the idea that performance persists. This spread remains after controlling for market, size, distress, and momentum risk factors and tends to be larger and more significant for a set of small and retail funds. The spread is mostly driven by the underperformance of the bottom decile of funds, which is consistent with the existence of some fund managers with insufficient skills to recover investment costs.  相似文献   

The development of accounting technology in the Danish state sector is characterised by episodes of disruption and the longevity of certain principles that define accounting's accountability as involved in producing the state as a unit, as providing a continuous concern for productivity, and as providing the means by which a parliamentary democracy may work. The episodes of disruption may often repair on this trinity of issues. The recent transformations are radical as they introduce a new form of management via individualised 'accounting-cultured' institutions and managers. They do so via a heightened emphasis on a core technology already in place supplemented by a new mode of output orientation rather than input orientation via a Company Accounts . In addition to reporting on spending, this set of accounts introduced a series of non-financial measures such as productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

We use a dataset comprising the appointments of commercial bankers as board of directors at Chinese listed firms and find that financially distressed firms are more likely to recruit a commercial banker as a director of the board. The presence of a banker on the board increases access to bank loans, yet many investors react negatively to announcements of such appointments. We also find that such appointments are typically followed by a drop in the appointing firm’s operating performance, and an increase in rent-seeking activities. This suggests that bank directors cannot strengthen corporate governance. Most financial resources are expropriated by corporate insiders.  相似文献   

The increasing frequency and intensity of recent floods and their economic, social, and political impacts created a situation in Hungary where flood management strategies need urgent reconsideration. Research suggests that in the case of natural disasters of uncertain and changing character, public education, information, participation, and cooperation are particularly important tools for coping. Drawing on the data collected by two recent empirical studies, this paper investigates state-of-the-art public involvement in flood control activities in Hungary. Results of a questionnaire survey and a series of semistructured interviews conducted in three flood basins of the Tisza river indicate that although the highly centralized system of flood control, and especially its strong financial background, a characteristic of state socialism, has significantly weakened since the political transition, forms of public participation, which could reduce the risk by building on a more conscious and responsible attitude of the citizens, have not developed yet. Paternalist and elitist attitudes prevail on the part of the authorities, contributing to the passivity of the public. There are signs, however, that in certain places, local government leaders take responsibility for building communication networks to raise public awareness and mobilize the public more effectively.  相似文献   

Monica Cariola  Secondo Rolfo 《Futures》2004,36(10):1063-1075
The traditional mechanistic approach to Strategic Thinking influenced the rationales and consequently the early experiences of Technology Forecasting in Europe. On the other hand, the more recent dynamic non-linear approaches to Strategic Thinking and a gradual regionalization of the innovation policy have favoured the replacement of Forecasting with Foresight and, more recently, with Regional Foresight, where the complexity of phenomena is taken into greater account. In fact, during the last few decades, a transition has occurred from a mainly hierarchic capitalism to a flexible one. At micro-economic level, this has caused a gradual transition from hierarchical organisational models with tangible assets to network organisational models, which are knowledge-based and face complex and unsettled scenarios.

This paper tries to demonstrate that the concepts of Forecasting and Foresight cannot be considered outside of this context and of changes that have occurred in Strategic Thinking, where the needs for more global and interdisciplinary views of problems are striving to integrate Strategic management and Entrepreneurship into the new concept of Strategic Entrepreneurship.

In order to demonstrate this evolution in the rationales of foresight and in its applications, this work analyses and compares some among the more significant experiences of transition towards Regional Foresight in Europe.  相似文献   

There is little evidence on the size of the union wage premiumin developing economies. The article uses a matched employer-employeedata set for Ghana and adopts a quantile regression approachthat allows the effects of unionization to vary across the conditionalwage distribution. It is shown that if there are intrafirm differencesin unionization, there does appear to be a premium among poorerpaid workers in the formal sector. Although this cannot be givena causal interpretation, it suggests important issues abouthow unions may affect one part of the labor market.  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify whether the components of a loose-coupled system were present in the asset management systems of the National Health Service (NHS) in Wales and, if so, whether this had a negative impact. By utilising a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with senior officials at two NHS Hospital Trusts together with the findings of a survey of all of the Hospital Trusts in Wales, we conclude that the asset management system of the NHS in Wales exhibits the features of a loosely coupled system with detrimental consequences. Where information on capital assets has been required below board level, lower management relies on local systems, while the information for senior managers and political leaders relies on the management accounting system and ad hoc enquiries. The result has been an impairment of the ability of lower management to reconfigure capital assets which leads to the nation's health service underperforming.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether mandatory auctions promote the efficient restructuring of distressed firms relative to a reorganization-based bankruptcy system such as Chapter 11. Under a mandatory auction system, aggressive bidding by a coalition of incumbent management and pre-bankruptcy creditors may deter outside bidders, may result in the coalition paying more than its valuation to acquire the firm, and may result in assets remaining in a lower value use. In a reorganization-based bankruptcy system, management's voluntary choice to seek an auction conveys information about the coalition's valuation, which facilitates competition. Our model shows that a reorganization-based bankruptcy system that encourages, but does not mandate auctions, can actually increase the likelihood that an outside bidder enters and the assets of the bankrupt firm are redeployed.  相似文献   

In the dynamic model of banking, a bank's option to hide its loan losses by rolling over non-performing loans is shown to worsen moral hazard. Contrary to the classic theory, moral hazard may arise even when a bank cannot seek a correlated risk for its loans. The loans seem to be performing and the bank makes a profit although it is de facto insolvent. When the bank's balance sheet includes hidden non-performing loans, the bank may optimally shrink lending or gamble for resurrection by growing aggressively. To eliminate this type of moral hazard, which is broadly consistent with evidence from emerging economies, a few regulatory implications are suggested.  相似文献   

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