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李淑君  方学东 《价值工程》2024,(10):154-157
为了应对我国机场净空破坏现象频发的问题,本文基于机场净空和城市发展的突出矛盾,提出了一种新的净空障碍物管理方法。传统的净空障碍物评估方法主要依靠障碍物限制面对机场超高建筑物和构筑物进行高度限制和处理。但实际运用中存在安全成本高昂但效益有限的问题。针对此问题,本文采用基本ILS面和障碍物限制面OLS相结合的方法,通过精密进近程序中飞机进近所需通过的最低安全曲线,全面评估障碍物的安全性。采用该方法可以具体了解障碍物的超高情况及其对当前飞行程序下运行安全的影响,避免了单纯依靠障碍物限制面的管理方法所带来的安全成本过高的问题,并为净空障碍物的进一步处理提供思路和参考。  相似文献   

近年来,随着民航业的飞速发展,飞行安全越来越受到人们的重视。机场净空作为保障飞机安全运行,防止机场周围及其相邻地面上障碍物增多而使机场变得无法使用的一块区域,其重要性不容忽视。但是,社会经济的快速发展带动城市规模急剧扩大,对机场净空造成了极大的影响。文章通过对民用机场净空的重要性、城市发展的迫切性、城市发展与净空管理矛盾所在等进行了分析研究,提出了机场净空保护与城市发展共赢的方法,以改善机场净空管理现状。  相似文献   

在民用机场建设中,特别是山区机场,由于地形起伏较大,通常都会涉及机场净空处理,不同的净空处理要求,直接影响整个机场的投资,如机场净空处理土方纳入机场平整区平衡,还将影响到机场的标高。文章通过对机场净空限制面的类别进行较为详细的分析和梳理,并结合净空处理实践,总结出了机场净空处理的原则、方法和步骤。  相似文献   

国内机场净空遭到破坏的事件屡屡发生,这给绵阳分院的目视科目训练和管制指挥过程中的防相撞工作带来了巨大的挑战。文章以绵阳机场范围内的障碍物分布为例,叙述了航空障碍灯在净空管理中的应用,并提出了适合绵阳机场目前净空环境下的管制建议。  相似文献   

机场净空管理就是对机场周边影响飞行安全的因素进行控制,为飞行安全创造出良好的环境,这是保证机场安全运行的重要措施.在国民经济的发展下,航班量逐年增多,如何保障飞行安全是人们关注的重点问题,本文主要针对机场净空管理技术的影响因素与对策进行分析.  相似文献   

在公路建设中,不可避免地会遇到高压输电线路等对净空有要求的障碍物限制,导致重要构件施工遇到阻碍,同时工期等因素的要求需要工程技术人员拓展思维、通过严谨计算,采用其他安全的方法进行连续施工。本文以高压输电线路影响下的箱梁汽车吊装为例进行了论证。  相似文献   

以总成本最低为目标,以机场起降综合容量限制为约束条件,建立单机场地面等待策略模型,提出了基于航班优先级的求解算法,并应用模型对首都机场航班时刻表进行了优化,解决了航班延误问题.  相似文献   

胡洪 《价值工程》2015,(13):126-128
大型变压器运输属于超重、超长、超高的大型物件运输,是大件运输的一种。在公路运输中,由于大型变压器的单件重量或外形尺寸受到通行道路中涵洞、桥梁、弯道、净空等路障限制,有时需要对道路、桥梁、涵洞进行加固和改造以便大件运输车辆能够顺利通过。由于国家和地方的政策法规限制,当遇到无法加固或改造的硬性障碍又无法近距离绕行时,则需要考虑水路运输的可能性。在现场条件有限的情况下,大型变压器的人工卸船很好的体现了其操作灵活、场地条件要求不高、作业范围小、成本相对较低等特点。  相似文献   

丽江机场为高原特殊机场,地形复杂、净空条件差、气候复杂多变、导航设施信号受地形影响大,本文探讨丽江机场盲降不工作条件下的空中交通管制问题,从丽江机场的实际情况入手,对各种进近方式进行了分析,按飞行阶段对20号VOR/DME非精密进近程序的特点进行论述,结合实际提出了管制建议和方法。  相似文献   

以总成本最低为目标,以机场起降综合容量限制为约束条件,建立单机场地面等待策略模型,提出了基于航班优先级的求解算法,并应用模型对首都机场航班时刻表进行了优化,解决了航班延误问题。  相似文献   

城乡要素自由流动是畅通国民经济循环、构建“双循环”新发展格局的内在要求。从需求端看,城乡要素自由流动既有利于劳动力等要素流向城市、推进新型城镇化;也有利于高端要素回流乡村,激发乡村蛰伏的发展潜能、促进乡村振兴,从而为构建“双循环”新发展格局拓展新的内需空间。从供给端看,城乡要素自由流动有利于畅通生产、分配、流通和消费各环节,平衡城乡要素结构,提升要素配置效率,为构建“双循环”新发展格局培植新动能。因此,要发挥“有效市场”在要素配置中的决定性作用,深化城乡要素市场化配置改革,消除阻碍城乡要素自由流动和高效配置的各种体制障碍,打通“双循环”新发展格局中城乡要素流动的关键堵点。要发挥“有为政府”在乡村基础设施和政策体系制度供给中的作用,深化户籍、土地等制度改革,使城乡人口流动摆脱户籍制约,构建城乡统一的建设用地出让机制。要加大对要素返乡的支持力度,全面推进城乡新型基础设施建设,为形成“双循环”新发展格局提供有力的要素支撑。  相似文献   

运用社会理论—反身性理论来构建动态的安全反身性思考模式。基于该模式,从行为活动的特性和风险感知能力两方面分析了可能诱发安全生产风险的主要影响因素,并指出了安全反身性思考在物流企业安全管理实践中存在的局限性,以及对当前物流企业安全文化建设过程中的作用机制,为现代物流企业安全管理提供了一个新的理念视角。  相似文献   

Meta-analytic and traditional reviews on safety climate reveal theoretical and methodological safety climate issues still open. The main aim of this study is to propose a questionnaire which combines recent and different approaches to safety climate, trying to give a contribute about these issues. The present research led to the development of a new questionnaire to measure safety climate, suitable for blue-collar workers, and to the evaluation of its psychometric properties, and usefulness to measure safety climate in the industrial sector. Multilevel confirmatory factor analysis (MCFA) was used to properly evaluate the factor structure underlying the safety climate questionnaire composed of three scales: organizational safety climate scale, supervisor’s safety climate scale and co-workers’ safety climate scale. The clear distinction, made with the use of three different scales, among safety agents (organization, supervisor, co-workers), allows the assessment of workers’ perceptions focused on each level, and allows to deeply explore, for instance, lateral relationships of supervisor’s safety climate and co-workers’ safety climate, analysing the interactions between the roles of these two safety agents. A two-level design was used, considering the individual level and the work-group level. Data collection involved 1,617 blue-collars from eight Italian manufacturing companies. The MCFA results demonstrated the importance to use proper analysis to study the factor structure of a multilevel construct as safety climate, and confirmed the theoretical structure of safety climate purposed from Griffin and colleagues, using not only psychological climate (i.e., the individual level), but also the group level safety climate.  相似文献   

Understanding forces that contribute to the success of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is very important, as these enterprises are vital for both developed and developing economies. Since innovativeness is among the most important means through which such businesses contribute to economic growth, numerous research studies were conducted to determine which factors positively impact SME's innovative efforts. This is an even more important issue for developing economies, where SMEs are often faced with inadequate infrastructure. Since there is a lack of studies on SME innovation in developing economies, often policy in such countries is based on findings from developed countries.In this paper, we explore factors that drive innovation activities in SMEs in a small emerging transition economy (Croatia), and compare it with findings from developed economies. In addition to factors used in most previous studies, we consider market scope, firm's market orientation and presence of strategic, managerial and marketing changes. We find that most factors that were found to be important in developed economies are important in developing economies as well. In addition to that, market scope was discovered to be a very important factor in both product and process innovation. Implementing corporate changes has positive impact on radical product innovation while implementing new organizational structures has positive effect on incremental innovation. When investigating determinants of product innovation, we distinguish new products of low novelty from new products of high novelty, and show that they need to be supported by different policies. To gain additional insight in innovation efforts, we examine obstacles to innovation. We find that firms that report facing obstacles are not less likely to innovate less, which suggests that innovators are able to work around obstacles without damaging effects to innovation. This study is based on a postal survey of 448 SMEs in Croatia, which was performed in 2004.  相似文献   

食品安全规制水平影响着消费者的福利.基于社会福利最优的诉求,本文分别对功利主义、精英者以及罗尔斯社会福利函数形式下的食品安全最优规制水平进行了讨论,认为食品安全最优规制水平的选择,不但要考虑消费者的效用诉求、伦理约束,还要考虑消费者的健康权以及消费者食品安全认知的局限性.基于此,本文提出了对低收入者补贴的政策选择,在此政策下,最优的食品安全规制水平将高于功利主义社会福利函数形式下的最优规制水平,并且社会福利得到了改善.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(2):100982
Economic growth is driven by numerous factors. However, traditional economic theory focuses on certain key reasons, while ignoring the impact of other factors. Since 1978, China has achieved unprecedented economic growth, but also faces low per capita GDP. To clarify the driving forces behind this situation, we used per capita GDP to represent China’s economic growth and performed total factor analysis based on 13 variables in 7 socioeconomic dimensions using panel data from 30 Chinese provinces over the 40 years since China opened to the west in 1978. We found similar determinants in different regressions. Internal trade, privatization and investment were the primary factors driving Chinese economic development. Surprisingly, we found that the contribution of foreign trade to economic growth (per capita GDP) was weak. Education had a much smaller contribution than science and technology. Using per capita income as the dependent variable to provide a robustness test, we found that China’s income distribution has not paralleled its economic development and the distribution of the benefits of GDP growth to citizens must be improved. China’s experience demonstrates that promoting economic growth requires coordinated development of many factors, and that different policy preferences should be adopted to meet different economic development conditions.  相似文献   

王凤科 《价值工程》2004,23(4):51-53
在价值工程活动中,制定出切实可行的改进方案是至关重要的,而制定改进方案的首要条件,就是要充分发挥人的创新能力,大胆地进行创造与革新。悲观的态度、失败的阴影、过渡的压力、墨守成规、被假设所蒙蔽、逻辑的错误等非智力因素是影响和约束人们创新能力发挥的最大障碍,它使成年人的创新能力处于隐蔽状态,难以发挥。降低非智力因素对创新的制约程度有助于方案创新的顺利开展。  相似文献   

建筑工程质量管理中人为因素控制方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡贺龙  汪灏 《企业技术开发》2012,(16):100-101,128
在对构成建筑工程的实体质量有影响的各项因素进行分析后,可以得出人为因素超越其他因素,占据了主导地位。在勘察设计、生产施工和安全监管等方面,人为因素都起无法替代的作用。而安全生产是建筑施工最主要的管理目标之一,加强人为因素在安全管理反面的控制也就显得尤为重要。文章将从以上方面分析人为因素对建筑工程质量管理的影响,其中将着重分析在安全监管方面人为因素控制的重要性,最后提出一些相应的控制方法,以此为建筑工程质量管理提供一定帮助。  相似文献   

王雪瑞  包文 《物流科技》2009,32(8):24-25
在共同配送的研究中。经常会遇到配送能力与顾客需求之间的冲突,尤以对时间需求的冲突最为常见。文章在现有研究的基础上,通过建立多式联运程序模型,使共同配送中时间窗问题在现有生产能力下得以找到最优解,并在最后给出了一个算例加以证明。  相似文献   

效用理论在飞行安全风险评估中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为科学划分飞行安全风险等级,将效用理论引入飞行安全风险领域,利用效用函数,建立了飞行安全风险评估模型。在分析飞行安全风险的基础上,通过定义事故或危险事件损失效应,选取合适的效用函数进行飞行安全风险的度量。模型有效区分了类似飞行事故这样高损失、低概率事件与飞行事故征候这样低损失、高概率事件风险之间的差异,克服了期望值法的局限性。最后通过实例验证了该方法的科学性和有效性。  相似文献   

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