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增长失衡与政府责任——基于社会性支出角度的分析   总被引:50,自引:1,他引:50  
当前中国的发展出现了以国富与民生关系失衡为本质特征的增长失衡。本文从教育、医疗和社会保障等与民生有关的政府责任切入,指出当前中国与民生状况直接相关的政府社会性支出的不足,是导致增长失衡的重要原因。为此,政府应在提供教育、医疗和社会保障等方面承担起基本的责任,加快财政支出结构转型,增加社会性支出的比重,改善民生状况,纠正增长失衡;并通过社会性支出的增加,促进人力资本积累,推动增长路径的转变,实现经济长期健康发展。  相似文献   

本文研究了快速增长的中国经济中经济增长与社会发展的失衡问题,认为失衡会严重影响中国经济社会的健康发展。失衡的表现是多方面的,失衡的原因在于单纯的经济增长主义、经济政策与社会政策的混淆和政府与市场功能的错位。本文的结论是应按照转变经济发展方式的要求校正失衡。  相似文献   

陈小华  薛守荣 《经济论坛》2007,(11):78-79,85
企业社会责任不只是企业自身的经营理念或社会责任管理体系,企业也是在一定的社会环境中发展和运作的,企业社会责任的发展离不开一定的社会环境.在西方发达国家,企业社会责任并不是完全是靠企业家自身的觉醒形成的,而是在市民社会的基础和各种社会责任运动的共同作用下发展起来的.  相似文献   

社会责任缺失现象已不再局限于单个企业,行业性、产业链式的责任缺失情况不断出现,群体性企业社会责任问题已向社会敲响了警钟。本文在界定群体性企业社会责任缺失概念的基础上,从企业社会责任的不同维度,对六大行业的典型群体性企业社会责任缺失的表现进行了归类总结,以形成横向与纵向相结合的系统性分析,并深入探讨群体性企业社会责任缺失的特征:隐蔽性和长期性,从众性和常态性,破坏性和不可逆性。群体性企业社会责任缺失源于不同主体的责任博弈失衡,需要构建多元主体之间的联合监督和共同治理机制来推进群体性企业社会责任治理工作。      相似文献   

一、投资地区分配失衡8%多一点。投资的情况也相似,2001年沿海地区由于较高的交通运输成本、工业化程度较低实际获得外商直接投资占全国的比重为86.88%。以及体制等原因,我国中西部地区长期以来收益而西部占全国经济总量的比重,自“九五”一水平低于东部地区,从而以往的投资向东部倾路下跌到2002年的16.9%,西部开发也没有止住斜,而且国家在计划经济时期对中西部投资形成这种跌势。2002年,西部12省土地占全国比重为的资金、技术工艺、技术人才和企业家等要素,在71.5%,人口占28.6%,就业人口占全国比重为改革开放以后也向东部流失,加之中西部地…  相似文献   

构建诚信社会的政府能力与责任   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张民省 《生产力研究》2006,(11):99-100,220
讨论政府诚信比讨论社会诚信更有意义。因为政府既是社会诚信身体力行的实践者,又是扶正祛邪的仲裁者。良好诚信体系的整治与重建,掌握公权力的政府负有根本责任。  相似文献   

国有企业社会责任与业绩研究——基于可持续增长视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以2007年和2008年在A股市场披露社会责任信息的上市公司为对象,分析了可持续增长、社会责任与企业绩效之间的关系。结果显示:无论是全部样本还是仅非国有控股企业,其社会责任与可持续增长率之间、企业业绩与社会责任之间负相关,不显著;国有控股企业的这种关系正相关,也不显著;企业业绩与可持续增长指标之间显著正相关。说明我国企业在履行社会责任方面缺少自觉性和长远观念。  相似文献   

文章分析了我国食品安全的现状,针对食品安全问题研究了政府制度与企业社会责任耦合理论基础,给出了政府制度与企业社会责任耦合效应的模式,形成政府支持、鼓励、并与企业共同参与,实现政府与企业良性互动,逐步解决食品安全问题,对改善国民营养和健康水平,推动国民经济持续、稳定、健康发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

企业社会责任与政府规制问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在和谐社会的构建中,企业、政府发挥着各不相同但又不可或缺的作用,现阶段我国企业社会责任缺失现象严重,同时,政府在规制企业行为过程中存在着不作为现象,其结果是和谐经济关系和社会关系的断裂.本文认为,要矫正企业社会责任的缺失必须诉求于政府规制,但同时也要对政府行为进行必要规制,减少规制失灵现象,提高规制效率,为和谐社会提供良好的经济条件和社会条件.  相似文献   


This paper tests the Wagner’s assumption of the one-sided directional flow moving from economic growth to public spending considering an international database over the 1996–2012 period. By using indicators on the level of country control of corruption, government effectiveness, political stability, rule of law, regulatory quality and voice and accountability, the paper analyses the economic performance-public spending nexus controlling for the quality of the institutions. The empirical evidence supports the existence of the Wagner’s law, showing that, in the short-run, public spending positively reacts to a positive shock in national income, with a lower magnitude for democratic countries. In the long run, the error-correction model shows the convergence between public spending and national output occurring less quickly for non-democratic, low-income and to a smaller extent for non-OECD countries. Institutional quality, such as effort in controlling corruption and the presence of regulations that permit and promote private sector development, may help reducing the amount of per capita public spending and making it more productive. Higher expenses in compositional amenities such as public services for the elderly may explain why public spending per capita will increase the most in economies with a higher share of the population that need healthcare facilities.  相似文献   

Using panel data from 1995 to 2011 for 34 OECD countries, we examine the effects of government consumption spending, public social spending, and public investment on economic growth. We use a generalized method of moments estimation technique to solve inconsistency problems with fixed effects and random effects panel estimation. We find that an increase in public social spending has a significant negative effect on subsequent economic growth. Government consumption spending and public investment have no significant effect on subsequent economic growth.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the Granger-causal relationship between government spending (G) and income (Y) for Saudi Arabia for which G is the main driver of economic growth. Previous studies investigated two-way causality, from G to Y (Keynesian) and from Y to G (Wagnerian). This paper investigates a new explanation (post-Keynesian) that links Y to G through banks’ loan-making and deposit-creation. The latter is accompanied by an increase in statutory reserves (R). The findings are consistent with the post-Keynesian theory (from Y to R, and to G).  相似文献   

We calibrate a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model that features a transmission mechanism with different types of government spending, while the literature usually treats government spending as a homogenous compound. In this regard, we manage to distinguish between different types of government spending (namely: government investment, government wage component consumption and non-wage component consumption) where each type of spending has a varied role in the economy. The government wage increase has the largest positive effect both on private consumption and output by affecting the economy through the government production. This is a natural consequence of government production being complementary to private consumption in our model. Other two government spending types, namely government non-wage consumption and government investment, also have positive effects on output, whereas their responses on (private) consumption are mostly negative. These results provide an alternative explanation for the wide range of multipliers existing in the literature as our setup enables them to produce different effects on macroeconomic variables.  相似文献   

结合中国城镇化的特点,对贝克尔的人力资本模型和罗默的内生增长模型进行了调整,并以此为基础分析了城镇化通过人力资本积累影响经济增长的机制和作用效果. 研究发现,城镇化将从成本和收益两个方面影响人力资本投资决策,带来平均受教育年限的增加和人力资本专业化程度的提高,增加人力资本积累,并最终促进经济的可持续增长. 在此基础上,利用2005~2012年全国31个省份的面板数据对城镇化、人力资本积累与经济增长之间的关系进行了实证分析. 结果显示,通过人力资本积累这一途径,城镇化水平提高可以极大地促进经济增长.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the effects of government spending shocks under alternative rates of trend growth in a New-Keynesian model characterized by price and wage rigidity. We show that the presence of trend growth makes the impact on output and consumption of government spending shocks smaller but more persistent with a hump shaped impulse response. Our results imply that the impact government spending multiplier decreases while the cumulative multiplier increases with trend growth.  相似文献   

This article compares the size of government spending multipliers in Europe by applying a panel structural vector autoregression analysis on 11 eurozone and 8 non-eurozone countries using quarterly data from 1991Q1 to 2012Q4. We find that (i) spending multipliers are smaller in eurozone compared to non-eurozone countries, (ii) across the euro area the impact of government spending on GDP has been higher before than after the introduction of the euro, (iii) spending multipliers are larger in the eurozone periphery than in the core countries and (iv) since the beginning of the recent financial crisis, spending multipliers have become larger both for eurozone and for non-eurozone countries. We relate these results to an emerging theoretical literature linking the size of fiscal multipliers to the monetary policy stance. We also discuss the implications of our findings for the effectiveness of fiscal policy in Europe.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of institutions in the nexus between public spending and economic growth. Empirical results based on a newly assembled dataset of 80 countries over the 1970–2010 period suggest that particularly when institutions prompt governments to be accountable to the general citizen does public capital spending promote growth. Taking account of the type of financing for this spending, we show that the growth-promoting effect under an accountable government appears to prevail for various financing sources, including a reallocation from current spending, an increase in revenue, and a rise in the budget deficit. However, government accountability does not seem to play a key role in the growth effects of current spending.  相似文献   

This paper estimates models of social spending, income risk, and per capita income levels using data from a post-war panel of OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries. The objective is to test two theories about the pathway from inequality to per capita income. According to one theory, inequality reduces incomes because it induces social spending, which acts as a drag on the economy. The results here suggest, however, that inequality does not seem to induce social spending, and social spending does not seem to lower per capita incomes. According to a second theory, inequality causes upheaval which adds to the volatility of per capita income, which may reduce the level of per capita income. The results suggest, however, that volatility, measured here as the standard deviation of per capita income, has little measurable impact on either per capita income or social spending. The mainsprings of per capita income are more likely to be the traditional factors: the work force, human capital, and physical capital.
JEL classification: E6.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of government spending shocks on the real exchange rate and foreign trade balance in Turkey for the period of 2002:01–2012:04 within a structural VAR framework. The analysis shows that a positive shock to the government spending tends to induce real exchange rate appreciation and deterioration in trade balance. We also find that the composition of the government spending matters. Although shocks to the government nonwage consumption generate an appreciation in the real exchange rate and worsening of the trade balance, the effects of government investment shocks remain insignificant. Furthermore, the analysis demonstrates that shocks to government spending are associated with a rise in taxes, which is indicative of a spending-driven tax adjustment process in Turkey.  相似文献   

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