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布洛 《政策与管理》2008,(2):116-117
一个有关自行车的概括可谓精辟:“有蹬轮子为了蹬轮子的人,有蹬轮子为了到某处的人,还有蹬轮子为了到处走的人。”谁都明白,最幸福的该是“蹬轮子为了到处走”的人。  相似文献   

在所有印度时尚杂志的美食篇都能见到Kaina为法国百余年糕点老店Ladure做的宣传彩页,这里的黄油牛角面包和世界闻名的杏仁小圆饼为这家老店缔造了太多的传奇故事。Sheela是宝莱坞的本土女星,她只穿法国裁缝为她量身定做的礼服.手上挎着的,不用怀疑,一定是路易威登全球最新发布的包包。  相似文献   

陈建芬 《中国企业家》2008,315(9):28-29
上百万中国白领在自己的MSN签名上挂上了“红心”,号召“五一”那天抵制家乐福,很多人忍住诱惑不再去家乐福购买价格相对便宜的猪肉。  相似文献   

李如升  四海 《英才》2006,(3):108-109
法国人杜麦克上世纪80年代一到上海,就觉得自己和这座城市有似曾相识的感觉,看到那些房子就觉得在哪里见过似的,格局和装潢都很熟悉:“这就是我的城市。”现为罗德公关公司中国区董事长兼总经理杜麦克对自己说。  相似文献   

孙铬训  王剑  张南 《经营者》2010,(9):42-57
瓦兰是又一个戈恩吗?法国人这一次能够在中国成功吗?请看PSA标致雪铁龙的隐秘世界  相似文献   

我在一家外资企业当文员,老板是位六十多岁的法国人博朗,前不久才从上海总部调到我们公司.他肥胖,秃头,身上常散发着一股刺鼻的香水味,一开始大家都很不习惯,博朗在工作上对我们异常严厉,他似乎天生就容不得错误,除了这一点我不喜欢外,博朗的其他方面还不错,比如中文流利,知识渊博,还有着法国人特有的浪漫.  相似文献   

在法国拥有众多的高尔夫球场,或是如画般浪漫,或是田园乡村间的宁静,或是绿树环抱的清新,或是傍山临海的壮观,踏上这次的法国高尔夫旅程,在数个各具风格的球场上,享受不同球场所带来的独一无二的挥杆乐趣。  相似文献   

郭芳  李洪 《经营者》2006,(9):74-77
杜孟是法国男人,很优雅,法国式的,中文很好,因为在中国20年了,所以杜孟也很中国。他很高兴亲历了20年来中国大地上发生的巨大变化。  相似文献   

法国材料数据库   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

在很多人看来,法国人生活悠闲,工作轻松,一周工作35个小时,一年还有5周带薪假期,家家有房有车,年年出去度假,生病、生孩子都由医疗保险负担,孩子从托儿所到大学的教育几乎免费……在这样美妙生活的背后,我们忽略了很多真实的细节。  相似文献   

废弃的购物塑料袋不仅严重影响人们的身体健康,而且也对环境造成严重的污染。文章分析了废弃的购物塑料袋应用于建筑保温材料的优势。  相似文献   

We study competition between two shopping centers that sell the same set of goods and are located at the extremes of a linear city, without restricting consumers to make all their purchases at a single place. In the case of competition between a shopping mall (set of independent single-product shops) and a department store (single multiproduct shop), we find that: if the number of goods is low, all consumers shop at a single place; if it is moderately high, some consumers travel to both shopping centers to buy each good where it is cheaper (a single good is cheaper at the shopping mall). The shops at the mall, taken together, obtain a lower profit than the department store. Nevertheless, two shopping malls should be expected to appear endogenously.  相似文献   

Modeling the day-of-the-week shopping activity and travel patterns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dae-Sic Yun  M.E. O'Kelly 《Socio》1997,31(4):307-319
This research develops models that extend existing multi-day analyses of shopping activity patterns. The main hypothesis is that shopping activity choice behavior varies, depending on the day of the week. Using a nested logit model structure, this hypothesis is tested by developing models of daily activity choice behavior for each day of the week. In doing so, household activity choice behavior is represented by three stages, with a shopping activity participation decision as the highest stage, the scheduling decision as the next lower stage, and the number of shopping stops as the lowest stage. Empirical results confirm the nested logit model structure hypothesized in this study. Furthermore, it is found that major distinctions in the daily utility functions take place between the weekday and weekend models. However, differences among weekday models are also observed. This indicates that there appear to be behavioral differences even among weekdays although households are exposed to the same set of temporal constraints.  相似文献   

该设计将传统的超市购物与互联网购物相结合,线上线下交易并举,并配以多种支付和提货方式,在保留消费者社交体验的同时让顾客的购物更为便捷,旨在带给用户全新的购物体验。在顾客购物之后,还通过超市的顾客活动增加顾客的社交机会,增加超市的用户粘度,同时给超市一个自我展示的网络平台。  相似文献   

Free shopping shuttle bus (FSSB) is a common strategy in some industries such as super market and real estate. After illustrating the application conditions for FSSB, this study surveys competition effects of FSSB strategy on retailers by a duopoly spatial Bertrand model. The conclusions of this article show that the cost of FSSB and features of the market are two crucial factors to determine whether the FSSB is employed or not. When the demands are fixed, firms do not benefit from FSSB. But if the market is not fully covered, FSSB strategy has significant positive effects on market size improvement.  相似文献   

French issues     

对地下商场的火灾危险性进行了分析,为使地下商场安全运营,提出了预防地下商场火灾的基本措施及相应对策。  相似文献   

As product offerings of multinational enterprises (MNEs) continue to primarily serve the relatively well-to-do consumers in emerging economies, innovations to meet the unique affordability and acceptability criteria of masses at the base of the pyramid (BoP) continues to remain a daunting challenge. The academic literature is sparse on comprehensive in-depth studies about the intricate processes involved in shaping and managing technology development for the masses. Focusing on product innovation by Tata Motors of India with the Nano—the world's cheapest car, our case study aims to understand how the innovator's choices regarding the use of technology, product design and organizational practices for new product development enabled it to meet the challenge of innovation for India's masses. Drawing on Christensen's work on disruptive innovations, our analysis shows how frugal use of resources through a new combination of existing component technologies created a new modular product to achieve the unique price–performance requirements demanded by the BoP. Our findings show that collaboration with suppliers for component design and their early integration in the design phase substantially lowered costs and helped eliminate unnecessary frills whilst incorporating features valued by mass markets. Our study has important managerial implications for MNEs and provides critical insights into the processes for a new blueprint for an untapped market segment in the automobile industry.  相似文献   

文章对影响网络购物意向的因素进行了整理归纳,并重点分析了不同性别消费者对这些因素认知的差异,认为男女消费者对创新性接受度、信任倾向、价格感知、风险感知和售后服务各因素的认知有差异.  相似文献   

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