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This study provides evidence of the triangular relationship between governance quality, foreign direct investment, and economic growth. Unlike previous studies in the governance—foreign direct investment—growth literature, this study employed the panel vector autoregressive model to examine the impact of governance quality and foreign direct investment on economic growth. Moreover, we used the impulse response function tool, which was developed in the same context, to better understand the reaction of the two main variables of interest, foreign direct investment, and economic growth, after shocks to the governance quality variable. Finally, the analysis was completed by the variance decomposition of all variables. These analyses were conducted for 102 developing countries from 1996 to 2014. Overall, the results show that inward foreign direct investment has a significant impact and can strongly encourage economic growth. These results indicate that the quality of governance in developing countries does not affect foreign direct investment and economic growth.  相似文献   

公司治理研究的理论基础是经济学中的企业理论。企业理论研究的三个理论命题,核心是所有权问题。公司治理是企业控制权和剩余索取权的制度安排。公司治理研究的外部边界是经济制度、经济发展环境和社会文化环境。中国经济体制改革和经济发展特定背景下公司治理研究,应当把机理研究作为基础性理论研究工作。  相似文献   

目前全球经济失衡问题日益严重,主要发达经济体陷入经济困境,财政政策空间缩小,常规经济政策失效。各种经济保护主义政策,如贸易保护、汇率干预、资本流动管制等在世界范围内蔓延。全球经济治理的关键是重组全球产业分工和贸易金融体系,但是由于中国长期存在巨额贸易顺差和外汇储备,因此解决中国的双顺差现象被发达国家视为全球经济治理的核心议题之一,而中国参与全球经济治理的能力亟需提升。本文尝试运用SWOT战略分析框架,对中国参与全球经济治理展开实证分析,分析中国的比较优势、劣势、机遇、威胁以及核心竞争力,进而为中国参与全球经济治理提供决策依据和理论支持,实现国家利益和战略意图。  相似文献   

作为一种非正式制度,习俗在国家的社会经济发展和治理中起着非常重要的作用,在我国的古代社会尤其如此。司马迁较早注意到了俗与治的内在关联,但学术界忽视了其在司马迁经济思想中的重要地位。文章对司马迁的经济思想谱系中“俗”与“治”两大重要范畴进行了关联阐述,介绍了司马迁“因俗以治”治道思想的源流和主张,并结合现代经济学理论对其进行延伸与扩展,探讨其现实意义。研究发现:(1)司马迁的治道思想兼容了道家与儒家的无为而治思想的不同侧面,而其“善因论”的要义正在于“俗之所欲,因而予之”。(2)因俗以治的核心是因循人“生有欲”和“皆为利”的本性及民间习俗来因地制宜、因时制宜地立俗施事,以达至“事少而功多”的理想治理效果。(3)由于司马迁的经济思想带有浓厚的经验色彩和朴素性质,而且中国古代社会缺乏良好的市场环境,因此其在近代以前始终未得到重视和采纳。(4)司马迁“因俗以治”思想给现代国家治理带来了众多启示:一是要尊重风俗习惯并加以因势利导;二是要注重习俗等非正式制度与正式制度的兼容;三是要让好的习俗成为一种稳态均衡而固定下来并延续下去。文章不仅是对司马迁经济思想研究的丰富和拓展,而且对中国国家治理能力的提升也提供了有益的历史借鉴。  相似文献   

管治对象、管治动机(目标)、管治主体、管治体系、管治过程等组成了大都市区的管治结构。大都市区管治的对象是面向大都市区公共物品和公共事务;随着我国进入城市化加速发展时期和融入经济全球化进程的加快,在大都市区管治中必须协调政府与跨国公司、非政府组织、政府间组织以及市民社会等主体之间的关系;要构建完善的垂直管治体系和水平管治体系,实现由“后果导向”式管治向“原因导向”式管治的转变。  相似文献   

协作治理,是应对公共危机形成的一种新的治理形式。本文使用文本分析法考察了2020年2月末各省区市政府在本次疫情应对政策中协作治理能力的四种关键机制:促进式顶层领导、开放式参与路径、明确的协作职责、透明信息披露的运用情形及运用效果。研究结果显示,30个省区市都在运用协作治理机制抗击疫情、恢复经济。四种机制的运用存在差异,整体上沿海地区运用协作治理机制更充分。进一步的分析显示政府协作治理机制的运用显著促进了各省份疫情中第三产业的经济恢复水平,原因在于其改善了省级层面经济恢复的市场环境。本文的研究结论表明,强大的政府协作治理机制有助于社会快速有效应对公共危机,也是优化市场环境的政府治理新途径。本文为政府协作治理的机制构成与实际效果提供了重要补充,在公共危机应对的背景下发展了政府治理的理论内容,为公共危机情境下政府职能转变思路提供了参考。  相似文献   

A large literature asserts a causal relationship between the quality of economic governance and economic performance. However, attempts to establish such a link at an aggregate level have met with considerable methodological criticism. This paper seeks to overcome this limitation. We match a panel of Vietnamese enterprises from 2006 to 2010 with a unique panel dataset measuring sub‐national economic governance to estimate a relationship between local governance and private investment. We do not find a significant relationship between investment and most traditional forms of governance. However, there is one important exception – transparency, especially the public posting of planning documents, is strongly associated with higher investment across a range of different specifications. Our results have significant implications for policy, given the prevailing theory that changes in the quality of local economic governance will spur improved economic performance.  相似文献   

美国近期发生的一系列公司丑闻,暴露出其公司治理方面还存在着诸多缺陷。本文对其中的代理问题、中介机构的公正性、市场自我修、经济模式孰优孰劣,以及我国可借鉴之处等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether governance matters for the economic growth of developing countries, empirically captured within the institutional economics theoretical framework using the panel data estimation procedure. In doing so, it tests the effect of several dimensions of governance on the growth of 84 low and middle-income economies using regression specifications common in the growth literature. The empirical results show that political stability and government effectiveness is significantly positively correlated with growth. Voice and accountability and corruption are statistically significantly negatively correlated with growth. The regulatory quality and rule of law dimensions of governance are negatively but statistically insignificantly correlated with growth. The findings of this study imply that the dynamics of the current modern economy makes it necessary for developing countries to act now and within their own country, improve the dimensions of governance and establish good governance practices that are domestically relevant and internationally comparable and consistent.  相似文献   

社会人属性和企业治理效率的改善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝允峰  顾江 《财经科学》2007,(11):91-97
基于经济人假设的代理理论及其指导下的企业治理实践产生了一个低效的治理效率.独立董事初步显示了社会人属性对企业治理效率的改善.如果存在足够的具有社会人属性的经营者,那么股东将愿意更多激励和更少监督经营者,这将是一个帕累托改进,因而能够改善企业治理效率.  相似文献   

This study offers an insight into the public governance role in the relationship between fiscal decentralization and provincial economic growth in Vietnam. Fiscal decentralization measures are assorted. Applying a sequential (two‐stage) estimation for the panel data of 62 provinces of Vietnam over the 2006–2015 period, we find that first, fiscal decentralization is positively related to the economic growth of Vietnamese provinces. Second, the effects of public governance on economic growth vary across provinces depending on various levels of local public governance. Interestingly, the effect of fiscal decentralization is strengthened when this variable is added along with better quality of public governance. In a region of high public governance quality, fiscal decentralization exerts a positive effect on its economic growth. Our findings imply that the design of fiscal decentralization needs to be associated with local governments’ ability of public governance to improve the local economic growth.  相似文献   

政府经营城市,在中国既被视作国家发展与城市发展的重要手段,是中国实现经济腾飞的关键,又因其政府主导的特征被批判为是对市场配置资源的扭曲.中国政府经营城市首先属于历史范畴,在不同的历史阶段表现出不同的特征;其次属于经济范畴,在城市生产力与生产关系的辩证运动下,政府经营城市表现为"国家、政府、城市"三者间的相互替代和互动影...  相似文献   

新区域主义视野下的中国区域治理:问题与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着区域经济一体化的发展,区域公共问题的大量涌现,日益呼唤区域内地方政府间开展一系列双边或多边协调与合作为基本内容的区域合作。研究发现,我国区域治理不完全,区域内多元利益相关者在治理主体结构中缺位或虚位。通过新区域主义视角的评估,显示我国的区域治理实际上是缺乏治理的地方政府间合作。要促进区域经济一体化水平的提高,应该适时推动区域政府管理走向区域治理。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: What is a cooperative? Is it a form of vertical integration, an independent organization or an intermediate form of governance between the market and the hierarchy? This paper contributes to the economic theory of the cooperative organization by examining it from a comparative economic perspective. Departing from Williamson's one‐dimensional continuum of governance structures, the paper adopts the view that governance structures exhibit multiple dimensions and true hybrids are market‐like on some of these dimensions while hierarchy‐like on others. I show that the cooperative blends market‐like attributes with hierarchy‐like mechanisms and thus should be viewed as a true hybrid rather than as an intermediate form. The paper concludes with a discussion about the usefulness of this approach and potential avenues for future research.  相似文献   

金融安全和公司治理都是实现企业效益最大化,促使一国经济稳定健康发展的关键问题,但在学术界它们通常是被分开进行研究的,这在很大程度上制约了对企业发展的综合思考。完善的公司治理是保证金融安全的基本条件,目前的国际竞争在很大程度上是公司治理的竞争。这为研究公司治理问题提供了一个新的视角,也为我国公司治理改革思路提供了启示。  相似文献   

何青  徐新华 《经济经纬》2006,8(4):90-93
意大利公司治理模式具有鲜明的民族个性特征,完全不同于英美、德日典型的治理模式。其治理机制的形成和演化受政治、经济和商业习惯深刻的影响。虽然意政府对公司治理政策方面表现出“不作为”,但其积极干预经济的其他政策产生的溢出效应,却是推动意大利公司治理发展的主要动力。  相似文献   

网络治理的好坏关系到一个组织的效率和效益,对于集群供应链来说,网络治理是集群效率提高、风险规避、结构优化及竞争力提升的重要途径。在集群供应链网络中既存在自身调节达到均衡的自组织治理也存在着特定他组织的治理。本文首先对集群供应链网络中的自组织和他组织的含义进行了界定,提出集群供应链网络治理是自组织治理和他组织治理构成的复杂网络的共治过程,进而从他组织视角研究集群供应链网络治理,分别从政府治理、行业协会治理和市场中介治理三个维度提出了各自的治理角色或途径。集群供应链网络的他组织治理的存在主要是为了配合及弥补企业群的自组织治理,帮助集群供应链网络发挥应有的经济效应、知识效应等集成效应,实现集群供应链网络的有序运行。  相似文献   

生态环境保障体系的确立、生态保护的法制建设、城市生态工程建设以及营造城市的生态文化等城市治理措施是取得城市生态环境建设成效的重要保证。当前,在经济社会发展中,杭州生态环境建设形成了经济、社会、环境"共赢"的局面,其原因与城市治理理念、城市发展战略及城市人文精神相关。  相似文献   

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