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The recent boom of investor-state disputes filed under international investment agreements has fueled a controversial academic and policy debate. We study the impact of these compensation claims on foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to the responding host country. Our econometric analysis focuses on differences in the FDI response from BIT-partner and non-partner countries of developing host countries. This approach allows us not only to distinguish competing hypotheses about BIT function, but also to address endogeneity concerns in earlier studies. We find that BITs stimulate bilateral FDI flows from partner countries—but only so long as the developing host country has not had a claim brought against it to arbitration. Our results provide an additional explanation for the policy-changes observed in many states subsequent to their first experience of an investor-state dispute.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the relative influence of bilateral and multilateral concessional debts on public investment in 32 sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1985–2020. Dynamic panel autoregressive distributed lag models comprising the mean group, pooled mean group and dynamic fixed effect estimators were employed in our model estimations. The results revealed that bilateral and multilateral concessional debts had a long-run positive and significant effect on public investment. The findings indicated that a 1% change in bilateral and multilateral concessional debt was associated with 8.6 and 11.3% increases in public investment, respectively. While the short-run influence of bilateral concessional debts was significantly positive, multilateral concessional debts had a short-run positive but insignificant effect on public investment. It is discovered that institutional quality is associated with declines in public investment. The contingency analysis shows that institutional quality explains a lot about how well bilateral and multilateral concessional debts drive public investment. The evidence suggests that poor institutional quality is more likely to undermine the effectiveness of bilateral concessional debts on productive investment than multilateral concessional debts.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Intra-industrielle Direktinvestitionen im Ausland: Ihre Gründe und Auswirkungen auf den AuΒenhandel. — Der Aufsatz zeigt, daΒ intra-industrielle Direktinvestitionen oder die daraus finanzierte Produktion im Ausland Formen des internationalen wirtschaftlichen Engagements sind, die ihre Begründung sowohl im intra-industriellen Handel als auch in der inter-industriellen Produktion finden. Dies wird an Hand einer Taxonomie aufgezeigt. Es wird argumentiert, daΒ intra-industrielle Direktinvestitionen im Ausland eine natürliche Folge der gleichen Faktoren sind, die zu intra-industriellem Handel führen, wobei unternehmensspezifische Vorteile wichtiger sind als die in einem Land begründeten Vorteile. Intra-industrielle Auslandsinvestitionen bedeuten auΒerdem, daΒ internationale Transaktionen am besten in hierarchischer Form und nicht über (Kassa-)M?rkte durchgeführt werden, und zwar aus Gründen, die den g?ngigen Theorien über multinationale Operationen entnommen werden k?nnen. Ganz sicher folgt sowohl aus der Theorie als auch aus den verfügbaren Daten, daΒ die intra-industrielle Produktion wahrscheinlich an Bedeutung gewinnen wird, vor allem dann, wenn keine Eingriffe durch die Regierungen erfolgen.
Résumé Investissement étranger direct intra-industriel: sa base raisonnée et ses effets commerciaux. — L’article démontre que l’investissement étranger direct intra-industriel (IE-DII) ou la production correspondante comme forme d’engagement international économique est soumise à des motifs rationnels qui basent sur le commerce intra-industriel (Cll) et la production inter-industrielle. Les auteurs arguent que l’IEDII est une conséquence naturelle des facteurs économiques qui ménent au CII et qui même sont déterminés par la nature de ?l’industrie? dans laquelle le CH se passe. En plus, cependant, l’IEDII implique que les transactions internationales sont conduites le mieux par des hiérarchies et non par des marchés à cause des raisons qui peuvent être déduites par des théories recues des opérations internationales. Il apparait clairement, de la théorie aussi bien que des données disponibles que probablement la production intra-industrielle gagnera en importance, particuliérement si elle restera libre de l’intervention gouvernementale.

Resumen Inversion extranjera directa en la industria: razón de su impacto sobre el comercio. — El artfculo muestra como la inversión extranjera directa intra-industrial o la producción como forma de participación económica internacional tiene una razón de ser basada en el comercio y en la producción intra-industrial. Se propone que la inversión extranjera directa es una conscuencia natural de los factures económicos que llevan el comercio intra-industrial, los que a su vez están determinados por la naturaleza de la industria en el que el comercio tiene lugar. La inversion extranjera directa implica adicionalmente sin embargo que las transacciones internacionales se ejecutan mejor a travès de jerarqufas que a travès de mercados por razones que pueden ser derivadas de conocidas teorias sobre operaciones multinacionales. Es evidente, por medio de la teoria y de las estadisticas disponibles, que se puede esperar un crecimiento de la producci?n intra-industrial, especialmente si se le libèra de interferencia gubernamental.

This paper finds the first empirical evidence of the time zone-related continuity effects on international trade. Several recent studies in the fragmentation/distance literatures provide theoretical justification for both positive (continuity) and negative (synchronization) effects of increased time zone differences on global export flows. This paper explicitly tests for the presence of both effects using bilateral manufacturing and service trade for 20 countries and 56 partner countries from 2000 to 2008. Results consistent with the theoretical expectations are found using a Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood estimator. The general time zone difference effect on total exports is negative, suggesting the synchronization effect dominates. However, for services trade, the positive continuity effect is noted, indicating that time zones affect manufacturing and service trades differently. These results are robust to changes in the time zone, distance, and language measures, as well as alternate estimation techniques.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Wirkungen von Steuerbefreiungen für Investitionen durch Industrieunternehmungen in Kolumbien. — In der vorliegenden Abhandlung werden die Auswirkungen von Steuerbefreiungen in Kolumbien w?hrend der Jahre 1960-1966 untersucht, um ein stichhaltiges empirisches Beweismaterial für die Diskussion zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die grundlegende Frage ist: In welchem Ausma β haben die Steuerbefreiungen Kolumbiens Unternehmungen ermutigt, ihre T?tigkeit in industriellen Bereichen aufzunehmen (oder auszudehnen), die sie sonst nicht gew?hlt h?tten ? ⧀e Untersuchung ist wie folgt gegliedert: Abschnitt I gibt einen historischen Hintergrund für das Steuerbefreiungsgesetz aus dem Jahr 1960. Abschnitt II bietet eine kurze übersicht über gewisse Verwaltungsverfahren und -probleme. Die Abschnitte III bis V enthalten die ?konomische Beweisführung und Abschnitt VI faβt schlieβlich diese Beweise zusammen und zieht aus ihnen die wirtschaftspolitischen Schluβfolgerungen.
Resumen El impacto de la exoneración de impuestos sobre la inversión industrial en Colombia. — En el presente artículo se estudia el resultado de la exoneración de impuestos en Colombia durante los a∼nos 1960-1966 con el fin de ampliar la base empírica para la discusión de este tema. Concretamente se trata de averiguar hasta qué punto las exoneraciones impositivas han inducido en Colombia a empresarios a iniciar (o ampliar) actividades en el sector industrial que en otro caso no hubieran efectuado. En el primer capitulo, los autores recuerdan los antecedentes históricos de la ley de exoneración de impuestos del a∼no 1960. El segundo capítulo contiene un breve sumario de diversos precedimientos y problemas administrativos. Los capitulos 3–5 presentan el análisis económico, mientras que en el capitulo sexto se resumen los resultados y se trata de sacar algunas conclusiones politico-económicas.

Résumé L’influence des exemptions d’imp?ts sur l’investissement des entreprises industrielles en Colombie. — Afin d’apporter à la discussion des preuves empiriques plus explicites, on examine dans cet article les effets qu’ont eu les exemptions d’imp?ts en Colombie pendant les années de 1960 à 1966. La question de base est de savoir en quelle mesure les exemptions d’imp?ts en Colombie ont encouragé les entreprises à entrer (ou à s’étendre) dans des domaines industriels que, sans cela, elles n’auraient pas choisis. L’étude s’organise de la manière suivante: La Section I donne un résumé des causes historiques de la loi des exemptions d’imp?ts de l’année 1960. La Section II examine brièvement certains procédés et problèmes administratifs. Les Sections III à V contiennent les faits économiques. La Section VI, enfin, résume les faits et en tire les conséquences de politique économique.

Riassunto Gli effetti di esenzioni fiscali per investimenti da parte di imprese industriali in Colombia. — Nel presente saggio sono esaminate le ripercussioni di esenzioni fiscali in Colombia durante gli anni 1960-1966 per mettere un consistente materiale di prova empirico a disposizione della discussione. La questione fondamentale è: In che misura le esenzioni fiscali della Colombia hanno incoraggiato imprese ad iniziare (o allargare) le loro attività in settori industriali che altrimenti non avrebbero scelto ? L’indagine è articolata come segue: II capitolo primo offre uno sfondo storico alla legge di esenzione fiscale dell’anno 1960. Il secondo capitolo fa una breve sintesi di certi problemi e procedimenti amministrativi. I capitoli terzo fino al quinto contengono la deduzione delle prove economiche ed il capitolo sesto infine riassume queste prove e ricava da esse le conseguenze di politica economica.

This paper analyzes for a panel of Romanian manufacturing firms whether the quality of foreign firms, measured by their productivity level, affects their potential as a source of indirect productivity effects on domestic firms. We find that only sufficiently productive foreign firms generate positive productivity effects on domestic supplier firms. The most productive foreign firms are the main source of productivity effects. Domestic firms with higher productivity levels also enjoy larger total positive productivity effects. When supplying foreign firms that are less productive than themselves, domestic firms experience zero to negative effects.  相似文献   

Based on the estimated effect of infrastructure investment on total factor productivity (TFP) enhancing and trade costs reducing, this paper uses the data from Asian Development Bank to numerically assess the effects of Asian nations' infrastructure investment under the Belt and Road Initiative within the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model, and the results show that most countries or regions' economic growth, welfare, foreign trade, and trade terms are promoted in varying degrees. However, some countries (regions) have suffered. Additionally, the existing division of labor and trade patterns between developed economies and developing countries somehow consolidated because of changes in trade. In addition, China's industrial transformation and upgrading will benefit from the infrastructure investment under the Belt and Road Initiative, namely, the traditional industries slowdown or decline and high-tech manufacturing and service industries speed up, along with the optimization of factor allocation among industries.  相似文献   

外商直接投资在中国资本形成的效应   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
从近期对FDI在我国外溢效应的研究看,多数研究集中于FDI在技术、贸易及就等方面外溢效应的研究,而对FDI对我国国内资本形成影响的论述甚少。其实对我国这样一个发展中国家,资本形成对经济增长的推动作用是至关重要的,也是其他经济要素所无法比拟的。因此,研究FDI在我国的资本形成效应具有重要的现实意义和理论价值。本文首先总结了国内外学者在这方面的研究成果,随后建立模型对FDI在我国的资本形成效应进行实证分析。实证结果指出,FDI有助于我国当年国内资本形成,但对下年国内资本形成具有明显的“挤出效应”,最后根据分析结果提出若干政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between foreign aid (AID), foreign direct investment (FDI) and domestic investment (DI) and its effects on economic growth in 41 African countries. Annual panel data from 1990 to 2016 are examined using fixed‐effects (FE) and system‐GMM estimators. We test the existence of nonlinearities and complementarities in the relationship between AID–FDI, AID–DI, FDI–DI, and AID–FDI–DI. Empirical results confirm the existence of a nonlinear relationship between AID, FDI, DI, and economic growth. Besides, the results show that AID and FDI have a significant positive complementing effect on economic growth. It is shown also that FDI complements DI, while the coupled effect of AID and DI remains weak in catalyzing growth. Moreover, the results indicate that the complementarity between AID–FDI–DI positively influence economic growth, revealing that AID and FDI work as a complement factor to DI and enhance its effectiveness in promoting economic growth. These insights have important policy implications. Policy‐makers in African countries are well advised to implement concrete policy measures suitable for building on the growth momentum created by foreign capital inflows, like FDI, AID as well as remittance.  相似文献   

A new look at the effects of export instability on investment and growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
David Dawe 《World development》1996,24(12):1905-1914
This paper is concerned with the effects of export instability on investment and growth. It is shown that past cross-sectional empirical studies on the effects of export instability (either in prices or in value terms) used an incorrect measure of instability that does not properly take account of the share of exports in GDP. Using a new instability index and a broad set of conditioning variables, it is shown that export instability was positively associated with investment but negatively associated with growth in a large sample of countries during the period from the early 1970s to the mid 1980s.  相似文献   

Thailand, as other ASEAN countries, experienced a dramatic surge of inward foreign direct investment in the late 1980s. These investments took place in relatively advanced, export-oriented industries. This study examines the effects of these investments on Thailand's trade, using a new methodology based on international input-output analysis. This framework accounts for the direct trade of foreign-affiliated companies as well as their indirect trade effects, including the displacement of competing imports, on one hand, and the procurement of imported intermediate inputs and capital goods, on the other. The framework is implemented with data from a Japanese Chamber of Commerce (Bangkok) survey. The results show, among other things, that Japanese-affiliated firms tend to offset their large direct trade deficits in the longer run with substantial indirect trade surpluses. These firms do, however, contribute to “triangular trade”-that is, Thai trade deficits with Japan, and surpluses with other countries.  相似文献   

International Economics and Economic Policy - In this work, the effects of 103 bilateral regional trade agreements (RTAs: partial scope agreements — PSAs — and free trade agreements...  相似文献   

Trade Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence for Taiwan with Four ASEAN Countries. —This paper examines the trade effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) between Taiwan and each of the following four ASEAN countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. Regression results show that Taiwan's outward FDI has a significant positive effect on exports to and imports from the host country, whereas no such effects were consistently found for inward FDI from the same country.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) in Mexico on U.S. exports to and imports from Mexico. The rise of intrafirm exports and imports following U.S. FDI in Mexico suggests that FDI affects trade flows. Empirical estimation proceeds with tests for stationarity and cointegration. The finding of cointegration among the variables leads to estimation of the hypothesized relationships with a vector error-correction model. Impulse response functions and variance decomposition reveal that FDI leads to increased exports and imports during the time period considered.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the localisation of firms can be an important factor in attracting new foreign direct investment into a host country. The authors distinguish between “efficiency agglomerations” which arise as firms increase their efficiency by locating close to each other, and “demonstration effects” whereby existing firms send signals to new investors as to the reliability and attractiveness of the host country. They try to disentangle these two effects by examining the location of US firms in Ireland. They find that both sources of agglomerations have been important determinants of US firm entry into Ireland. JEL no. F23  相似文献   

The very rapid economic growth of the People's Republic of China (PRC), its dramatic success in world export markets and its heavy receipts of foreign direct investment (FDI) have generated much thought and debate in policy and business circles in different parts of the world. This paper surveys evidence from research by ADB Institute staff and Visiting Fellows conducted over the last two years that sheds light on these issues. The paper examines differences in trade structure between the PRC and its trading partners, finding that the PRC's current structure is closest to that of Korea and Taipei, China in 1990. It also considers changes in market share and finds that the PRC exports are eroding the market share of its regional neighbours in the USA and Japan, particularly in products in which trading partners are most specialised. There is no evidence of FDI diversion from elsewhere in the region to PRC. The trade diversion effects in the US and Japan are offset however by strong trade creation as the rapid growth in PRC leads to a substantial rise in its imports.
The paper surveys the projections of models that demonstrate the gains in greater trade and income for the region from closer trade links with the PRC. The broad conclusion that emerges is that whilst there may be risks to individual sectors in all countries concerned, the pattern of regional trade and investment that is emerging is mutually beneficial, provided enterprises and governments representing the PRC's regional partners respond effectively to the adjustments required.  相似文献   

This study examines how credit lines affect corporate cash holdings and capital investment using a hand-collected data on publicly traded Japanese firms from 2006 to 2017. The study compares firms with and without credit lines to investigate the effects of credit lines. The empirical results are as follows: (1) Firms with credit lines hold smaller cash reserves than those without; (2) Firms with credit lines undertake more capital investment than those without; (3) The effects of credit lines are more amplified for financially constrained firms than their counterpart; (4) A close bank–firm relationship plays a positive role in the effect of credit lines on corporate activities.These empirical findings indicate that credit lines can improve firms’ financial flexibility and allow them to use cash holdings held for precautionary reasons to invest. The results also show that credit lines and the attendant implicit bank–firm relationships are complementary to each other. Moreover, having both credit lines and a close bank–firm relationship is important to Japanese firms for their corporate activities. Furthermore, the results imply that the use of credit lines is still relatively undeveloped in Japan, which may be a reason for the country's large corporate savings and lackluster investment.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the impact of loss aversion as a behavioral motivator on students’ classroom performance. Conducting an experiment with University of Kentucky undergraduate students, the authors framed student grades as a loss and gain. In treatment sections, the students began with full marks and lost points as the semester progressed, whereas in control sections, under a traditional grading scheme, students accumulated points throughout the semester. We find that treated individuals, on average, do not have a statistically different final grade than individuals in the control class. However, we uncover a heterogeneous gender effect. On average, a male in the treatment class scores between 3.17 and 4.05 percentage points higher on the final grade than a male in the control class, ceteris paribus. Conversely, a female in the treatment class scores between 3.61 and 4.36 percentage points lower on the final grade than a comparable female in the control class.  相似文献   

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