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初秋的一个下午,未名湖畔朗润园中,著名经济学家、北京大学经济研究中心主任林毅夫教授欣然接受了<中国地产市场>杂志记者的采访.……  相似文献   

初秋的一个下午,未名湖畔朗润园中,著名经济学家、北京大学经济研究中心主任林毅夫教授欣然接受了<中国地产市场>杂志记者的采访.……  相似文献   

对于今年的房价走势,曾参与5月份国家宏观政策制定的著名经济学家徐滇庆肯定地说:第一,房价肯定涨;第二,房价指数肯定跌。这就是当前房地产市场必然出现的结果。  相似文献   

2007年,我国房价一路走高。国家发改委、统计局调查显示:2007年1-12月,全国70个大中城市房屋销售价格的同比涨幅分别为:5.6%、5.3%、5.9%、5.4%、6.4%、7.1%、7.5%、8.2%、8.9%、9.5%、10.5%和10.5%。进入2008年,虽然不断传来某些大城市房价下跌的声音,还有颇具影响的“拐点论”,但国家发改委、统计局调查显示的2008年1、2月份全国70个大中城市房屋销售价格的同比涨幅,仍然高达11.3%和10.9%。因此,加强和改善房地产宏观调控、抑制房价的不断上涨,就成为2008年仍然必须面对的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

今年第一季度我国的宏观经济数据即将出炉,经济专家普遍预计GDP将降到7.4%左右,国际上对中国经济的悲观论调也多了起来。自2010年第一季度以来,中国经济出现了连续13个季度的增速下滑,原因究竟何在?为此,本刊记者专程采访了世界银行原高级副行长、著名经济学家林毅夫先生。  相似文献   

国家发改委宏观经济研究院副院长刘福垣指出,我国房价尤其是大部分中城市房价畸高.根子在房地产政策不合理。目前我国以批租为主的土地使用制度和住宅以售为主的房产政策.违背了这个阶段的生产关系结构、产业结构和劳动力的再生产规律.由此不仅还来房价畸高.也影响了整个国民经济的持续健康发展。刘福垣说.商品房的价格构成是三块:建筑成本加平均利润.  相似文献   

根据国家发改委、国家统计局调查显示,2008年12月,全国70个大中城市房屋销售价格同比下降0.4%,涨幅比11月低0.6个百分点;环比下降0.5%。这是这一指数自2005年7月份公布以来房屋价格首次出现的下降。  相似文献   

2010年3月,一线城市房价保持涨势,中国70个大中城市房屋销售价格同比上涨11.7%,其中新建住宅销售价格同比上涨14.2%,新建商品住宅价格同比上涨15.9%,房地产开发投资增速加快。  相似文献   

低迷了一年的全国房价终于在08年最后一个月迎来首次同比下降。国家发改委、国家统计局最新统计显示,去年12月份,全国70个大中城市房屋销售价格同比下降0.4个百分点,整体房价跌回一年前水平。  相似文献   

陈菊 《房地产导刊》2009,(10):96-99
在这个阶段政府绝不会打压房地产,反而会变相支持房地产,其结果是在财政政策、货币政策往回撤的时候,房地产投资必将增加,房价必然上升。房地产投资有可能成为四季度到明年上半年接棒基建投资推动经济增长的关键。  相似文献   

Housing demand is examined by looking quite specifically at the income and price variables based on individual household data. Permanent and transitory incomes are computed through instrumental variables related to human and nonhuman wealth. A price is constructed by spatially varying hedonic techniques. Separation of measured income into permanent and transitory components substantially improves the predictive power of the housing demand estimation and leads to demand elasticities of +1 and ?1 with respect to permanent income and price. The permanent income elasticity is roughly twice the measured income elasticity.  相似文献   

This article studies the co-movement and dynamics between price movements and transactions in the housing market using data for the period 1988–2008 from Finland. While the previous related literature examines the reactions of sales and prices to an interest rate shock only, this study investigates the responses to income and debt shocks as well. The empirical estimations show that the response of prices to demand shocks is substantially slower than that of sales. The estimated reactions of sales substantially differ from those reported in the earlier literature. The reaction patterns can create the kind of strong positive co-movement between price movements and sales volume and the kind of negative correlation between price level and sales that have been found in several housing markets.  相似文献   

William Alonso's model of the demand for housing and location in the monocentric city is one of two pre-eminent models of its type. The purpose of this article is to provide the detailed analysis and the comparative statics of the Alonso model. The complexity of the analysis is seen to derive from the nature of the constraint, which is nonlinear and has slopes which vary with income. A new result is that housing and closeness can be inferior even when they are taste normal. The empirical direct variation of income with distance is explained, consistent with the finding that income increase has indeterminate effects on location and housing demand. The Alonso specification is shown to be superior to others.  相似文献   

The financial crisis has brought the interaction between housing prices and household borrowing into the limelight of the economic policy debate. This paper examines the nexus of housing prices and credit in Norway within a structural vector equilibrium correction model (SVECM) over the period 1986q2–2008q4. The results establish a two way interaction in the long-run, so that higher housing prices lead to a credit expansion, which in turn puts an upward pressure on prices. Interest rates influence housing prices indirectly through the credit channel. Furthermore, households’ expectations about the future development of their own income as well as in the Norwegian economy have a significant impact on housing price growth. Dynamic simulations show how shocks are propagated and amplified. When we augment the model to include the supply side of the housing market, these effects are dampened.  相似文献   

Hedonic prices, price indices and housing markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper extends hedonic price analysis to the formation of housing price indices measuring variation within a metropolitan area. In forming these indices fifteen submarkets, heterogeneous across time and space, are described within a short-run equilibrium model. Linear functional forms are generally rejected using a method proposed by Box and Cox. Aggregation of hedonic price coefficients into standardized units yields significantly higher housing prices in the central city than in its suburbs, as well as differential effects of structural and neighborhood improvements among submarkets.  相似文献   

上海商品住房价格的过快上涨引起业内人士和社会各界的密切关注。如何有效控制房价涨幅,是当前维护房地产市场持续健康发展的重大关键问题。  相似文献   

Census tract data were used to investigate the influence of racial segregation on housing prices in the Oakland, California housing market. White renters were found to pay a premium to live in segregated neighborhoods. Racial differences in the implicit prices of specific housing characteristics were also observed in the rental market: a unit of housing space was more expensive in the black rental submarket, while a unit of housing quality cost more in the white rental submarket. No significant differences were found in the prices paid by black and white homeowners, although for methodological reasons these results were less reliable than those for rental housing.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an empirical analysis of tenure choice and housing demand that makes use of household-level data from Japan. The paper finds that the price and permanent-income elasticities of demand for owneroccupied housing are approximately −0.8 and 1.4, respectively, and that these estimates are highly robust. The price elasticity estimate is comparable to those for other countries, but the income elasticity estimate is much higher, possibly because of the greater accuracy of the income variable. It is also found that the tenure choice and housing demand decisions are apparently not made simultaneously.  相似文献   

来自中国统计年鉴的数据显示:一方面,我国的竣工商品住宅建筑面积年增长率远大于城镇人口年增长率,人均新增竣工商品住宅建筑面积逐年递增。另一方面,住宅价格仍持续上涨(见  相似文献   

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