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通货膨胀实时预测及菲利普斯曲线的适用性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑挺国  王霞  苏娜 《经济研究》2012,(3):88-101
本文从实时分析的视角,基于多种退势方法的产出缺口最终估计、准最终估计和实时估计序列,分别构建了四类预测模型对我国通货膨胀率进行预测,分析了产出缺口修正效应和滞后阶数变化效应对通胀预测的影响,并进一步考察了产出缺口在通胀预测中的作用及菲利普斯曲线在通胀预测中的适用性。研究结论表明,通胀率的实时预测效果要明显比基于最终数据的差,其中滞后阶数变化效应对实时预测精度的影响大于产出缺口修正效应;尤为重要的是,尽管在最终数据的预测分析中,产出缺口的引入能够提高通胀率的预测精度,但是在实时预测中,产出缺口没有提供有价值的信息,因此"产出—通胀"型菲利普斯曲线在我国通胀实时预测中并不适用。  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of multivariate unobserved components models for the estimation of potential output and the output gap in the euro area. Bivariate models of output and inflation and multivariate model-based implementations of the production function approach are considered; according to the latter potential output is derived from the permanent components of the factors of production consistent with stable inflation, whereas the output gap results from the combination of the transitory components. This approach allows to measure the contribution of the various factors of production to potential output growth, and to assess the reliability of the output gap estimates. Various alternative statistical specifications for the separation of trend and cycle are considered entertaining different economic hypotheses. The paper also provides an assessment of the reliability of the alternative output gap estimates and analyses their predictive validity by means of a rolling forecast exercise that provides an evaluation of the capability to forecast future inflation. A preliminary version of this paper appeared as EUI working paper ECO2002/09 and was presented at the European Central Bank, the European University Institute, the Growth and Business Cycles in Theory and Practice conference, Manchester UK, 20–21 June 2002, the Common Features in Rio conference, Rio de Janeiro, 29–31 July 2002. We thank the participants, Michael Artis, Gerard Korteweg, Geoff Kenny, Neale Kennedy, Manuel da Mota Freitas Martins, Gerard Ruenstler, and three anonymous Referees for useful discussions and valuable comments. The paper was largely written while the first author was acting as consultant for the ECB. The views expressed in it do not necessarily reflect those of the ECB. All correspondence to Alberto Musso.  相似文献   

We use the recently proposed linear opinion pool methodology of Garratt et al. (2014) to construct real-time output gap estimates for Switzerland over the out-of-sample period from 2003:Q1 to 2015:Q4. The model space consists of a large number of bivariate VAR specifications for the output gap and inflation, with each VAR specification using a different estimate of the output gap, lag order, and structural break information. We find that the linear opinion pool performs rather poorly. Real-time estimates of the output gap are no more accurate than those from some simple benchmark models, no more robust to ex post revisions than the real-time estimates of the individual univariate output gaps, and do not produce more accurate forecasts of inflation. The key driver of ‘good’ forecast performance is structural break information. Once the same structural break information is conditioned upon in all prediction models, the gain from averaging over many different pools of models that utilize various output gap estimates or lag structures in the VAR specification is of negligible magnitude.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to identify monetary policy reactions in a nonlinear, structural vector autoregression (VAR) framework, with regime-switching contemporaneous policy responses in a small open economy. The key finding is that monetary policy in Canada responds contemporaneously to disturbances in the real exchange rate, as well as the output gap and inflation. The Bank of Canada is found to have much larger responses to exchange rate fluctuations during volatile periods than more stable periods. However, the Bank is found statistically to have a relatively linear reaction function with symmetric responses to output and inflation shocks across interest rate regimes. The estimates for the contemporaneous responses to the output gap in both regimes are found to be virtually identical to the 0.5 weights in the original Taylor rule for the United States, while the responses to inflation surprises are slightly smaller. Overall, the Bank of Canada is found to have operated within the range of optimal responses suggested by small-scale structural models in the normative literature on monetary policy rules.  相似文献   

The inflation rate is a key economic indicator for which forecasters are constantly seeking to improve the accuracy of predictions, so as to enable better macroeconomic decision making. Presented in this paper is a novel approach which seeks to exploit auxiliary information contained within inflation forecasts for developing a new and improved forecast for inflation by modeling with Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (MSSA). Unlike other forecast combination techniques, the key feature of the proposed approach is its use of forecasts, i.e. data into the future, within the modeling process and extracting auxiliary information for generating a new and improved forecast. We consider real data on consumer price inflation in UK, obtained via the Office for National Statistics. A variety of parametric and nonparametric models are then used to generate univariate forecasts of inflation. Thereafter, the best univariate forecast is considered as auxiliary information within the MSSA model alongside historical data for UK consumer price inflation, and a new multivariate forecast is generated. We find compelling evidence which shows the benefits of the proposed approach at generating more accurate medium to long term inflation forecasts for UK in relation to the competing models. Finally, through the discussion, we also consider Google Trends forecasts for inflation within the proposed framework.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate whether the reaction function of the National Bank of Poland (NBP) is asymmetric according to the level of inflation gap and the level of output gap. Moreover, we test whether these asymmetries might possibly stem from nonlinearities in the Phillips curve. Threshold models are applied and two cases of unknown and known threshold values are investigated. Our results show that the Polish central bank responds more strongly to the level inflation when the level of inflation is relatively high. We find very weak evidence that the level of inflation reacts more strongly to the output gap when the output gap is relatively high. Thus, the asymmetries in the monetary policy rule seem to indicate asymmetric preferences of the central bank.  相似文献   

We study the effects of Central Bank transparency on inflation and the output gap. Our intention is to illustrate, with the help of a small analytical model, how an imperfectly transparent Central Bank affects the two main macroeconomic variables, inflation and the output gap. The model tells us that transparency affects the variability of inflation and output but not their average levels. Then we examine the extent to which this conjecture is justified by the index of transparency constructed by Eijffinger and Geraats. Given the limitations of such indices, we only examine the correlations between the index of transparency and the macro variables in question. This analysis shows that the average magnitudes are not affected by transparency but their variability is. In the case of inflation, its variability benefits from the reduction of transparency and about 50% is explained by the variability in the transparency index. The effect on output volatility on the other hand is less clear, and in any case transparency seems to increase it rather than decrease it.  相似文献   

We empirically analyze Taylor-type equations for short-term interest rates in the United Kingdom using quarterly data from 1970Q1 to 2006Q2. Starting from strong evidence against a simple linear Taylor rule, we model nonlinearities using logistic smooth transition regression (LSTR) models. The LSTR models with time-varying parameters consistently track actual interest rate movements better than a linear model with constant parameters. Our preferred LSTR model uses lagged interest rates as a transition variable and suggests that in times of recessions the Bank of England puts more weight on the output gap and less so on inflation. A reverse pattern is observed in non-recession periods. Parameters of the model change less frequently after 1992, when an inflation target range was announced. We conclude that for the analysis of historical monetary policy, the LSTR approach is a viable alternative to linear reaction functions.  相似文献   

Yasemin Ulu 《Applied economics》2013,45(12):1187-1198
We analyse the individual rationality of inflation and output forecasts from Money Market Survey (MMS) for a group of G7 countries and EU under asymmetric univariate Linlin and Linex loss functions. We also test for joint rationality of inflation–output forecasts using the forecast rationality test under multivariate asymmetric loss functions proposed by Ulu (2013). Our results indicate that rationality is often rejected under symmetric loss, and results improve towards rationality when asymmetric loss functions are assumed. The assumption of multivariate asymmetric loss compared to univariate asymmetric loss provides further evidence towards rationality. We also analyse directional forecast accuracy of the inflation and output forecasts and find that the inflation–output forecasts of MMS are valuable when considered both jointly and separately.  相似文献   

The New Keynesian Phillips curve implies that the output gap, the deviation of the actual output from its natural level due to nominal rigidities, drives the dynamics of inflation relative to expected inflation and lagged inflation. This paper exploits the empirical success of the New Keynesian Phillips curve in explaining China's inflation dynamics with a new measure of the output gap. We estimate the output gap using the Bayesian multivariate Beveridge–Nelson decomposition method, based on a multivariate dynamic model featuring distinct interactions among inflation, money, and real output in China. The empirical results using quarterly data spanning 1979–2010 show that the new measure of the output gap outperforms the traditional measures in fitting the New Keynesian Phillips curve. This result provides useful insights for inflation dynamics and monetary policy analysis in China.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have used multivariate unobserved components models to identify the output gap and the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment. A key assumption of these models is that one common cycle component, such as the output gap, drives the cyclical fluctuations in all variables included in the model. This article also uses the multivariate approach to estimate the euro area output gap and the trends and cycles in other macroeconomic variables. However, it adopts a flexible way of linking the output gap to the cycle components in the other variables, in that we do not impose any leading or lagging restrictions between cycle components, as has been done in most previous studies. Our approach also allows us to assess the strength of cycle association and cross-correlation among cycle components using the model??s parameter estimates. Finally, we demonstrate that our multivariate model can provide a satisfactory historical output gap estimate and also a ??real-time?? estimate for the aggregate euro area.  相似文献   

Recent work by Clements and Hendry elucidate why forecasting systems that are in terms of differences, dVARs, can be more accurate than econometric models that include levels variables, EqCMs. For example, dVAR forecasts are in some cases insulated from parameter non-constancies in the long run mean of the cointegration relationships. In this paper, the practical relevance of these issues are investigated for RIMINI, the quarterly macroeconometric model used in Norges Bank (Central Bank of Norway), an example of an EqCM forecasting model. We develop two dVAR versions of the full RIMINI model and compare EqCM and dVAR forecasts for the period 1992.1–1994.4. We also include forecasts from univariate dVAR type models. The results seem to confirm the relevance of the theoretical results. First, dVAR forecasts appear to provide some immunity against parameter non-constancies that could seriously bias the EqCM forecasts. Second, the misspecification resulting from omitting levels information generates substantial biases in the dVAR forecasts 8 and 12 quarters ahead.  相似文献   

Using a New Keynesian framework, this paper shows that, under optimal discretion and optimal pre‐commitment in a timeless perspective, imperfect transparency about the relative weight assigned by the central bank to output‐gap stabilization generally reduces the average reaction of inflation to inflation shocks and the volatility of inflation, but increases those of the output gap in static and dynamic terms, and more so when inflation shocks are highly persistent. When inflation shocks are moderately persistent, opacity could improve social welfare if the weight assigned to output‐gap stabilization is low and this is more likely under pre‐commitment than under discretion.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):317-322
This paper forecasts inflation in China over a 12-month horizon. The analysis runs 15 alternative models and finds that only those considering many predictors via a principal component display a better relative forecasting performance than the univariate benchmark.  相似文献   

In this study, the hypothesis that the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) implements an asymmetric monetary policy rule is tested. We estimate both linear and asymmetric monetary policy reaction functions for the period before inflation targeting was adopted, for the period when inflation targeting was explicitly adopted and for the full sample period. The results of the linear monetary policy rules are consistent with the estimates reported from other studies that estimate linear monetary policy rules for Australia. On the other hand, the results of estimating the asymmetric monetary policy rules for the pre-inflation targeting period shows that the RBA had reacted symmetrically, suggesting that it had acted with the same aggressiveness towards both inflation and output gaps of the same magnitude, over both phases of the business cycle. However, for the inflation targeting period, the results show that the RBA had reacted asymmetrically in its policy response to the inflation gap, output gap or both. A similar result is found for the full sample period. This asymmetric response supports the view that a non-linear monetary policy rule emanated from asymmetric preferences, rather than from the existence of a non-linear Phillips curve.  相似文献   

We test the concept of the opportunistic approach to monetary policy in South Africa post-2000 inflation targeting regime. The article contributes to the current debate on central banks having additional objectives over and above inflation and output by incorporating a measure of financial conditions in the modelling framework. Our findings support the two features of the opportunistic approach. First, we find that the models that include an intermediate target that reflects the recent history of inflation rather than simple inflation target improve the fit of the models. Second, the data supports the view that the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) behaves with some degree of nonresponsiveness when inflation is within the zone of discretion but react aggressively otherwise. Recursive estimates from our preferred model reveal that overall there has been a subdued reaction to inflation, output and financial conditions amidst the increased economic uncertainty of the 2007–2009 financial crisis.  相似文献   

产出缺口和货币缺口对中国通货膨胀的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王凯  庞震 《经济与管理》2009,23(12):18-21
通货膨胀形成的两个重要原因是总需求的过度膨胀和货币供应量的过快增长。利用HP滤波衡量产出缺口和货币缺口,并利用1999—2007年的季度时间数据检验两者对中国通货膨胀的影响。结果表明,产出缺12和货币缺口都是中国通货膨胀的重要原因,且货币缺口对中国通货膨胀的影响远远大于产出缺口影响。  相似文献   

This article estimates the policy reaction function of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) using real‐time internal inflation forecasts and output gap estimates from 2000 to 2012. We analyze potential nonlinearities of policy rate responses to economic fundamentals using a novel semiparametric approach. We find a linear response of the SNB's policy rate to inflation forecasts but a strong nonlinear response of the policy rate to the output gap and exchange rate changes. This finding suggests that the SNB reacts to extreme movements of these variables if they become a concern for price stability and economic activity.  相似文献   

张明  谢家智 《当代经济科学》2012,(3):102-111,128
借鉴开放经济条件下新凯恩斯混合菲利普斯曲线,采用中国省际面板数据,构建一个包含本地区产出缺口、国内其他地区产出缺口和国外产出缺口的三缺口通货膨胀模型,实证分析产出缺口对中国地区通货膨胀的影响,同时分东部和中西部考察区域差异。实证研究结论表明,国内外产出缺口显著影响我国地区通货膨胀。较之中西部地区更多受到国内产出缺口的影响,东部地区则更多受到国外产出缺口的冲击。而且,国内地区间的通货膨胀压力传导在东部地区较中西部更明显。另外,政府的反需求管理措施存在时滞,且政策调控主要降低了本地区产出缺口形成的通货膨胀压力。  相似文献   

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