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当跨国公司在东道国投资时,通常假定他们的一部分技术会转移至东道国的企业里。但是,经验研究还不能为这种正的溢出效应提供强有力的支持。本文运用1999~2007年中国制造业27个行业的面板数据,检验了FDI的技术溢出效应。结果表明,FDI对制造业的全要素生产率的横向和前后向关联溢出效应为正,且在统计上均非常显著。通过对全要素生产率的分解发现,前向关联对技术效率和技术进步的影响都显著为正;后向关联仅对技术进步有显著的正效应,而横向溢出效应对技术进步的影响不显著。  相似文献   

本文利用江苏省2001-2007年制造业分行业的数据,对外国直接投资的后向和前向溢出效应进行了实证检验分析。结果表明,在样本期间内,外国直接投资的水平溢出效应和后向溢出效应均为负,而前向溢出效应则为正,说明江苏省制造业中内资企业主要从FDI前向溢出效应中受益,而从水平效应方向来看,外资企业的进入带来的竞争的负面作用超过了其正面作用。  相似文献   

文章使用全国制造业各行业的面板数据,实证检验了进口贸易对于内资企业生产率的水平和前向溢出效应.经分析发现,在样本期间,进口贸易对内资企业的生产率的前向溢出效应显著为正,而水平溢出效应不显著.  相似文献   

中国内资与外资的效率差异及收敛性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过使用各省、自治区及直辖市工业行业的面板数据,借助数据包络分析(DEA),本文测定了各个省份内外资的全要素生产率,结果显示各省份内资和外资的全要素生产率在1999~2007年间均呈现增长趋势,外资工业的全要素生产率高于内资工业;东部地区和中部地区全要素生产率差别不大,而西部地区与东、中部地区呈现较大的差距;外资通过由高至低的技术扩散和竞争效应对内资产生溢出效应,前者是外资溢出效应的主要渠道,而后一种渠道则在总体上显示了负面影响.  相似文献   

本文利用我国1996~2003年17个制造业对16个OECD国家的出口贸易面板数据以及1997年和2002年的投入产出表,实证检验了我国出口贸易企业的水平链接溢出效应和后向链接溢出效应。结果表明,我国出口贸易企业通过向上游产业的非出口部门企业购买中间产品和服务产生了积极的后向链接溢出效应,而出口贸易企业的水平链接溢出效应并不明显。进一步的研究发现,我国制造业出口贸易的后向链接溢出主要来自于对美国和其他14个OECD国家的出口贸易企业。  相似文献   

外资进入东道国会产生不同类型的技术溢出效应,本地企业选择不同的技术进步路径,对制造业结构优化的作用不同。将制造业分为高端、中端和低端技术制造业,利用1998—2014年我国30个地区制造行业数据,采用高端技术制造业产值与中端技术制造业产值的比例测度制造业结构的高度化,基于劳动生产率的视角测算泰尔指数以反映制造业结构的合理化水平,并运用动态面板(GMM)进行实证检验表明:模仿效应对制造业结构的高度化和合理化具有负面作用;竞争效应也抑制了制造业结构优化;进一步利用固定资产测度制造业结构的高度化,人均固定资产测度泰尔指数,实证检验结果是一致的,因此估计结果是稳健的。  相似文献   

企业间技术溢出效应是指一个技术领先企业的技术会对同行业企业或者关联企业的技术进步产生积极的外部效应。本文运用三阶段DEA模型对2015年我国规模以上企业间的技术溢出效率进行实证研究,结果显示:不同省份地区在技术溢出绩效综合效率存在差异,均值仅为0.777,大部分区域效率水平明显较低;环境因素对企业间技术溢出效应高的地区基本没有影响,而对效率低的地区有着正向的影响。结合灰色关联度模型,研究发现:影响各地区企业间技术溢出效应的外部关联性因素排名依次为技术进步、经济发展水平和对外开放度。  相似文献   

“跨国公司的涌入,一方面会产生技术上的‘溢出效应’,对中国相关行业的企业产生积极的推动,同时在企业管理、市场拓展上也会对国内企业产生示范效应”,这是许多人对跨国企业的美好期待。在中国的改革开放历史上,引进外资确实对技术进步起到了相当积极的作用,但外资企业技术“溢出效应”远远没有达到我们的预期。相反,翻查近年来一些跨国企业的所作所为,我们会发现,为了确保自己的高额利润,外资在某些领域里对中国企业而言,无论是从技术上还是从市场方面,他们始终都保持着对本土企业的打压态势。以至有人愤然指出:外资企业对内资企业有  相似文献   

通过考察1996~2008年我国ICT行业内的外资企业的溢出效应,证实了FDI对我国企业的自主技术创新有促进作用,FDI和自主技术创新都促进了内资企业生产效率的提高,而且FDI对内资企业效率的促进作用有一部分是通过促进内资企业的自主技术创新实现的。  相似文献   

基于技术溢出的视角,文章通过构建前向关联指数与后向关联指数,实证分析中国生产性服务业FDI对制造业效率的影响。研究结果显示:从整体上看,生产性服务业FDI可以通过前向溢出与后向溢出的渠道促进制造业效率的提升,且前向溢出的效果强于后向溢出;分行业来看,金融业FDI对制造业效率的提升作用最强,其次是科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业,再次为信息传输、计算机服务和软件业,居于第四的是交通运输、仓储和邮政业,而租赁和商务服务业FDI对制造业效率的提升作用最弱。  相似文献   

Using US input–output data for the period 1958–87, I find strong evidence that industry total factor productivity (TFP) growth is significantly related to the TFP performance of the supplying sectors, with an elasticity of almost 60%. R&D intensity is also found to be a significant determinant of industry TFP growth, with an estimated return of about 10–13% and the return to embodied R&D is estimated at 43%. Direct productivity spillovers, from the technological progress made by supplying sectors, appear to be more important than spillovers from the R&D performed by suppliers. They also play a key role in explaining changes in manufacturing TFP growth over time. Changes in the contribution made by direct productivity spillovers to TFP growth account for almost half of the slowdown in TFP growth in manufacturing from 1958–67 to 1967–77, and for 20% of the TFP growth recovery in this sector from 1967–77 to 1977–87. Changes in R&D intensity and embodied R&D are relatively unimportant in explaining movements in manufacturing TFP growth over these three periods.  相似文献   

本文选取1995~2010年的流量面板数据,以引力模型为实证基础,采用随机效应FGLS估计了东道国的区位优势以及双边贸易—文化—政治关联度等因素对中国对外直接投资流量和存量的影响力.我们得出了如下的结论:第一,度量东道国区位优势的相对市场规模和自然资源禀赋同其所接受的中国投资的规模成正比并且均育较高的统计显著性.第二,与东道国的双边贸易—文化—政治关联度强烈地影响了中国对外直接投资,即两国的贸易依存度越大、文化距离越小以及政治关系越好,则中国对该国的投资越多.第三,关于东道国汇率政策、货币政策与投资政策的理论假说6至假说9均没有得到经验数据的有力支撑.  相似文献   

Technology ‘spillovers’ are increasingly being recognized as sources of productivity growth. International ‘convergence’ in productivity levels has also been noted in recent studies. This paper reports a study of international total factor productivity (TFP) growth for 11 industrial sectors in seven OECD countries. Spillover variables are defined based on interindusty and international invention input–output (I(IO)) weights. These variables are tested against import-weighted variables. The study concludes that I(IO)-weighted R&D ‘spill-ins’ are important determinants of TFP growth and that convergence is dependent on domestic RBD.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamic linkages between income inequality, international remittances and economic growth using time series data over the period of 1976–2006 in case of Pakistan. The cointegration analysis based on the bounds test confirms the existence of a long-run relationship between income inequality, international remittances and economic growth. Our results reveal that income inequality and international remittances enhance economic growth. The causality analysis based on innovative accounting approach shows bidirectional causal relationship between income inequality and economic growth and same is true for international remittances and income inequality. International remittances are cause of economic growth but not vice versa. Although we find support for Kuznets hypothesis but Pakistan is yet to benefit, in terms of reducing the gaps of income inequality, from the international flow of remittances and economic growth. The paper argues that, from a policy perspective, there is an urgent need for policy makers in Pakistan to reduce the widening gap of income inequality by focusing on income redistribution policies and to go beyond the traditional factors in balancing income inequality.  相似文献   

Although many methods for studying linkages between economic sectors exist, most methods only analyse the linkages between a specific sector and all other sectors, or the effects of all sectors on the economy as a whole. Cluster analysis may be helpful to analyse which sectors are strongly connected to each other, when no specific sector is given in advance. The present article reviews how cluster analysis contributes to the analysis of intersectoral linkages. Furthermore, it describes several possible identification methods of these clusters. After selecting the best method, the article provides an index that can be used to compute the degree of similarity between clusters in different regions, countries, or time periods.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. This paper reports results of a suryey on perception on industry/acadernia cooperatwe linkages, in particular, partner selection and managerial expectations from such partnership, and also potential diffculties involved in developing mtemgamzational alliances. The swey, conducted in Latin America, shows that intemational sbategic alliances are considered as a viable approach for academia to develop progrm leading to joint research, human resources exchange, and academic exchange, while for industry the cooperation represents the opportunity to build competitive advantage especially in domestic markets. However. the results also suggest that a number of obstacles need to be overcome.  相似文献   

Although overall linkages are steadily increasing in growth processes, em-pirical data supply strong evidence of large intercountry and intertemporal fluctuations of the domestic-to-overall linkages ratio. This paper tries to explain this phenomenon by modelling a producers' behaviour which appears more realistic than that usually assumed in interindustry or computable general equilibrium models. The main novelty of the results is that the same causes that generate interindustry multipliers can also ‘trap’ domestic linkages into reinforcing (‘virtuous’) or weakening (‘vicious’) circles, depending on whether the price competitiveness of domestic activities is above or below a threshold related to the non-price competitiveness of those activities. These results can help to explain the fluctuations of domestic linkages with respect to overall linkages by spatial and temporal shifts of the threshold between the vicious and the virtuous ‘areas’. Moreover, they emphasize the importance of supply policies-mainly R&D policies—because of their ‘pushing down’ effect on this threshold.  相似文献   

It is well known that mergers often occur in waves, and this paper develops a new mechanism for merger waves: expectations over industry shocks. We develop a simple test of this explanation and use it to explore the role of expectations in the context of the 1990s hospital merger wave. Managed care such as Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) started to become popular in the late 1980s and ultimately became an important player in the health insurance market. Our empirical analysis shows that the expected increase in the popularity of HMOs was partly responsible for the hospital merger wave of the 1990s: hospitals feared that the “innovation” of managed care in the downstream insurance market would penetrate the upstream hospital market and responded to this belief by merging. Our results show the importance of incorporating expectations and interindustry linkages into the understanding of merger waves.  相似文献   

Three major, interrelated accounting statements, at the frontiers of quantitative economic analysis, are three interrelated systems, namely: (1) National income and product accounts (NIPA), (2) The input-output tableaux, (IO), and (3) flow-of- funds accounts (FF). The third-mentioned system is somewhat less available and used in only limited areas of macroeconomic analysis. This paper is mainly concerned with use of FF accounting systems. This system shows where financial resources originate, and where they go in support of real capital formation. In this respect, interest rates and other market-based financial rates are of key importance. While much macroeconomic analysis is based on the rates that fit the yield curve, showing the interest rate structure over various maturities of debt associated with a given degree of risk. In contrast, the FF accounts throw light on the whole spectrum of interest rates, across maturities and debt qualities. For example, in analysis of the real estate market and funding of capital formation there, it is important to have a full understanding of the course of mortgage rates of different maturities and qualities. In short, it is necessary to develop a full appreciation of supply and demand forces in the mortgage market, which often is not obviously related to movements of the operative rate for monetary policy, such as very short-term inter bank rates or call money rates. This paper attempts to provide material from the flow-of-funds accounts that would make it possible to analyze the movement of relevant mortgage rates or whatever other rates are needed to understand the financing of capital formation in real estate.  相似文献   


The migration issue is a much debated subject in many developed countries. This study provides a review of the relationship between migrants and their international economic linkages. It then focuses on foreign direct investment (FDI), for both inward and outward FDI. This study aims to offer a synthesis by means of a meta-analysis of various studies, in order to test the robustness of the relationship between migration and FDI. Our results confirm that immigration has a positive impact on FDI investment in both directions (inward and outward), and that these impacts are higher when migrants are highly educated and skilled.

RÉSUMÉ Le problème de la migration est un sujet qui suscite un intérêt considérable dans un grand nombre de pays évolués. Cette étude passe en revue les rapports entre les migrants et leurs liens économiques internationaux. Elle se penche en suite sur les investissements étrangers directs (IED), tant pour les IED étrangers que pour les investissements à l’étranger. L’étude s'efforce de présenter une synthèse par le biais de méta-analyses de différentes études, dans le but de tester la solidité des rapports entre migration et IED. Nos résultats confirment que la migration a eu un effet positif sur les investissements IED dans les deux sens (de l’étranger et à l’étranger, et qu'elle a un impact majeur lorsque les migrants sont des personnes haute ment qualifiées et spécialisées.

RESUMEN La inmigración es un tema muy debatido en muchos países desarrollados. Este estudio proporciona una reseña de la relación entre los inmigrantes y sus enlaces económicos internacionales. Después se enfoca en la Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED), tanto de entrada como de salida. Este estudio tiene como objetivo ofrecer una síntesis mediante un metanáli sis de estudios varios para evaluar la solidez de la relación entre inmigración y la IED. Nuestros resultados confirman que la inmigración tiene un impacto positivo sobre la IED en ambas direcciones (entrada y salida), y que estos impactos son mayores cuando los inmigrantes tiene un alto nivel de educación y cualificación.


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