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“中国云南省山地生态系统生物多样性保护示范项目(YUEP)”从一开始便引入和推广参与性理念与方法,探索以社区村民为主体的资源共管、生物多样性保护与村民监测模式。社区共管组织成员通过民主选举产生,管理社区保护与发展基金。基金按照孟加拉国乡村银行小额信贷模式,对项目区农户贷款,帮助农民增加收入;基金利息成为社区共管组织和村民监测生物多样性的活动经费,因而使其具有可持续性。  相似文献   

Bina Agarwal   《Ecological Economics》2009,68(11):2785-2799
Would enhancing women's presence in community institutions of forest governance improve resource conservation and regeneration? This paper focuses on this little addressed question. Based on the author's primary data on communities managing their local forests in parts of India and Nepal, it statistically assesses whether the gender composition of a local forest management group affects forest conservation outcomes, after controlling for other characteristics of the management group, aspects of institutional functioning, forest and population characteristics, and related factors. It is found that groups with a high proportion of women in their executive committee (EC)—the principal decision-making body—show significantly greater improvements in forest condition in both regions. Moreover, groups with all-women ECs in the Nepal sample have better forest regeneration and canopy growth than other groups, despite receiving much smaller and more degraded forests. Older EC members, especially older women, also make a particular difference, as does employing a guard. The beneficial impact of women's presence on conservation outcomes is attributable especially to women's contributions to improved forest protection and rule compliance. More opportunity for women to use their knowledge of plant species and methods of product extraction, as well as greater cooperation among women, are also likely contributory factors.  相似文献   

We examine the relative merits of alternative forest biodiversity targets, which give different weights to species according to their conservation status and abundance. A site selection framework is used for choosing the habitat-protection strategy that maximizes biodiversity subject to an upper bound on funding with six alternative conservation goals. By using Finnish data on old-growth forests, we found that alternative conservation goals yield different benefit-cost tradeoffs. Goals relying on complementarity between protected stands result in great marginal costs at a high conservation level. Therefore, under these conditions it may not be economically efficient to establish a large conservation network to protect all species in a given area. In contrast, a large conservation network is more likely to be justified when the habitat-protection strategy focuses on species abundance. The trade-offs between alternative objectives are explicitly measured by incrementally varying the weights given to the species. We found that the targets for all species representation and species abundance can largely be met simultaneously. Protecting red-listed species reduces overall species coverage and species abundance particularly at low budget levels.  相似文献   

Since the UNCED Conference in Rio de Janeiro 1992, the need to actively protect biodiversity is universally acknowledged. The UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defined biodiversity as comprising ecosystem diversity, species diversity and genetic diversity, and decided for the ecosystem level as the basis for describing biodiversity. However, due to conceptual problems as much as to the lack of data, so far no comprehensive measurements of biodiversity have been developed. A single measure quantitatively describing biodiversity even seems out of reach due to the incommensurability of the three levels. This makes it impossible to directly base policy decisions on existing or future estimates of the “total size” of biodiversity. Instead, it is suggested to analyse the pressures threatening biodiversity, which can usually be measured quantitatively, and act as the interface between the socioeconomic driving forces behind them and the biological impacts. The drivers (physical primary drivers, politics and policies causing them as secondary and institutional structures as tertiary ones) do not only affect biodiversity, but a range of sustainability problems. The analysis permits to integrate biodiversity risks with broader environmental and sustainability policies, and thus to mainstream biodiversity preservation.Such an analysis is presented for Europe, naming pressures and driving forces and illustrating the close links between the causes of biodiversity pressures and other environmental problems. This way, it is possible to develop first ideas how the standard set of environmental policies must be modified and extended to cover the issue of biodiversity.  相似文献   

自然圣境是对人类具有特殊精神意义的自然区域,自然圣境除了具有精神文化价值,在生态环境保护方面也发挥了重要作用。自然圣境的生态保护功能主要体现在保护生态环境和自然资源以及为珍稀濒危物种提供栖息地。目前,因旅游和工程项目过度开发、土地利用变化、所属权转移、价值观念的变化和自然环境变迁等因素,造成自然圣境的生态保护功能面临挑战。面对这些问题,应加强对自然圣境及其生态保护功能的正确认知,将自然圣境纳入保护地和生态补偿体系当中,发挥自然圣境生态文化的灵魂作用,并制定与自然圣境保护相关的法律法规。  相似文献   

Conservation is a crisis discipline requiring rapid action with limited funds. This study examines the potential of socioeconomic variables to predict forest use values. If natural resource use can be predicted from socioeconomic data, conservation planners could rapidly identify and focus conservation programs on the sectors of local populations that most intensively utilize local flora and fauna. Families in three communities in the northern Peruvian Amazon were surveyed over a 6-month period. Data were collected on use of flora and fauna from six locally determined use categories (food, medicine and poisons, wood, weavings, adornments, and “other”) in forest types of three age classes (fallow fields—very young forests, young secondary forests, and old secondary forests). Forest use values were the dependant variables calculated in $/ha/year. Socioeconomic variables included: age, education, family size, residence time, land worked, land owned, number of fishing nets, chickens, pigs, cows, and/or mules owned (all proxies for productive assets), and level of ecological knowledge (ability of informants to correctly identify forest species and answer basic questions about their biology). Ordinary least square multiple regressions were run independently for each forest type. Regressions were also run separately for the two most valuable use categories, food and wood. Low R2 adjusted values (all < 0.3) reflect the difficulty in predicting human behavior due to confounding variables and complex interactions. Residence time and a household's community of residence were the most significant predictors of forest use values. Households in Vista Alegre, the community with the highest density of people and smallest landholdings per household, extracted the highest value of forest products per hectare. The longer a family stayed in any community the higher the value of forest goods they extracted. If families that lived in an area longest are the most intensive extractors of forest products, they should be a major focus for conservation programming. In addition, the higher value of products extracted from forests by some families may make them more open to strategies seeking to protect long-term viability of the resources they utilize. The importance of residence time also indicates that planners need to account for changes in the resource use patterns of stakeholders over time.  相似文献   

沿海滩涂湿地位于咸淡水相互交汇、交替的区域范围内,生物资源丰富,可在自然环境下繁衍增殖,然而生态环境十分脆弱。本文结合江苏盐城市沿海滩涂湿地资源保护和利用现状,对海涂湿地生物资源的永续利用提出相应对策。  相似文献   

在依靠政府、科学家通过建立自然保护区、物种资源基因库等传统形式实施生物多样性保护外、更要注重其公众的参与,并实施资源的可持续利用措施。本文以浙江省临安县临目乡为例,分析了参与性生物多样性保护和利用的特征与方式以及两者的相互关系。指出它是实现山区资源、经济和环境可持续发展的一条成功之路。  相似文献   

The conservation of biodiversity is increasingly being defined as a process made up of three components—saving, studying and sustainably using biodiversity. If the conservation of process is expanded to incorporate the need for both the protection of biodiversity—either in situ or ex situ—and the generation of valuable information about biodiversity, an important issue is the correct balance of investment in these two types of activities. This paper explores this issue by focusing on efforts in a developing country to capture the pharmaceutical potential of biodiversity and species information. A model of biodiversity investment choice is developed, and an analysis of royalty returns to effort in biodiversity protection, taxonomic information and the collection of biotic samples is conducted based on data from Costa Rica. The results suggest that although a country can be adequately compensated for its investment in the generation of taxonomic information, it is unlikely that pharmaceutical prospecting alone will cover the high opportunity costs of biodiversity protection.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a simple model illustrating the possible nature ofgovernment policy with regards to genetic modification, taking into accountits impact on the environment. We show that it is necessary not only tointervene in the growing of crops, but also to intervene in R&D througha tax on the adoption of new GM technology. Without intervention at bothlevels, both the cultivation of GM crops and the rate of innovation in GM willexceed their socially optimal levels.  相似文献   

欧盟于20世纪末制定生物多样性战略,2006年批准实施生物多样性行动计划,承诺在2010年前停止减少生物多样性、加速恢复欧盟栖息地与自然环境系统的进程、降低全球生物多样性减少的比例。本文对该行动计划对该计划目标和进展情况进行介绍和分析。  相似文献   

云南兽类资源极其丰富,近年来由于种种原因,致使森林面积逐年减少,生态环境受到破坏,动物资源累遭猎捕。本文皆在探讨对兽类资源的保护对策。  相似文献   

生物多样性可提供促进心理健康的文化性生态系统 服务。当前,生物多样性对心理健康影响的研究多从“测量生 物多样性”维度出发,而以能够对景观体验者心理产生直接影 响的“感知生物多样性”为视角的探索尚且匮乏。面向城市居 民定向注意力的恢复需求,从感知生物多样性的内涵释义、注 意力恢复的机理解析出发,将高密度高异质性典型城市重庆作 为案例区,以城市中最能与生物多样性接触的“城市公园”为 研究对象,通过量表设计和使用者问卷调查,建构公园感知生 物多样性影响注意力恢复的结构方程模型。探索了感知生物多 样性与注意力恢复间的因果关联,进一步对与其相关的规划策 略制定、设计实践应用及接续研究进行了讨论。旨在为感知生 物多样性导向的疗愈性景观空间规划设计提供有益参考。  相似文献   

This paper establishes a mixed oligopoly model to explore how the government determines the percentage of shares of the state-owned banks to be released to foreign investors under the goal of seeking to maximize social welfare. The theoretical model finds that the release of shares of state-owned banks to foreign investors will reduce the outputs of the state-owned banks. The direction of the change in the profitability of the state-owned banks depends on the percentage of the shares released. The direction of the changes in the levels of social welfare also varies. If the gap in production efficiency between the state-owned banks and private banks is not large enough, we can be certain that a partial release of shares is the government's best policy.  相似文献   

To halt the decline of biodiversity in New Zealand, the government has formulated a strategy of maintaining and restoring a full range of remaining natural habitats to a healthy functioning state. Many indigenous forest remnants exist on private land, and these could be utilised to increase biodiversity. Resources for conservation of forest remnants are limited, so they must be used wisely to deliver the greatest possible biodiversity gain. This paper presents a rapid method for valuing the biodiversity of a region's indigenous forest remnants to help prioritise conservation resources. The region is divided into environmentally distinct areas called land environments. A detailed land-cover map is derived from satellite imagery and used to estimate the proportion of natural habitats remaining in each land environment; from this the biodiversity value of any forest remnant may be calculated. The method is rapid and does not require detailed biodiversity information. When combined with conservation costs, it may be used to create a priority list of forest remnants for conservation. The Manawatu/Wanganui region of New Zealand is used as a case study to demonstrate the method.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2005,52(2):219-228
The debate among ecologists on the optimal number of reserve sites under a fixed maximum total reserve area—the single large or several small (SLOSS) problem—has so far neglected the economic aspects of the problem. This paper argues that economic considerations can affect the optimal number and size of reserve sites and should therefore be taken into consideration in the SLOSS discussion. The paper presents a tractable analytical model to determine the socially optimal number of reserve sites to be allocated in a farming area under a fixed total reserve area, taking the opportunity costs of nature conservation (in this case, agricultural profits) into consideration. Furthermore, the effect of land trade and related transaction costs on the socially optimal number of reserve sites is analyzed. The analysis suggests that in the presence of diminishing returns to farming area, the socially optimal number of reserve sites (which maximizes social welfare) is generally larger than the ecologically optimal number (which maximizes an ecological objective such as population viability). When the opportunity costs of conservation can be offset by land transactions, however, the socially optimal number of reserve sites might be closer to the ecological optimum.  相似文献   

CV studies rarely ask willingness to accept (WTA)questions, yet there are a range of environmentalprojects where there are likely to be potential losersas well as gainers. This paper presents evidence fromsix biodiversity projects that the inclusion ofcontingent compensation payments from thoserespondents who preferred the status quo cansubstantially reduce net project benefits, even whenthe proportion of losers is relatively small. Astatistical model for estimating the mean welfaremeasure from dichotomous choice data which allows forboth positive WTP, zero WTP, and WTA is described. Asmany environmental projects are likely to create bothgainers and losers, we recommend that CV analysts giveserious consideration to the collection and analysisof WTA data otherwise they risk generating biasedestimates of project benefits.  相似文献   

The Micangshan Forest Park is located in the northeast edge of the Sichuan Basin. The wild animals and plants resources are rich and the ecosystem is integrity. There are well-preserved areas of native biological communities. Its strip and the region decided that on the one hand biological diversity is rich; on the other hand, there is its unique ecological fragility. Once it is destroyed, it would be very difficult to restore. In order to protect the ecological environment of wild animal and plant habitats and wild animal and plant resources, this paper uses quadrat survey procedure to carry on the investigation. In the Micangshan Forest Park's typical land sector the author establishes the sample area of 20 m×20 m to invest the tree layer of plant species and builds five 2 m×2 m the small quadrats along the type place's diagonal line machinery to invest bush level and the field layer floristic component. Again according to the Micangshan Forest Park's terrain, the vegetation and the difference humanity interference condition, the autor builds the different quantities separately the line transect to invest the animal type. This article through to eastern Sichuan Province north the Micangshan forest park biodiversity resources investigation, has analyzed the biodiversity protection work present situation and the existence question, and put forward the proposal to the next protection work.  相似文献   

基于产业集聚的观点,以创意人才为研究对象,探讨文化园区创新要素对创新绩效的影响机制,并探究创新环境的中介作用,检验政策配置的调节作用。建立基于文化产业园区创新要素与创新绩效的调节中介作用模型,运用问卷调查进行实证分析。结果表明:①创新要素对创新环境具有显著正向影响,但创新要素的三个维度中,社会网络、个人成长对创新绩效影响不显著;②创新要素中的信息共享与知识溢出维度和创新绩效直接显著,而个人能力通过创新环境中介作用影响创新产出;③政策配置在创新环境和创新绩效的中介效应中起到正向调节作用,政策支持力度越高对创新产出的影响越大。因此,政府应该引导建立以创新为导向的要素集聚,通过营造良好的创新氛围,完善社会网络结构,降低区域的创新阻力,进而提升文化创造力的集聚与外溢能力。  相似文献   

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