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食品真空冻干技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了真空冷冻干燥食品的发展现状、特点及其工艺流程,讨论了发展冻干食品工业的广阔前景。  相似文献   

市场前景广阔的真空冻干食品   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

介绍了真空冻干技术的原理及特点及该技术在国际、国内食品工业上的发展现状,并预测冻干食品将走向市场,风靡全球。  相似文献   

食品真空冻干机,采用真空冻干工艺,对果、菜、肉、药等实现脱水,能保持原有的形、色、味及营养成分,且复水性好。JDG系列冻干机,采用独立速冻库、升华与脱水同仓,氨液强制循环供冷、辐射加热、天轨运料等先进设计,具有脱水周期短、运行节电、操作方便等优点,辅助设备全部国产化,便于维修,价格低廉。  相似文献   

根据水果的特点,阐述了水果在真空冷冻干燥的前处理、预冻、升华干燥、解析干燥、包装贮藏五个过程中的技术要求.以草莓、苹果、荔枝为代表分析了不同种类水果冻干工艺上的技术要求.最后指出了真空冷冻干燥水果存在的一些技术难点.  相似文献   

<正> 1 什么是冻干食品?冻干食品就是将新鲜的蔬菜、肉类、水产品,通过冻干机在真空条件下,将经过速冻后物料的水份由固态冰升华成气,从而使物料脱水干燥而成的食品。这种冻干食品不需冷藏设备,在室温下可长期保存不变质,加水后好似鲜品。 冻干食品的优异品质:采用真空冻干技术,对各种各样的含水食品都可进行脱水。现在国内外市场上的冻干食品种类繁多,如:蔬菜、水果、肉食、水产、饮品、药材等。升华脱水的冻干食品与蒸发脱水的热干食品相比,具有许多不可比拟的优点。  相似文献   

低温真空油炸脱水技术在食品加工业上的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

生物芯片技术及其在食品检测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物芯片技术是全新的微量分析的技术,主要内容包括构建方阵、制备样品、化学反应及结果检测4方面的核心技术。生物芯片技术在现代营养学、食品毒理学、食品微生物领域和转基因食品检测中得到大量的应用。生物芯片技术在当前食品检测中的应用,能显著提升食品检测效率,使检测质量得到有效保障。本文主要对生物芯片技术进行简要分析,对生物芯片技术在食品检测中的相关应用策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Retailers are increasingly concerned with the sustainability of their business. Food waste is a major sustainability issue: 90 million tons of food are wasted in the EU every year. The production of much of this waste is directly linked to the food chain operations, included those performed at the retail stage. The literature on food waste has mainly focused so far on the quantification of the total food lost along the supply chain. However, the stage of retail has long been neglected. This paper attempts to partly fill this research gap, with the aim of measuring the extent of food waste in retailing as well as its environmental, social and economic value. To do so, we analyse the results of a food waste recovery project held in an Italian supermarket and, by drawing on the data collected in this case study, we perform an evaluation of the value of the food wasted. The results show that the extent of food waste in retailing is certainly considerable, both in terms of quantity and economic value. Moreover, we found evidence that it may be greatly reduced, with a significant limitation of its environmental impact and, through the mechanism of recovery, it may even generate social benefits. Despite the many limitations of such preliminary research, the results provide useful information for retailers aiming to develop strategies against food waste in the context of improving the sustainability of their business.  相似文献   

Consumer trust and loyalty to bloggers presents opportunities for businesses to reach consumers in inconspicuous and effective ways. The study explores successful business practices used by popular female food bloggers to market food products and services. Content analysis of these food blogs shows that female bloggers construct personas on their blogs that emphasize specific meanings and motivations of food in very intentional ways. Female bloggers use a variety of business tactics to ensure that these personas are credible, professional, trustworthy, and fully intermingled in the lifestyles and beliefs of their target consumers.  相似文献   

Consumers' reactions to food scares   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the past decade many food hazards appeared (i.e. bacteria of Escherichia coli, dioxins in pork). When information about food hazards is announced, many concerns about food product arise. As a result consumers stop buying the kind of food in which hazard appears, which makes losses to the food producer. In this study, the results of survey are presented. The survey was conducted among 712 respondents in the southeast Poland. Respondents were asked about the source of information they prefer to be informed about the food hazard, their reactions to food hazard and their ways to protect themselves from food hazards in case of food scares. On the basis of the results, it was found that the main sources of information they prefer are television (85.4% of indications) and the Internet (61.4% of indications). Moreover, when a food hazard appears and consumers are informed about this fact their first reaction is to check if they have bought this product, and 30% of respondents declared that they would not buy this product again. To make sure that a particular food product is safe, consumers buy products they know (70.5% respondents). The answers varied on the socio‐demographic characteristics of respondents.  相似文献   

Pyramid Power is a 1‐hour programme designed to teach food choices, serving sizes and nutrition. Participants (19 women and 8 men) were challenged to follow the recommendation in a step‐by‐step manner. Evaluation, two months after the programme, resulted in two major areas of change. Participants improved their scoring of three food groups (bread‐cereal‐rice‐pasta, vegetable and fruit) and decreased the number of fat–sweet mentions. The programme and challenge provides a way for nutritionists to identify what participants are eating, to track progress and to identify future programme needs.  相似文献   

简单介绍了食品生化技术的定义和分类及生化技术对发酵工程等技术工程产生的重要影响,以使其在食品发酵生产过程中的应用愈加广泛.  相似文献   

Innovations should create value for increasingly individualistic consumers with varying demands and for other stakeholders. Today, retailers have the power in the supply/value chain. This research investigates how Swedish food retailers view innovations, their role and that of customers and suppliers in the development process and how they see future development. The study is based on open-ended interviews. The results show that Swedish retailers regard food product innovations as something to provide to consumers rather than achieve with consumers. Retailers want more collaboration with packaging suppliers to differentiate. Retailers are successful in establishing their own brands, in becoming brands themselves and in competing with producer brands. This follows the UK model and may result in fewer alternatives in stores and fewer product – or new technology-based innovations by Swedish producers. Service innovations can still occur for retailers to retain consumer loyalty. Consumers demand more than new products; they want to be excited by the shopping experience. More innovations will require deeper insight about consumers, efforts from the value chain and from outsiders. Collaboration is needed to establish trust among supply chain actors.  相似文献   

粮食输送设备具有良好的密封性能是很必要的,本文重点介绍了毛毡密封、软填料密封、高分子材料密封等几种常见的密封结构及粮食输送设备密封要求的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The food sector has taken on an unprecedented dynamism in recent years. The processing and distribution of food, although heavily influenced by tradition, have seen intensive innovations, leading to changes in the way individuals consume. One of these changes is the consistent growth of the habit of eating outside the home. Consuming food outside the home involves a number of practices such as eating at commercial establishments that specialize in food (restaurants, fast food restaurants and snack bars) and those that offer food as a part of their services (hotels, in‐flight meals), and non‐commercial alternatives such as the homes of family and friends. In order to describe the eating habits of consumers in the town of Lavras in Minas Gerais State, Brazil, especially when it comes to eating outside the home, a quantitative study was conducted, with 413 questionnaires being distributed by convenience sampling. Among the main results are: (a) a search for variety as a motivator for eating outside the home; (b) convenience as an important element on many occasions of consumption; (c) more intensive consumption and more favourable attitudes towards eating out on the part of younger people, people with higher incomes, no children and a higher degree of schooling; (d) importance of paying for food by the kilo. When compared with a study conducted in England, important similarities were identified in socio‐demographic influences, although the cultural factors are notable when it comes to dishes and the types of eating establishment. The growing habit of eating out has therefore become a worldwide phenomenon, but with cultural and regional differences that have led to different rhythms in terms of change and the way food is supplied. The recovery of embedded cultural habits, with increased value being given to slow food, traditional dishes and tradition itself, appears to co‐exist with a productivity model of food courts, pasteurization and accessible prices. The occasion for consumption, which may be understood as the dichotomies of ‘weekday versus weekend’ or ‘convenience versus leisure’, is an important element that influences consumer behaviours. The undertaking of a cross‐cultural comparative study can be seen as an important step in this field of research.  相似文献   

近年来,我国的经济得到了快速发展,在经济发展的同时,人们的生活方式也发生了很大的变化,在很多的城市中生活节奏是非常快的,这样就使得很多的速冻食品受到了消费者的青睐。速冻食品在使用时是非常方便的,通常只需要很短的时间,而且对于很多工作比较忙碌的人来说更是非常便利。速冻食品的便捷性使其销售量非常高,但是与此同时对其安全和质量问题也是要必须重视的。  相似文献   

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